

Section I Reading

Task 1 Read for Useful Information

Pre-reading Activity 1 Listen and Read Aloud


Pre-reading Activity 2 Express Yourself

This section aims at introducing some topics for students to express themselves.

Sentences like the following may be used.

●My ideal job is...

●I want to be...

●I’d like to take ... as my job after my graduation.

●I really liked/hated the job because...

●It is a good job for...

●I have learned a lot about...

●It’s attractive/marvelous/challengeable/interesting.

●You should be responsible for...

●You need to...

Reading Activity 1 Read and Try to Understand

Passage 1

Language points


1.phrase n . [C]a group of words that have a particular meaning when used together, or which someone uses on a particular occasion 短语

e.g. She used rather dated words and phrases. 她使用的词语未免太陈旧了。

The phrase means “not one woman less”. 这个短语的意思是“一名女性都不能少”。

2. label

1 ) n . [C] a piece of paper or another material that is attached to something and gives information about it标签

e.g. I read the information on the label before deciding which jam to buy.


He attached labels to his luggage. 他把标签贴在行李上。

2 ) vt. to attach a label onto something or write information on something 贴标签于,用标签标明

e.g. Be sure to label all the test tubes. 一定要把所有的试管都贴上标签。

The bottle is labeled poison. 瓶上标明有毒。

3. greet vt . to say hello to someone or welcome them 打招呼, 迎接

e.g. She greets me whenever she meets me. 她一见到我就打招呼。

The host greeted us at the gate. 主人在大门口迎接我们。

4. customer n . [C] someone who buys goods or services from a shop, company, etc. 顾客,主顾

e.g. My father asked me to see the customer to the door. 我父亲要我送顾客到门口。

The new store across the road has taken away most of my customers.


customer, guest, shopper


gues t指旅馆、饭店等的顾客。

shoppe r指商店里的顾客。


5. plastic

1 ) adj . made of plastic. 塑料制的

e.g. Can you put it in a plastic bag? 你能把它放在塑料袋里吗?

The house is full of plastic flowers. 房子里摆满了塑料花。

2 ) n .[C][U] a light strong material that is produced by a chemical process, and which can be made into different shapes when it is soft 塑料

e.g. This basket is made of plastic. 这个篮子是用塑料做的。

A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled.


6. particularly adv . more than usual or more than others 格外,异乎寻常地

e.g. Progress has been particularly disappointing. 进展一直格外令人失望。

She looked particularly lovely that night. 她那天晚上特别动人。

7. attractive adj . having qualities that make you want to accept something or be involved in it吸引人的,值得拥有(或做)的

e.g. I must say, it’s a very attractive offer. 我必须得说,这是一份非常吸引人的提议。

A career in law is becoming increasingly attractive to young people.


8. not at all 一点也不,根本不

e.g. I am not at all satisfied with the present situation. 我对现状一点儿也不满意。

He is not at all alive to the danger he is in. 他完全没有意识到他处境的危险。


9. physically adv. in relation to your body rather than your mind or emotions 身体上,身体上地

e.g. I was absolutely exhausted, physically and mentally.


I felt physically sick before the exam. 大考前我感到身体不适。

physical adj. related to someone’s body rather than their mind or emotions 肉体的,身体的

e.g. Physical activity promotes good health. 身体运动促进健康。

He tends to avoid all physical contact. 他倾向于避免一切身体接触。

10. But it paid for my social life, my mobile phone bill, a holiday to Portugal, and, thanks to extra shifts in the summer holidays before university, my first laptop.

Translation: 但是我用这份工挣的钱去付生活费,手机费,去葡萄牙度假,并且多亏了在上大学前那个暑期额外的轮班工作,我拥有了第一台笔记本电脑。

Explanation: “thanks to extra shifts in the summer holidays before university”作插入语,my first laptop是前边paid for 的宾语。

thanks to 由于,幸亏

e.g. Thanks to his effort, it is more successful than we have expected.


Thanks to that job I became an avid reader. 多亏那项工作我成了一个爱读书的人。

due to, owing to, because of, thanks to


due to 用于较庄重的书面语中,侧重“起因于”,在句中多作表语,有时作状语。

owing to 可以和due to换用,但在句中多作状语,也可作表语。

because of 着重某个结果的原因,在句中通常作状语。

thanks to 突出一种感激之情,含“多亏”意味。


1 ) adj . more of something, in addition to the usual or standard amount or number 额外的,外加的

e.g. The factory director decided to put on extra men to get the work done as early as possible.


Two extra people are coming for dinner. Will the food stretch out?


2 ) n. [C] something which is added to a basic product or service that improves it and often costs more


e.g. Optional extras include cooking classes at a top restaurant.


There are no hidden extras. 没有任何隐蔽的额外费用。


1 ) n . [C] one of the set periods of time during each day and night when a group of workers in a factory,

etc. are at work before being replaced by another group of workers当班,轮班

e.g. Are you on the day shift or the night shift? 你是上白班还是上夜班?

His father worked shifts in a steel mill. 他的父亲在一家钢铁厂轮班工作。

2) vt. to move from one place or position to another, or make something do this 替换,移动

e.g. He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand. 他停下来,把手杖移到左手。

We need to shift the focus of this debate. 我们需要转换一下辩论的焦点。


11. As a teenager , the only adults you tend to regularly spend time with are the ones who have authority over you: your parents and your teachers.

Translation: 作为一个青少年,经常与我们相处的人往往是我们的父母和老师这些对我们有管制权的人。

Explanation: “you tend to regularly spend time with”作定语修饰 “the only adults”。

teenager n. [C] someone who is between 13 and 19 years old 十几岁(指 13 至 19 岁)的人

e.g. He is managing a club for teenagers. 他在经营一家青少年俱乐部。

Pitt became a famous actor while still a teenager.


adult n. [C] a fully-grown person, or one who is considered to be legally responsible for their actions 成年人

e.g. Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as an adult. 凡是超过 18 岁的都算成年人。

Children are usually more natural in their manner than adults. 孩子们的举止通常比成年人自然。

tend to 有……的倾向,趋向

e.g. Women tend to live longer than men. 女人往往比男人长寿。

My car tends to overheat in the summer. 我的车在夏天总是容易过热。

spend time with 和……共度时光

e.g. I’m spending time with my friends. 我在和朋友一起(消磨时间)呢。

Spending time with Jill was getting harder and harder. 和吉尔聚在一起变得越来越难了。

spend time 花时间;消磨时间

spend money 花钱;破费

spend on 在…方面花费

spend money on 花多少钱买某物

spend time doing 花费时间做……

cost, expend, spend和take都有花费的意思,区别如下:

cost: 指花费时间、金钱、劳力等。其主语是物,而不能由人充当,也不用被动形式。

expend: 较正式用词,通常指为某一专门目的而花费大量金钱、时间或精力。

spend: 普通用词,与cost基本同义,但主语必须是人。

take: 普通用词,指需要占用空间、时间或精力等,其主语可以是人,也可以是一件事情。

authority n. [U] the power you have because of your official position 威信

e.g. She does not like anyone challenging her authority. 她不喜欢任何人挑战她的权威。

I’m always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority.


12. mix

1 ) vi. to meet, talk, and spend time with other people, especially people you do not know very well 交际

e.g. She doesn’t mix well. 她不善与人相处。

People from different classes used to mix very little. 不同阶层的人过去很少交往。

2 ) vt .if you mix two or more substances or if they mix, they combine to become a single substance,and they cannot be easily separated (使)混合,拌合

e.g. You can’t mix oil with water. 你不能把油和水混合。

If you mix blue with yellow, you’ll get green. 蓝色和黄色混合在一起就成了绿色。

mix with 加入(人群),与(人们)交际

e.g. Good parents never allow their children to mix with bad elements.


In my job, I mix with all sorts of people. 在我的工作中,我与各种人打交道。

13. previous adj . having happened or existed before the event, time, or thing that you are talking about now 先前的,以前的

e.g. He soon lapsed into his previous bad habits. 他很快陷入以前的恶习中去。

It is difficult to make a comparison with her previous book—they are completely different.


previously adv. before now or before a particular time 先前地,以前地

e.g. I had visited them three days previously. 我之前曾探访过他们三天。

I should like to add a corrective to what I have written previously.



14. material n.

1) [C][U] cloth used for making clothes, curtains, etc. 布料,衣料

e.g. Japan imports textile materials from Britain. 日本从英国进口纺织材料。

This coat is made of coarse material. 这件外套是用粗糙的衣料做的。

2) [U] the things that are used for making or doing something 原料,材料

e.g. The workshop has shut down for lack of raw material. 由于缺乏原料,这个车间已停工了。

To trial-produce this product, we need some costly materials.


15. last

1) vi . to continue for a particular length of time 持续

e.g. The hot weather lasted until September. 炎热的天气持续到九月。

Economically, one tin of oil will last at least three months.


2 ) adj. happening or existing at the end, with no others after 最后的

e.g. They drank up the last of the wine. 他们喝光了最后一滴酒。

He is the last man I want to see. 他是我最不想见的人。

16. generation n . [C] all people of about the same age 一代,一辈

e.g. The story is passed on from generation to generation in the village.


The story captured the hearts and minds of a generation.


17. prefer to 更加喜欢,宁愿

prefer sth to sth

prefer v-ing to v-ing

e.g. Most Chinese prefer tea to coffee. 茶和咖啡相比大多数中国人更喜欢喝茶。

She is very traditional. She prefers dressing formally to wearing sports clothes.

她很守旧,喜欢穿正式的服装, 而不喜欢穿运动装。


18. smell

1 ) vt . to notice or recognize a particular smell 闻,闻到

e.g.I have a cold, I cannot smell. 我感冒了,闻不出味道来。

As soon as we opened the front door we could smell the gas. 我们一打开前门就闻到煤气味了。

2 ) n . [U] the quality that people and animals recognize by using their nose 气味

e.g. The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。

A delicious mouthwatering smell drifted from the kitchen. 一种使人垂涎的香味自厨房飘来。

19. chemical

1) n . [C] a substance used in chemistry or produced by a chemical process 化学制品,化学药品

e.g. Chemicals are used to keep the insects down. 化学药品用于阻止昆虫滋生。

We put chemicals in test tubes in our chemistry class.我们上化学课时把化学药品放进试管里。

2 ) adj. means involving or resulting from a reaction between two or more substances, or relating to the substances that something consists of. 化学的

e.g. Chemical weapons are banned internationally. 国际上禁止使用化学武器。

What is the chemical symbol for copper? 铜的化学符号是什么?

chemistry n . [U] the science that is concerned with studying the structure of substances and the way that they change or combine with each other 化学

e.g. She studied chemistry for three years. 她学了三年化学。

He is more highly educated, with a Ph.D. in chemistry.




“干洗”这个词你可能早在某些衣服,比如漂亮的夹克、裤子或丝绸服装的标签上见过。我很了解这个词,因为从 15 岁至 18 岁,我每个周六都在一家干洗店打工。我接待顾客,把他们送来的衣物放入洗衣机,洗好后熨烫整形,再装袋。这是我的第一份工作。它不是特别有趣,更不吸引人,但是,现在回头看看,我认为它很重要。




那段时光也使我认识到我不想要什么样的人生这一重要的事。我知道未来我不想给人洗衣服。我不想在狭小、偏僻的街道上工作,每个周六见到的是同样的人,我也不想回家时闻起来像化学制剂。所以 18 岁时我上了大学,虽然不知道长大后要干什么,但是我有属于自己的笔记本电脑,并且清楚的知道自己的未来不能是什么样的。它不能是“仅供干洗”。

Fill in each blank with one word according to the passage you have just read.

Reading Activity 2 Read and Think Critically


After-reading Activity 1 Develop Your Vocabulary

Complete each sentence with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. The produce was labeled (label) “Made in China”.

2. Bill opened the door to Harold and greeted (greet) him with cries of welcome.

3. We aim to offer good value and service to all our customers (customer).

4. She was in constant physical (physically) pain.

5. Some children find it difficult to talk to adults (adult).

6. Shake the bottle well so that the oil mixes (mix) with the vinegar.

7. He may suddenly take a dislike to foods that he’s previously (previous) enjoyed.

8. Cut flowers will last (last) longer if you put flower food in the water.

9. She smelled (smell) the milk to see if it had spoiled.

10. He got a “C” in Chemistry (chemical) and a “B” in English.

After-reading Activity 2 Know More Expressions

☛ Tell the meaning of each expression after the given example.

After-reading Activity 3 Listen and Write

Listen to the following sentences and fill in the missing letters of each word. Check whether you really understand their meanings and can spell them correctly.

1. We bought a Danish phr a s e (短语) book.

2. He was sitting on a pla s ti c (塑料制的) chair in the waiting room.

3. The restaurant is p ar ti cu larly (格外) popular with young people.

4. It is selling very well, in part because the packaging is so attr ac tive (吸引人的)。

5. There’s an ex tra (额外的) blanket in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.

6. Have you been able to switch your sh i f t (轮班) with anyone?

7. So much has changed in the sport since I was a teen a g er (十几岁)。

8. He spoke with au th ority (威信) on the topic.

9. She cut the dress out of some old mat er ial (布料).

10. She was one of the greatest minds of her gr e ner a tion (一代人).

Task 2 Read More for Useful Information

Passage 2

Language points

1. milestone n .里程碑

e.g. This was a huge milestone for me in my study.


But for these young people, the real milestone would be to find something to do next.


2. Why did college become the most common term for post-secondary education?

Translation: 为什么college成为指代高等教育时普遍使用的术语?

Explanation: Secondary education就是指高中,在中国包括初中和高中。Post-secondary education跟高等教育是同一个意思,也就是指所有在高中以后获得的学历,通常包括大学本科学位、研究生学位、博士学位,职业学校和技术学校的专科文凭也包括在内。

幼儿园、托儿所、学前班= pre-school/nursery education

小学、初中= primary education (初中也有归到secondary education的)

高中= secondary education

大学,学院= post-secondary/higher education

一般primary和secondary education是义务(compulsory)教育,学习“常识”(common knowledge)。

Higher education 学习专业/职业知识。

3. A college is typically a four-year school that offers undergraduate degrees like an associate’s or a bachelor’s.

Translation: 北美的college一般指提供本科学位比如准学士学位或学士学位的四年制大学。

Explanation: undergraduate degrees 本科学位


bachelor degree学士学位

4. community n .社区

e.g. He’s well liked by people in the community. 他很受社区人们的喜爱。

The meeting will be held in the community centre. 会议将在社区活动中心举行。

5. doctorate n. 博士学位

e.g. She’s studying for her doctorate. 她正在攻读博士学位。

Where did she do her doctorate? 她是在哪里攻读博士学位的?

6. exception n. 例外

e.g. The law makes no exceptions. 法律不搞例外。

Few guitarists can sing as well as they can play; Eddie, however, is an exception.


7. complicate vt. 使复杂化

e.g. I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化。

What complicates the issue is the burden of history. 使问题复杂化是历史的重负。

10. institution n .机构

e.g. They organized a benevolent institution to help the poor and disabled.


OPIC is the U.S. Government’s development finance institution.


11. qualify vi. 有资格

e.g. She qualified as a doctor this year. 她今年取得了医生资格。

But when I’d qualified and started teaching it was a different story.


12. retain vt .保持

e.g. His speech could not retain the interest of his audience. 他的讲话不能保持住听众的兴趣。

Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.


13. determination n. 决心

e.g. Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination.


His dogged determination helped him to win the race. 他的坚强决心使他赢得比赛。

14. applicant n. 申请人

e.g. They were selected from many applicants. 他们是从许多报名者当中选出来的。

Next Friday is the deadline for applicants’ sending in photos and vitae.





尽管university这个词汇在这两者中历史更悠久,早在 13 世纪就产生了,但北美的学校和学生却主要用college来指代大多数高校。北美的college一般指提供本科学位(比如准学士学位或学士学位)的四年制大学。(社区学院通常是两年制高校)。College一般不提供硕士或博士学位,学生规模通常也没有university大。





Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage you’ve read.

(T) 1. Universities appeared earlier in history.

(F) 2. Universities are bigger than colleges.

(F) 3. A college offers master’s degrees.

(F) 4. It’s harder to get into a university than a college.

(T) 5. The word “university” is preferred over “college” in the UK.

After-reading Activity Build a Word Bank

The following words are all about education. Read and match their meanings.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. Schools and students in North America have accepted college to describe most places of higher learning.


2. A college is typically a four-year school that offers undergraduate degrees like an associate’s or a bachelor’s.


3.Schools may begin as colleges, grow into universities, but retain the original name.


4. Some colleges might ask more of applicants than universities.


5. In the UK, students go off to university instead of college.


Task 3 Read for Broader Horizons


Reading Activity Read and Try to Understand

1.D 2.C 3. D 4. C 5. B

After-reading Activity Think Critically




过去 60 年来,日本岛根县出云市的出云农林高中的每一届新生都要上一门“生命课”。在这门充满争议的六个月课程中,学生们将帮忙孵出小鸡、把鸡养大,然后亲手宰杀并吃掉它们。

去年,出云高中的生命课于十月份开课,约 60 个鸡蛋被分给了学生。在接下来的三周时间里, 学生们在一名老师的指导下负责监控鸡蛋,确保鸡蛋处于合适的孵化条件下。一旦小鸡孵出,每名学生都要挑选一只小鸡,并将自己的小鸡养大,而且他们清楚地知道几个月后他们必须亲手宰杀并吃掉这只鸡。



这门生命课在出云农林高中已经有 60 年历史,而且福冈高中似乎也引进了同样的课程。



Section II Writing

Task 1 Learn Some Grammar Before Writing

Activity 1 Challenge Yourself

Group 1

Universities, on the other hand, tend to offer both undergraduate and graduate programs leading to advanced degrees for a larger group of students.(graduate前加上表示程度的前缀under-“低于,不足”,指代尚未获得第一学位的学生,意为“本科生”)

As you can imagine, some students get attached to the chickens, with some going as far as to treat them like pets, despite knowing the unpleasant conclusion of the class.(pleasant前加上表示否定的前缀un-“不、无、非”,意为“令人不快的,不舒服的”)


It was my first job: it was not particularly fun and it was not attractive at all, but, looking back, I think it was important.(动词attract后边加上形容词后缀-ive,意为“吸引人的”)

To complicate matters further, an institution that fits the standard of a university might choose to call itself a college.(名词it后边加上名词性后缀-self,意为“它本身”)

Activity 2 Practice Your Learning

1. 词缀定义及来源


英语词缀的来源与英语词汇来源一样也比较复杂,主要包括拉丁词缀和希腊词缀两大类。例如:ad-,ac-,af-,ag-,al-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-等都是拉丁词缀,anti-,auto-,hemi-, -ism等都是希腊词缀。

2. 词缀的特点

英语词缀有两大特点:多义性和同义性。所谓多义性,是指英语词缀的意思非常丰富,同一词缀可能具有许多意思,例如:后缀-ment在amazement (惊奇)中表状态,在government(政府)中表手段,在pavement (人行道)中表结果。所谓同义性,是指英语词缀就像英语中的同义词一样,多个词缀可以表达同一意思。例如:动词后缀-ize,-ish,-ify, -ate等都可以表示“使成为,造成……”的意思。

3. 词缀的分类

根据词缀对词形变化的影响,可分为派生词缀(Derivational Affix)与屈折词缀(Inflectional Affix)。派生词缀是指可以决定词性,有一定语义的词缀。屈折词缀是指只有语法意义,没有词汇意义的词缀。屈折词缀数量有限,在现代英语中仅有表示名词复数的-s/-es; 表示名词属格的-s;表示单数第三人称一般现在时的-s /-es;表示动词过去式的-ed和过去分词的-en;表示动词的现在分词和动名词的-ing;表示某些形容词、副词比较级的-er,最高级的-est等。

根据词缀所处位置的不同,又可分为前缀( Prefix),中缀(Infix)和后缀(Suffix)三种。前缀是附加在自由语素前的语素, 例如: impossible中的im-, preview中的pre-等。中缀是指插在单词中的语素,例如: geography中的-o-, absobloodylutely(嗜血成性的)中的-bloody-等。后缀是指附加在自由语素后的语素,例如forgettable中的-able, investment中的-ment等。


4. 使用词缀时构词时的一些变化形式




forget + -able = forgettable

prefer + -able = preferable



believe + -able = believable

evaluate + -tion = evaluation

write + -er = writer



describe + -ion = description

product + -ive = productive

permit + -ion = permission


harmony + ous = harmonious

happy + -ness = happiness

funny + -ly = funnily





re-enter vi. 重新进入

co-owner n. 共有人;共同所有人

de-emphasize vt. 不再重视;不再强调

micro-organism n. 微生物

bell-like adj. 钟形的


re-cover vt. 给……装以新的封面或盖;再覆盖

recover vt. 恢复;重新获得

re-sign vt. 再签署

resign vt. 辞职;放弃


anti-American adj. 亲美的

trans-China adj. 横跨中国的

Sino-British adj. 中英的

Choose the proper prefix for each word in brackets.

(A) 1. He is___(lingual) in English and French.

A. bi- B. tri- C. semi- D. multi

答案解析: 由“English and French”知晓有两种语言,在形容词lingual前加上表示数字的前缀bi-(二)意为“双语的”。

(B) 2. Eight feet is an___(ordinary) height for a person.

A. in- B. extra- C. fore- D. trans

答案解析: 1 英尺=12 英寸=30.48 厘米,“Eight feet”现对于成人身高显然不常见,在形容词ordinary前加上表方位意义的前缀extra-(在……之外)意为“非同寻常的”。

(A) 3. The snow will soon___(appear) when the warm weather comes.

A. dis- B. extra- C. un- D. non

答案解析: 根据句意“当天气转暖雪会……”,在动词appear前加上否定前缀dis-(不、无、非)意为“消失”。

__(D) 4. When I was young I was told it was_(polite) to ask westerners about their age and salary.

A. in-B. il- C. un- D. im

答案解析: 根据句意“当我很小的时候就被教导,向西方人询问年龄和薪水是……”,在形容词polite前加上否定前缀im-(不、无、非)意为“不礼貌的”。

(C) 5. The cat hurt its___(foot) in the garden.

A. inter- B. extra- C. fore- D. trans

答案解析: 根据句意“小猫在公园伤到了……”在名词foot前加上表方位意义的前缀fore-(前)意为“前脚,前肢”。

(A) 6. Mom had an___(view) with the teacher about my study.

A. inter- B. tele- C. fore- D. trans

答案解析: 根据句意“妈妈和老师关于我的学习进行了一场……”在名词view前加上表方位意义的前缀inter-(在……之间)意为“面谈”。

(D) 7. It took 15 years to____(construct) the town after the war.

A. ex- B. fore- C. post- D. re

答案解析: 根据短语after the war可推测城镇在战后花费了 15 年的时间是进行了重建,所以在动词construct前加上表时间意义的前缀re-(又,再)意为“重建”。

(C) 8 .Updating your passwords and (virus) ______software regularly to ensure your computer is secure.

A. contra- B.pro- C. anti- D. dis

答案解析: 根据句意“定期更新密码和……可以确保电脑的安全”,在 名词virus前加上表示倾向和态度意义的前缀anti-(相反,相对)意为“防病毒的”。

(C) 9. Show some politeness to a stranger,but don’t___(do) it.

A. macro- B. out- C. over- D. under

答案解析: 根据句中转折连词but可知后半句与前半句意思相反,在动词do前叫上表示程度意义的前缀over-(过分)意为“做得过分,做得过火”。

(D) 10. He is a smooth businessman. Don’t___(estimate) him.

A. macro- B. out- C. over- D. under

答案解析: 根据前半句“他是一个很精明的商人”句意,后半句提示“不要做……”意在告诫。因此在动词estimate前加上表示程度意义的前缀under-(低于,不足)意为“低估”。

Choose the proper suffix for each word in brackets.

(D) 1. Between 1929 and 1933, American’s____( nation) income fell by a little more than half.

A. -ful B. -ent C. -ible D. -al

答案解析: 名词性短语American’s income中只能插入形容词性的词,因此在名词nation后加上形容词性后缀-al(……的)意为“国家的,全国的”。

(D) 2. It was clear from the first phone that they knew____(exact) what they were doing.

A. -ize B. -ive C. -ful D. -ly

答案解析: 根据句意“很显然从第一次通话时他们就……知道自己在做些什么”课推测空白处只能填入一副词修饰动词knew,因此在形容词exact后加上副词性后缀-ly(……地)意为“准确地,确切地”。

(C) 3. The bright and____(comfort) apartment has a large living room with a separated sleeping area, kitchen and bathroom.

A.-en B.-ness C.-able D. -ly

答案解析: 连词and前后连接两个词性相同的词或短语,因此空白处需填入一形容词,在名词comfort后加上形容词性后缀-able(能被……的)意为“使人舒服的”。

(B) 4. The job pays well and you get a company car and 30-day holiday a year-it’s certainly an ____(attract) offer.

A.-able B.-ly C.-ive D. -al

答案解析: 名词短语“an offer”中间只能插入形容词性的词,再根据句意,应该在动词attract后加上形容词性后缀-ive(具有……性质的)意为“有吸引力的”。

(B) 5. In order to see the doctor, you need to make an____(appoint) in advance.

A.-ent B.-ment C.-ant D. -ity

答案解析: 不定冠词an修饰名词,根据句意在动词appoint后加上名词性后缀-ment(行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果)意为“预约,约定”。

(C) 6. I was her____(assist) in the library for a time.

A.-er B.-or C.-ant D. -ee

答案解析: 物主代词her修饰名词,根据句意在动词assist后加上名词性后缀-ant(该动作的主动者)意为“帮手,助手”。

(C) 7. If you want to be____(success) in life, you should be honest and self-confident.

A. -ness B. -ive C. -ful D. -able

答案解析: 系动词be后边跟形容词,根据句意在名词success后加上形容词性后缀-ful(具有……性质的)意为“成功的”。

(B) 8. Winning this award is a remarkable____(achieve) for a business which was set up just two years ago.

A. -ment B. -ness C. -ment D. -al

答案解析: 由不定冠词a修饰名词可知空白处需填入一名词,根据句意在动词achieve后加上名词性后缀-ment(行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果)意为“成就,成绩,功绩”。

(A) 9. Working from home is flexible and beneficial not only to the employees but also to the____. (employ)

A. -ee B. -er C. -ment D. -al

答案解析: “not only...but also...”表并列,根据not only后边的介词短语“to the employees(雇员)”可知空白处应填入表示人的名词,根据句意在动词employ后加上名词性后缀-er(人)意为“雇主”。

(A) 10. I have to work part-time to earn some money to continue my____. (educate)

A.-ion B.-ity C.-or D. -ist

答案解析: 句中动词continue缺少宾语,根据句意在动词educate后加上名词性后缀-ion(行为的过程,结果,状况)意为“教育”。

Activity 3 Check Your Learning

☛ Choose the proper prefix or suffix for each word in brackets.

(C) 1. Did you___(view) before the class?

A.ex- B.fore- C.pre- D.re

答案解析: 根据时间状语“before the class”句中的谓语动词“看”这个动作应为“提前看”,因此在动词view前加上表时间顺序的前缀pre-(前)意为“预习”。

(C) 2. It is really____(thought) of you to come to the airport to meet me.

A.-ive B.-able C.-ful D. -ous

答案解析: 系表结构,形容词做表语,根据句意在名词thought加上形容词性后缀-ful(具有……性质的)意为“体贴的,关心别人的”。

(A ) 3. The young man made several constructive suggestions about the environmental ___(protect) in this city.

A.-ion B.-ment C.-ness D.-ance

答案解析: 定冠词the修饰名词,根据句意在动词protect加上名词性后缀-ion(行为的过程,结果,状况)意为“保护”。

(A) 4. One major____( advantage) of the area is the lack of public transport.

A.dis- B.in- C.anti- D.un

答案解析: 短语“the lack of public transport”中lack of为“缺乏……,缺少……”,所以advantage应变成含否定意义的词,在名词advantage前加上否定前缀dis-(不、无、非)意为“不利条件”。

(D) 5. It would be____(danger) for you to stay here.

A.-ful B.-al C.-ive D.-ous

答案解析: 系动词后接形容词。根据句意名词danger后加形容词后缀-ous(有……的)意为“有危险的”。

Task 2 Write for Practical Purposes

Activity 1 Study the Sample


Activity 2 Write with Given Information

Fill in the blanks by choosing all the possible answers.

A 1. A.Gold-moon Book Store B. L. A. Paper Products, Co.

C. Dear Sir or Madam D. Who related

答案解析: 题干中已说明收件人。

C 2. A. Gold-moon book Store B. Mr. Kim

C. Kim Taylor D. Mr. Taylor

答案解析: 题干中已说明了发件人,发件人对自己的称呼不使用尊称。

CD 3. A. Bad Weather B. Departure Date

C. Delivery Date D. Time of Delivery

答案解析: 事由要点明主题,从题干可以了解到是货品到货日期出现了问题。

BCD 4. A. Because the bad weather B. Due to the bad weather

C. Because of the bad weather D. Owing to the bad weather

答案解析: because后边要接句子。

ABCD 5. A. We must apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

B. We are sorry about the inconvenience

C. We apologize for the inconvenience

D. We regret deeply for the inconvenience it may cause.

答案解析: 表达歉意不同的表达方式。

Activity 3 Write Alone

Section III Translation


Task 1 Read and Translate


孩子出生后第一件重要的事就是庆祝孩子满月。 根据传统,亲戚和朋友会收到孩子父母送的礼物。不同的地方礼物不尽相同,然而不管在农村还是在城市,红壳蛋是必备的。 红壳蛋之 所以被选为礼物,或许是因为它们是生活过程改变的象征。 圆形则象征着和谐幸福的生活。 壳被染成红色,因为红色在中国文化中代表幸福。 除了鸡蛋,孩子的父母还会送蛋糕,鸡肉火腿等礼物。


一个年轻的男人十八岁或二十岁时,要举行冠礼。 冠礼的程序可以分为三部分。首先要把参加冠礼的年轻人的头发盘起替上。 然后给他戴上三顶不同材质不同含义的帽子 ,这一礼仪叫“三加”。“三加”之后,由父亲或其他长辈在其本名之外另起一个“字”,只有“冠而字”的男子,才具备日后择偶成婚的资格。

Task 2 Understand and Retell



Section IV Practice & Assessment

Unit Project Do a Survey on Job Responsibilities

Unit project is a comprehensive task which practices all the knowledge and capability learned in this unit. Thus, it is recommended that the completion process, not just the result of the project, be given full consideration when the unit project is assessed. LTNebPNbn2RUi1JkIlZNj6tExu8eqowojQq8Dq/mP7yhmjWyOhyGwvBUiyn979Jw
