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I want to make it clear here that it was exactly due to our resolute decision and scientific response that China was able to avoid factory closures, job losses and return of migrant workers to their home villages. These stimulus measures helped us keep the good momentum of economic development, maintain social stability and harmony and protect China’s modernization process from major setbacks.

■ 译文剖析

现在中国大陆的实用汉译英水平比以往有了较大提高,官方译文也更趋灵活多变,更接近英文的本真面目。在这一段的英译中,有许多可圈可点之处。首先,英文行文及时进行了切分,符合英文宜短不宜长的原则;其次,具体行文时也没有亦步亦趋。如:“企业倒闭”和“工人失业”译为了factory closures和job losses,使英文更为具体,与常见英文演讲表达趋同。在第二部分行文时按照上下文添加了适当主语,也值得初学者学习。


■ 翻译原文

城市轨道交通、农村电网线路等基础设施明显改善,完成了7 000多座大中型和重点小型水库除险加固;解决了大量农村人口饮水安全问题;建成一大批基层医疗卫生教育文化服务设施;一个新的汶川拔地而起,灾区经济社会发展实现了整体性跨越。

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Infrastructural facilities such as urban rail transport and rural power grid were significantly improved. Over 7,000 large-and medium-sized and key small aging reservoirs were reinforced. We extended access to potable water to many more rural people. A large number of community facilities providing medical, health, education and cultural services were established. A new Wenchuan was built and all-round progress was made in economic and social development of the disaster-stricken areas.

■ 译文剖析

①许多初学翻译的同学在看到这个句子时依然会见山是山,不知如何变通,这再次凸显了研习优秀译作的必要性。中文是通过几个分号连接的一个长句,而英文则是以意群为切分点。在具体行文时,“除险加固”是典型的“四字同义”,取其中具体含义翻译为be reinforced。

②这里有一个非常典型的中文表达“解决……问题”,在英译时需要重点注意。对这样的句式,首先要明白作者想要传达的具体信息,如:“解决了看病难、看病贵的问题”,中文较为抽象,英文则倾向具体,所以,需要化抽象为具体,这句话的意思可具体阐述为“看病不再那么贵、也不再那么难”,再进而理解为“看病更加便宜和容易”,其实这句话在英美国家的政府演讲或公文中经常出现,英文是“make medical care more affordable and accessible”。直接借用英文显然是妙招。其他的例子如:“解决了人们吃水难的问题”,英文可译为“make drinking water available/accessible to the people”或者“provide access to drinking water for the people”;“解决了山区孩子上学难的问题”,英文可译为“make schooling accessible to children in mountainous regions”或者“provide access to schooling for children in mountainous regions”,以此类推。总之,要学会借用英文灵活表达化抽象为具体。



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We improved the economic structure to raise the quality and efficiency of economic development. A shift from fast growth to sound growth was a fundamental change in the priorities of China’s development in the past decade. We took strategic adjustment of the economic structure as the main task of shifting the growth model, and raised the quality, expanded the scope and bolstered the momentum of development.

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We promoted parallel development of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, implemented the overall strategies for development of different regions and achieved initial success in closing the widening gaps between industry and agriculture, urban and rural areas, and among different regions. The urbanization rate rose from 39.1% to 51.3%, bringing a historic change in China’s urban-rural structure. Since 2008, the central, western and northeastern regions have been growing faster than the eastern region and the share of GDP of these regions in the national total has notably risen. A regional development pattern featuring sound interaction among regions and distinctive local features is coming into being.

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We made free nine-year compulsory education fully available, established a complete financial aid system for students from poor families and fulfilled our solemn commitment of “not letting a single child drop out of school due to poverty”. We made historic progress in building a social safety net covering both urban and rural populations. The new rural pension scheme and the old-age pension scheme for non-working urban residents achieved full coverage, and an urban and rural social aid system was basically established.

■ 译文剖析


②在第一句“全面实现”处理上译者非常聪明,采用了抽象化为具体的作法,在英文中应用了“make… available/accessible”的句式。



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We pursued a win-win strategy of opening-up, fully met our commitments made upon WTO accession, and placed equal emphasis on exports and imports and on attracting foreign investment and investing overseas. This has not only helped us gain broader space for our development and economic growth, but also made important contribution to economic development in the region and the world.

■ 译文剖析

在这里首先关注的是“互利共赢”四字句处理,典型的“四字同义”,英文可处理为winwin或者mutually beneficial。中文“坚持……并重,……并举”属于同义排比,在行文时直接合并。在这句的结构处理上,译者将“结果”部分另起句子翻译显然是合乎逻辑的,而且中文的“拓展”和“促进”直接合并,节省了笔墨,遵循了“能省则省”的原则。


■ 翻译原文


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The first decade of this century has seen major changes in the global political and economic landscape. It has also seen rapid industrialization and urbanization in China. Great progress has been made in China’s comprehensive reform, opening-up and modernization endeavor during this decade.

■ 译文剖析

该句译者遵循了“宜短不宜长”的行文原则,直接将中文的长句切分为三个分句。在具体行文上,采用了“see, landscape”等形象词,中文“大调整、大变革”属于中文名词同义重复,英文直接合并。译者对“辉煌成就”、“全面推进……建设”的处理都是非常值得称道的,没有拘泥于中文行文,词性变化技巧的使用(“全面推进”中的“全面”是副词,在译文中为形容词)、动词的省译(“推进”),值得大家揣摩学习。


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China will continue to develop education as a priority, bring about all-round human development, and promote economic development on the basis of improving the quality of human capital. For a major developing country like China, boosting education and improving quality of human resources will drive economic development and make it more competitive. We will act quickly to achieve economic growth by increasing the quality of human capital rather than by just using more workers. This will enable us to catch up with the progress in technology and change the model of growth, and it holds the key for us to adapt to demographic changes and achieve sustainable development.

■ 译文剖析

①这里首先是“坚持”的处理。一般情况下,我们遇到“坚持”首选的英文表达是:be committed to,这里译者也是避开了初学者难以绕开的问题。大家很容易将其译为:adhere to, persist in等等。事实上,这都是过于受到词对词背诵记忆的影响,而没有在具体语境或句子中积累词组表达。

②第二个翻译的难点是“素质”一词。很多人见到素质就译为quality,根本不去具体分析quality的深层含义,翻译素质时必须具体问题具体对待。“这个人文化素质不高”,英文可译为:He is not well educated。“提高人口素质”很多专家也建议译为:improve the competence of the population。在我本人阅读国外杂志时看到过这种说法,“improve health and education of the nation”,我想这可能是对国民素质最具体、贴近的表达了。还有“素质教育”的表达,我个人倾向于使用“holistic education”、“well-rounded education”或者“competenceoriented education”。“提高全民族的科学文化素质”又该怎么表达呢?如果有心的同学会看到英文中一个非常好用的词literacy,那么根据该词,可译为:improve the scientific literacy of the nation。在这里,译者处理为quality of human resources也是聪明之举,因为主语发生了变化,quality也就顺理成章了。


④“这是……的需要”该句译者处理也非常巧妙,用了enable一词使语言非常具体、简洁,如果与“是……的关键”合在一起共用enable语言会更为简练。现在很多译者遇到这样的行文表达时会简化为:A is essential/critical/central to B。这种处理方式也非常值得提倡,不必按照中文逐字排开。


■ 翻译原文


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China will continue to build an innovation-driven society, speed up the development of an innovation system, and enhance the role of science and technology in driving economic and social development. R&D is crucial in guiding our efforts to accelerate the change of growth model. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, we will give greater priority to R&D, deepen reform of science and technology institutions, and address the root causes of R&D not fully meeting the need of economic development.

■ 译文剖析

①在第一句中译文对“大力增强……的支撑能力”也是进行了具体化处理。当然,也可以译为:Science and technology can be a much stronger driver for socio-economic development/socio-economic development can be driven more by scientific innovation.

②“必须依靠科技支撑和引领”在处理时必须对中文进行具体化处理,可考虑译为be driven and guided by或者直接合并为 be driven by 即可。在这里译者采用了上述的be crucial这种常见模糊处理方式也不失为聪明之举。

③“从根本上解决科技与经济脱节的问题”译者在处理时也试图具体化,但是还不够精练,因为“解决……的问题”依然出现在了译文中。根据我们之前所讲述的原则,可以提取核心意思,译为:so that science and technology can be crucial/essential economic drivers/ so that we can truly match scientific advances with economic prosperity/bring technological progress in line with economic growth等等。


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We will address the pressing challenges in the economy and continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. We will maintain continuity and stability in macroeconomic policy and make our policy responses more targeted, flexible and forwardlooking in light of changes in the economy. We will maintain control over the intensity, pace and focus of macroeconomic regulation and strike a balance among maintaining stable and fast economic growth, adjusting economic structure and managing inflation expectation.

■ 译文剖析

在英文第一句中译者的逻辑处理并不是特别清楚,前后意群并非并列。这一段翻译的难点其实在于中文“……性”或“……度”的处理。一般情况下,汉译英时类似表达最好处理为形容词,在这里,“提高针对性、灵活性、前瞻性”则采用了英文的惯用句式“make sth.+形容词比较级”,这也是口译中最常使用的句式之一,用来阐述中文中“提高、改善、加强”等表示递进关系的概念,如:增强竞争力,可以说make China more competitive;改善空气质量,可以说make the air cleaner;增加难度,可以说make it harder/more difficult;提高稳定性,可以说make it more reliable,等等。该段中很多都是中文演讲中的常见词组,必须牢记背诵!







⑥在强调A对B有重要作用或非常关键、A是B的必然要求等等概念时可选用A is essential/ critical/central to B,不必按照中文逐字排开。

⑦中文“……性”或“……度”的处理采用英文的惯用句式“make sth.+形容词比较级”,用来阐述中文中“提高、改善、加强”等表示递进关系的概念。 wh1YQR3cnv+hj/EyTwWcH1q80uQqi5PfiS/ctDgzsjs/9T1y/qUMdAGBJcvmLEPB
