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—Increasing environmental pressure caused by the consumption of energy, mostly coal. Coal is the main energy consumed in China, and the energy structure with coal playing the main role will remain unchanged for a long time to come. The relatively backward methods of coal production and consumption have intensified the pressure on environmental protection. Coal consumption has been the main cause of smoke pollution in China, as well as the main source of greenhouse gas. As the number of motor vehicles climbs, the air pollution in some cities is becoming a mixture of coal smoke and exhaust gas. If this situation continues, the ecological environment will face even greater pressure.


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—Incomplete market system and emergency response capability yet to be enhanced. China’s energy market system is yet to be completed, as the energy pricing mechanism fails to fully reflect the scarcity of resources, its supply and demand, and the environmental cost. Order in energy exploration and development must be further standardized, and the energy supervisory system improved. Coal production safety is far from satisfactory, the structure of power grids is not rational, the oil reserves are not sufficient, and an effective emergency prewarning system is yet to be improved and consolidated to deal with energy supply breakdowns and other major unexpected emergencies.



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■ 韩老师参考译文

It filled me with great joy to see more private cars on the road in my howntown, an insignificant riverside village tucked away on the bank of the Yellow River during my home-coming trip for the National Day Holiday. Granted, townfellows sported little change in their dressing code or style. What struck/amazed me most this time around was their modern way of transport: sedan cars with price tags of over 200,000 yuan or over 30,000 US dollars.

(I was truly amazed at how my hometown has changed during my recent home-coming trip for the National Day holiday. My humble/unimpressive village near the Yellow River has started to see a growing number of private cars in recent years, but I was still happily surprised to see sedan cars with price tags of over 200,000 yuan or over USD 30,000 cruising on the road, with little improvement in people’s dressing code or style, though.)

But that joy was brought to a sudden halt/put to a stop/end/came to an end/(was shortlived as)…. when I was told about two tragic happenings in a casual talk/during a chitchat on the street. The first episode derived from a fatal land-leasing dispute. It so happened that one man in a nearby village coerced his fellow villager to lease out his land at an offered rent. The potential leaser refused to accept this deal he deemed unfair, only to find himself attacked by hitsmen hired by the prospective leasee. The bully even threatened to get the land no matter what, saying that a life costs him no more than a few grands. Consequently, as even a worm will turn, the troublemaker got killed at his place by the landowner and his two brothers. Sadly, the result was the total collapse of four families.

The other disturbing story took place in my home village. As I was told, one corn harvester attempted to drive through the cropland nearby, but was rebuffed by a grandma, the land owner, for fear of crop collapse/damage. As the row/bicker heated up/escalated/festered/flared up, she simply lay down at the furrow end, crying: no way, or over my dead body! Tragically, the motor vehicle roared past over her body. The case was later settled outside of court with a compensation of just a few grands.

In my early childhood, as I can recall, villagers were simply off guard against one another, keeping their doors open day and night without any fear of theft. Warm-hearted aunts in the neighborhood would invite me over for dinner if my parents were not available when I came back from school. All seemed so warm and natural. Back then/In those days, neighbors were called in/brought in to give a helping hand during harvest seasons and were rewarded with hearty chitchats over a homely meal. Alas, much has changed in local values and perceptions of life. Locals see life and community quite differently today.

Granted, rural economy is booming with policy incentives and I expect my hometown to be transformed soon. Yet what happened there also prompts me to/leads me to argue for insightful guidance on cultural values in rural China. cRwHaORXHwUVPtgCkRpvxUsRGJTV+Fn+YeLWmmLDZu+Hrv7AriE19xyUAB5qKN5e

