
Ⅲ 数据图

◆C4T1 (P31)

The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



澳大利亚总的贫困人口比例是11%,人数为1 837 000,对应②;single families(with or without children)的贫困率比其他家庭结构的都高,对应③。

Main Features

在家庭贫困率方面,couples with children的贫困率比couples without children要高,前者几乎是后者的两倍(12%;7%),对应⑤;贫困率最低的家庭模式是两组老年家庭,对应⑥;在贫困人数方面,couple with children是最多的,其次是single families without children,对应⑦⑧。

Relevant Comparison

(1)共同点:couple without children和sole parent families贫困人数是相似的,对应⑨。

(2)不同点:single parent的贫困率要比single without children的高2%,对应④;与single families相比,families with couples(with or without children)的贫困率都要低不少,对应⑤。


NB: Please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.


①The table indicates the percentages of people living in poverty from different types of families in Australia in 1999. ②It can be seen that the number of impoverished people in total was 1,837,000, occupying 11% of the Australian population.

③The single families, with or without children, showed more serious poverty than the other types. ④21% of people from the former families were impoverished, 2% more than those from the latter. ⑤Compared with them, families with couples, with or without children, presented much smaller percentages of poverty, and it is worth mentioning that in those two types of families, those with children also showed a larger proportion (12%), almost twice as much as those without children did (7%). ⑥The best financial status appeared in the two family types with aged people, either single or couple, with respectively 6% and 4% of people living in poverty.

⑦Apart from the proportions, the table also illustrates the number of impoverished people from those families. ⑧In this respect, couple with children topped the others (933,000), followed by single families without children (359,000). ⑨Couple without children and sole parent families were similar, 211,000 and 232,000, respectively, and two types of aged families showed relatively small numbers, around 50,000.

(202 words)

◆C4T3 (P78)

The chart below shows the different levels of post-school qualifications in Australia and the proportion of men and women who held them in 1999.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Post-school qualifications in Australia according to gender 1999



男性在持有skilled vocational diploma, postgraduate diploma以及Master’s degree方面比例较高,而女性在持有undergraduate diploma以及Bachelor’s degree方面比例较高,对应②;男女比例差距最大的在skilled vocational diploma的持有者中,而最小的在Bachelor’s degree的持有者中,对应⑤。

Main Features

(1)skilled vocational diploma持有者的男女比例差距是最大的(90%∶10%),而postgraduate diploma和undergraduate diploma持有者的男女比例差距分别是40%和30%,对应③。

(2)在Bachelor’s degree和Master’s degree持有者中男女比例差距相对较小,对应④。

Relevant Comparison

在Overview和Main Features中已经对数据的共同点和不同点做了分析,对应②③;而Main Features里面也对相关的数据做了大小比较,对应④。

NB: Please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.


①The bar chart illustrates the proportions of males and females holding different post-school qualifications in Australia in 1999. ②It can be seen that males were dominant among skilled vocational diploma, postgraduate diploma and Master’s degree holders, while females prevailed in terms of undergraduate diploma and Bachelor’s degree.

③The most obvious gap between people of the two genders was in skilled vocational diploma, with 90% of the holders being males and 10% females, followed by postgraduate diploma and undergraduate diploma, which showed 40% and 30% difference between the two genders, respectively. ④In contrast, the proportions of males and females were relatively close in both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, with 55% of the former and 40% of the latter holders being females, and respectively 45% and 60% being males.

⑤Overall, the lowest post-school qualification showed the largest difference between men and women, while the smallest difference was in the Bachelor’s degree.

(150 words)

◆C5T2 (P52)

The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Reasons for study according to age of student


Employer support, by age group (Time off and help with fees)




Main Features



Relevant Comparison



NB: Please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.


①The first bar chart provides information on the percentage of people in different age groups who learn for career or interest. ②It can be seen that for the older people, the lower proportion they choose to learn for career, the higher the proportion is for interest.

③The vast majority of people under 26 (80%) choose to learn for career, while only 10% of them make the other choice. ④By contrast, in the eldest age group (over 49), those who study for work only occupy 19%, whereas 70% learn for interest. ⑤It is also noticeable that people making the two choices tend to be even in the age group of 40-49, constituting slightly over 40% each.

⑥The second bar chart indicates the proportion of employees who receive support from their employers. ⑦It is clear that the support tend to favour the younger age groups, with 61% of employees under 26 and 50% of those aged 26-29 receiving it. ⑧30-39 is the least favoured group (30%), and the two elder groups are not much better than it.

(175 words)

◆C5T4 (P98)

The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Underground Railway Systems




Main Features


(2)京都地铁的里程数为11km,而年均载客量仅有4 500万人,对应⑦。

Relevant Comparison




NB: Please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.


①The table gives information about the railway systems in six cities, including the opening date, the length of route and the passengers per year.

②It can be seen that generally, the earlier a city started the railway system, the longer route it now has. ③London opened the railway system earlier than all the other cities, and now 394 kilometres have been completed, carrying 775 million passengers every year. ④Paris and Tokyo started 37 and 64 years later, respectively, with the length of route of the former slightly over half, and the latter less than half of that in London. ⑤However, the number of passengers in those cities was much larger, 1,191 million per year in Paris and 1,927 million in Tokyo.

⑥In contrast to Tokyo, another Japanese city, Kyoto opened the railway quite late (1981). ⑦It now stretches for 11 kilometres, with only 45 million passengers every year.

⑧As for the two American cities, Washington DC started the train system earlier (1976) than Los Angeles (2001), the route being four times as long (126 and 28 kilometres respectively) and passengers three times as many (144 and 50 million respectively).

⑨Overall, London started railway the earliest, and enjoys the longest route, while Tokyo has the largest number of passengers.

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◆C7T1 (P30)

The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category—2002




Main Features




Relevant Comparison


NB: Please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.


①The table indicates the proportion of national consumer expense on three different items in five European countries in 2002.

②As the most money-consuming item, food/drinks/tobacco took up 32.14% of the total national consumer expenditure in Turkey. ③Ireland followed, the figure being slightly smaller (28.91%). ④The other three countries (Italy, Spain and Sweden) were less bothered by food, the figures for which were all below 19% (16.36%, 18.80% and 15.77%, respectively).

⑤Clothing/footwear consumed less money than food in those countries. ⑥It accounted for 9.00% in Italy, the country that prevails in this column, almost doubling the figure for Sweden (5.40%). ⑦Turkey was similar to Ireland and Spain in this item, all around 6.50%.

⑧The other item in question was leisure/education, which was the least demanding for money. ⑨Turkey once again exceeded the other countries, with the proportion on this item (4.35%) twice as much as that for Ireland (2.21%) and Spain (1.98%). ⑩Italy and Sweden were almost identical (3.20% and 3.22%, respectively).

⑪To conclude, food/drinks/tobacco constituted the largest proportion of national consumer expenditure in all the given countries, among which Turkey excelled with the total percentage of expense on all the three given items.

(193 words)

◆C10T1 (P30)

The first chart below shows how energy is used in an average Australian household. The second chart shows the greenhouse gas emissions which result from this energy use.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Australian household energy use


Australian household greenhouse gas emissions



water heating占据了第二大能源消耗的地位,并且在温室气体排放方面占比最高,对应⑩。

Main Features

(1)第一张饼图里,heating 和water heating能源消耗最大,对应②;refrigeration, lighting和cooling的能源消耗占比均小于10%,cooling占比最小,对应③。

(2)第二张饼图里,water heating的温室气体排放占比最大(占到了1/3),对应⑤;heating和refrigeration的排放值占比接近,对应⑥;排放整体排序,对应⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨。

Relevant Comparison

在这组静态图中,数据Main Features的呈现即为做共同点和不同点的比较。并且,两张图中的共同点也由Overview进行了描述。

NB: Please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.


①The two pies show the information about the distribution of household energy use and relevant greenhouse gas emission in Australia.

②From the first pie, we can see that the major consumers of domestic energy are heating and water heating, accounting for 42% and 30% respectively. ③Energy used for refrigeration, lighting and cooling make up less than one-tenth for each, with cooling consuming the least of only 2%. ④Another 15% of energy use goes to other appliances.

⑤It can be seen from the second pie that no items emit greater amount of greenhouse gas than water heating does—nearly one-third. ⑥Followed by that are heating and refrigeration, both of which produce the roughly same amount of gas emission at the level of 15%. ⑦Next comes lighting with 8%. ⑧3% of greenhouse gas is emitted by cooling, taking the last place of all. ⑨The remaining 28% is generated from other appliances.

⑩All in all, water heating consumes the second largest share of energy while its domestic greenhouse gas emission is also the most noticeable.

(172 words)

◆C10T3 (P77)

The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Destination of UK graduates (excluding full-time work) 2008


Destination of UK postgraduates (excluding full-time work) 2008





Main Features




Relevant Comparison

在这组静态图中,数据Main Features的呈现即为做共同点和不同点的比较。并且,两张图中的共同点也由Overview进行了描述。


NB: Please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.


①The charts give information about the destination of UK graduates and postgraduates who did not choose to work full-time after leaving university in 2008. ②Overall, it is clear that to further their study was the No. 1 option, followed by taking on part-time work. ③Noticeably, both of the two groups of young people who did not choose any kind of work made up a fairly large part, second to those part-timers, with over 15,000 and 1,500 for each group, respectively.

④To be more specific, around 30,000 graduate students decided to study for a higher degree or other academic qualifications. ⑤This figure doubled those who worked part-time in that year. ⑥Comparatively speaking, the number of postgraduate students who went on studying (2,725) showed a great resemblance to that of working part-time (2,535), though the former was slightly more than the latter. ⑦Only 345 of them chose to work without being paid, approximately one-seventh of the above two groups.

⑧It can be seen from the graph that the total number of graduate students was ten times as much as the postgraduate ones.

(179 words)

◆C11T1 (P30)

The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world




Main Features


(2)非洲、中亚和东南亚:农业用水占了绝大部分(the vast majority),而另两类用水所占比例相似。对应⑤。


Relevant Comparison


NB: Please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.


①The pie charts indicate the different proportion of water used for three purposes in six regions. ②It can be seen that North America and Europe have the largest proportion of water used for industry, while the other four regions see agriculture contributing to the majority of water consumption.

③About half of the total water is used by industry in North America and Europe (48% and 53%, respectively). ④The following sector is farming, which constitutes respectively 39% and 32% in those two regions, and domestic use occupies the remaining 13% and 15%.

⑤Water used in agriculture takes up the vast majority of the total in Africa, Central Asia and Southeast Asia (84%, 88% and 81%, respectively), and there is not much difference in that used in the other two sectors.

⑥Another region where agriculture is the largest water-consuming sector is South America, contributing to 71% of the total water use. ⑦Not only does this region feature that, but also it is the only area in question where domestic use far exceeds industry, consuming 19% of the total water.

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