














The central problem that Mr. ×× describes in the passage is that women have been

A. prevented from voting.

B. blocked by men from serving as legislators.

C. denied equal educational rights.

D. enjoying the same privilege as the men.



The main purpose of the passage is to

A. make an argument about the influences of the modern media on young people.

B. take a position on government's financial supports for electronic media.

C. compare the brain functions in people playing games and those who never play.

D. report on the social skills of people with a great deal of experiences of surfing Internet.


The central idea of the fourth paragraph(lines 35-57)is that…

A. the relationship between caloric intake and longevity has been confirmed.

B. caloric reduction can afect SIRT-3 enzyme in diferent groups of mice.

C. caloric reduction afects mice diferently than it afects rabbits.

D. it is likely impossible to increase the life-span of humans by caloric reduction.

Which choice best summarizes the first paragraph of the passage(lines 1-35)?

A. It is hard to predict human's ethical decisions precisely.

B. People usually face with the economic injustice negatively.

C. Understanding the real psychology of people is so dificult.

D. Economists should take the responsibility of reforming the free marker.



The first paragraph serves mainly to…

A. illustrate that one's actions are from his educational background.

B. develop a counterargument to the claim that economy is ethical.

C. describe one approach of defining stock market.

D. provide support for the idea that stock market is evil.

What function does the third paragraph(lines 20-34)serve in the passage as a whole?

A. To convey the idea of a static universe composed of separate members.

B. To compare the immensity of the universe with the vastness of the ocean.

C. To stress the dynamic relationship of stars within a galaxy group.

D. To lessen the negative implications of future collisions in the universe.


Which choice best reflects the overall sequence of events in the passage?

A. An experiment is proposed but proves unworkable; a more ambitious experiment is suggested, and its yields contribute to one new set of question.

B. An unexpected finding arises during the early stages of one study; the study is improved in response to this finding, and the results are predicted.

C. An phenomenon is observed and studied; the results are compared with previous findings, and one new suggestion is proposed.

D. A new discovery leads to one new theory; one improved study is adapted, and the results are modified.



Over the course of the passage, the focus shifts from

A. a scientific study about time travel to an example of how humans exploit it.

B. a description of the development of time travel to an evaluation of its limitation in science.

C. an explanation of time travel to a description of a study about its scientific basis.

D. an argument in support of the existence of time travel to a counter-argument refuting its existence.




As used in line 15, “translate” is closest in meaning to

A. move.

B. convert.

C. exchange.

D. devour.



Where does the author point to the volcanic eruption most probably was located?

A. In the Europe.

B. In the Arctic.

C. In the Africa.

D. Near the equator.


辉哥提示: 通过整体顺序性和使用Paragraph的方法,这种题目的定位非常简单。


The author uses the phrase “XXX”(line 6)most likely to

A. highlight the negative connotations that the new technology currently has.

B. emphasize the extensive research of the new technology.

C. demonstrate the inherent characteristic of the technology.

D. implicitly compare the new technology to other forms of technology.


Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

A. Lines 29-31.

B. Lines 56-58.

C. Lines 61-64.

D. Lines 67-71.



Based on the table, which choice gives the correct percentage of the XXX in YYY?

A. 17.3% and 17.6%.

B. 17.3% and 32.4%.

C. 17.3% and 32.7%.

D. 17.7% and 32.6%.

The author of the passage would most likely consider the information in chart to

A. confirm that DNA is the molecule carries the genetic information for most mammals.

B. counter the claim that the relationship between the density of DNA and the known chemical formula of DNA is correct.

C. emphasize the exact number of chains in a molecule of DNA.

D. support that the findings of the X-ray evidence is wrong.

Do the data in the table provide support for the authors’ claim?

A. Yes, because the data provide evidence that infections can cause the death of the ant.

B. Yes, because for each pathogen, the percent of colonies infected is higher for colonies with disorder than those without disorder.

C. No, because the data do not provide evidence about fungus as a cause of colony disorder.

D. No, because the data do not show the ants are infected with fungus.

In the graph, the year 2000-2010 were characterized by

A. less growth in urban areas than had taken place in the 1980s.

B. roughly equal growth in large metropolitan areas.

C. less growth in small metropolitan areas than in large metropolitan areas. D. a sigificant decline in the population of large metropolitan areas.

这是新SAT里的一种新题型,辉哥将会在下面的章节中进行详细讲解。 Hx1OXUYNqUdCZ3XQgQ4d05Flqg+7jX0hvUhVfPS9yjt/LR7M7Bw6g2yNGzoCte5j
