
Unit 5

□ protocol

□ underpin

□ wrinkle

□ specification

□ swaddle

□ imbalance

□ debunk

□ restatement

□ ratify

□ coax

□ proliferate

□ subordinate

protocol ['proʊtəkɔl]

【考法】 N-COUNT A protocol is a plan for a course of medical treatment, or a plan for a scientific experiment. 治疗方案;科学实验计划

【例句】.the detoxification protocol.


underpin [ˌʌndə'pɪn]

【考法】 VERB If one thing underpins another, it helps the other thing to continue or succeed by supporting and strengthening it. 加强……的基础;巩固;支撑

【例句】.mystical themes that underpin all religions.


wrinkle ['rɪŋkəl]

【考法1】VERB If cloth wrinkles, or if someone or something wrinkles it, it gets folds or lines in it. (使)(衣服)起皱,起褶

【例句1】Her stockings wrinkled at the ankles.


【考法2】VERB When someone’s skin wrinkles or when something wrinkles it, lines start to form in it because the skin is getting old or damaged. (使)(皮肤)起皱纹

【例句2】The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning to wrinkle.


specification [ˌspɛsəfə'keʃən]

【考法】 N-COUNT A specification is a requirement which is clearly stated, for example about the necessary features in the design of something. 规格;具体要求

【例句】Troll’s exclusive, personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC/nylon.


swaddle ['swɑdl]

【考法】 VERB If you swaddle a baby, you wrap cloth around he/she in order to keep it warm or to prevent he/she from moving. (用布)包裹,裹紧(婴儿)

【例句】Swaddle your newborn baby so that she feels secure.


imbalance [ɪm'bæləns]

【考法】 N-VAR If there is an imbalance in a situation, the things involved are not the same size, or are not the right size in proportion to each other. 不平衡;不均衡;失衡

【例句】.the imbalance between the two sides in this war.


debunk [di'bʌŋk]

【考法】 VERB If you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false. If you debunk something that is widely admired, you show that it is not as good as people think it is. 指出……的错误;揭穿……的吹嘘(或虚假)

【例句】Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.


restatement [ˌriː'steɪtmənt]

【考法】 N-COUNT A restatement of something that has been said or written is another statement that repeats it, usually in a slightly different form. 重申;再次声明;重说

【例句】I hope this book is not yet another restatement of the prevailing wisdom.


ratify ['rætəˌfaɪ]

【考法】 VERB When national leaders or organizations ratify a treaty or written agreement, they make it official by giving their formal approval to it, usually by signing it or voting for it. 正式签署;批准;认可

【例句】The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty.


coax [koʊks]

【考法】 VERB If you coax something such as information out of someone, you gently persuade them to give it to you. 连哄带劝地得到

【例句】The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim.


proliferate [prə'lɪfəˌret]

【考法】 VERB If things proliferate, they increase in number very quickly. 激增;剧增

【例句】Computerized data bases are proliferating fast.


subordinate [sə'bɔːdɪnət]

【考法】 VERB If you subordinate something to another thing, you regard it or treat it as less important than the other thing. 把……置于次要地位;看轻

【例句】He was both willing and able to subordinate all else to this aim.

为了这个目标,他愿意并能够把其他一切都放在次要的位置。 cRfVDwAOwzZTT9tAh/Sh9TFrphpIVrDGuvZAMCoCIQzjjEno79enjikKhMz2/rkD
