
Unit 10

□ vital

□ reflective

□ adjoin

□ footprint

□ carpenter

□ analyze

□ indecisive

□ dissipate

□ deem

□ collegial

□ tone

□ provocative

vital ['vaɪtl]

【考法】 ADJ -GRADED If you say that something is vital, you mean that it is necessary or very important. 必要的;至关重要的;必不可少的

【例句】The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims.


reflective [rɪ'flɛktɪv]

【考法】 ADJ -GRADED If you are reflective, you are thinking deeply about something. 沉思的;深思的

【例句】I walked on in a reflective mood to the car.


adjoin [ə'dʒɔɪn]

【考法】 VERB If one room, place, or object adjoins another, they are next to each other. 紧挨;邻接;毗连

【例句】Fields adjoined the garden and there were no neighbours.


footprint ['fʊtˌprɪnt]

【考法】 N-COUNT A footprint is a mark in the shape of a foot that a person or animal makes in or on a surface. 足迹;脚印

【例句】I dread to think what the carbon footprint must be like of moving that coal but we have no choice.我都不敢想象为了运这些煤产生了多少碳足迹,但我们没有选择。

carpenter ['kɑrpəntə]

【考法】 N-COUNT A carpenter is a person whose job is making and repairing wooden things. 木工;木匠

【例句】That carpenter wanted to become a lawyer, but he was advised to stick to his last.


analyze [ˑænəˌlaɪz]

【考法】 VERB If you analyse something, you consider it carefully or use statistical methods in order to fully understand it. 分析;分解;细察

【例句】We should develop the students’ ability to analyse and solve problems.


indecisive [ˌɪndɪ'saɪsɪv]

【考法】 ADJ -GRADED If you say that someone is indecisive, you mean that they find it very difficult to make decisions. 优柔寡断的;无决断力的;迟疑不决的

【例句】Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room.


dissipate ['dɪsəˌpet]

【考法】 VERB When something dissipates or when you dissipate it, it becomes less or becomes less strong until it disappears or goes away completely. (使)消失;消除;驱散

【例句】The tension in the room had dissipated.


deem [dim]

【考法】 VERB If something is deemed to have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing. 认为;视为;相信

【例句】French and German were deemed essential.


collegial [kə'lidʒɪəl]

【考法】 ADJ of or relating to a college 学院的

【例句】The culture at this employer—my current one—has been a factor too, including the collegial atmosphere and emphasis on high professional standards.


tone [toʊn]

【考法1】N-COUNT The tone of a sound is its particular quality. 音质;音色;音调

【例句1】Cross could hear him speaking in low tones to Sarah.


【考法2】N-SING The tone of a speech or piece of writing is its style and the opinions or ideas expressed in it. (演讲、文章的)语气,调子,基调

【例句2】The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly.


provocative [prə'vɑkətɪv]

【考法】 ADJ -GRADED If you describe something as provocative, you mean that it is intended to make people react angrily or argue against it. 挑衅的;煽动的;激怒的;刺激的

【例句】He has made a string of outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches in recent years.

他近些年发表了一系列直言不讳、有时带煽动性的演说。 QPTS4zYQ9gCnGhgTQttfM4D6Mg+ceO3qWwQfIUFFr4iIPvihtPCvjppZYuojjt2w
