
Unit 5

□ betoken

□ trivialize

□ poll

□ virgo

□ counterargument

□ unforgiving

□ chemotherapy

□ alignment

□ exclaim

□ bandicoot

□ rigging

□ violet

betoken [bɪ'toʊkən]

【考法】 VERB If something betokens something else, it is a sign of this thing. 预示;显示

【例句】The president alone betokened the national identity.


trivialize ['trɪvɪrlaɪz]

【考法】 VERB If you say that someone trivializes something important, you disapprove of them because they make it seem less important, serious, and complex than it is. 贬低;轻视;使显得琐碎(或简单)

【例句】It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world’s environmental problems.


poll [poʊl]

【考法】 N-COUNT A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future. 民意测验;民意调查

【例句】Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark.


virgo ['vɜrgoʊ]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Virgo is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a young woman. People who are born approximately between the 23rd of August and the 22nd of September come under this sign. 室女宫,室女座(黄道十二宫之一,出生于8月23日至9月22日之间的人属此星座)

【例句】Virgo likes to attack back when confronted.


counterargument ['kaʊntəˌɑrgjʊmənt]

【考法】 N-COUNT A counterargument is an argument that makes an opposing point to another argument. 反驳;抗辩

【例句】.an attempt to develop a counterargument to the labor theory.


unforgiving [ˌʌnfər'gɪvɪŋ]

【考法】 ADJ If you describe someone as unforgiving, you mean that they are unwilling to forgive other people. 不宽容的;不原谅人的

【例句】He was an unforgiving man who never forgot a slight.


chemotherapy [ˌkimoʊ'θɛrəpi]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Chemotherapy is the treatment of disease using chemicals. It is often used in treating cancer. (常用于治疗癌症的)化学疗法,化疗

【例句】It was the origin of modern chemotherapy.


alignment [ə'laɪnmənt]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT The alignment of something is its position in relation to something else or to its correct position. 调准;校正

【例句】.the alignment of mirrors in the telescope.


exclaim [ɪk'sklem]

【考法】 VERB Writers sometimes use exclaim to show that someone is speaking suddenly, loudly, or emphatically, often because they are excited, shocked, or angry. (由于激动、震惊、愤怒等)突然呼喊,惊叫,大声喊

【例句】“He went back to the lab”, Iris exclaimed impatiently.


bandicoot ['bændɪˌkut]

【考法】 N-COUNT any agile terrestrial marsupial of the family Peramelidae of Australia and New Guinea.They have a long pointed muzzle and a long tail and feed mainly on small invertebrates 澳大利亚和新几内亚的袋狸科动物

rigging ['rɪɡɪŋ]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT On a ship, the rigging is the ropes which support the ship’s masts and sails. (船的)索具,绳索,帆缆

【例句】. the howling of the wind in the rigging.


violet ['vaɪəlɪt]

【考法】 N-COUNT A violet is a small plant that has purple or white flowers in the spring. 紫罗兰

【例句】She inhaled the violet perfume, saying “How sweet!”

她一边闻紫罗兰的芳香,一边说“好香啊”。 3H0oW0dzL9LaGt3UL7FWpzw1UuqmO951lsgTtkOCypkQlOyOxD9wRIrFtPuSgsoQ
