
Unit 1

□ abbey

□ taxonomy

□ formulary

□ crafty

□ girlish

□ accommodation

□ ownership

□ urbanization

□ frustrate

□ uplifting

□ contentment

□ quintessential

abbey ['æbi]

【考法】 N-COUNT An abbey is a church with buildings attached to it in which monks or nuns live or used to live. (大)修道院

【例句】The abbey was founded by a Norman monk who came over with William the Conqueror in 1066 and became a bishop.

这座修道院是由一个诺曼教士建立起来的。他跟随征服者威廉于 1066年一同到来,并且成为了一个主教。

taxonomy [tæk'sɑnəmi]

【考法】 N-VAR Taxonomy is the process of naming and classifying things such as animals and plants into groups within a larger system, according to their similarities and differences. (动植物等的)分类法,分类学

【例句】The study of taxonomy must necessarily involve the amassing of an encyclopaedic knowledge of plants.


formulary ['fɔmjəˌleri]

【考法1】NOUN a book or system of prescribed formulas, esp relating to religious procedure or doctrine (尤指宗教程序或教条的)公式集

【例句1】The WHO Model Formulary is a guide on how to make effective use of the medicines on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.


【考法2】ADJ relating to, or of the nature of a formula 规定的;公式的;药方的

【例句2】According to formulary requirement, of nursery school large-scale decorate, rebuild need interval 5 years or so, miniature local decorate, rebuild unfavorable repeat undertake.


crafty ['kræfti]

【考法】 ADJ If you describe someone as crafty, you mean that they achieve what they want in a clever way, often by deceiving people. 巧妙的;狡诈的;诡计多端的

【例句】.a crafty, lying character who enjoys plotting against others.


girlish ['gɜːlɪʃ]

【考法】 ADJ -GRADED If you describe a woman as girlish, you mean she behaves, looks, or sounds like a young girl, for example because she is shy, excited, or lively. 像女孩子的;少女似的

【例句】She gave a little girlish giggle.


accommodation [əˌkɑmə'deɪʃn]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Accommodation is space in buildings or vehicles that is available for certain things, people, or activities. (楼房或交通工具内的)空间,座位,铺位

【例句】The school occupies split-site accommodation on the main campus.


ownership ['oʊnəʃɪp]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Ownership of something is the state of owning it. 所有权;产权;物主身份

【例句】On January 23rd, America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines.


urbanization [ˌɜːbənaɪ'zeɪʃn]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Urbanization is the process of creating towns in country areas. 城市化;都市化

【例句】Much of this, she says, is due to increased urbanization.


frustrate ['frʌstreɪt]

【考法】 VERB If something frustrates you, it upsets or angers you because you are unable to do anything about the problems it creates. 使灰心;使沮丧;使愤怒

【例句】These questions frustrated me.


uplifting [ʌp'lɪftɪŋ]

【考法】 ADJ -GRADED You describe something as uplifting when it makes you feel very cheerful and happy. 振奋人心的;鼓舞人心的;令人兴奋不已的

【例句】.a charming and uplifting love story.


contentment [kən'tɛntmənt]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Contentment is a feeling of quiet happiness and satisfaction. 满意;满足

【例句】I cannot describe the feeling of contentment that was with me at that time.


quintessential [ˌkwɪntə'sɛnʃəl]

【考法】 ADJ -GRADED Quintessential means representing a perfect or typical example of something. 典范的;典型的

【例句】This was quintessential Midwestern farming country.

这就是典型的中西部农村。 nQ45iGv6RUmcwJqPUtinWzErQJH1TeZyfCvgtlm2UdOOvCX6n4zB5/mW+x666N9s
