□ outset
□ steamer
□ arrest
□ skinny
□ discrepancy
□ disorder
□ behold
□ shove
□ elevate
□ wobbly
□ manipulative
□ downright
outset ['aʊtˌsɛt]
【考法】 PHRASE If something happens at the outset of an event, process, or period of time, it happens at the beginning of it. If something happens from the outset it happens from the beginning and continues to happen. 在开始时,从一开始
【例句】Decide at the outset what kind of learning programme you want to follow.
steamer ['stimə]
【考法】 N-COUNT A steamer is a ship that has an engine powered by steam. 汽船;轮船
【例句】The steamer touched at 3 ports.
arrest [ə'rɛst]
【考法】 VERB If something interesting or surprising arrests your attention, you suddenly notice it and then continue to look at it or consider it carefully. 吸引(注意)
【例句】The work of an architect of genius always arrests the attention no matter how little remains.
skinny ['skɪni]
【考法】 ADJ -GRADED A skinny person is extremely thin, often in a way that you find unattractive. 很瘦的;皮包骨头的;骨瘦如柴的
【例句】He was quite a skinny little boy.
discrepancy [dɪ'skrɛpənsi]
【考法】 N-VAR If there is a discrepancy between two things that ought to be the same, there is a noticeable difference between them. 差异;不符;不一致;出入
【例句】.the discrepancy between press and radio reports.
disorder [dɪs'ɔːdə(r)]
【考法】 N-VAR A disorder is a problem or illness which affects someone’s mind or body. (身心机能的)失调,不适,紊乱,疾病
【例句】.a rare nerve disorder that can cause paralysis of the arms.
behold [bɪ'hoʊld]
【考法】 VERB If you behold someone or something, you see them. 看见;看到
【例句】She looked into his eyes and beheld madness.
shove [ʃʌv]
【考法】 VERB If you shove something somewhere, you push it there quickly and carelessly. 乱放;乱塞;随便放;胡乱丢
【例句】We shoved a copy of the newsletter beneath their door.
elevate ['ɛləˌvet]
【考法】 VERB To elevate something means to increase it in amount or intensity. 提高;增加
【例句】Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure.
wobbly ['wɑbli]
【考法】 ADJ -GRADED Something that is wobbly moves unsteadily from side to side. 摇摆的;晃动的
【例句】I was sitting on a wobbly plastic chair.
manipulative [mə'nɪpjəletɪv]
【考法】 ADJ -GRADED If you describe someone as manipulative, you disapprove of them because they skilfully force or persuade people to act in the way that they want. 操纵的;控制的;善于摆布(他人)的
【例句】He described Mr Long as cold, calculating and manipulative.
downright ['daʊnˌraɪt]
【考法】 ADJ characterized by plain blunt honesty 明显的;直率的;彻底的
【例句】.downright bad manners.