□ plaintive
□ despotism
□ avalanche
□ arrogance
□ boyish
□ shipwreck
□ marrow
□ unbutton
□ comportment
□ boreal
□ commitment
□ sequoia
plaintive ['plentɪv]
【考法】 ADJ -GRADED A plaintive sound or voice sounds sad. 悲伤的;哀怨的
【例句】They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls.
despotism ['dɛspəˌtɪzəm]
【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Despotism is cruel and unfair government by a ruler or rulers who have a lot of power. 专制君主统治;专制政治;暴政
【例句】There was nothing to fear from the Egyptians, accustomed as they were to despotism since the Pharaonic age.
avalanche ['ævəlæntʃ]
【考法】 N-COUNT An avalanche is a large mass of snow that falls down the side of a mountain. 雪崩
【例句】But what if the avalanche happened?
arrogance ['ærəɡəns]
【考法】 N-UNCOUNT overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors 傲慢;自大
【例句】I cannot brook his arrogance.
boyish ['bɔɪɪʃ]
【考法】 ADJ -GRADED If you describe a man as boyish, you mean that he is like a boy in his appearance or behaviour, and you find this characteristic quite attractive. (外貌或举止)男孩子气的,稚气的
【例句】She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin.
shipwreck ['ʃɪpˌrɛk]
【考法】 N-VAR If there is a shipwreck, a ship is destroyed in an accident at sea. 船舶失事;船只遇难;海难
【例句】He was drowned in a shipwreck off the coast of Spain.
marrow ['mæroʊ]
【考法】 N-SING The marrow of something is the most important and basic part of it. 精华;精髓;核心
【例句】We’re getting into the marrow of the film.
unbutton [ʌn'bʌtn]
【考法】 VERB If you unbutton an item of clothing, you undo the buttons fastening it. 解开……的纽扣
【例句】She began to unbutton her blouse.
comportment [kəm'pɔrtmənt]
【考法】 N-UNCOUNT conduct; bearing 行为;举止
【例句】This paper analyzed on seven inaccurate concepts and comportments in human resource management, and put forward corresponding methods.
boreal ['bɔːrɪəl]
【考法】 ADJ of or relating to the north or the north wind 北方的;北风的
【例句】.boreal forest.
commitment [kə'mɪtmənt]
【考法】 N-COUNT A commitment is something which regularly takes up some of your time because of an agreement you have made or because of responsibilities that you have. 承诺;责任;义务
【例句】I’ve got a lot of commitments.
sequoia [sɪ'kwɔɪə]
【考法】 N-COUNT A sequoia is a very tall tree which grows in California. There are several different types of sequoia. 红杉;(加州的)巨杉
【例句】.a grove of majestic sequoias .