□ removal
□ competence
□ gangway
□ figment
□ outspoken
□ fetal
□ lapse
□ untested
□ montane
□ mansion
□ overarching
□ patriotism
removal [rɪ'muvəl]
【考法】 N-UNCOUNT The removal of something is the act of removing it. 消除;去除
【例句】What they expected to be the removal of a small lump turned out to be major surgery.
competence ['kɑmpɪtəns]
【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Competence is the ability to do something well or effectively. 能力;才干
【例句】His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation.
gangway ['ɡæŋˌwe]
【考法】 N-COUNT a temporary passageway of planks 跳板
【例句】I saw her back figure moving on the gangway with difficulty. My eyes burst into tears.我看着她的背影艰难地跨过了跳板,我的眼泪夺眶而出。
figment ['fɪɡmənt]
【考法】 N-COUNT If you say that something is a figment of someone’s imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it. 臆造的事物;虚构的事物
【例句】The attack wasn’t just a figment of my imagination.
outspoken [aʊt'spoʊkən]
【考法】 ADJ -GRADED Someone who is outspoken gives their opinions about things openly and honestly, even if they are likely to shock or offend people. 坦率的;直言不讳的
【例句】Some church leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in Kenya.
fetal ['fitl]
【考法】 ADJ Fetal is used to describe something that relates to or is like a fetus. 胎儿的
【例句】.somewhere between the fourth and fifth month of fetal development.
lapse [læps]
【考法1】N-COUNT A lapse is a moment or instance of bad behaviour by someone who usually behaves well. ( 一时的)行为失检
【例句1】On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.
【考法2】N-COUNT A lapse of time is a period that is long enough for a situation to change or for people to have a different opinion about it. (时间的)间隔
【例句2】.the restoration of diplomatic relations after a lapse of 24 years.
untested [ˌʌn'testɪd]
【考法】 ADJ If you describe something such as a drug or chemical as untested, you mean that it has not been subject to scientific tests to find out if it is safe to use. 未经检验的;未经测试的
【例句】.the dangers of giving untested drugs to people.
montane ['mɑnteɪn]
【考法】 ADJ of or inhabiting mountainous regions 生活于山区的
【例句】.a montane flora.
mansion ['mænʃən]
【考法】 N-COUNT A mansion is a very large house. 宅邸;大厦
【例句】.an eighteenth century mansion in Hampshire.
overarching [ˌoʊvə'ɑrtʃɪŋ]
【考法】 ADJ You use overarching to indicate that you are talking about something that includes or affects everything or everyone. 包罗万象的;影响一切的
【例句】The overarching question seems to be what happens when the US pulls out?
patriotism ['petriəˌtɪzəm]
【考法】 N-UNCOUNT Patriotism is love for your country and loyalty towards it. 爱国主义;爱国精神
【例句】He was a country boy who had joined the army out of a sense of patriotism and adventure.