
Unit 6

□ scrabble

□ borderer

□ catapult

□ electrochemical

□ huddle

□ accomplice

□ suppression

□ mentor

□ pervade

□ reinforce

□ ancestry

□ bypass

scrabble ['skræbl]

【考法1】N-COUNT a board game in which words are formed from letters in patterns similar to a crossword puzzle; each letter has a value and those values are used to score the game 一种拼字游戏

【例句1】Play a board game like Monopoly or scrabble with your friends.


【考法2】VERB If you scrabble for something, especially something that you cannot see, you move your hands or your feet about quickly and hurriedly in order to find it. 乱扒;乱摸;(尤指在看不见时)摸索着寻找

【例句2】He grabbed his jacket and scrabbled in his desk drawer for some loose change.


borderer ['bɔdərə]

【考法】 N-COUNT a person who lives in a border area, esp the border between England and Scotland 边境居民

【例句】.beyond borders.


catapult ['kætəˌpʌlt,-ˌpʊlt]

【考法】 VERB If someone or something catapults or is catapulted through the air, they are thrown very suddenly, quickly, and violently through it. (将……)弹出;(使)射出

【例句】We’ve all seen enough dummies catapulting through windscreens in TV warnings to know the dangers of not wearing seat belts.


electrochemical [ɪˌlɛktrəʊ'kɛmɪkəl]

【考法】 ADJ of or relating to electrochemistry 电化学的;与电化学有关的

【例句】Potential variation of thin oil film in electrolyte is an electrochemical process.薄膜油层在电解质中的电位变化是一个电化学过程。

huddle ['hʌdl]

【考法】 VERB If people huddle together or huddle round something, they stand, sit, or lie close to each other, usually because they all feel cold or frightened. (通常因寒冷或恐惧而)聚在一起,挤成一团

【例句】Tired and lost, we huddled together.


accomplice [ə'kɑmplɪs]

【考法】 N-COUNT Someone’s accomplice is a person who helps them to commit a crime. 共犯;同谋;帮凶

【例句】The gunman escaped on a motorcycle being ridden by an accomplice.


suppression [sə'prɛʃən]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT the failure to develop of some part or organ of a plant (生长发育的)抑制

【例句】.fat suppression.


mentor ['mentɔr]

【考法】 N-COUNT A person’s mentor is someone who gives them help and advice over a period of time, especially help and advice related to their job. (尤指工作方面的)导师,指导者

【例句】Pick one program, course or mentor you resonate with and stick with it.


pervade [pə'veɪd]

【考法】 VERB If something pervades a place or thing, it is a noticeable feature throughout it. 贯穿;弥漫;渗透

【例句】The smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the factory.


reinforce [ˌriɪn'fɔrs]

【考法1】VERB If something reinforces an idea or point of view, it provides more evidence or support for it. 给予……更多支持;为……提供更多证据

【例句1】.films that reinforce the idea that we live in a threatening and risky world.


【考法2】VERB If something reinforces a feeling, situation, or process, it makes it stronger or more intense. 加强;增强

【例句2】.A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.


ancestry ['ænˌsɛstri]

【考法】 N-COUNT Your ancestry is the fact that you are descended from certain people. 世系;血统

【例句】.a family who could trace their ancestry back to the sixteenth century.


bypass ['baɪˌpæs]

【考法】 VERB If you bypass someone or something that you would normally have to get involved with, you ignore them, often because you want to achieve something more quickly. (通常为更快地实现某事)越过,避开,绕开

【例句】A growing number of employers are trying to bypass the unions altogether.

越来越多的雇主试图完全绕过工会行事。 9dvR+MbdJjoX2HdP35VmfDufWn+/nMlU26w03goVbNQcd73ooJ4yjWF/lGHjL9Yf
