

□cosmopolitanism □cabinetry □glint □tranquilizer

□lax □subtract □flux □snide

□defoliate □intercollegiate □contortion □hone

cosmopolitanism [ˌkɔzməˈpɔlɪtənizəm]

【考法】 NOUN Cosmopolitanism is the ideology that all human ethnic groups belong to a single community based on a shared morality. A person who adheres to the idea of cosmopolitanism in any of its forms is called a cosmopolitan or cosmopolite. 世界主义;世界大同主义;四海一家

【例句】 From finding prejudice to fighting it was a necessary step, one that put him on a path toward cosmopoli tanism.


cabinetry [ˈkæbɪnətri]

【考法】 NOUN 橱柜

【例句】 I saved and restored the old cabinetry on the right, to keep the original integrity of the flat’s design in place.


glint [ɡlɪnt]

【考法】 VERB If something glints, it produces or reflects a quick flash of light. 闪闪发光;闪亮

【例句】 The sea glinted in the sun.


tranquilizer [ˈtrænkwɪlaɪzə]

【考法】 NOUN A tranquilizer is a drug that makes people feel calmer or less anxious. Tranquilizers are some times used to make people or animals become sleepy or unconscious. 镇静剂

【例句】 For instance, acquiring a blood sample from a chimp can require a “knockdown,”or shooting it with a tranquilizer gun.


lax [læks]

【考法】 ADJ If you say that a person’s behaviour or a system is lax, you mean they are not careful or strict about maintaining high standards. 松懈的;马虎的;不严格的

【例句】 One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.


subtract [səbˈtrækt]

【考法】 VERB If you subtract one number from another, you do a calculation in which you take it away from the other number. For example, if you subtract 3 from 5, you get 2. 减;减去

【例句】 Mandy subtracted the date of birth from the date of death.


flux [flʌks]

【考法1】 NOUN If something is in a state of flux, it is constantly changing. 变动;波动

【例句1】 Education remains in a state of flux which will take some time to settle down.


【考法2】 NOUN You can refer to a flowing mass as a flux. 流量

【例句2】 When you think about some of these flux shapes and this chart basically shows what they might be.


snide [snaɪd]

【考法】 ADJ A snide comment or remark is one which criticizes someone in an unkind and often indirect way. 刻薄的;讽刺的;恶意的

【例句】 He made a snide comment about her weight.


defoliate [ˌdiˈfɔlɪet]

【考法】 VERB To defoliate an area or the plants in it means to cause the leaves on the plants to fall off or be destroyed. This is done especially in war to remove protection from an enemy. (尤指战时)使落叶,去掉……的叶子,毁坏(某一地区)的绿色植物

【例句】 Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange, used to defoliate Vietnam.


intercollegiate [ˌɪntəkəˈlidʒɪət]

【考法】 ADJ Intercollegiate means involving or related to more than one college or university. 学院之间的;院际的;大学之间的;校际的

【例句】 .the first intercollegiate gymnastics team championship.


contortion [kənˈtɔːʃn]

【考法】 NOUN Contortions are movements of your body or face into unusual shapes or positions. (躯体、面部等的)扭弯,扭曲,变形

【例句】 I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.


hone [hoʊn]

【考法】 VERB If you hone something, for example a skill, technique, idea, or product, you carefully develop it over a long period of time so that it is exactly right for your purpose. 磨炼(技能);开发(产品);锤炼(观点)

【例句】 Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers.

龙头公司会在磨砺高层管理人员的技能上付出时间和金钱。 x1cCvzygVmIXOK6r/AqBfzORqo6UJ5ASu0SQ/hqZdlEEXJXJtLAcd+b39dEH54py
