

□vital □perforation □crooked □onus

□amphitheater □tunnel □haunt □pseudoscience

□turbulent □vicious □affection □peat

vital [ˈvaɪtl]

【考法】 ADJ If you say that something is vital, you mean that it is necessary or very important. 必要的;至关重要的;必不可少的

【例句】 The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims.


perforation [ˌpɜːfəˈreɪʃn]

【考法】 NOUN Perforations are small holes that are made in something, especially in paper. 小孔;小洞;(尤指)纸孔

【例句】 Tear off the form along the perforations and send it to sales.


crooked [ˈkrʊkɪd]

【考法】 ADJ If you describe something as crooked, especially something that isn’t usually straight, you mean that it is bent or twisted. 弯曲的

【例句】 The map on the wall is a bit crooked.


onus [ˈoʊnəs]

【考法】 NOUN If you say that the onus is on someone to do something, you mean it is their duty or responsi bility to do it. 义务;责任;职责

【例句】 The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description.


amphitheater [ˌæmfɪˈθɪətə]

【考法】 NOUN a building, usually circular or oval, in which tiers of seats rise from a central open arena, as in those of ancient Rome 圆形露天竞技场

【例句】 The blended wing’s widened fuselage will make for amphitheater-like seating, with long, wide rows.


tunnel [ˈtʌnəl]

【考法】 NOUN A tunnel is a long passage which has been made under the ground, usually through a hill or un der the sea. 隧道;地道

【例句】 .two new railway tunnels through the Alps.


haunt [hɔnt, hɑnt]

【考法】 VERB A ghost or spirit that haunts a place or a person regularly appears in the place, or is seen by the person and frightens them. (鬼魂等)常出没于

【例句】 His ghost is said to haunt some of the rooms, banging a toy drum.


pseudoscience [ˌsʊdoˈsaɪəns]

【考法】 NOUN a discipline or approach that pretends to be or has a close resemblance to science 伪科学;假科学

【例句】 After several rounds of open arguments, the debate on pseudoscience appears to be cooling.


turbulent [ˈtɜːbjələnt]

【考法】 ADJ A turbulent time, place, or relationship is one in which there is a lot of change, confusion, and disorder. 变幻莫测的;动荡的;骚乱的;混乱的

【例句】 They had been together for five or six turbulent years of rows and reconciliations.


vicious [ˈvɪʃəs]

【考法】 ADJ A vicious person or a vicious blow is violent and cruel. 残暴的;凶残的;凶恶的

【例句】 He was a cruel and vicious man.


affection [əˈfɛkʃən]

【考法】 NOUN If you regard someone or something with affection, you like them and are fond of them. 喜爱;喜欢

【例句】 She thought of him with affection.


peat [pit]

【考法】 NOUN Peat is decaying plant material which is found under the ground in some cool, wet regions. Peat can be added to soil to help plants grow, or can be burnt on fires instead of coal. 泥炭;泥煤

【例句】 If your soil is very dry, you can add peat or compost, which returns nutrients to the soil.

如果土壤非常干,你可以增加泥炭或肥料,这些能恢复土壤中的营养。 HDJ7ovA64dmXpqFrbJX5osus9X2tvD444boxRQXmbkVFFsXN5qufbDKEdLykwX7d
