NOUN (计算机的)高速缓冲存储器: a special part of a computer’s memory that helps it work faster by storing information for a short time
NOUN 隐藏物(尤指武器);隐藏处: a number of things that have been hidden, especially weapons, or the place where they have been hidden
【近】 deposit, hoard, reserve, store
VERB 隐藏;秘藏(尤指武器): to hide something in a secret place, especially weapons
【近】 hoard, lay away, lay by, lay in, stash, stockpile, store, stow, treasure
NOUN 同意: an indication of approval carrying great prestige
NOUN 声望: a characteristic feature or quality conferring prestige
NOUN 刺耳的声音;不和谐音: unpleasant loud sounds
【近】 babel, bruit, noise, chatter, clamor, din, discordance, katzenjammer, racket, rattle
【反】 quiet, silence, silentness, still, stillness
VERB 乞讨;乞求: to persuade someone to give you (something) for free
ADJ 精明的;狡猾的: very clever and careful to avoid being trapped or tricked
【近】 beguiling, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, slick, sly, subtle, tricky, wily
【反】 artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, undesigning
ADJ 小心谨慎的: not willing to say everything that you know about something
VERB 哄骗: to persuade someone to do something or to give you something by making promises or saying nice things
【近】 blandish, blarney, coax, palaver, soft-soap, sweet-talk, wheedle
NOUN 灾难: an event that causes great harm and suffering
【近】 apocalypse, disaster, cataclysm, catastrophe, debacle, tragedy
VERB 使僵化: to make inflexible or unchangeable
VERB 使钙化: to make calcareous by deposit of calcium salts
NOUN 深思熟虑: careful thought and planning that is done usually for selfish reasons
NOUN 计算: a process or result of calculating something
【近】 arithmetic, calculus, ciphering, computation, figures, figuring, mathematics, number crunching, numbers, reckoning
VERB 校准;调校: to adjust or mark (something, such as a measuring device) so that it can be used in an accurate and exact way
ADJ 无情的: not feeling or showing any concern about the problems or suffering of other people
【近】 affectless, ironhearted, merciless, obdurate, pachydermatous, pitiless, remorseless, ruthless, soulless, stonyhearted
【反】 charitable, compassionate, humane, kindly, merciful, sensitive, softhearted, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted
ADJ 不老练的;不成熟的: used to describe a young person who does not have much experience and does not know how to behave the way adults behave
【近】 adolescent, green, immature, juvenile, puerile, raw, unfledged, unformed, unripe, unripened
【反】 adult, experienced, grown-up, mature, ripe
VERB 诽谤: to injure the reputation of by calumny
【近】 asperse, blacken, slander, defame, libel, malign, smear, traduce, vilify
NOUN 友情: a feeling of good friendship among the people in a group
【近】 brotherhood, companionship, community, company, comradery, comradeship, fellowship, society
NOUN 谣传;误传: a false report or story; a belief or rumor that is not true
【近】 tale, story, whisper
ADJ 直言不讳的;坦率的: expressing opinions and feelings in an honest and sincere way
【近】 frank, direct, forthcoming, outspoken, plain, plainspoken, straight, straightforward, unguarded, unreserved
【反】 dissembling, uncandid, unforthcoming
NOUN 直率;公正: the quality of being open, sincere, and honest
【近】 bluntness, candidness, directness, forthrightness, frankness, honesty, openheartedness
【反】 dissembling, dissimulation, indirection
ADJ 千篇一律的;陈腐的: not original or special
【近】 apish, imitative, emulative, epigonic, formulaic, mimetic, mimic, slavish, unoriginal
【反】 archetypal, original
ADJ 预先录制的: prepared or recorded at an earlier time for use in television, radio, etc.
ADJ 罐装的;听装的: preserved in a metal or glass container
ADJ 精明的: very clever and able to make intelligent decisions
【近】 astute, shrewd, knowing, savvy, sharp, smart
【反】 unknowing
NOUN 准则;标准: a body of principles, rules, standards, or norms
【近】 code, constitution, decalogue, law
NOUN 真经;正典: a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council
【近】 doctrine, dogma
VERB 过分宠爱;过分崇拜: to treat as illustrious, preeminent, or sacred
【近】 adore, adulate, idolize, deify, dote, hero-worship, worship
VERB 使崇高;使神圣;追封为圣徒: (in the Roman Catholic Church) to officially give a dead person a special status as someone very holy, to declare (someone) to be a saint
ADJ 爱找碴的;脾气坏的: often angry and annoyed
VERB 详细检查: to look at or consider (something) carefully
VERB 拉选票: to talk to the people in an area in order to get them to support a candidate, project, idea, etc.
VERB 征求意见: to ask (the people in an area) what they think about a candidate, project, idea, etc.
【近】 interview, poll, solicit, survey
VERB 屈服;有条件投降: to surrender often after negotiation of terms
【近】 fall, give up, knuckle under, submit, succumb, surrender
【反】 endure, stand
ADJ 反复无常的;易变的: changing often and quickly, especially often changing suddenly in mood or behavior
【近】 fickle, flickery, fluctuating, fluid, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, variable, volatile
【反】 certain, changeless, constant, stable, stationary, steady, unchangeable, unchanging, unvarying
ADJ 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的: marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections
【近】 critical, carping, caviling, faultfinding, hypercritical, judgmental, overcritical
【反】 uncritical
VERB 迷住: to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being interesting, pretty, etc.
【近】 allure, beguile, bewitch, charm, enchant, fascinate, kill, magnetize, wile, witch
NOUN 囚禁: the state of being kept in a place (such as a prison or a cage) and not being able to leave or be free; the state or condition of being captive
【近】 internment, confinement, immurement, impoundment, imprisonment, incarceration, prison
NOUN 致癌物: (medical) a substance that can cause cancer
ADJ 基本的;主要的;非常重要的: basic or most important
【近】 arch, capital, foremost, paramount, predominant, preeminent, primary, principal, supreme
【反】 last, least
NOUN (罗马天主教会的)红衣主教: a priest of the Roman Catholic Church who ranks immediately below the Pope
VERB (失控地)疾驶;向前猛冲: to go forward quickly without control
【近】 barrel, hustle, rush, shoot, speed, dash, hasten
【反】 crawl, creep, poke
ADJ 无忧无虑的: having no worries or problems, free from care
【近】 blithe, debonair, devil-may-care, gay, happy-go-lucky, insouciant, lighthearted, lightsome, slaphappy, unconcerned
【反】 careworn
ADJ 忧心忡忡的;焦虑的: looking sad, tired, or worried
ADJ 肉欲的;身体的: of or relating to the body, sexual or sensual
【近】 fleshly, material
ADJ 世俗的: temporal, worldly
【近】 earthbound, earthly, mundane, terrestrial
【反】 heavenly, nontemporal, unearthly, unworldly
VERB 畅饮;狂饮作乐: to drink alcohol, make noise, and have fun with other people
【近】 binge, revel, roister, wassail
VERB 对小事吹毛求疵;挑剔(表示不满): to complain in an annoying way
【近】 quibble, cavil, fuss, niggle, nitpick
VERB 雕刻: to make (something, such as a sculpture or design) by cutting off pieces of the material it is made of
【近】 sculpt, sculpture
VERB 成功获得(想要的工作、职务、生活等): to succeed in getting the job, position, life, etc., that you want
NOUN 小瀑布(尤指一连串瀑布中的一支): a small, steep waterfall, especially one that is part of a series of waterfalls
【近】 waterfall, cataract, fall
VERB 倾泻: to flow or hang down in large amounts
NOUN 大量: a large number of things that happen quickly in a series
VERB 斥责: to criticize (someone) harshly
【近】 baste, berate, hammer, jaw, lambaste, rail, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, upbraid
【反】 excuse, pardon, spare
NOUN 死伤者: a person who is hurt or killed during an accident, war, etc.
【近】 fatality, loss, prey, victim
NOUN 大灾难: something that causes great destruction, violence, etc.
【近】 apocalypse, calamity, disaster, catastrophe, debacle, tragedy
VERB 成为……的导火索;导致: to bring about; inspire
【近】 beget, breed, effect, cause, create, effectuate, engender, generate, induce
VERB 催化: to bring about the catalysis of (a chemical reaction)
NOUN 大灾难: a terrible disaster
【近】 apocalypse, calamity, cataclysm, disaster, debacle, tragedy
ADJ 绝对的;明确的: said in a very strong, clear, and definite way
【近】 consummate, deadly, downright, dreadful, profound, sheer, stark, thoroughgoing, unqualified, utter
VERB 满足;迎合: to supply what is required or desired
【近】 board, feed, provision, victual
VERB 嚎叫;尖叫: to make a very loud and unpleasant sound
【近】 crow, squawk, squeal, wail, whine, whinge, yammer
VERB 大声吵架: to protest or complain noisily
ADJ 普遍的;包容的: including many different things
【近】 general, general-purpose, unlimited, unqualified, unrestricted, unspecialized
【反】 limited, restricted, specialized, technical
ADJ (Catholic) 天主教的: of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church
NOUN 因果关系: the relationship between something that happens or exists and the thing that causes it
ADJ 刻薄的: very harsh and critical
【近】 acerb, acrid, barbed, biting, sarcastic, mordant, pungent, sardonic, scathing, tart
ADJ 腐蚀性的: able to destroy or burn something by chemical action
ADJ 傲慢的;目空一切的: having or showing no concern for something that is important or serious
【近】 assumptive, bumptious, arrogant, chesty, haughty, presumptuous, pretentious, self-asserting, supercilious, superior
【反】 humble, lowly, modest, unarrogant, unpretentious
NOUN 骑士: a gentleman trained in arms and horsemanship
【近】 gentleman
NOUN 警告;告诫: a warning that should be remembered when you are doing or thinking about something
VERB 挑剔;吹毛求疵: to complain about things that are not important
【近】 carp, quibble, fuss, niggle, nitpick
ADJ 持续的: seeming to never stop, continuous or constant
【近】 continuous, continual, continued, continuing, incessant, nonstop, perpetual, running, unbroken
【反】 discontinuous, noncontinuous
VERB (根据条约)放弃;割让: to give control of (something) to another person, group, government, etc.
【近】 cough up, deliver, give up, hand over, lay down, relinquish, render, yield
VERB 庆祝: to do something special or enjoyable for an important event, occasion, holiday, etc.
【近】 keep, commemorate, observe
VERB 赞美;歌颂: to praise (someone or something); to say that (someone or something) is great or important
【近】 bless, carol, praise, emblazon, exalt, glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, resound
ADJ 有名的: known and praised by many people
【近】 big-name, famous, famed, noted, prominent, renowned, star, visible, well-known
【反】 anonymous, nameless, obscure, uncelebrated, unfamous, unknown, unsung
NOUN 迅速: rapidity of motion or action
【近】 fleetness, haste, hurry, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, speediness, swiftness, velocity
【反】 slowness, sluggishness
ADJ 天上的: of or relating to the sky or visible heavens
【近】 elysian, empyreal, empyrean, ethereal, heavenly, supernal
【反】 chthonic, hellish, infernal, plutonian, sulfurous, Tartarean
VERB 审查并删除不良的东西: to examine books, movies, letters, etc., and remove things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, harmful to society, etc.
【近】 bowdlerize, clean, expurgate, red-pencil
ADJ 苛求的;爱挑剔的: having or showing a tendency to criticize someone or something severely; very critical
NOUN 公开谴责;严厉批评: official strong criticism
【近】 commination, condemnation, denunciation, excoriation, objurgation, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof, stricture
【反】 citation, commendation, endorsement
NOUN 人口普查: the official process of counting the number of people in a country, city, or town and collecting information about them
ADJ 理智的;理性的: related to the mind rather than to feelings, intellectual and not emotional
【近】 intellectual, eggheaded, highbrow, intellectualistic
ADJ 讲究礼节的;隆重的: formal and serious, suitable for a ceremony
【近】 correct, decorous, formal, nice, proper, punctilious, starchy, stiff, stiff-necked, stilted
【反】 casual, easygoing, informal, laid-back, unceremonious
NOUN 终止;暂停: a stopping of some action; a pause or stop
【近】 arrest, arrestment, discontinuance, discontinuation, ending, expiration, finish, halt, lapse
【反】 continuance, continuation
VERB 开玩笑: to tease good-naturedly; banter
【近】 tease, jive, joke, josh, kid, razz, rib, roast
NOUN 失望;懊恼: a feeling of being frustrated or annoyed because of failure or disappointment
NOUN 善变的人: a person who often changes his or her beliefs or behavior in order to please others or to succeed
【近】 acrobat, chancer , opportunist, temporizer, timeserver, trimmer, weathercock
NOUN 变色龙: a type of lizard that can change the color of its skin to look like the colors that are around it
VERB 支持: support or defend a person, a cause, or a principle
【近】 advocate, back, support, endorse, patronize, plump, plunk
NOUN 拥护者;捍卫者: someone who fights or speaks publicly in support of a person, belief, cause, etc.
【近】 advocate, advocator, apostle, backer, booster, exponent, expounder, espouser, promoter, proponent
【反】 adversary, antagonist, opponent
NOUN 冠军: someone or something (such as a team or an animal) that has won a contest or competition especial ly in sports
【近】 champ, titleholder, titlist, victor, winner
NOUN 混乱: a complete confusion and disorder, a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by any thing
【近】 confusion, havoc, heck, hell, jumble, mess, muddle, muss, shambles, tumble
【反】 order, orderliness
VERB 同行;护送: to go with and supervise a group of young people
【近】 attend, accompany, companion, company, convoy, escort, see, squire
NOUN 魅力;感召力: a special charm or appeal that causes people to feel attracted and excited by someone (such as a politician)
【近】 allure, animal magnetism, captivation, charm, duende, enchantment, fascination, witchery
【反】 repulsion, repulsiveness
ADJ 仁慈的: showing kindness in talking about or judging other people, not very critical
ADJ 慈善的: done or designed to help people who are poor, sick, etc.
【近】 altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, eleemosynary, humanitarian, philanthropic
【反】 self-centered, self-concerned, selfish
NOUN 骗子;装懂的人: a person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to deceive people
【近】 impostor, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, mountebank, phony, pretender, quack, ringer, sham
NOUN 特许状;执照: a document issued by a government that gives rights to a person or group
ADJ 非常谨慎的: cautious about doing something
【近】 alert, cautious, careful, circumspect, conservative, considerate, gingerly, guarded, heedful, wary
【反】 careless, heedless, incautious, unguarded, unmindful, unsafe, unwary
NOUN 分歧;明显差异: a major division, separation, or difference between two people, groups, etc.
VERB 使后悔: to cause (someone) to feel sad or embarrassed about something that has happened
VERB 惩罚: to correct by punishment or suffering; discipline
【近】 castigate, punish, chastise, correct, discipline, penalize
【反】 excuse, pardon, spare
VERB 严惩: to criticize (someone) harshly for doing something wrong
【近】 baste, berate, castigate, scold, flay, hammer, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, score
【反】 excuse, pardon, spare
VERB 闲聊;唠叨: to talk in a quick or casual way
【近】 babble, cackle, converse, gabble, gas, jabber, palaver, prate, rap, rattle
ADJ 盲目爱国的: having the belief that your country, race, etc., is better than any other
【近】 jingoism, nationalism, superpatriotism
ADJ 大男子主义的: having an attitude that the members of your own sex are always better than those of the opposite sex
VERB 抑制;阻止: to stop something from spreading or continuing
【近】 arrest, bring up, draw up, pull up, stall, stay, still, stop
VERB 检查;核实: be verified or confirmed; pass inspection
VERB 珍爱: be fond of; be attached to
【近】 adore, love, worship
【反】 abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, hate, loathe
ADJ 天使般可爱的: having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub
ADJ 时髦且有品位的: following the current fashion or style, fashionable and appealing
【近】 stylish, exclusive, fashionable, modish, sharp, smart, trendy, voguish
NOUN 诡计多端;欺骗: actions or statements that trick people into believing something that is not true, deception or trickery
【近】 artifice, chicane, trickery, gamesmanship, hanky-panky, jugglery, legerdemain, skulduggery, subterfuge, wile
VERB 责备: to express mild disapproval of (someone); to scold (someone) gently
【近】 admonish, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tick off
ADJ 幼稚的: of a child or typical of a child, especially having or showing the unpleasant qualities (such as silliness or lack of maturity) that children often have
【近】 adolescent, babyish, immature, infantile, jejune, juvenile, kiddish, puerile
【反】 adult, grown-up, mature
NOUN 幻想;空想: an unrealistic idea that you have about something or a hope that you have that is unlikely to be fulfilled
【近】 fantasy, conceit, hallucination, illusion, nonentity, phantasm, pipe dream, unreality, vision
ADJ (对女人)彬彬有礼的: being attentive to women like an ideal knight
ADJ 性情暴躁的: made angry easily
【近】 irritable, crabby, perverse, pettish, petulant, raspy, ratty, snarky, testy, waspish
【反】 angerless, delighted, pleased
VERB 与……和谐一致;符合: accord
【近】 accord, cohere, coincide, conform, consist, correspond, harmonize, jibe, square, tally
【反】 differ, disagree
NOUN 和弦: a group of tones sounded together to form harmony
ADJ 彩色的: of, relating to, or characterized by color or color phenomena or sensations
【近】 kaleidoscopic, motley, polychromatic, polychrome, prismatic, rainbow, varied, variegated, various
【反】 colorless, monochromatic, monochromic, monotone, self-colored, solid
ADJ 积习难改的: always or often doing something specified
【近】 bred-in-the-bone, habitual, confirmed, dyed-in-the-wool, inveterate
ADJ 慢性的;长期的: happening or existing frequently or most of the time
NOUN 年表: a record of the order in which a series of events happened
【近】 chronicle, account, commentary, history, narration, narrative, record, report, story
NOUN 年代学: a science that deals with measuring time and finding out when events happened
NOUN 相当大的量: a considerable amount
【近】 abundance, bunch, fistful, heap, lashings, peck, slew, spate, volume, wad
【反】 dab, lick, nip, ounce, pinch, scruple, shade, smidgen, speck, trace
NOUN 粗野的人: a rude ill-bred person
【近】 bumpkin, chawbacon, hick, clodhopper, hayseed, hillbilly, provincial, rube, rustic, yokel
【反】 cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, sophisticate
NOUN 吝啬鬼: a stingy morose person
【近】 cheapskate, miser, hunks, niggard, penny-pincher, piker, scrooge, skinflint, tightwad
ADJ 没礼貌的: not polite
【近】 boorish, clownish, classless, cloddish, loutish, uncouth
ADV 大约: about or around
ADJ 迂回的: not straight, short, or direct
【近】 indirect, circular, roundabout
【反】 direct, straight, straightforward
ADJ (说话等)兜圈子的;委婉的: not said or done simply or clearly
【近】 wordy, diffuse, garrulous, long-winded, pleonastic, prolix, rambling, prolix, rambling, verbose
【反】 compact, concise, crisp, pithy, succinct, terse
NOUN 循环;流通: orderly movement through a circuit, especially the movement of blood through the vessels of the body induced by the pumping action of the heart
NOUN 发行量: the average number of copies (as of a newspaper) sold in a given period
NOUN 婉转曲折的说法: the use of many words to say something that could be said more clearly and directly by using fewer words
【近】 equivocation, shuffle, tergiversation
VERB 限制: restrict or confine
【近】 cap, limit, confine, hold down, restrict
【反】 exceed
VERB 在……周围画线: to draw a line around something
ADJ 细心谨慎的: thinking carefully about possible risks before doing or saying something
【近】 alert, cautious, chary, careful, conservative, considerate, gingerly, guarded, heedful, wary
【反】 careless, heedless, incautious, unguarded, unmindful, unsafe, unwary
ADJ 依据情况的: based on information which suggests that something is true but does not prove that it is true
ADJ 包括所有细节的;详尽的: providing or including all the details of a particular situation or event
【近】 blow-by-blow, detailed, elaborate, full, minute, particular, particularized, thorough
【反】 compendious, summary
VERB 设法避开: to avoid being stopped by (something, such as a law or rule), to get around (something) in a clever and sometimes dishonest way
【近】 beat, bypass, dodge, get around, shortcut, sidestep, skirt
【反】 follow, keep, obey, observe
VERB 引用: to write or say the words of (a book, an author, etc. )
【近】 adduce, quote, instance, mention
ADJ 市民的: of or relating to a city or town or the people who live there
NOUN 礼貌: polite, reasonable, and respectful behavior
【近】 amenity, attention, courtesy, formality, gesture, pleasantry, politeness
【反】 discourteousness, discourtesy, impoliteness, incivility, rudeness, surliness, ungraciousness
NOUN 蚌: a shellfish that lives in sand or mud and has a soft body surrounded by a hinged shell with two parts and that is often eaten as food
NOUN 沉默寡言的人: a stolid or closemouthed person
NOUN 吵闹;大声的要求: loud and persistent outcry from many people
【近】 howl, hubbub, hullabaloo, noise, outcry, roar, tumult, uproar, vociferation
【反】 quiet, silence, silentness, still, stillness
NOUN (有共同爱好的)团体;帮派: a group of people who are similar or who are interested in the same thing
【近】 body, bunch, circle, gang, clique, community, coterie, coven, crowd, set
NOUN 家族: a group of people tracing descent from a common ancestor
【近】 blood, family, folks, kindred, kinsfolk, line, lineage, people, stock, tribe
ADJ 秘密的: done in a private place or way, done secretly
【近】 backstairs, furtive, stealth, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underground, underhand, underhanded
【反】 open, overt, public
ADJ 自成一伙且排外的: not showing interest in people who are not part of your group or who are not similar to you
【近】 close-knit, cliquey, cliquish
ADJ 清楚响亮的: loud and clear
VERB 冲突: to come into conflict
【近】 collide, conflict, disaccord, discord, jar
【反】 accord, blend, conform, fit, harmonize, match
NOUN 紧握: a strong hold with your hands or arms
【近】 hold, clench, grapple, grasp, grip, handgrip, handhold
NOUN 条款: a separate part of a legal document
ADJ 明显的;分明的: very obvious and sharp, free from doubt or uncertainty
【近】 apparent, bald, barefaced, nonambiguous, obvious, palpable, patent, pellucid, perspicuous, transparent
【反】 ambiguous, clouded, cryptic, dark, enigmatic, equivocal, indistinct, mysterious, nonobvious, obfuscated
ADJ 确定的;明确的: free from ambiguity or uncertainty; unambiguous; very definite
【近】 definite, definitive, express, specific, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocal
【反】 ambiguous, equivocal, indefinite, inexplicit, unspecific, vague
VERB 使分开: to separate into distinct parts and especially into groups having divergent views
VERB 坚守;忠于: to cling to a person or thing closely
ADJ 宽容的;善良的: (used of persons or behavior) inclined to show mercy
【近】 charitable, indulgent, easy, soft
【反】 hard, harsh, severe, stern, strict
ADJ 气候温和的: not too hot or too cold
【近】 balmy, equable, genial, gentle, mild, moderate, soft, temperate
【反】 harsh, inclement, intemperate, severe
NOUN 陈词滥调: a phrase or expression that has been used so often that it is no longer original or interesting
【近】 banality, bromide, chestnut, commonplace, groaner, homily, platitude, shibboleth, trope, truism
ADJ 临床的: involving or concerned with the direct observation and treatment of living patients
ADJ 客观的;没有人情味的: analytical or coolly dispassionate
ADJ 搞小团体的: befitting or characteristic of a small group of people who spend time together and who are not friendly to other people
【近】 clannish, cliquey, close-knit
NOUN 凝结;聚集成群: cluster; group
【近】 array, assemblage, grouping, huddle, package, parcel, passel, set, suite
NOUN 权力;影响力: the power to influence or control situations
【近】 authority, influence, credit, heft, juice, leverage, pull, sway, weight
ADJ 甜得发腻的;感情用事的: too sweet, pleasant, or emotional
【近】 maudlin, mawkish, saccharine, sappy, sentimental, sloppy, sticky, sugarcoated, sugary, wet
【反】 unsentimental
ADJ 笨拙的: moving or doing things in a very awkward way and tending to drop or break things
【近】 awkward, handless, heavy-handed, left-handed, maladroit, unhandy, all thumbs
【反】 deft, dexterous, handy, sure-handed
NOUN 群;组;簇: a group of things or people that are close together
【近】 array, assemblage, band, clutch, collection, constellation, grouping, huddle, knot, passel
VERB (使)凝结;(使)变稠: to become thick and partly solid
【近】 clot, congeal, gel, gelate, gelatinize, jell, jelly, set
VERB 合并: to come together to form one group or mass
【近】 associate, unite, combine, conjoin, conjugate, connect, couple, fuse, interfuse, unify
【反】 break up, dissever, part, section, separate, sever, split, sunder, unlink
NOUN 联盟: a group of people, groups, or countries who have joined together for a common purpose
【近】 alliance, axis, block, confederacy, combination, combine, confederation, federation, league, union
ADJ 粗的;粗糙的: loose or rough in texture
【近】 grained, grainy, granular, granulated
【反】 dusty, fine, floury, powdery, superfine, ultrafine
ADJ 粗俗的: crude or unrefined in taste, manners, or language
【近】 crude, ill-bred, lowbrow, rough, rude, rugged, tasteless, uncouth, unpolished, vulgar
【反】 civilized, cultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, refined, smooth, tasteful, well-bred
VERB 哄;诱劝: to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering
【近】 blandish, blarney, cajole, palaver, soft-soap, sweet-talk, wheedle
NOUN 终曲;尾声;结尾: an ending part of a piece of music or a work of literature or drama that is separate from the earlier parts
VERB 溺爱: to treat (someone) with too much care or kindness
【近】 baby, cocker, cosset, indulge, mollycoddle, nurse, pamper, spoil
【反】 abuse, ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat, manhandle, mishandle, mistreat, misuse
VERB 编纂(法规): define or present rules in a clear and ordered way
VERB 强迫: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats
【近】 force, compel, constrain, dragoon, muscle, obligate, oblige, press, sandbag
ADJ 同时代的;同龄的: of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration
【近】 coetaneous, contemporary, coexistent, coexisting, coextensive, concurrent, simultaneous, synchronic, synchronous
【反】 asynchronous, noncontemporary, nonsimultaneous, nonsynchronous
ADJ 有说服力的: very clear and easy for the mind to accept and believe
【近】 compelling, conclusive, convincing, decisive, effective, forceful, persuasive, satisfying, strong, telling
【反】 inconclusive, indecisive, ineffective, uncompelling, unconvincing, unpersuasive
ADJ 团结的;有凝聚力的: connected or related in a reasonable way to form a united whole
VERB 合作: work together on a common enterprise of project
【近】 band, cooperate, concert, concur, conjoin, conspire, join, league, unite
NOUN 拼贴画: a picture that has been made by sticking pieces of colored paper and cloth onto paper
【近】 montage, motley, pastiche, patchwork
NOUN 大杂烩: hodgepodge
【近】 agglomerate, assortment, hodgepodge, montage, motley, medley, pastiche, patchwork
ADJ 伴随的;辅助的: accompanying as secondary or subordinate; concomitant
ADJ 并列的;并行的: parallel, coordinate, or corresponding in position, order, time, or significance
NOUN 抵押品: something that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back a loan
ADJ 学院的: of or relating to a college
ADJ 共同掌权的: marked by power or authority vested equally in each of a number of colleagues
ADJ 口语的: used when people are speaking in an informal way
【近】 conversational, informal, nonformal, nonliterary, unbookish, unliterary, vernacular, vulgar
【反】 bookish, formal, learned, literary
VERB (秘密或非法地)串通: to work with others secretly especially in order to do something illegal or dishonest
【近】 compass, connive, conspire, contrive, intrigue, machinate, plot, scheme
ADJ 巨大的: very large or great
【近】 astronomical, enormous, gigantic, heroic, immense, jumbo, monumental, mountainous, prodigious
【反】 bantam, bitty, diminutive, midget, miniature, minuscule, minute, pocket, tiny, wee
NOUN 昏迷;深度无知觉: a state of deep unconsciousness
【近】 blackout, insensibility, swoon, syncope
NOUN 迟钝;冷漠: a state of mental or physical sluggishness; torpor
ADJ 可燃的: able to be burned easily
【近】 burnable, combustive, fiery, flammable, ignitable, inflammable
【反】 fireproof, incombustible, nonburnable, noncombustible, nonflammable, noninflammable, unburnable
ADJ 容易激动的: emotional
ADJ 漂亮的;吸引人的: pleasing in appearance, pretty or attractive
【近】 attractive, cute, goodly, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, ravishing, seemly, sightly, stunning
【反】 grotesque, hideous, homely, ill-favored, plain, ugly
NOUN 礼让;礼仪: friendly social atmosphere; social harmony
【近】 chime, harmony, compatibility, concord, peace
【反】 conflict, discord, dissension, variance
NOUN 开始: the time when something begins
【近】 alpha, baseline, birth, beginning, nascence, onset, outset, start, threshold
【反】 close, conclusion, end, ending, omega
NOUN 毕业典礼: a ceremony during which degrees or diplomas are given to students who have graduated from a school or college
VERB 称赞;表扬: to praise (someone or something) in a serious and often public way
ADJ 相称的: equal or similar to something in size, amount, or degree
【近】 commensurable, proportional, proportionate
【反】 disproportionate
NOUN 评论: spoken or written discussion in which people express opinions about someone or something
【近】 analysis, comment, exposition, play-by-play
VERB 充分混合: to join or mix together
【近】 amalgamate, blend, commix, composite, concrete, conflate, fuse, meld, merge, mingle
【反】 break down, break up, separate, unmix
VERB 同情;怜悯: to express sadness or sympathy for someone who has experienced something unpleasant
NOUN 委员会: a group of people who have been given the official job of finding information about something or controlling something
【近】 committee, panel
VERB 任命;委托: to order or request (someone) to make or do something
【近】 assign, appoint, constitute, designate, detail, name, nominate, place
【反】 discharge, dismiss, expel, fire
NOUN 犯(罪、错误);做(不法之事等): the act of committing a crime
NOUN 佣金: an amount of money paid to an employee for selling something
NOUN 承诺: a promise to do or give something, a promise to be loyal to someone or something
【近】 burden, charge, obligation, devoir, duty, imperative, incumbency, responsibility, troth
NOUN 投身;献身: the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something
【近】 adhesion, allegiance, attachment, dedication, devotion, faith, fealty, loyalty, piety
【反】 disloyalty, falsity, inconstancy, infidelity, perfidy, treachery, unfaithfulness
ADJ 忠诚的;忠实的: bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude
ADJ 宽敞的: having a lot of space
【近】 ample, capacious, spacious, roomy
ADJ 普通的;平凡的: completely ordinary and unremarkable
【近】 average, normal, prosaic, routine, standard, standard-issue, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual, workaday
【反】 abnormal, exceptional, extraordinary, odd, out-of-the-way, strange, unusual
NOUN 寻常的事物: something that happens or appears in many places and is not unusual
【近】 banality, bromide, chestnut, cliché, groaner, homily, platitude, shibboleth, trope, truism
NOUN 骚乱: noisy excitement and confusion
【近】 moil, rumpus, stir, tumult, turmoil, uproar, welter, whirl, williwaw
VERB 亲密交流: to communicate with someone or something in a very personal or spiritual way
【近】 bond, click, relate, hit it off
ADJ 友善的;好交往的: marked by, conducive to, or suggestive of companionship; sociable
【近】 amicable, bonhomous, collegial, cordial, genial, neighborly, palsy, warm, warmhearted
【反】 antagonistic, hostile, unfriendly
VERB 划分: separate into isolated compartments or categories
【近】 assort, categorize, compartment, digest, distinguish, distribute, range, rank, relegate
NOUN 同情: a feeling of wanting to help someone who is sick, hungry, in trouble, etc.
【近】 commiseration, sympathy, feeling
【反】 callousness, cold-heartedness, hard-heartedness, heartlessness
ADJ 相容的;可共存的: able to exist together without trouble or conflict, going together well
【近】 accordant, coherent, concordant, conformable (to), congruent, congruous, consistent, correspondent, harmonious
【反】 conflicting, conflictive, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inharmonious, noncompatible
ADJ 兼容的: (of devices and especially computers) able to be used together
NOUN 同胞: a person from the same country as someone else
【近】 countryman, landsman
VERB 迫使: to force (someone) to do something
【近】 coerce, constrain, force, muscle, obligate, oblige, press, pressure
ADJ 有说服力的: convincing
【近】 cogent, conclusive, convincing, decisive, effective, forceful, persuasive, satisfying, strong, telling
【反】 inconclusive, indecisive, ineffective, uncompelling, unconvincing, unpersuasive
ADJ 引人入胜的: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention
NOUN 汇编: a collection of things (such as photographs, stories, facts, etc.) that have been gathered together and presented as a group especially in the form of a book
【近】 album, collectanea, anthology, compilation, florilegium, miscellany
VERB 补偿: to provide something good as a balance against something bad or undesirable; to make up for some defect or weakness
【近】 indemnify, recompense, recoup, remunerate, requite, satisfy
ADJ 有能力的;能胜任的: having the necessary ability or skills; able to do something well or well enough to meet a standard
【近】 able, capable, equal, fit, good, qualified, suitable, on the ball
【反】 incompetent, inept, poor, unfit, unfitted, unqualified
ADJ 相互矛盾的;相互抵触的: ideas, requirements, or interests cannot all be right or satisfied at the same time
ADJ 满足的: satisfied with how things are and not wanting to change them
NOUN 殷勤: disposition to please or comply; affability
VERB 补足: to complete or enhance by providing something additional
【近】 supplement
ADJ 遵从的;顺从的: disposed or willing to comply
【近】 amenable, biddable, obedient, conformable, docile, law-abiding, submissive, tractable
【反】 balky, contrary, contumacious, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful
NOUN 同谋: the act of helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way
【近】 collusion, connivance, conspiracy
NOUN 恭维;称赞: a remark that says something good about someone or something or an action that expresses admiration or approval
【近】 bouquet, congratulation, felicitation, greeting, regard, respect
VERB 服从: to do what you have been asked or ordered to do
【近】 adhere, obey, conform, follow, goose-step, mind, observe
【反】 defy, disobey, rebel
VERB 使镇定: to calm (someone, especially oneself); to make quiet; to free from agitation
【近】 becalm, calm, lull, lullaby, quiet, salve, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize
【反】 agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, upset, vex
VERB 组成;构成: to come together to form or make (something)
VERB 作曲;创作: to create and write (a piece of music or writing)
NOUN 镇静;沉着: calmness especially of mind, manner, or appearance
【近】 aplomb, collectedness, composedness, equanimity, countenance, equilibrium, imperturbability, placidity, serenity, tranquillity
【反】 agitation, discomposure, perturbation
NOUN 混合物: a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts
【近】 admixture, alloy, amalgam, amalgamation, fusion, intermixture, meld, synthesis
VERB 混合;结合: to put together (parts) so as to form a whole; combine
【近】 catenate, chain, connect, concatenate, hook, join, link, yoke
【反】 disconnect, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, disunite, separate, unchain
VERB 加重;加剧: to make it worse by adding to it
VERB 理解: to understand (something, such as a difficult or complex subject)
【近】 know, grasp, understand
VERB 包含;包括: to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or amount
【近】 carry, include, contain, embrace, encompass, entail, involve, number, subsume, take in
【反】 exclude, leave, omit
ADJ 可理解的: able to be understood
【近】 accessible, apprehensible, intelligible, fathomable, graspable, legible, scrutable, understandable
【反】 incoherent, incomprehensible, inscrutable, insensible
ADJ 全面的: including everything that is needed or relevant
【近】 compendious, complete, encyclopedic, cyclopedic, embracive, exhaustive, global, inclusive, panoramic, universal
【反】 imperfect, incomplete, partial
VERB 压缩: to press or squeeze so that it takes up less space
【近】 capsule, compact, condense, constrict, constringe, contract, squeeze, shrink
【反】 balloon, decompress, expand, open, outspread, outstretch, snowball, swell
VERB 妥协: to reach an agreement with someone in which you both give up something that you originally wanted
VERB 损害: to do something which damages one’s own reputation for honesty, loyalty, or high moral principles
NOUN 冲动: a strong desire to do something, which you find difficult to control
NOUN 强迫: the act of using force or pressure to make someone do something
【近】 arm-twisting, coercion, force, constraint, duress, pressure
NOUN 内疚: a feeling of guilt or regret (chiefly US)
【近】 qualm, misgiving, scruple
NOUN 同志关系: friendship between a number of people who are doing the same work or who share the same difficulties or dangers
【近】 cohort, companion, compatriot, compeer, associate, crony, fellow, hobnobber, mate
【反】 enemy, foe
VERB 诈骗;诱骗: to get money from someone or to persuade someone to do something by deceiving them
【近】 bluff, beguile, gull, hoax, hoodwink, deceive, delude, misguide, misinform, mislead
NOUN 反对票: an argument or vote against a proposal, motion, etc.
VERB 连接: to link or join together, especially in a chain or series
【近】 catenate, chain, compound, connect, conjugate, couple, hitch, hook, interconnect, yoke
【反】 disconnect, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, disunite, separate, unchain, uncouple
VERB 承认;认输: to admit, often unwillingly, that it is true or correct, or to admit that you have been defeated and stop trying to win
【近】 acknowledge, agree, blink, bow, budge, capitulate, yield
【反】 deny, resist
VERB 让与;让步: to give away (something) usually in an unwilling way
ADJ 共同完成的;一致的: done in a planned and deliberate way usually by several or many people
【近】 collaborative, combined, common, communal, collective, conjoint, conjunct, joint, multiple, mutual
【反】 exclusive, individual, sole, solitary, unilateral
NOUN 让步: something that you agree to let someone do or have, especially in order to end an argument or conflict
【近】 accommodation, compromise, give-and-take, negotiation
【反】 disavowal, nonadmission
NOUN 特许权: a special right or privilege that is given to someone
VERB 安抚;劝慰: to make (someone) more friendly or less angry
【近】 appease, assuage, pacify, disarm, gentle, mollify, placate, propitiate
【反】 anger, enrage, incense, inflame, infuriate, ire, madden, outrage
VERB 调解: to make compatible with
【近】 accommodate, attune, harmonize, conform, coordinate, key, reconcile
【反】 disharmonize
ADJ 简洁的: using few words, not including extra or unnecessary information
【近】 aphoristic, capsule, compact, compendious, crisp, curt, elliptical, epigrammatic, laconic
【反】 circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy, wordy
VERB 捏造;图谋: to invent or develop (a plan, story, etc. ) especially in order to trick or deceive someone
【近】 invent, construct, contrive, devise, excogitate, fabricate, manufacture, trump up
ADJ 伴随的;同时发生的: happening at the same time as something else
【近】 accompanying, attendant, coexistent, coexisting, coincidental, coincident, concurrent
NOUN 一致;和睦: a state in which people or things agree with each other and exist together in a peaceful way
【近】 chime, comity, compatibility, harmony, peace
【反】 conflict, discord, dissension, variance
VERB 同意: to agree with someone or something
【近】 coincide, agree
【反】 differ, disagree
VERB 同一时间发生: to happen simultaneously
VERB 谴责: to say in a strong and definite way that someone or something is bad or wrong
【近】 blame, censure, criticize, denounce, dispraise, fault, knock, pan, reprehend
【反】 extol, laud, praise
VERB 屈尊俯就;摆出高人一等的架子: to show that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people and to do something that you usually do not do because you believe you are too important to do it
【近】 lord, patronize, talk down
ADJ 应得的;恰当的: deserved; appropriate
【近】 competent, just, deserved, due, fair, justified, merited, right, rightful, warranted
【反】 undeserved, undue, unfair, unjust, unjustified, unmerited, unwarranted
VERB 表达同情: to express sympathetic sorrow
VERB 宽恕: to forgive or approve (something that is considered wrong); to allow (something that is considered wrong) to continue
【近】 excuse, forgive
ADJ 有益的: making it easy, possible, or likely for something to happen or exist
【近】 facilitative, helpful, useful
【反】 unhelpful, useless
VERB 认罪;承认: to admit that you did something wrong or illegal
【近】 admit, acknowledge, agree, allow, concede, admit, grant
【反】 deny
VERB 吐露(秘密等): to tell (something that is secret or private) to someone you trust
NOUN 保密;机密: the state of being secret
ADJ 可证实的: capable of being tested (verified or falsified) by experiment or observation
【近】 checkable, verifiable, demonstrable, empirical, provable, supportable, sustainable
【反】 indemonstrable, insupportable, unprovable, unsupportable, unsustainable, unverifiable
NOUN 大火: a very intense and uncontrolled fire
【近】 fire, inferno
NOUN 武装冲突;战争: a war or conflict
【近】 war, conflict, hostilities, hot war
ADJ 冲突的;相互矛盾的;不一致的: being in conflict, collision, or opposition; incompatible
【近】 clashing, inconsistent, inharmonious, mutually exclusive, repugnant
【反】 accordant, agreeing, consistent, consonant, correspondent, harmonious, nonconflicting
NOUN (河流的)汇合处: a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)
【近】 convergence, conjunction, convergency, meeting
【反】 divergence
ADJ 构象的: of or relating to the way in which something is formed or shaped
NOUN 因循守旧: orthodoxy in thoughts and belief
VERB 使困惑: to make (something) difficult to understand
【近】 bamboozle, beat, confuse, flummox, fox, fuddle, gravel, maze, puzzle, vex
VERB 面临;对峙: to oppose or challenge (someone) especially in a direct and forceful way
【近】 beard, brave, brazen, breast, face, dare, defy, outbrave, outface
【反】 dodge, duck, funk, shirk, sidestep
VERB 凝固;固化: (of a liquid) to become thick or solid
【近】 concrete, harden, firm, freeze, indurate, set, solidify
ADJ 适合的;意气相投的: suitable to your needs or similar to your nature
【近】 agreeable, amicable, compatible, harmonious, frictionless, kindred, unanimous, united
【反】 disagreeable, discordant, disharmonious, disunited, incompatible, inharmonious, uncongenial
VERB 聚集: to come together in a group or crowd
【近】 accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, concentrate, gather, constellate, corral, garner, lump
【反】 dispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter
ADJ 全等的: (mathematics) having the same size and shape
ADJ 一致的;合适的: matching or in agreement with something
【近】 accordant, coherent, compatible, concordant, conformable, consistent, congruous, consonant, correspondent, harmonious
【反】 conflicting, conflictive, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inharmonious, noncompatible
ADJ 一致的;和谐的: being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence
【近】 balanced, harmonious, consonant, eurythmic, harmonic
【反】 disharmonic, disharmonious, incongruous, inharmonic, inharmonious, unbalanced
ADJ 适合的;恰如其分的: conforming to the circumstances or requirements of a situation; appropriate
【近】 coherent, compatible, concordant, congruent, consistent, consonant, correspondent, harmonious, nonconflicting
【反】 conflicting, conflictive, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inharmonious, noncompatible
NOUN 推测: an opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient evidence
【近】 guess, shot, supposition, surmise, shot in the dark
VERB 用魔法变出: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic
VERB 提出;想象: to create or imagine (something)
VERB 想起;回忆起: to make you think of (something)
VERB 默许;纵容: to secretly help someone do something dishonest or illegal
【近】 wink
NOUN 鉴赏家: a person who knows a lot about something (such as art, wine, food, etc.), an expert in a particular subject
【近】 cognoscente
【反】 dilettante
VERB 意味着;暗示: (of a word) to make you think about (something) in addition to the word’s meaning
NOUN 血缘关系: a close relation or connection, relationship by blood; kinship
ADJ 认真的: very careful about doing what you are supposed to do, concerned with doing something correctly
【近】 careful, fussy, loving, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous
【反】 careless
ADJ 连续的: following one after the other in a series; following each other without interruption
【近】 back-to-back, sequent, sequential, straight, succeeding, successional, successive
【反】 inconsecutive, inconsequent, nonconsecutive, nonsequential
VERB 同意;赞同: to agree to do or allow something; to give permission for something to happen or be done
【近】 acquiesce, agree, assent, come round, accede, subscribe
【反】 dissent
VERB 弃置(某物于某处或某境地): to put (something) in a usually unpleasant place or situation
【近】 send, dispatch, pack, ship, shoot, transfer, transmit, transport
【反】 accept, receive
VERB 安慰: to try to make someone who is unhappy about something feel more cheerful
VERB 巩固: strengthen something so that it becomes more effective or secure
【近】 accentuate, amplify, boost, intensify, deepen, enhance, heighten, magnify, redouble, strengthen
【反】 abate, moderate
ADJ 和谐一致的: in agreement with something
【近】 balanced, congruous, harmonious, eurythmic, harmonic
【反】 disharmonic, disharmonious, incongruous, inharmonic, inharmonious, unbalanced
VERB 结交: to keep company with, hang out with
【近】 chum, company, consociate, associate, fraternize, hobnob, hook up, mess around, sort, travel
【反】 clash, collide, conflict
VERB 一致;符合: to go together
ADJ 明显的: very easy to see or notice
【近】 arresting, bodacious, noticeable, dramatic, emphatic, flamboyant, grabby, kenspeckle, remarkable, striking
【反】 inconspicuous, unemphatic, unflamboyant, unnoticeable, unobtrusive, unremarkable, unshowy
NOUN 阴谋: a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal
【近】 plot, design, intrigue, machination, scheme
VERB 合谋;密谋: to do something illegal or harmful, and make a secret agreement to do it
【近】 collude, connive, plot, contrive, intrigue, machinate, put up, scheme
NOUN 大为吃惊: a strong feeling of surprise or sudden disappointment that causes confusion
ADJ 宪法的: of or relating to the system of beliefs and laws that govern a country
VERB 使收缩;收缩: to make (something) narrower, smaller, or tighter
【近】 compress, condense, contract, shrink
【反】 balloon, expand, snowball, swell
VERB 约束;限制: to prevent or keep (something or someone) from developing freely
VERB 使紧缩: to cause to shrink
【近】 capsule, capsulize, collapse, compact, condense, constrict, compress, contract, squeeze, telescope
【反】 outspread, outstretch
ADJ 炉火纯青的;精通的: very good or skillful
【近】 complete, proficient, educated, experienced, masterly, professed, versed, veteran, virtuoso
【反】 amateur, amateurish, inexperienced, inexpert, jackleg, unprofessional, unseasoned, unskilled, unskillful
ADJ 完美无缺的: complete in every detail, perfect
ADJ 接触传染的: able to be passed from one person or animal to another by touching
【近】 catching, communicable, pestilent, transmissible, transmittable
【反】 noncommunicable
ADJ 有感染力的: capable of being easily spread to others; causing other people to feel or act a similar way
【近】 catching, epidemic, infectious, spreading
VERB 包含: to have or include (something)
【近】 carry, comprehend, include, embrace, encompass, entail, involve, number, subsume, take in
【反】 exclude, leave, miss out, omit
VERB 控制;阻止: to keep (something) from spreading, to keep (something) within limits
【近】 control
VERB 沉思;考虑: to think deeply or carefully about something
【近】 chew over, cogitate, consider, ponder, perpend, revolve, ruminate, weigh, wrestle
ADJ 同时期的;同时发生的: existing, happening or originating during the same time period
【近】 coetaneous, coeval, coexisting, concurrent, synchronic,contemporary
【反】 nonsimultaneous, nonsynchronous
NOUN 蔑视: lack of respect or reverence for someone or something
【近】 contemptuousness, despisement, despite, despitefulness, disdain, misprision, scorn
【反】 admiration, esteem, estimation, favor, regard, respect
VERB 争夺(权力等): to strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against difficulties
【近】 battle, compete, face off, fight, race, rival, vie
VERB 争论;主张;声称: to strive in debate
【近】 affirm, allege, assert, declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, purport, warrant
【反】 deny, gainsay
ADJ 引起争议的: likely to cause disagreement or argument
ADJ 好争论的: likely or willing to argue
【近】 aggressive, agonistic, belligerent, discordant, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent, warlike
【反】 nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, pacific, peaceable, peaceful, unbelligerent, uncombative, uncontentious
VERB 争辩;质疑: to make (something) the subject of an argument or a legal case; to say that you do not agree with or accept (something)
【近】 challenge, dispute, impeach, oppugn, query, question
【反】 accept, believe, embrace, swallow
VERB 争夺;与……竞争: to struggle or fight for or against something
【近】 battle, clash, combat, hassle, scrap, scrimmage, scrum, scuffle, skirmish, struggle
ADJ 邻近的: very close or connected in space or time
【近】 abutting, adjoining, conterminous, adjacent, flanking, juxtaposed, neighboring, skirting, verging
【反】 nonadjacent, noncontiguous
NOUN 自制;克制;节欲: self-restraint, especially a refraining from sexual intercourse
【近】 constraint, discipline, discretion, inhibition, refrainment, repression, reserve, restraint, suppression
【反】 disinhibition, incontinence, unconstraint
ADJ 依情况而定的;偶然的: depending on something else that might or might not happen
【近】 conditional, dependent, subject, tentative
【反】 independent, unconditional
NOUN (警察、士兵、军车的)分遣队;代表团: a group of people who go to a place together, do something together, or share some quality, interest, etc.
VERB 扭曲: move into an unnatural and unattractive shape or position
【近】 deform, distort, misshape, screw, squinch, torture, warp
NOUN 轮廓: the outline or outer edge of something
【近】 outline, figure, silhouette
NOUN ['kɒntrækt] 契约;合同: a legal agreement between people, companies, etc.
【近】 bond, guarantee, covenant, deal
VERB [kən'trækt] 收缩: to make (something) smaller or shorter
【近】 compress, condense, constrict, shrink
【反】 balloon, expand, snowball, swell
VERB [kən'trækt] 感染疾病: to become ill with (a disease)
【近】 catch, come down, get, go down, sicken
VERB 反驳: to say the opposite of (something that someone else has said); to deny the truth of (something)
【近】 deny, disaffirm, disallow, gainsay, negate, negative, refute, reject, repudiate
【反】 acknowledge, admit, allow, avow, concede, confirm, own
NOUN 背道而驰者: a person who takes an opposite or different position or attitude from other people
VERB 违反(法律、规则): to fail to do what is required by (a law or rule)
【近】 breach, break, violate, fracture, infringe, offend, traduce, transgress
【反】 comply, conform, follow, mind, obey, observe
ADJ 悔恨的: feeling or showing regret for bad behavior
【近】 apologetic, compunctious, penitent, regretful, remorseful, repentant, rueful, sorry
【反】 impenitent, remorseless, unapologetic, unrepentant
NOUN 设计;发明物: something (as a scheme or a mechanical device) produced with skill and cleverness
【近】 brainchild, coinage, concoction, invention, creation, innovation, wrinkle
VERB 谋划;设法做到: to make (something) happen in a clever way or with difficulty
【近】 collude, compass, connive, conspire, plot, intrigue, machinate, put up, scheme
VERB 设计;发明: to form or make (something) in a skillful or clever way
ADJ 虚假人为的;做作的: having an unnatural or false appearance or quality
【近】 affected, feigned, forced, mock, phony, plastic, pretended, pseudo
【反】 artless, genuine, natural, spontaneous, unaffected, uncontrived, unfeigned, unforced
VERB 反驳: to say or prove that (something) is untrue
【近】 altercate, argufy, fight, hassle, jar, quarrel, quibble, scrap, spat, squabble
ADJ 不听命令的;任性顽固的: resistant to guidance or discipline; stubbornly disobedient
【近】 balky, contrary, disobedient, rebellious, recalcitrant, recusant, refractory, restive, wayward, willful
【反】 amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable
NOUN 难解之谜: a confusing or difficult problem
【近】 closed book, mystery, enigma, mystification, puzzle, puzzlement, riddle, secret
VERB 渐渐康复;渐愈: to become healthy and strong again slowly over time after illness, weakness, or injury
【近】 come back, gain, heal, mend, rally, recoup, recover, recuperate, snap back
VERB 召开;召集(会议): to come together in a group for a meeting
VERB 聚集;集合: to come or bring together as an assembly
【近】 assemble, call, convoke, muster, summon
ADJ 熟悉的: having information especially as a result of study or experience
【近】 abreast, acquainted, au courant, familiar, informed, knowledgeable, versed, well-informed
【反】 ignorant, unacquainted, unfamiliar, uninformed, unknowledgeable
NOUN 相反的事物;相反的情况: something reversed in order, relation, or action
NOUN 坚信: a strong belief or opinion
【近】 assurance, assuredness, certainty, certitude, cocksureness, confidence, doubtlessness, positiveness
【反】 doubt, incertitude, nonconfidence, uncertainty
NOUN 证明有罪: the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law
ADJ 快活的;喜好吃喝交际的: relating to, occupied with, or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company
【近】 boon, companionable, extroverted, gregarious, outgoing, sociable, social
【反】 antisocial, insociable, introverted, nongregarious, reclusive, unsociable, unsocial
VERB 召集开会: to call a group of people to a formal meeting
【近】 assemble, call, convene, muster, summon
ADJ 晦涩的;复杂的: very complicated and difficult to understand
【近】 baroque, byzantine, complicate, elaborate, intricate, involved, knotty, labyrinthian, sophisticated, tangled
【反】 noncomplex, noncomplicated, plain, simple, uncomplicated
NOUN 抽搐: a sudden violent shaking of the muscles in your body that you are unable to control
NOUN 骚乱: a sudden change or disturbance that affects a country, organization, etc.
【近】 bouleversement, cataclysm, earthquake, paroxysm, storm, tempest, tumult, upheaval, uproar
VERB 监禁;困于……之中: to confine in a restricted area
ADJ 丰富的;大量的: very large in amount or number
【近】 profuse, galore, gushing, lavish, riotous
【反】 dribbling, trickling
NOUN 热情友好: sincere affection and kindness
【近】 amity, benevolence, brotherhood, charity, goodwill, cordialness, fellowship, neighborliness
【反】 ill will, malevolence, venom
NOUN 警戒线: a line of people or objects that are placed around or in front of a person or place to keep people away
VERB 围成一道防线: to form a protective or restrictive perimeter around
NOUN 基础: something of basic importance
【近】 basis, bedrock, bottom, base, foundation, ground, root, keystone
NOUN 大量: a great amount or source of something
【近】 abundance, plenty, feast, plenitude, plentitude, plethora, superabundance, wealth
【反】 deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency, undersupply
NOUN 加冕;加冕礼: a ceremony in which a crown is placed on the head of a new king or queen
ADJ 共同的;集体的: consisting of or including large corporations
ADJ 纠正的: intended to make something better
【近】 amendatory, rectifying, remedial, remedying, reformative, reformatory
VERB 证实;支持: to support or help prove by providing information or evidence
【近】 argue, attest, authenticate, bear out, certify, confirm, substantiate, support, validate
【反】 disprove, rebut, refute
ADJ 腐蚀性的: tending or able to destroy, weaken, or wear away little by little
ADJ 讽刺性的: bitingly sarcastic
【近】 acerb, acrid, barbed, biting, sarcastic, mordant, pungent, sardonic, scathing, tart
VERB 使……堕落: to cause (someone) to become dishonest, immoral, etc.
【近】 abase, debauch, degrade, demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, prostitute, vitiate, warp
【反】 elevate, ennoble, uplift
ADJ 堕落的: doing things that are dishonest or illegal in order to make money or to gain or keep power
【近】 debased, debauched, decadent, degenerate, degraded, demoralized, depraved, dissipated, reprobate, warped
【反】 pure, uncorrupt, uncorrupted
ADJ 世界性的: having people from many different parts of the world
ADJ 见多识广的: having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing
【近】 worldly-wise, smart, sophisticated, worldly
【反】 guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive, unsophisticated, untutored, unworldly, wide-eyed
NOUN 宇宙: the universe especially when it is understood as an ordered system
【近】 universe, creation, macrocosm, nature, world
VERB 宠爱: to give (someone) a lot of care and attention or too much care and attention
【近】 cocker, coddle, baby, dandle, indulge, nurse, pamper, spoil, wet-nurse
【反】 abuse, maltreat, manhandle, mishandle, mistreat, misuse
ADJ 相连的;有共同边界的: coextensive in scope or duration
【近】 conterminous, coextensive
VERB 容忍: to put up with (something painful or difficult)
【近】 abide, absorb, hack, handle, stomach, support, sustain, sweat out, take, tolerate
VERB 支持;赞同: to have a favorable opinion of
【近】 accept, care, approve, favor, subscribe
【反】 disapprove, discountenance, disfavor, frown
NOUN 沉着;冷静: evenness of emotions or temper
【近】 aplomb, calmness, collectedness, equanimity, equilibrium, imperturbability, placidity, repose, sangfroid
【反】 agitation, discomposure, perturbation
NOUN 面容;表情: look; expression
VERB 反对;对抗: to do something in defense or in response to something
ADJ 相反的: in a way that goes against or does not agree with something
【近】 adverse, disadvantageous, hostile, inimical, negative, prejudicial, unfavorable, unfriendly, unsympathetic, untoward
【反】 advantageous, favorable, friendly, positive, supportive, sympathetic, well-disposed
VERB 抵消: to make ineffective or restrain or neutralize the usually ill effects of by an opposite force
【近】 annul, cancel, compensate, correct, offset, counterbalance, counterpoise, negative, neutralize
VERB 使平衡;使抵消: to oppose or balance with an equal weight or force
【近】 annul, cancel, compensate, correct, counteract, offset, counterpoise, make up, negative, neutralize
NOUN 平衡力;自动抵消: a force or influence that offsets or checks an opposing force
【近】 balance, corrective, counter, counteraction, counterforce, counterpoise, counterweight, equipoise, neutralizer, offset
ADJ 伪造的: made to look like an exact copy of something in order to trick people
【近】 bogus, fake, false, forged, inauthentic, queer, sham, snide, spurious, unauthentic
【反】 authentic, bona fide, genuine, real, unfaked
VERB 仿制;伪造: to make an exact copy of (something) in order to trick people
【近】 fake, forge, phony
NOUN 反作用力;对抗势力: a force or influence that makes an opposing force ineffective or less effective
【近】 balance, canceler, corrective, counter, counteraction, counterbalance, counterpoise, counterweight, neutralizer, offset
ADJ 违反常理的: different from what you would expect, not agreeing with what seems right or natural
VERB 撤销(命令): to cancel (an order) especially by giving a new order
NOUN 对应的人或物: someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another
【近】 coequal, compeer, coordinate, equal, equivalent, fellow, match, parallel, peer, rival
NOUN 令人满意的对比: something that is different from something else in usually a pleasing way
ADJ 产生反面效果的: not helpful, making the thing you want to happen less likely to happen
【近】 ineffective, feckless, hamstrung, ineffectual, inefficacious, inefficient
【反】 effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, expedient, operant, ultraefficient
NOUN 平衡力;平衡的行动、建议: a weight that provides a balance against something of equal weight
【近】 balance, canceler, counter, counteraction, counterforce, counterpoise, neutralizer, offset
ADJ 勇敢的: very brave, having or showing courage
【近】 bold, brave, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, greathearted, gutsy, gutty, heroic
【反】 chicken, chickenhearted, coward, craven, dastardly, nerveless, poltroon, pusillanimous, timorous
VERB 追求;献殷勤: to seek the affections of, especially to seek to win a pledge of marriage from
【近】 ask, flirt, invite, woo
NOUN 法庭: a place where legal cases are heard
【近】 bar, bench, forum, tribunal
ADJ 有礼貌的: very polite in a way that shows respect
【近】 civil, polite, genteel, gracious, mannerly, well-bred
【反】 discourteous, impolite, inconsiderate, mannerless, rude, thoughtless
ADJ 彬彬有礼的;优雅的: having or showing elegance
【近】 classy, elegant, fine, graceful, handsome, majestic, refined, stately, tasteful
【反】 dowdy, graceless, inelegant, styleless, tasteless, unfashionable, unhandsome, unstylish
ADJ 隐蔽的: made, shown, or done in a way that is not easily seen or noticed, secret or hidden
【近】 cloistered, secluded, hidden, isolated, quiet, remote, retired, secret, sheltered
NOUN 隐秘掩护所: hiding place
【近】 concealment, hideout, den, hermitage, hideaway, hidy-hole, lair, nest
VERB 觊觎: to want (something that you do not have) very much
【近】 desire, crave, desiderate, hanker, long, lust
VERB 胁迫;恐吓: to make (someone) too afraid to do something
【近】 blackjack, bogart, browbeat, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, intimidate, hector, mau-mau, strong-arm
ADJ 胆小的;怯懦的: afraid in a way that makes you unable to do what is right or expected, lacking courage
【近】 chicken, chickenhearted, coward, craven, dastardly, nerveless, poltroon, pusillanimous, timorous
【反】 bold, brave, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, greathearted, gutsy, heroic, intrepid
VERB 畏缩: to move back or bend your body down because you are afraid
【近】 cringe, grovel, quail
ADJ 忸怩作态的: falsely shy or modest
【近】 coquettish, demure, kittenish
【反】 uncoy
ADJ 不愿与人交往的;内向的: not comfortable around people
【近】 backward, bashful, shy, demure, diffident, introverted, modest, recessive, retiring, withdrawn
【反】 extroverted, immodest, outgoing
VERB 诱骗: to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery
【近】 bamboozle, beguile, bluff, gaff, gammon, hoax, juggle, spoof, trick
ADJ 脾气不好的: easily angered or irritated
【近】 choleric, crabby, irritable, cross, crotchety, fiery, grouchy, grumpy, irascible
ADJ (想法或行为方式)古怪的: marked by eccentricity
【近】 bizarre, bizarro, odd, crazy, curious, eccentric, erratic, far-out, funky, funny
VERB 热望: to have a very strong desire for something
【近】 covet, desire, desiderate, die, hanker, hunger, itch, lust, pine
ADJ 胆怯的;懦弱的: having or showing a complete lack of courage
【近】 cowardly, dastardly, gutless, poltroon, pusillanimous, recreant, spineless, unheroic, yellow
【反】 brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, greathearted, gutsy, hardy
NOUN 相信: belief that something is true
【近】 belief, credit, faith
【反】 disbelief, discredit, doubt, nonbelief, unbelief
NOUN 证书: a document which shows that a person is qualified to do a particular job
ADJ 容易上当的: too ready to believe things, easily fooled or cheated
NOUN 信条: an idea or set of beliefs that guides the actions of a person or group
【近】 credo, doctrine, dogma, gospel, philosophy, testament
VERB 缓慢地行进: to go or seem to go very slowly
【近】 crawl, delay, dally, dawdle, loiter, lollygag, mope, poke
【反】 barrel, bolt, career, course, dash, fly, hasten, scurry, speed
VERB 匍匐前进: to move slowly with the body close to the ground
【近】 crawl, grovel, slither, snake, worm, wriggle
NOUN (声音)渐强: a gradual increase in the loudness of a sound or section of music
NOUN (渐强之后到达的)顶峰: the highest or loudest point of something that increases gradually
【近】 apex, acme, climax, peak, crest, pinnacle, summit, zenith
【反】 bottom, nadir, rock bottom
NOUN 顶部;浪尖;山顶: the highest part or point of something
【近】 apex, acme, climax, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith
【反】 bottom, nadir, rock bottom
ADJ 垂头丧气的;沮丧的: very sad and disappointed
【近】 dejected, gloomy, glum, hangdog, dispirited, low, gloomy, sorrowful, woeful
【反】 blissful, buoyant, buoyed, cheerful, cheery, chipper, delighted, jubilant, upbeat
NOUN 任人唯亲: the unfair practice by a powerful person of giving jobs and other favors to friends
VERB 使弯曲: to bend (your finger, neck, or arm)
【近】 bend, bow, curve, hook, round
【反】 straighten
VERB 低唱;轻哼: to sing (a song) in a low soft voice
ADJ 关键的;重要的: extremely important
【近】 critical, key, pivotal, vital
ADJ 粗略的: very simple and basic, made or done in a way that does not show a lot of skill
【近】 primitive, low, rude, rudimentary
【反】 advanced, developed, evolved, high, higher
ADJ 粗鲁的: rude in a way that makes people uncomfortable, especially talking about sexual matters in a rude way
ADJ 未加工的: existing in a natural state and unaltered by cooking or processing
【近】 native, natural, raw, rude, undressed, unprocessed, unrefined, untreated
【反】 dressed, processed, refined, treated
VERB 破灭: to break down completely
【近】 atrophy, deteriorate, decay, degenerate, descend, devolve, ebb, worsen
【反】 ameliorate, improve, meliorate
VERB 弄皱: to press or squeeze something so that it is no longer flat or smooth
【近】 crinkle, rumple, scrunch, wrinkle
【反】 flatten, iron out, smooth, smoothen, uncrumple
VERB (因外力挤压而)垮塌: to suddenly bend and fall
【近】 buckle, cave, collapse, founder, implode, tumble, yield
NOUN 支撑;支柱: something that a person uses too much for help or support
【近】 brace, buttress, support
NOUN 中心;关键点: an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an outcome
【近】 core, substance, kernal, gist, pivot
ADJ 秘密的: secret
ADJ 隐晦的;晦涩难懂的: having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning
【近】 arcane, mysterious, deep, enigmatic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mystic, occult, uncanny
【反】 accessible, clear, nonambiguous, obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal
VERB 以……告终: to be the end or final result of something
VERB 达到顶点: to reach the highest or a climactic or decisive point
【近】 climax, crown
ADJ 有罪的: deserving blame; guilty of doing something wrong
【近】 blamable, censurable, blameworthy, reprehensible, reproachable
【反】 blameless, faultless, impeccable, irreproachable
NOUN 狂热崇拜: a situation in which people admire and care about something or someone very much or too much
【近】 audience, followership, following
ADJ (因大或笨重)难处理的: hard to handle or manage because of size or weight
【近】 awkward, bunglesome, clumsy, clunky, cranky, cumbrous, ponderous, ungainly, unhandy, unwieldy
【反】 handy
ADJ 狡猾的: getting what is wanted in a clever and often deceptive way
【近】 beguiling, artful, cute, designing, devious, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, tricky
【反】 artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, undesigning
ADJ (手工)灵巧的: skillful with the hands
【近】 clever, dexterous, deft, handy
【反】 butterfingered, ham-fisted, ham-handed, handless, heavy-handed, unhandy
NOUN 欺诈;欺骗: cleverness or skill especially at tricking people in order to get something
【近】 artifice, cheating, dupery, duplicity, fakery, foxiness, fraud, guile, guilefulness, wiliness
【反】 artlessness, forthrightness, good faith, guilelessness, ingenuousness, sincerity
VERB 控制;约束: to control or limit (something)
【近】 bridle, check, constrain, contain, control, govern, hold, inhibit, restrain, tame
NOUN 万灵药: a cure or solution for any illness or problem
【近】 catholicon, elixir, nostrum, panacea, theriac
NOUN 脾气坏的、爱抱怨的人: a person who is easily annoyed or angered and who often complains
【近】 bellyacher, complainer, growler, grumbler, murmurer, mutterer, whiner
NOUN 课程: the courses that are taught by a school, college, etc.
【近】 course, class
ADJ 粗略的: done or made quickly
【近】 hasty, hurried, overhasty, pell-mell, precipitate, precipitous, rash, rushed
【反】 deliberate, unhurried, unrushed
ADJ 简短无理的: said or done in a quick and impolite way
【近】 abrupt, bluff, brusque, crusty, blunt, downright, short, short-spoken, snippy, unceremonious
【反】 circuitous, mealymouthed
ADJ 言简意赅的: marked by the use of few words to convey much information or meeting
【近】 terse, aphoristic, compendious, laconic, succint
【反】 circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy, wordy
VERB 缩减: to reduce or limit something
【近】 abbreviate, abridge, shorten, cut back, dock, elide, syncopate, truncate
【反】 elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract
ADJ 惯例的: usually done in a particular situation or at a particular place or time
【近】 conventional, current, going, popular, prevailing, prevalent, standard, stock, usual
【反】 nonstandard, unconventional, unpopular, unusual
ADJ 通常: usual or typical of a particular person
NOUN 凶手;杀人犯: killer; murderer
【近】 assassin, homicide, killer, manslayer, murderer
ADJ 残忍的;无情的: murderous; cruel
ADJ 尖刻的: inclined or likely to wound the feelings of others especially because of a ruthless incisiveness
【近】 acerb, acrid, barbed, biting, sarcastic, mordant, pungent, sardonic, scathing, tart
ADJ 严寒的;刺骨的: unpleasantly cold
NOUN 愤世嫉俗者: a person who has negative opinions about other people and about the things people do
【近】 misanthrope, naysayer, pessimist