VERB 胡言乱语: to talk foolishly or too much
【近】 bumble, chat, chatter, drivel, drool, gabble, gibber, jabber, prattle, sputter
NOUN 背景: the setting or conditions within which something happens
【近】 background, ground
VERB 事与愿违: to have the opposite result of what was desired or expected
【近】 boomerang
ADJ 间接的;虚伪的: not direct or sincere
【近】 artificial, insincere, phony, pretended, two-faced, unctuous
【反】 artless, candid, genuine, heartfelt, unfeigned
VERB 后退;撤回;变卦: to retreat or move backward
VERB 故态复萌: to start doing something bad again after you have stopped it
VERB 不断地骚扰: to harass or annoy persistently
NOUN 打趣: playful repartee; banter
【近】 backchat, banter, chaff, jesting, joshing, persiflage, raillery, repartee
VERB 使困惑: to confuse (someone) completely
【近】 addle, confuse, bamboozle, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, buffalo, confound, puzzle, vex
VERB 下诱饵: to put a piece of food on a hook or in a trap in order to attract and catch fish or animals
【近】 allure, lure, beguile, betray, decoy, entice, lead on, seduce, solicit, tempt
VERB 激怒: to try to make (someone) angry by using criticism or insults
ADJ 全面公正的: fair and reasonable
ADJ 均衡的: being in a state of proper balance or equilibrium
【近】 harmonious, congruous, consonant, eurythmic, harmonic
【反】 disharmonic, disharmonious, incongruous, inharmonic, inharmonious, unbalanced
ADJ 沉着冷静的: calm and thinking clearly, even in a difficult situation
【近】 sane, clearheaded, compos mentis, lucid, stable
【反】 brainsick, deranged, insane, lunatic, mad, maniacal, mental, unbalanced, unsound
ADJ 有害的;恶意的: deadly or pernicious in influence
【近】 adverse, deleterious, detrimental, nocuous, noxious, pernicious, prejudicial, wicked, evil, baneful
【反】 benign, harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe
ADJ 凶兆的: foreboding or threatening evil
【近】 foreboding, inauspicious, ominous, portentous, sinister, threatening, ill-boding
【反】 unthreatening
VERB 畏缩不前;犹豫: to suddenly show that you do not want to do something; to refuse to do what someone else wants you to do
VERB 阻止: to check or stop by or as if by an obstacle
【近】 bar, block, clog, encumber, fetter, hamper, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct
【反】 advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote
ADJ 不服管束的: not doing what is wanted or expected
【近】 disobedient, contumacious, defiant, froward, incompliant, obstreperous, rebel, rebellious, recalcitrant, wayward
【反】 amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable
NOUN 气球: a thin usually rubber bag that becomes larger when it is filled with air or gas
VERB 迅速增加: to increase rapidly
【近】 accumulate, appreciate, enlarge, escalate, expand, multiply, mushroom, proliferate, swell, wax
【反】 contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane
NOUN 投票: a process that allows people to vote in secret so that other people cannot see their votes
NOUN 安慰物: something that gives comfort or support
ADJ 平庸的: boring or ordinary, not interesting
【近】 wishy-washy, flat, insipid, milk-and-water, namby-pamby, watery
【反】 fresh, new, novel, original, unclichéd, unhackneyed
NOUN 祸根: a source of harm or ruin
【近】 affliction, curse, nemesis, scourge
【反】 benefit, blessing, boon, felicity, godsend, good, manna, windfall
VERB 驱逐;放逐: to send (someone or something) away
【近】 eject, cast out, chase, dismiss, expel, extrude, throw out, deport, displace, exile
VERB 去除;消除: to cause (something) to go away; to get rid of (something)
ADJ 破产的: unable to pay debts
ADJ 缺乏的;沦丧的: used to say that someone or something completely lacks a good or desired quality
【近】 devoid, bare, barren, bereft, destitute, void
【反】 filled, flush, fraught, full, replete, rife
NOUN 宴会: a formal dinner for many people usually to celebrate a special event
【近】 feast, dinner, feed, regale, spread
NOUN 打趣: talk in which people make jokes about each other in a friendly way
【近】 joke, chaff, gag, jape, jest, josh, kid, quip, wisecrack
NOUN 讽刺;尖酸刻薄的话: a remark that is clever and amusing, but also cruel
【近】 affront, insult, brickbat, epithet, indignity, sarcasm, slap, slight, slur
NOUN 残暴行为: cruel and violent behavior
NOUN 原始野蛮粗鲁行为: very rude behavior
ADJ 公然的: completely obvious
【近】 apparent, bald, bald-faced, plain, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, unambivalent, unequivocal, unmistakable
【反】 ambiguous, clouded, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, indistinct, mysterious, nonobvious, obfuscated, obscure
ADJ 夸张的: characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance
【近】 excessive, devilish, intolerable, lavish, overdue, overmuch, overweening, plethoric, steep
【反】 middling, moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate
ADJ 纷繁复杂的: having many details or too many details
【近】 byzantine, elaborate, intricate, involved, knotty, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, sophisticated, tangled
【反】 noncomplex, noncomplicated, plain, simple, uncomplicated
NOUN 大量(言语)攻击: a vigorous or rapid outpouring or projection of many things at once
【近】 blitz, blitzkrieg, bombardment, cannonade, drumbeat, drumfire, fusillade, shower, storm, volley
ADJ 贫瘠的: having very few plants, not suitable for plants
【近】 bony, dead, desolate, hardscrabble, impoverished, infertile, unfertile, unproductive, waste
【反】 fertile, fruitful, lush, luxuriant, productive, rich
ADJ 平淡乏味的: lacking interest or charm
NOUN 障碍物: a temporary wall, fence, or similar structure that is built to prevent people from entering a place or area
【近】 barrier, fence, hedge, wall
VERB 阻碍: to block off or stop up with a barrier; to prevent access to by means of a barrier
【近】 bar, close, blockade, block, guard, wall
【反】 open, unbar
PREP 除……之外: other than (someone or something)
【近】 apart from, aside from, bar, except, beside, besides, excluding, exclusive of, outside, save
VERB 以物换物: to exchange things (such as products or services) for other things instead of for money
【近】 exchange, dicker, swap, trade, trade off, truck
ADJ 无根据的: having no basis in reason or fact
【近】 groundless, foundationless, invalid, unreasonable, unsubstantiated, unsupported, unwarranted
【反】 justified, reasonable, substantiated, valid, well-founded, well-grounded
VERB 用力击打: to hit (someone or something) very hard or forcefully
【近】 bang, bump, collide, crash, impact, impinge, slam, smash, strike, swipe
VERB 攻击;抨击: to attack physically or verbally
【近】 abuse, castigate, excoriate, jump, lambaste, savage, scathe, slam, trash, vituperate
ADJ 害羞的;局促不安的: nervous or uncomfortable in social situations; afraid to talk to people because of a lack of confidence
【近】 backward, shy, coy, demure, diffident, introverted, modest, recessive, retiring, withdrawn
【反】 extroverted, immodest, outgoing
NOUN 一批次的量: an amount of something that is made at one time
【近】 clot, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, constellation, grouping, passel, set, suite
NOUN 一伙;一堆: a group of people or things
【近】 array, band, group, cluster, clutch, consort, constellation, lot, parcel, passel
ADJ 平凡的;陈腐的: characterized by bathos
NOUN 举止: the way in which a person moves, stands, or behaves
【近】 actions, address, behavior, comportment, conduct, demeanor, deportment, geste
NOUN 关系: a relation or connection
【近】 affinity, association, connection, kinship, liaison, linkage, relation, relationship
NOUN 方位: the position or direction of one point with respect to another or to the compass
VERB 装饰: to decorate (someone or something) with things; to add decorative things to (something or someone)
【近】 adorn, decorate, bedizen, blazon, caparison, embellish, enrich, festoon, garnish, trim
【反】 blemish, deface, disfigure, mar, scar, spoil
NOUN 基础: a strong idea, principle, or fact that supports something
【近】 basis, base, cornerstone, footing, foundation, ground, groundwork, keystone, root
【反】 acme, apex, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith
NOUN 基石: the solid rock that lies under the surface of the ground
VERB 使迷惑: to muddle or stupefy with or as if with drink
【近】 baffle, bamboozle, confuse, confound, flummox, fuddle, mystify, perplex, puzzle, vex
VERB 造成: to cause (something) to happen or exist
【近】 effect, breed, catalyze, induce, invoke, make, occasion, produce, prompt
VERB 欺骗: to trick or deceive (someone)
【近】 bamboozle, deceive, cozen, delude, dupe, fake out, hornswoggle, humbug, juggle
【反】 undeceive
VERB 迷惑: to attract or interest someone
【近】 allure, charm, bewitch, captivate, enchant, fascinate, kill, magnetize, wile, witch
VERB 看到: to look at (something); to see (something)
ADJ 欠他人人情的: being under obligation for a favor or gift; indebted
【近】 bounden, indebted, obligated, obliged
NOUN 旁观者: a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
VERB 对……有利: to be necessary or proper for (someone)
ADJ 缺乏特征的: lacking distinction
【近】 nondescript, characterless, faceless, featureless, indistinctive, neutral, noncommital, vanilla
VERB 就……做过度说明: to talk about (something) for too long; to repeat or stress (something) too much or too often
【近】 dwell, harp
【反】 disregard, forget, ignore, overlook, overpass, pass over, slight, slur
VERB 批评: to attack or criticize (someone)
【近】 abuse, bash, blast, castigate, excoriate, savage, scathe, slam, trash, vituperate
VERB 骚扰: to cause constant or repeated trouble for (a person, business, etc.)
【近】 besiege
VERB 证伪;证明……为虚假: to show (something) to be false or wrong
【近】 disprove, confound, confute, debunk, disconfirm, discredit, falsify, rebut, refute, shoot down
【反】 confirm, establish, prove, validate, verify
VERB 掩饰;给人以……的假象: to give a false idea of (something)
【近】 misrepresent
【反】 betray, represent
VERB 贬低: to describe (someone or something) as little or unimportant
【近】 bad-mouth, decry, cry down, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, diminish, trash, vilipend
【反】 acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, magnify, praise
ADJ 好斗的: angry and aggressive, feeling or showing readiness to fight
【近】 aggressive, agonistic, bellicose, combative, disputatious, feisty, gladiatorial, militant, pugnacious
【反】 nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, pacific, peaceable, peaceful, unbelligerent, uncombative, uncontentious
NOUN 领头人: someone who leads others or shows what will happen in the future
【近】 leader, pacemaker, pacer, pacesetter, trendsetter
【反】 follower, imitator
VERB 惋惜;埋怨: to say that you are unhappy about (something); to complain about (something)
【近】 lament, bewail, deplore, grieve, mourn, wail
VERB 使困惑: to cause (someone) to be confused and often, somewhat amused
【近】 confuse, bewilder, buffalo, confound, discombobulate, disorient, flummox, fuddle, perplex, vex
NOUN 资助人;捐款人: someone who helps another person, group, etc., by giving money
【近】 angel, donator, donor, fairy godmother, Maecenas, patron, sugar daddy
ADJ 行善的: doing or producing good
【近】 humane, benevolent, benignant, compassionate, softhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted, warmhearted
【反】 atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, callous, cold-blooded, cruel, sadistic, savage, truculent, vicious
ADJ 仁慈的: kind and generous
ADJ 行善的: organized to do good things for other people
【近】 beneficent, humane, benignant, compassionate, sympathetic, tenderhearted, warmhearted
【反】 atrocious, barbaric, cruel, inhuman, inhumane, insensate, sadistic, savage, truculent, vicious
VERB 遗赠: to say in a will that (your property) will be given to (a person or organization) after you die
【近】 leave, will
VERB 传承: to give (ideas, knowledge, etc.) to (younger people) as part of their history
VERB 严厉指责: to yell at (someone) or to criticize (someone) in a loud and angry way
【近】 baste, scold, castigate, chastise, hammer, jaw, lambaste, reprimand, reproach, upbraid
VERB 剥夺;使丧失: to deprive of something, usually used with of; to take away (a valued or necessary posse ssion) especially by force
【近】 abate, deprive, divest, strip
ADJ 失去亲人或朋友的: sad because a family member or friend has died
【近】 bereaved
VERB (急切地)恳求: to beg (someone) for something or to ask (someone) in a serious and emotional way to do something
【近】 beg, besiege, conjure, entreat, impetrate, implore, importune, petition, solicit, supplicate
VERB 困扰: to cause problems or difficulties for (someone or something)
【近】 agonize, anguish, bedevil, afflict, besiege, excruciate, harrow, persecute, plague, torture
VERB 弄脏;弄污: to make dirty
【近】 befoul, begrime, bemire, mire, muck, muddy, smirch, smudge, soil, stain
【反】 clean, cleanse
VERB 诽谤;玷污: to cause harm or damage to (the reputation of someone or something)
VERB 表明;证明: to be evidence of (something) or to be a sign of (something)
【近】 indicate, betoken, denote, mean, point, signify, tell
VERB 授予;赠予: to give (something) as a gift or honor
【近】 give, contribute, donate, give away, present, volunteer
VERB 表示;标志: to show (something); to be a sign of (something)
【近】 bespeak, indicate, denote, mean, signify, tell
VERB 出卖;背叛: to give information about (a person, group, country, etc. ) to an enemy
【近】 backstab, cross, go back on, sell down the river, stab in the back
【反】 stand by
VERB 泄露(秘密);流露(迹象): to show (something, such as a feeling or desire) without wanting or trying to
【近】 bespeak, communicate, declare, demonstrate, display, evince, expose, manifest, reveal
VERB 为……悲伤;哀悼: to express great sadness or disappointment about (something)
【近】 bemoan, lament, deplore, grieve, mourn, wail
【反】 delight, exult, glory, joy, rejoice
VERB 使……迷惑: to confuse (someone) very much
【近】 baffle, bamboozle, confuse, buffalo, confound, perplex, pose, puzzle, vex
ADJ 迷人的;令人着迷的: having an often mysterious or magical power to attract
【近】 captivating, charismatic, charming, enchanting, engaging, entrancing, fetching, glamorous, seductive
【反】 repellent, repelling, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, unalluring
VERB (使)分成两支: to divide into two parts
NOUN 固执己见者;有偏见的人: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. or a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)
【近】 dogmatist, dogmatizer, partisan, sectarian
NOUN 传记: the story of a real person’s life written by someone other than that person
【近】 bio, life, memoir
ADJ 怪诞的: very unusual or strange
【近】 absurd, fantastic, crazy, fanciful, foolish, insane, nonsensical, preposterous, unreal, wild
【反】 realistic, reasonable
NOUN 敲诈;勒索: extortion or coercion by threats especially of public exposure or criminal prosecution
ADJ 无懈可击的;无可指责的: free from guilt or blame
【近】 innocent, cleanhanded, clear, faultless, guiltless, impeccable, inculpable, irreproachable, lily-white
【反】 guilty
ADJ 味道平淡的;不刺激的: lacking strong flavor
ADJ 无趣的;乏味的: not interesting or exciting
ADJ 温和的;和蔼的: smooth and soothing in manner or quality
【近】 balmy, benign, gentle, delicate, light, mellow, mild, nonabrasive, soft, soothing
【反】 abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough, scathing, stern, ungentle
ADJ 漠不关心的: showing no emotion, concern, etc.
NOUN 甜言蜜语;讨好某人的话: something that tends to coax or cajole or allure, often used in plural
ADJ (过度放纵之后)厌倦享乐的;腻烦的: having or showing a lack of excitement or interest in something especially because it is very familiar
VERB 炸裂;爆破: to destroy, break apart, or remove (something) with an explosive
【近】 blow, blow up, burst, demolish, explode, pop, shatter, smash
VERB 斥责;抨击: to strongly criticize (someone or something) especially in public
【近】 abuse, bash, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, savage, scathe, slam, trash, vituperate
ADJ 公然的: very obvious and offensive
【近】 vociferous, clamant, clamorous, obstreperous, squawking, vociferant, vociferating
VERB 使知名;大声公布: to publish widely; proclaim
【近】 advertise, annunciate, blare, herald, placard, proclaim, promulgate, release, sound, trumpet
VERB 修饰;装扮: to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming
【近】 decorate, caparison, deck, embellish, emblaze, emboss, festoon, garnish, ornament, trim
【反】 blemish, deface, disfigure, mar, scar, spoil
ADJ 阴冷的;黯淡的: not warm, friendly, cheerful, etc.
【近】 bitter, chilly, inclement, nasty, raw, rough, squally, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent
【反】 bright, clear, clement, cloudless, fair, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded
ADJ 沮丧的: not hopeful or encouraging
NOUN 缺点;污点: a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person’s body)
【近】 blight, blotch, excrescence, excrescency, fault, flaw, imperfection, mar, mark, pockmark
VERB 损害;玷污: to make (something) imperfect or less beautiful or to hurt or damage the good condition of (something)
【近】 damage, compromise, crab, endamage, flaw, harm, hurt, impair, injure, vitiate
【反】 doctor, fix, mend, patch, rebuild, recondition, reconstruct, renovate, repair, revamp
VERB 使……衰败: to damage (a thing or place)
NOUN 祸因: something that causes harm or damage like a disease
NOUN 枯萎病: a disease that makes plants dry up and die
ADJ 愉快的: happy and without worry
【近】 cheerful, blithesome, chipper, debonair, gay, gladsome, lightsome, sunny, upbeat, winsome
【反】 dour, gloomy, glum, morose, saturnine, sulky, sullen
ADJ 漫不经心的: showing a lack of proper thought or care or not caring or worrying
【近】 carefree, insouciant, lighthearted, lightsome, slaphappy, unconcerned
【反】 careworn
NOUN 暴风雪: a severe snowstorm that goes on for a long time
NOUN 暴风雪似的一阵;猛攻;闪击: a large amount of something that comes suddenly
VERB 挡住;封锁: to block; obstruct
【近】 bar, barricade, close, block, guard, wall
【反】 open, unbar
ADJ 直率的;(说话)直截了当的: having a very open, honest, and direct way of talking that is friendly but not always polite
【近】 abrupt, blunt, brusque, crusty, curt, downright, short, short-spoken, snippy, unceremonious
【反】 circuitous, mealymouthed
VERB 欺骗: to pretend that you will do something or that you know or have something in order to trick someone into doing what you want
【近】 bamboozle, beguile, con, cozen, delude, dupe, hoax, juggle, sucker, trick
【反】 undeceive
NOUN 过失;犯错: an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy
【近】 flub, fluff, foul-up, fumble, goof, mess, stumble, trip
VERB 蹒跚: to move in an awkward or confused way
【近】 flounder, bumble, limp, lumber, plod, struggle, stumble, trudge
ADJ 钝的;迟钝的: having a thick edge or point, not sharp
【近】 dull, blunted, dulled, obtuse
【反】 cutting, edged, edgy, honed, sharpened, whetted
ADJ 直言不讳的: saying or expressing something in a very direct way that may upset some people
【近】 abrupt, bluff, brusque, downright, short, short-spoken, snippy
【反】 circuitous, mealymouthed
VERB 使……模糊: to become vague or indistinct
【近】 becloud, befog, confuse, cloud, fog, muddy, obfuscate
【反】 clarify, clear, illuminate
NOUN 模糊不清: something that you cannot see clearly or something that is difficult to remember
VERB 突然说出;冲动地说: to say (something) suddenly and without thinking about how people will react
VERB 吹嘘: to speak of or assert with excessive pride
【近】 blow, brag, bull, crow, gasconade, swagger, vapor, vaunt
VERB 预示: to be a sign of (a future event or situation)
【近】 augur, forebode, promise, bid fair
VERB (使)困惑: to be unable to think clearly, to be amazed or overwhelmed
ADJ 假的: not real or genuine, fake or false
【近】 counterfeit, fake, false, forged, inauthentic, phony, queer, spurious, unauthentic
【反】 authentic, bona fide, genuine, real, unfaked
ADJ 喧闹的: very noisy and active in a lively way
【近】 knockabout, rambunctious, raucous, robustious, roisterous, rollicking, rowdy, rumbustious
【反】 orderly
NOUN 长枕: a long bag of cloth completely filled with soft material, a long pillow or cushion
VERB 支持;增强;巩固: to make (something) stronger or better; to give support to (something)
【近】 back, support, buttress, corroborate, reinforce, substantiate
VERB 炮轰: to attack (a place) with bombs, large guns, etc.
【近】 batter, blitz, blitzkrieg, bomb, cannonade, shell
VERB 连珠炮似地提问;不断批评: to hit or attack (something or someone) constantly or repeatedly
NOUN 浮夸的言语;夸大的言辞: speech or writing that is meant to sound important or impressive but is not sincere or meaningful
【近】 bluster, brag, braggadocio, gas, gasconade, grandiloquence, magniloquence, rant
NOUN 束缚: the state of being a slave
【近】 slavery, enslavement, servility, servitude, thrall, thralldom, yoke
【反】 freedom, liberty
NOUN 欢乐友好的感觉: a feeling of friendliness among a group of people
NOUN 额外收获: something good that is more than what was expected or required
【近】 cumshaw, dividend, donative, extra, gratuity, gravy, perk, perquisite, tip
NOUN 奖金: an extra amount of money that is given to an employee
NOUN 嘘(以表示不满或嘲笑): a sound that people make to show they do not like or approve of someone or something
【近】 catcall, Bronx cheer, hiss, hoot, jeer, raspberry, razz, snort
【反】 cheer
NOUN 恩惠;福利: something pleasant or helpful; a benefit or advantage
【近】 advantage, aid, asset, benefit, help
【反】 disadvantage, drawback, encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, minus
ADJ 亲密的;意气相投的: close, special, or intimate (in the phrase boon companion)
ADJ 粗鲁的: resembling or befitting a boor (as in crude insensitivity)
【近】 clownish, churlish, classless, cloddish, loutish, uncouth
ADJ 无用的: useless, unprofitable
【近】 abortive, barren, futile, empty, fruitless, inefficacious, profitless, useless, vain
【反】 deadly, efficacious, fruitful, potent, productive, profitable, successful, virtuous
NOUN 界线: existing at or near a border
【近】 frontier, marginal
【反】 interior
ADJ 勉强合格的;接近的: not quite as severe as what is usual or expected, having some but not all characteristics of something
ADJ 中产阶级的: relating to or belonging to the middle class of society
ADJ 过分注重名利的;追求物质享受的: having qualities or values associated with the middle class, too concerned about wealth, possessions, and respectable behavior
VERB 联合抵制;拒绝参与: to refuse to buy, use, or participate in (something) as a way of protesting; to stop using the goods or services of (a company, country, etc.) until changes are made
ADJ 令人振奋的;给人带来活力的: giving strength, vigor, or freshness
【近】 tonic, cordial, invigorating, refreshing, rejuvenating, restorative, reviving, stimulative, vital, vitalizing
NOUN 吹嘘的人: a person who brags a lot
【近】 blower, blowhard, boaster, gascon, gasconader, swaggerer, vaunter
VERB 挥舞(尤指武器): to wave or swing (something, such as a weapon) in a threatening or excited manner
ADJ 愚勇的;鲁莽的: very strong or harsh
【近】 adventurous, audacious, daring, dashing, emboldened, enterprising, gutsy, hardy, nervy, venturous
【反】 unadventurous, unenterprising
ADJ 缺乏判断力的;不明智的: confident and aggressive in usually a rude or unpleasant way
【近】 indiscreet, graceless, ill-advised, imprudent, inadvisable, indelicate, injudicious, tactless, undiplomatic, unwise
【反】 advisable, discreet, judicious, prudent, tactful, wise
ADJ 厚脸皮的: very confident and aggressive in a loud and sometimes annoying way
【近】 audacious, nervy, bold-faced, brazen, cocky, impertinent, impudent, insolent, saucy
【反】 meek, mousy, retiring, shy, timid
ADJ 喧闹刺耳的: having a loud and often harsh sound
ADJ 黄铜色的: resembling or suggesting brass
NOUN 虚张声势;假装勇敢: confident or brave talk or behavior that is intended to impress other people
ADJ 精彩华丽的;技艺精湛的: having great skill and energy in doing something (such as performing on a stage)
【近】 adroit, artful, skillful, deft, delicate, dexterous, masterly, practiced, virtuoso, workmanlike
【反】 amateur, amateurish, artless, rude, unprofessional, unskillful
ADJ 厚颜无耻的: acting or done in a very open and shocking way without shame or embarrassment
【近】 audacious, cheeky, cocksure, cocky, fresh, impertinent, impudent, insolent, sassy, saucy
【反】 meek, mousy, retiring, shy, timid
NOUN (对伦理、法律准则的)破坏: a failure to act in a promised or required way
【近】 contravention, infraction, infringement, transgression, trespass, violation
【反】 noninfringement, nonviolation, observance
VERB 违背;违反: to fail to keep
【近】 violate, break, contravene, fracture, infringe, offend, traduce, transgress
【反】 comply, conform, follow, mind, obey, observe
NOUN (关系中的)裂痕: a break in accustomed friendly relations
NOUN 分离;逃脱: a departure from or rejection of (as a group or tradition)
NOUN 短暂;短促: the quality or fact of lasting only for a short period of time
【近】 briefness, conciseness, shortness
【反】 lengthiness
NOUN 简洁;精练: the use of few words to say something
【近】 succinctness, briefness, compactness, conciseness, concision, crispness, pithiness, sententiousness, terseness
【反】 diffuseness, long-windedness, prolixity, verbosity, wordiness
VERB 酿造(啤酒等): to make (beer, ale, etc.)
VERB 冲泡(茶、咖啡等): to make (coffee, tea, etc.)
VERB (危机、动乱等)酝酿;开始形成: to start to form
【近】 loom, impend
VERB 贿赂;收买: to give someone something valuable (such as money) in order to get someone to do something
【近】 buy, corrupt, pay off, square
NOUN 马勒: a device that fits on a horse’s head and that is used for guiding and controlling the horse
VERB 限制: to restrain, check, or control with or as if with a bridle
【近】 control, check, constrain, contain, curb, govern, inhibit, restrain, rule, tame
【反】 lose
NOUN 边缘;边界: an upper or outer margin
【近】 borderline, border, circumference, compass, confines, edge, fringe, periphery, rim, skirt
VERB 充满: to be completely filled with something
【近】 fill, charge, cram, heap, jam, load, pack, stuff
【反】 clear, empty, evacuate, vacate, void
VERB 怒不可遏;咆哮: to show signs of anger
【近】 rage, fume, storm
VERB 供应充足;充满: to have a lot of something, or be full of something
【近】 brim, abound, bustle, buzz, crawl, hum, overflow, pullulate, swarm, teem
NOUN 短而硬的毛: a short, stiff hair, fiber, etc.
ADJ 易碎的;脆弱的: easily broken or cracked
【近】 brickle , crisp, crispy, crumbly, embrittled, flaky, friable, short
ADJ 尖利的;刺耳的: sharp in sound
ADJ 不热心的;不真心的: lacking warmth, depth, or generosity of spirit
【近】 antiseptic, arctic, frigid, frosty, frozen, gelid, glacial, hard-eyed, icy, wintry
【反】 cordial, friendly, genial, happy, hearty, sympathetic, warmhearted
VERB 开始商讨;提出: to bring up as a subject for discussion
【近】 bring up, introduce, moot, place, raise
NOUN 陈词滥调: a statement that is intended to make people feel happier or calmer but that is not original or effective
【近】 banality, commonplace, chestnut, cliché, groaner, homily, platitude, shibboleth, trope
NOUN 溴化物镇静剂: a drug that makes a person calm
VERB 忍受;容许: to put up with (something painful or difficult)
【近】 abide, absorb, stomach, support, sustain, sweat out, take, tolerate
NOUN 小溪流: a small stream
【近】 beck, creek, brooklet, burn, gill, rill, rivulet, streamlet
VERB 恐吓: to use threats or angry speech to make (someone) do or accept something
【近】 blackjack, bogart, intimidate, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, cow, hector, mau-mau, strong-arm
VERB 散播: report, rumor, usually used with about
ADJ 野蛮的;残暴的: extremely cruel or harsh
【近】 atrocious, barbaric, brute, butcherly, fiendish, sadistic, savage, truculent, vicious, wanton
【反】 benign, compassionate, humane, kind, kindhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted
ADJ 不留情面的(诚实、直白的): very direct and accurate in a way that is harsh or unpleasant
VERB 抵制;反对: to oppose or resist (something or someone)
VERB (马等动物)狂蹬后腿跃起,四蹄离地狂跳: (of a horse) to jump violently into the air with the back bent upward
ADJ 田园的: of or relating to the country or country life
【近】 rural, country, pastoral, rustic
【反】 urban
VERB 让步;(使)改变立场或态度: to change your opinion or decision
【近】 bow, yield, capitulate, concede, knuckle, relent, submit, succumb, surrender
【反】 resist
VERB 移动: to move slightly
【近】 move, locomote, shift, stir
【反】 freeze, still
VERB ['bʌfɪt] 打击: to hit (something) with great force many times
【近】 bash, lambaste, lash, lather, paddle, switch, tan, whale, whip
NOUN [bə'feɪ] 自助餐: a meal set out on a table for ready access and informal service
NOUN 凸起: a rounded lump on the surface of something
NOUN 骤增: a sudden increase
VERB 塞满: to be completely filled with something
【近】 brim, bristle, abound, burst, crawl, overflow, pullulate, swarm, teem
NOUN 欺凌弱小者: a person who teases, hurts, or threatens smaller or weaker persons
ADJ 最好的;最棒的: used in phrases like “bully for you” to express approval or praise especially when the approval or praise is not sincere
【近】 awesome, excellent, corking, crackerjack, cracking, dandy, divine, marvelous, terrific, wonderful
【反】 atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy, pathetic, poor, rotten, terrible, vile, wretched
VERB 笨拙地行动;杂乱无章地说: to act, move, or speak in a clumsy way
【近】 blow, bobble, fluff, foozle, fumble, mangle, muff, screw up
ADJ 专横傲慢的;自以为是的: proud or confident in a loud and rude way that annoys other people
【近】 assumptive, cavalier, imperious, lofty, masterful, overweening, peremptory, presumptuous, pretentious, supercilious
【反】 humble, lowly, modest, unarrogant, unpretentious
VERB 办糟;失败: to make mistakes in doing (something); to not do (something) well or successfully
【近】 bumble, botch, butcher, foozle, fumble, goof up, louse up, mangle, screw up
VERB 使充满勇气和力量;使振作: to cause (someone) to feel happy or confident
NOUN 浮标: an object that floats on water in a lake, bay, river, etc., to show areas that are safe or dangerous for boats
ADJ 有浮力的: able to float or able to cause things to float
ADJ 心情好的: happy and confident
【近】 blithe, blithesome, bright, cheerful, canty, eupeptic, gay, gladsome, upbeat, winsome
【反】 dour, gloomy, glum, morose, saturnine, sulky, sullen
ADJ 繁重的: causing difficulty or worry
【近】 bitter, brutal, onerous, oppressive, rough, rugged, searing, severe, stiff, tough
【反】 easy, light, soft
NOUN 官僚主义: a system of government or business that has many complicated rules and ways of doing things
VERB 迅速发展;增长: to grow or develop quickly
【近】 accelerate, enlarge, escalate, expand, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate, swell, wax
【反】 contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane
NOUN 滑稽剧;滑稽作品: a play, story, novel, etc., that makes a serious subject seem funny or ridiculous
【近】 parody, caricature, put-on, rib, send-up, spoof, takeoff, travesty
VERB 擦亮;磨光: to make (something, such as metal or leather) smooth and shiny by rubbing it
【近】 buff, polish, dress, furbish, gloss, grind, rub, shine, smooth, smoothen
NOUN 洞穴;地道: a hole or tunnel in the ground that an animal (such as a rabbit or fox) makes to live in or for safety
【近】 den, hole, house, lair, lodge
VERB 挖地洞: to make a hole or tunnel in the ground by digging
VERB 钻进;深入搜寻: to move or press under, through, or into something
ADJ 高效的: having or showing qualities that are considered good in business, serious, polite, and practical
VERB 忙乱;喧闹: to have a lot of busy, noisy activity
VERB (快速地)行走;奔忙: to move or go in a busy or hurried way
【近】 barrel, careen, dash, hare, hasten, jet, scurry, scuttle, trot, whirl
【反】 crawl, creep, poke
NOUN 扶壁: a structure built against a wall in order to support or strengthen it
【近】 brace, support, mount, prop, reinforcement, shore, spur, stay, underpinning
VERB 支持;支撑: to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea)
【近】 back, bolster, support, corroborate, reinforce, substantiate
VERB 绕过;避开: to go around or avoid (a place or area)
【近】 detour, circumnavigate, circumvent, skirt
NOUN (绕过城镇中心的)旁道: a road that goes around a blocked or very crowded area
NOUN 旁观者: a person who is standing near but not taking part in what is happening
【近】 spectator, observer, onlooker, viewer, watcher
NOUN 谚语;俗语: a proverbial saying; proverb
【近】 adage, aphorism, apothegm, saying, epigram, maxim, proverb, saw, sententia, word
ADJ 错综复杂的: having many parts or aspects that are usually interrelated
【近】 baroque, complicated, convoluted, elaborate, intricate, involute, knotty, labyrinthian, sophisticated, tangled
【反】 noncomplex, noncomplicated, plain, simple, uncomplicated