

abase [ə'beɪs]

VERB 降低……的地位: to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem

【近】 humble, depress, disgrace, humiliate, downgrade, denigrate, demote, belittle, mortify, debase

【反】 elevate, ennoble, uplift

abash [ə'bæʃ]

VERB 使感到尴尬、迷惑或羞愧: to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of

【近】 embarrass, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus

abate [ə'beɪt]

VERB 减弱: to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent

【近】 decrease, dent, deplete, diminish, downscale, dwindle, ease, lessen

【反】 aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, expand, increase, raise

VERB 废除;使无效: to put an end to

【近】 abolish, abrogate, annul, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, negate, nullify, quash, void

abdicate ['æbdɪkeɪt]

VERB 正式放弃(权力、责任): to give up (as a position of authority) formally

【近】 abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step aside, step down, surrender

VERB 放弃履行权力;推卸(职责): to fail to do what is required by (a duty or responsibility)

aberrant [æ'berənt]

ADJ 异常的;变态的: different from the usual or natural type; unusual or abnormal

【近】 deviant, deviate, devious, aberrational, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, irregular, unnatural, untypical

【反】 natural, normal, regular, standard, typical

abet [ə'bet]

VERB 怂恿;煽动: to help, encourage, or support someone in a criminal act

【近】 incite, brew, ferment, foment, instigate, pick, provoke, raise, stir, whip

【反】 stymie, frustrate, hinder, obstruct, thwart, impede, forestall

VERB 帮助;鼓励: to actively encourage

【近】 help, assist, aid, connive at, support

abeyance [ə'beɪəns]

NOUN 暂时中止;搁置: temporary inactivity; suspension

【近】 cold storage, deep freeze, doldrums, dormancy, holding pattern, latency, moratorium, quiescence, suspense

【反】 continuance, continuation

abhor [əb'hɔ:]

VERB 憎恶: to dislike (someone or something) very much

【近】 hate, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe, shrink from, shudder at

【反】 love, admire

abide [ə'baɪd]

VERB 坚持;忍受: to endure without yielding; to bear patiently

【近】 tolerate, accept, bear, endure, put up with, stand, suffer

VERB 继续;持续: to remain or continue

【近】 continue, bide, endure, hold on, hold up, keep up, last, perdure, persist, remain

【反】 cease, close, conclude, desist, discontinue, expire, lapse, pass, terminate, wind up

abiding [ə'baɪdɪŋ]

ADJ 持久的: continuing for a long time, not changing

【近】 ageless, dateless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, imperishable, ongoing, perennial, perpetual, persistent

【反】 evanescent, ephemeral

abject ['æbdʒekt]

ADJ 非常卑微的: very humble, feeling or showing shame

【近】 base, humble, menial, servile, slavish

【反】 arrogant, haughty, high-handed, imperious, lordly, supercilious, superior, uppity

ADJ 境况差的: extremely bad or severe

abjure [əb'dʒʊə]

VERB 正式放弃: to reject (something) formally

【近】 abnegate, forswear, recant, renege, renounce, repeal, repudiate, retract, withdraw

【反】 adhere, affirm, espouse, embrace

ablaze [ə'bleɪz]

ADJ 熊熊燃烧的: in the process of burning; on fire

【近】 aflame, blazing, burning, combusting, conflagrant, fiery, flaming, ignited, inflamed, kindled

ADJ 光彩夺目的: glowing with light, color, or emotion

【近】 bright, alight, brightened, illuminated, illumined, light, lightsome, lit

abnegate ['æbnɪgeɪt]

VERB 拒绝: to formally reject

【近】 abjure, forswear, recant, renege, renounce, repeal, repudiate, retract, unsay, withdraw

【反】 adhere

VERB 放弃: to give up formally

【近】 abdicate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step aside, step down, surrender

abominate [ə'bɒmɪneɪt]

VERB 憎恶: to dislike strongly

【近】 abhor, hate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe

【反】 admire, love

abound [ə'baʊnd]

ADJ 充满;大量存在: to be present in large numbers or in great quantity

【近】 brim, bulge, burst, buzz, overflow, pullulate

aboveboard [əˌbʌv'bɔ:d]

ADJ 无欺诈的;正大光明的: open, honest, and legal

abrade [ə'breɪd]

VERB 磨损: to damage (something) by rubbing, grinding, or scraping

【近】 chafe, corrade, erode, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, rasp, rub, wear

abreast [ə'brest]

ADV 并肩地;齐平地: used to describe two or more people or things that are next to each other in a line

abridge [ə'brɪdʒ]

VERB 缩短: to shorten in duration or extent

【近】 abbreviate, shorten, curtail, cut back, dock, elide, syncopate, truncate

【反】 elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract

abrogate ['æbrəʊgeɪt]

VERB 废除;取消: to end or cancel (something) in a formal and official way

【近】 abate, abolish, annul, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, negate, nullify, quash, repeal

VERB 抛开;无视: to fail to do what is required by (something, such as a responsibility)

abscond [æb'skɒnd]

VERB 偷偷离开;潜逃: to go away or escape from a place secretly

【近】 escape, break out, clear out, flee, fly, get out, lam, run away, run off

absolute ['æbsəlu:t]

ADJ 专制的;独裁的: having unlimited power

【近】 arbitrary, autocratic, czarist , despotic, dictatorial, monocratic, tyrannical, tyrannous

ADJ 无限的: not limited in any way

ADJ 完全的;绝对的: complete and total

absolve [əb'zɒlv]

VERB 免除(责任);免罪: to make (someone) free from guilt, responsibility, etc.

【近】 exculpate, acquit, clear, exonerate, vindicate

【反】 criminate, incriminate

absorbing [əb'sɔ:bɪŋ]

ADJ 引人入胜的: fully taking one’s attention; engrossing

【近】 interesting, arresting, consuming, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fascinating, gripping, immersing, intriguing

【反】 boring, drab, dry, dull, heavy, monotonous, tedious, uninteresting

abstain [əb'steɪn]

VERB 节制;禁绝: to choose not to do or have something

VERB 不投票: to choose not to vote

abstemious [əb'sti:mɪəs]

ADJ 有节制的: not eating and drinking too much

【近】 abstentious, abstinent, continent, self-abnegating, self-denying, sober, temperate

【反】 self-indulgent

ADJ 节俭的: sparing in consumption of especially food and drink

abstinence ['æbstɪnəns]

NOUN 禁欲: the practice of not doing or having something that is wanted or enjoyable; the practice of abstaining from something

【近】 continence, self-abnegation, self-denial, sobriety, temperance

【反】 self-indulgence


VERB [æb'strækt] 概括: relating to or involving general ideas or qualities rather than specific people, objects, or actions

【近】 summarize, brief, digest, encapsulate, epitomize, outline, recap, recapitulate, sum up, synopsize

VERB [æb'strækt] 使分心: to draw away the attention of

【近】 distract, call off, detract, divert, throw off

【反】 concentrate, focus

ADJ ['æbstrækt] 抽象的: of art, expressing ideas and emotions by using elements such as colors and lines without attempting to create a realistic picture

【近】 nonfigurative, nonobjective, nonrealistic, nonrepresentational

【反】 figurative, naturalistic, nonabstract, objective, realistic, representational

abstruse [əb'stru:s]

ADJ 深奥难懂的: hard to understand

【近】 profound, arcane, deep, esoteric, hermetic, recondite

【反】 shallow, superficial

absurd [əb'sɜ:d]

ADJ 荒谬可笑的: ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous

【近】 ridiculous, outrageous, unbelievable, daft, irrational, senseless, preposterous, illogical, incongruous, idiotic

【反】 reasonable

abuse [ə'bju:z]

VERB 侮辱: to attack in words; revile

【近】 attack, assail, bash, belabor, blast, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, vituperate, scathe

VERB 虐待: to treat (a person or animal) in a harsh or harmful way

【近】 brutalize, bully, ill-treat, ill-use, kick around, maltreat, manhandle, mishandle, mistreat, misuse

VERB 滥用: to use or treat (something) in a way that causes damage

【近】 misapply, misemploy, misuse, pervert, profane

abut [ə'bʌt]

VERB 毗邻: to touch along an edge

【近】 adjoin, border, butt, flank, fringe, join, march, neighbor, skirt, verge

abysmal [ə'bɪzməl]

ADJ 极坏的: extremely poor or bad

ADJ 极深的;深不可测的: having immense or fathomless extension downward, backward, or inward

【近】 deep, bottomless, profound

【反】 shallow, shoal, skin-deep, superficial, surface

accede [ək'si:d]

VERB 同意: to agree to a request or a demand

【近】 acquiesce, agree, assent, come round, consent, subscribe

【反】 dissent

VERB 接受职位: to enter a high office or position

accentuate [ək'sentʃʊeɪt]

VERB 强调: to make (something) more noticeable

【近】 accent, emphasize, feature, foreground, highlight, illuminate, play up, press, punctuate, stress

【反】 de-emphasize, play down

accessible [ək'sesəbl]

ADJ 可以获得的;可以达到的: able to be used or obtained

【近】 available, acquirable, attainable, obtainable, procurable

【反】 inaccessible, unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable

ADJ 可以理解的: easy to appreciate or understand

【近】 intelligible, apprehensible, coherent, comprehendible, comprehensible, fathomable, graspable, legible, scrutable, understandable

【反】 incoherent, incomprehensible, inscrutable, insensible

accessory [ək'sesərɪ]

ADJ 附属的: something added to something else to make it more useful, attractive, or effective

【近】 accessorial, auxiliary, appurtenant, peripheral, supplemental, supplementary

【反】 chief, main, principal

NOUN 帮凶: someone who helps another person commit a crime

【近】 abettor, accomplice, cohort, confederate

acclaim [ə'kleɪm]

VERB 赞扬: to praise (someone or something) in a very strong and enthusiastic way

【近】 accredit, applaud, cheer, crack up, hail, laud, praise, salute, tout, doff

【反】 knock, pan, slam

acclimate [ə'klaɪmɪt]

VERB (使)适应: to adjust or adapt to a new climate, place, or situation

【近】 adapt, acclimatize, accommodate, adjust, condition, conform, doctor, shape, suit, tailor

accolade ['ækəˌleɪd]

NOUN 赞扬: an award or an expression of praise

【近】 encomium, dithyramb, eulogium, eulogy, homage, hymn, paean, panegyric, salutation, tribute

accommodate [ə'kɒmədeɪt]

VERB 提供住宿: to provide room for (someone); to provide a place to stay and sleep for (someone)

【近】 bestow, billet, board, bunk, camp, chamber, domicile, encamp, harbor, lodge

VERB 使适应;调节: to get used to a new situation or to make yourself do this

【近】 acclimate, acclimatize, adapt, adjust, condition, conform, edit, fashion, fit, suit

accommodating [ə'kɒmədeɪtɪŋ]

ADJ 乐于助人的: willing to do what someone else wants or requests

【近】 accommodative, friendly, obliging

accompaniment [ə'kʌmpənɪmənt]

NOUN 伴奏: music played to support a person who is singing or playing a musical instrument

【近】 obbligato

NOUN 相配物;同时发生的事情: something that is done or that happens at the same time as something else

【近】 attendant, companion, concomitant, incident

accost [ə'kɒst]

VERB 冒失地搭话: to approach and speak to (someone) often in an angry, aggressive, or unwanted way

account [ə'kaʊnt]

NOUN 解释;说明: a statement of explanation or of reasons or causes

NOUN 记述;报道: a statement of facts or events, report

VERB 认为;把……看作: to think of (someone or something) in a specified way

【近】 consider, call, count, esteem, hold, rate, reckon, regard, set down, view

accountability [əˌkaʊntə'bɪlɪtɪ]

NOUN 有义务;应负责任: the quality or state of being accountable, especially an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions

accrete [æ'kri:t]

VERB 累积: to grow or become attached by accretion

【近】 collect, accumulate, amass, build up, concentrate, conglomerate, gather, mass, pile, stack

VERB 共生: to cause to adhere or become attached; accumulate

accrue [ə'kru:]

VERB 累积: to increase in value or amount gradually as time passes; to grow or build up slowly

VERB 获得: to come to or be given to someone

acculturation [əˌkʌltʃə'reɪʃən]

NOUN 文化适应: cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture, also, a merging of cultures as a result of prolonged contact, the process by which a human being acquires the culture of a particular society from infancy

acerbic [ə'sɜ:bɪk]

ADJ 尖酸刻薄的: expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way

【近】 acerb, acrid, barbed, biting, sarcastic, mordant, pungent, sardonic, scathing, tart

acidity [ə'sɪdɪtɪ]

NOUN 酸性;酸度: the quality, state, or degree of being acid

NOUN 尖刻: the state of being excessively acid

【近】 acerbity, acidness, acridity, acrimony, acuteness, harshness, poignancy, pungency, sharpness, tartness

【反】 mildness, softness

acknowledge [ək'nɒlɪdʒ]

VERB 承认(事实或情况): to say that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (something)

【近】 admit, agree, allow, concede, confess, fess, grant

【反】 deny

acme ['ækmɪ]

NOUN 顶点;最高点: the highest point of something

【近】 apex, climax, crest, culmination, meridian, peak, pinnacle, sum, top, zenith

【反】 bottom, nadir, rock bottom

acquaint [ə'kweɪnt]

VERB 熟知;了解: to cause (someone) to know and become familiar with something

【近】 accustom, familiarize, initiate, introduce, orient, orientate

acquiesce [ˌækwɪ'es]

VERB 勉强同意;默许: to accept, agree, or allow something to happen by staying silent or by not arguing

【近】 accede, agree, assent, come round, consent, subscribe

【反】 dissent

acquisition [ˌækwɪ'zɪʃən]

NOUN 获得;习得: the act of acquiring

【近】 accession, obtainment

acquisitive [ə'kwɪzɪtɪv]

ADJ 贪得无厌的: having a strong desire to own or acquire more things

【近】 greedy, avaricious, avid, coveting, covetous, grabby, grasping, mercenary, moneygrubbing, rapacious

acquittal [ə'kwɪtl]

NOUN 宣告无罪: the act of deciding that a person is not guilty of a crime; the act of acquitting someone

【近】 clearing, exculpation, exoneration, vindication

【反】 conviction

acrid ['ækrɪd]

ADJ 辛辣的;刺鼻的: bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell

ADJ 刻薄的: deeply or violently bitter; acrimonious

【近】 acerbic, acid, acidic, caustic, corrosive, mordant, pungent, sarcastic, sardonic, satiric

【反】 affable, cordial, genial, gracious, hospitable, sociable

acrimonious [ˌækrɪ'məʊnɪəs]

ADJ 尖酸刻薄的: angry and bitter

【近】 acrid, bitter, embittered, hard, rancorous, resentful, sore

【反】 unbitter

acrobatic [ˌækrə'bætɪk]

ADJ 杂技的: difficult physical acts such as jumping and balancing, especially in a circus

activism ['æktɪvɪzəm]

NOUN 行动主义;激进主义; a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue

acumen [ə'kju:men]

NOUN 敏锐;精明: the ability to think clearly and make good decisions

【近】 astuteness, caginess, canniness, clear-sightedness, foxiness, hardheadedness, intelligence, keenness, knowingness, sharpness

acute [ə'kju:t]

ADJ 严峻的;剧烈的: very serious or dangerous, requiring serious attention or action

【近】 dreadful, excruciating, explosive, exquisite, fearful, ferocious, fierce, vehement, vicious

【反】 light, moderate, soft

ADJ 敏锐的: having or showing an ability to think clearly and to understand what is not obvious or simple about something

【近】 delicate, fine, keen, perceptive, quick, sensitive, sharp

ADJ 急性的: having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course

ad hoc [ˌæd'hɒk]

ADJ 特别的: formed or used for a special purpose

ADJ 即兴的: made or done without planning because of an immediate need

【近】 extemporaneous, ad-lib, extemporary, impromptu, improvisational, offhand, snap

【反】 considered, planned, premeditated, premeditative, prepared, rehearsed

adamant ['ædəmənt]

ADJ 坚决的;固执的: not willing to change an opinion or decision; very determined

【近】 obstinate, adamantine, obdurate, opinionated, ossified, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, stubborn, willful

【反】 acquiescent, agreeable, amenable, compliant, complying, flexible, pliable, pliant, relenting, yielding

address [ə'dres]

VERB 演讲;对……说话: to speak to (a person or group)

VERB 处理: to deal with, treat

adduce [ə'djʊːs]

VERB 引用: to mention or provide (something, such as a fact or example) as evidence or proof to support an argument

【近】 quote, cite, instance, mention

adequate ['ædɪkwɪt]

ADJ 足够的;充分的;胜任的: enough for some need or requirement, or of a quality that is good or acceptable

【近】 acceptable, decent, fairish, passable, respectable, satisfactory, serviceable, tolerable

【反】 deficient, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, wanting

adhere [əd'hɪə]

VERB 坚持: to stick to something

【近】 stick, cleave, cling, hew

VERB 紧贴;黏附: to attach firmly to something

adherent [əd'hɪərənt]

NOUN 拥护者: a person who is loyal to a leader, group, or religion; a person who adheres to or supports a system or set of principles

ADJ 黏附的: able or tending to adhere

【近】 sticky, adhesive, clingy, gluey, glutinous, gummy, tacky, tenacious, viscid

【反】 nonadhesive

adjacent [ə'dʒeɪsnt]

ADJ 临近的: close or near, sharing a border, wall, or point

【近】 abutting, adjoining, conterminous, contiguous, flanking, flush, juxtaposed, skirting, touching, verging

【反】 nonadjacent, noncontiguous

adjourn [ə'dʒɜ:n]

VERB 延期;休会: to end something (such as a meeting or session) for a period of time

【近】 prorogate, prorogue, recess, suspend

adjudicate [ə'dʒu:dɪkeɪt]

VERB 裁决;判定: to make an official decision about who is right in a dispute

【近】 adjudge, judge, arbitrate, decide, determine, referee, rule, settle, umpire

adjunct ['ædʒʌŋkt]

NOUN 附属物: something that is joined or added to another thing but is not an essential part of it

NOUN 帮手;辅助的人: a person connected with another as a helper or subordinate associate, an adjunct teacher, professor, etc.

【近】 helper, adjutant, aid, apprentice, assistant, coadjutor, deputy, helpmate, helpmeet, lieutenant

ADJ 附属的: added or joined in order to be used with something

adjure [ə'dʒʊə]

VERB 恳请: to urge or advise earnestly

【近】 advise, admonish, counsel

VERB 严令: to command solemnly under or as if under oath or penalty of a curse

【近】 command, bid, charge, direct, enjoin, instruct, order, tell

【反】 mind, obey

ad-lib [æd'lɪb]

ADJ 即兴的: spoken, composed, or performed without preparation

【近】 extemporaneous, extemporary, extempore, impromptu, improvisational, improvised, off-the-cuff, offhand, offhanded, spur-of-the-moment

【反】 considered, planned, premeditated, premeditative, prepared, rehearsed

admissible [əd'mɪsəbl]

ADJ 可接受的: able to be admitted or allowed, especially, able to be allowed or considered in a legal case

【近】 permissible, allowable

【反】 banned, barred, forbidden, impermissible, inadmissible, interdicted, prohibited, proscribed, verboten

admonish [əd'mɒnɪʃ]

VERB 警告;告诫: to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism

【近】 rebuke, chide, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tick off

VERB 力劝;激励: to tell or urge (someone) to do something

【近】 adjure, advise, counsel

adolescent [ædə'lesnt]

ADJ 青春期的;青少年的: a young person who is developing into an adult; a young person who is going through adolescence

【近】 young, immature, juvenile, youngish, youthful

【反】 adult, grown-up, mature, matured

adoration [ˌædə'reɪʃən]

NOUN 喜欢;爱慕: strong feelings of love or admiration

adroit [ə'drɔɪt]

ADJ 机敏的;灵巧的: very clever or skillful

【近】 skillful, bravura, deft, delicate, dexterous, masterful, masterly, practiced, virtuoso, workmanlike

【反】 amateur, amateurish, artless, rude, unprofessional, unskillful

adulate ['ædʒʊleɪt]

VERB 奉承: to flatter or praise obsequiously

【近】 flatter, belaud, blarney, butter up, hero-worship, honey, massage, overpraise, puff, stroke

adulterate [ə'dʌltəreɪt]

VERB 掺杂: to make (something, such as a food or drink) impure or weaker by adding something of poor quality

【近】 cut, dilute, extend, lace, sophisticate, thin, water down, weaken

【反】 enrich, fortify, richen, strengthen

adumbrate ['ædəmbreɪt]

VERB 隐约预示: to foreshadow vaguely; intimate

【近】 foreshadow, forerun, harbinger, herald, prefigure

VERB 勾画出……的轮廓;部分揭示: to suggest, disclose, or outline partially

advent ['ædvənt]

NOUN 到来: a coming into being or use

【近】 arrival, appearance, coming, incoming

【反】 decamping, decampment, departing, departure, disappearance, exit, exiting, farewell, quitting

adventitious [ˌædven'tɪʃəs]

ADJ 偶然的: arising or occurring sporadically or in other than the usual location

【近】 accidental, supervenient

ADJ 外来的: occurring spontaneously or accidentally in a country or region to which it is not native

【近】 extrinsic, alien, extraneous, external, foreign

【反】 inherent, innate, intrinsic

adventurous [əd'ventʃərəs]

ADJ (爱)冒险的: not afraid to do new and dangerous or exciting things

【近】 adventuresome, bold, audacious, daring, emboldened, enterprising, gutsy, venturesome, venturous

【反】 unadventurous, unenterprising

adversary ['ædvəsərɪ]

NOUN 对手: an enemy or opponent

adversity [əd'vɜ:sɪtɪ]

NOUN 困境;逆境: a difficult situation or condition, misfortune or tragedy

【近】 misfortune, ill, knock, misadventure, mischance, mishap, tragedy

【反】 fortune, luck, serendipity

advert [əd'vɜ:t]

VERB 引起注意;注意(到): to call attention in the course of speaking or writing

advised [əd'vaɪzd]

ADJ 深思熟虑的: thought out, considered, often used in combination “ill-advised plans”

【近】 deliberate, calculated, considered, knowing, measured, reasoned, studied, thoughtful, thought-out, weighed

【反】 casual, unadvised, uncalculated, unconsidered, unstudied

advocate ['ædvəkeɪt]

VERB 支持;拥护: to support or argue for (a cause, policy, etc. )

【近】 support, back, champion, endorse, patronize, plump for, plunk for

NOUN 支持者;拥护者: a person who argues for or supports a cause or policy

【近】 exponent, advocator, apostle, backer, booster, herald, hierophant, proponent, protagonist, supporter

【反】 adversary, antagonist, opponent

affable ['æfəbl]

ADJ 友善的: friendly and easy to talk to

【近】 amiable, agreeable, genial, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, mellow, well-disposed

【反】 disagreeable, ill-natured, ill-tempered, unamiable, ungenial, ungracious, unpleasant

affect [ə'fekt]

VERB 影响: to have an effect on

VERB 假装;做作: to pretend that a false behavior or feeling is natural or genuine

VERB 喜欢;倾向于: to cause strong emotions in

affectation [ˌæfek'teɪʃn]

NOUN 做作: an unnatural form of behavior that is meant to impress others

【近】 pretense, affectedness, grandiosity, inflation, pretension, pretentiousness

affection [ə'fekʃən]

NOUN 喜爱: a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something

【近】 love, attachment, devotedness, devotion, fondness, passion

【反】 abomination, hate, hatred, loathing, rancor

affiliated [ə'fɪlɪeɪtɪd]

ADJ 有关联的;附属的: closely associated with another typically in a dependent or subordinate position

【近】 related, akin, allied, kindred

【反】 unrelated

affinity [ə'fɪnɪtɪ]

NOUN 亲密;亲缘: a feeling of closeness and understanding that someone has for another person because of their similar qualities, ideas, or interests

NOUN 喜好: a liking for or an attraction to something

【近】 affection, inclination, aptitude, partiality, penchant, propensity, tendency, turn

affirm [ə'fɜ:m]

VERB 证实;公开肯定: to say that something is true in a confident way

【近】 assert, aver, avouch, avow, declare, guarantee, lay down, profess

VERB 断言;坚称: to show a strong belief in or dedication to (something, such as an important idea)

【近】 claim, allege, assert, aver, avouch, avow, profess, protest, purport, warrant

【反】 deny, gainsay

affirmative [ə'fɜ:mətɪv]

ADJ 肯定的;积极的: saying or showing that the answer is yes rather than no

【近】 positive

【反】 negative

affix [ə'fɪks]

VERB 黏合;附加: to attach (something) to something else

【近】 fasten, attach, bend, fix

【反】 detach, undo, unfasten, unhook

afflict [ə'flɪkt]

VERB 折磨;使痛苦: to cause pain or suffering to (someone or something)

【近】 agonize, anguish, bedevil, excruciate, harrow, persecute, plague, torment, torture

affluent ['æflʊənt]

ADJ 富裕的: having a large amount of money and owning many expensive things

【近】 rich, flush, loaded, moneyed, opulent, silk-stocking, wealthy, well-endowed, well-heeled, well-off

【反】 destitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, needy, penniless, penurious, poor

affront [ə'frʌnt]

NOUN 侮辱: an action or statement that insults or offends someone

【近】 insult, barb, brickbat, cut, offense, outrage, personality, poke, sarcasm

aggrandize [ə'grændaɪz]

VERB 增加;提高: to make great or greater; increase; enlarge

【近】 accelerate, increase, amplify, augment, boost, build up, compound, enlarge, extend, supersize

【反】 abate, decrease, de-escalate, diminish, downsize, dwindle, lessen, lower, minify, reduce

VERB 赞扬;夸大: to make appear great or greater; praise highly

【近】 exalt, canonize, deify, dignify, elevate, ennoble, enshrine, ensky, enthrone, magnify

【反】 abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate

aggravate ['ægrəveɪt]

VERB 加重;恶化: to make (an injury, problem, etc. ) more serious or severe

【近】 exacerbate, complicate, worsen

【反】 allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mitigate, relieve

VERB 激怒: to make (someone) angry; to annoy or bother (someone)

【近】 annoy, bother, chafe, exasperate, frost, nettle, rile, ruffle, spite, vex

aggrieve [ə'gri:v]

VERB 使痛苦: to give pain or trouble to; distress

VERB 伤害: to inflict injury on

agile ['ædʒaɪl]

ADJ 敏捷的: able to move quickly and easily

【近】 lissome, lithe, lithesome, nimble, spry

【反】 awkward, clumsy, gawky, klutzy, lumbering, ungainly, ungraceful

ADJ 机敏的: quick, smart, and clever

agitate ['ædʒɪteɪt]

VERB 使不安: to disturb, excite, or anger (someone)

【近】 disturb, concern, derail, discomfort, discompose, flurry, frazzle, fuss, hagride, perturb

【反】 calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, tranquilize

VERB 煽动;激起: to try to get people to support or oppose something

【近】 stir, churn, swirl, wash, whirl

agitprop ['ædʒɪtprɒp]

NOUN 宣传;煽动: propaganda, especially political propaganda promulgated chiefly in literature, drama, music, or art

agog [ə'gɒg]

ADJ 极度感兴趣的: full of interest or excitement because of something

【近】 avid, desirous, enthused, impatient, juiced, pumped, raring, solicitous, voracious, wild

【反】 apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic

agonize ['ægənaɪz]

VERB 使痛苦;痛苦;挣扎: to think or worry very much about something

【近】 afflict, anguish, bedevil, beset, besiege, curse, excruciate, harrow, persecute, torture

aide [eɪd]

NOUN 助手: a person whose job is to assist someone

【近】 adjunct, adjutant, aid, helper, apprentice, assistant, coadjutor, deputy, lieutenant, sidekick

airborne ['eəbɔ:n]

ADJ 空气传播的;空运的: in the air, moving or being carried through the air

airtight ['eətaɪt]

ADJ 密封的: tightly sealed so that no air can get in or out

ADJ 无瑕疵的: having no noticeable weakness, flaw, or loophole

akin [ə'kɪn]

ADJ 类似的;相关的: similar or related

【近】 affiliated, related, allied, kindred

【反】 unrelated

alacrity [ə'lækrɪtɪ]

NOUN 欣然;乐意;敏捷: a quick and cheerful readiness to do something

【近】 amenability, gameness, goodwill, obligingness, willingness

alarmist [ə'lɑ:mɪst]

NOUN 危言耸听者;杞人忧天者: a person who alarms others needlessly

albeit [ɔ:l'bi:ɪt]

CONJ 尽管: even though

【近】 although, as, howbeit, much as, notwithstanding, though, when, whereas, while

alibi ['æləbaɪ]

NOUN 不在场证明: a claim that you cannot be guilty of a crime because you were somewhere else when the crime was committed, also, evidence which shows that such a claim is true

NOUN 托词;借口: an excuse for not being somewhere or doing something

【近】 excuse, apology, defense, justification, plea, reason

alien ['eɪlɪən]

NOUN 外星人: a creature that comes from somewhere other than the planet Earth

NOUN 外国人;陌生人: a person who was born in a different country and is not a citizen of the country in which he or she now lives

ADJ 不同的;不熟悉的: not familiar or like other things you have known; different from what you are used to

ADJ 不相容的;格格不入的: too different from something to be acceptable or suitable

alienate ['eɪlɪəneɪt]

VERB 疏远: to make (someone) unfriendly; to cause (someone) to stop being friendly, helpful, etc. , towards you; to cause (someone) to feel withdrawn or diverted

【近】 alien, estrange, disaffect

【反】 reconcile

VERB 转移;变卖: to convey or transfer (as property or a right) usually by a specific act rather than the due course of law

alight [ə'laɪt]

VERB 着陆: (of insects, birds, etc. ) to stop on a surface after flying

【近】 land, light, perch, roost, settle, touch down

【反】 blast off, take off

ADJ 燃烧着的;洋溢着的: full of light; lighted up

【近】 ablaze, bright, brightened, illuminated, illumined, light, lightsome, lit

【反】 blackened, dark, dimmed, dusk, dusky, lightless, tenebrous, unlit

align [ə'laɪn]

VERB 使排成一行: to arrange things so that they form a line or are in proper position

VERB 调准: to change (something) so that it agrees with or matches something else

VERB 使成为同一立场: to join a group that is supporting or opposing something

allay [ə'leɪ]

VERB 减轻: to make (something) less severe or strong

【近】 help, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe

【反】 aggravate, exacerbate

allege [ə'ledʒ]

VERB 宣称(但还未被证实): to state without definite proof that someone has done something wrong or illegal

【近】 affirm, claim, assert, aver, avouch, avow, profess, protest, purport, warrant

【反】 deny, gainsay

allegiance [ə'li:dʒəns]

NOUN 忠诚: loyalty to a person, country, group, etc.

【近】 adhesion, fidelity, attachment, commitment, constancy, devotion, faith, loyalty, piety, troth

【反】 disloyalty, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, inconstancy, infidelity, perfidiousness, perfidy, treachery, unfaithfulness

allegory ['ælɪgərɪ]

NOUN 寓言;讽刺: a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation

【近】 apologue, fable, parable

alleviate [ə'li:vɪeɪt]

VERB 减轻: to reduce the pain or trouble of (something), to make (something) less painful, difficult, or severe

【近】 allay, help, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe

【反】 aggravate, exacerbate

alliance [ə'laɪəns]

NOUN 联盟: a union between people, groups, countries, etc.; a relationship in which people agree to work together

【近】 confederacy, axis, block, coalition, combination, combine, confederation, federation, union

NOUN 小团体: a group of people, countries, etc. that are joined together in some activity or effort

allocation [ˌælə'keɪʃən]

NOUN 分配: to divide and give out (something) for a special reason or to particular people, companies, etc.

【近】 admeasurement, distribution, allotment, apportionment, dispensation, division, issuance

allowance [ə'laʊəns]

NOUN 津贴;补贴: an amount of money that is given to someone regularly or for a specific purpose

【近】 allotment, share, cut, end, part, piece, portion, proportion, quota, slice

NOUN 考虑;体谅: the act of considering things that could affect a result

NOUN 限额;默许: an amount of something (such as time) that is allowed or available

【近】 permission, authorization, clearance, concurrence, consent, granting, leave, sanction, sufferance, warrant

【反】 interdiction, prohibition, proscription

alloy ['ælɔɪ]

NOUN 合金: a metal made by melting and mixing two or more metals or a metal and another material together

【近】 admixture, blend, amalgam, cocktail, combination, compound, conflation, fusion, synthesis

VERB 混合: to mix so as to form an alloy

allude [ə'lu:d]

VERB 暗示;间接提到: to make indirect reference; refer

【近】 hint, imply, indicate, infer, insinuate, intimate, suggest

allure [ə'lʊə]

NOUN 魅力: power to attract; a quality that attracts people

【近】 charm, magnetism, appeal, attractiveness, captivation, charisma, enchantment, fascination, glamour, magic

【反】 repulsion, repulsiveness

VERB 诱惑: to entice by charm or attraction

【近】 lure, bait, beguile, betray, decoy, entice, lead on, seduce, solicit, tempt

allusion [ə'lu:ʒən]

NOUN 暗示;引喻: a statement that refers to something without mentioning it directly or hinting at something; an indirect reference especially in literature

ally [ə'laɪ]

NOUN 同盟国: a country that supports and helps another country in a war

VERB 结盟;结合: to join (yourself ) with another person, group, etc., in order to get or give support

aloft [ə'lɒft]

ADV 在空中: in the air

ADV 在高处;在上方: to or in a higher place

【近】 above, over, overhead

【反】 below, beneath, under

aloof [ə'lu:f]

ADJ 不合群的;高冷的: not friendly or outgoing

【近】 antisocial, asocial, detached, distant, frosty, offish, remote, standoff, unbending, unsociable

【反】 cordial, friendly, sociable, social, warm

alternative [ɔ:l'tɜ:nətɪv]

ADJ 另外的;替代性的: offering or expressing a choice

ADJ 另类的: not usual or traditional

altruism ['æltrʊɪzəm]

NOUN 无私;利他主义: feelings and behavior that show a desire to help other people and a lack of selfishness

amalgamate [ə'mælgəmeɪt]

VERB 合并;混合: to unite (two or more things, such as two businesses) into one thing

【近】 blend, combine, composite, incorporate, integrate, interfuse, meld, merge, mingle, mix

【反】 break down, break up, separate, unmix

amass [ə'mæs]

VERB 收集: to gather or collect (something, such as a large amount of money) especially for yourself

【近】 accumulate, gather, assemble, collect, concentrate, congregate, constellate, corral, garner, group

【反】 dispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter

amateur ['æmətʃʊə]

NOUN 业余爱好者: a person who does something (such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job

【近】 dabbler, dilettante, hobbyist, layman, nonexpert, nonprofessional

【反】 authority, expert, pro, professional, specialist

ambiguous [æm'bɪgjʊəs]

ADJ 引起歧义的;模棱两可的: able to be understood in more than one way; having more than one possible meaning

ADJ 难以理解的: not expressed or understood clearly

【近】 obscure, arcane, cryptic, elliptical, enigmatic, equivocal, fuliginous, inscrutable, nebulous, occult

【反】 accessible, clear, nonambiguous, obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal

ambition [æm'bɪʃən]

NOUN 目标: a particular goal or aim, something that a person hopes to do or achieve

【近】 aim, aspiration, design, goal, mark, meaning, object, pretension, purpose, target

NOUN 雄心;抱负: a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous

【近】 ambitiousness, aspiration, go-getting

ambivalent [æm'bɪveɪlənt]

ADJ 矛盾的: uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow

amble ['æmbl]

VERB 漫步: to walk slowly in a free and relaxed way

【近】 hike, perambulate, ramble, saunter, stroll, tramp, tromp

ameliorate [ə'mi:lɪəreɪt]

VERB 改善: to make (something, such as a problem) better, less painful, etc.

【近】 improve, amend, better, enhance, enrich, help, meliorate, perfect, refine, upgrade

【反】 worsen

amenable [ə'mi:nəbəl]

ADJ 乐意接受的;愿意的: willing to agree or to accept something that is wanted or asked for

【近】 willing, disposed, fain, game, glad, inclined, minded, ready

【反】 disinclined, unamenable, unwilling

ADJ 好控制的: able to be controlled, organized, or affected by something

【近】 obedient, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, law-abiding, submissive, tractable

【反】 balky, contumacious, defiant, disobedient, froward, intractable, obstreperous, rebel, untoward, wayward

amend [ə'mend]

VERB 修正: to change some of the words and often the meaning of (a law, document, etc. )

【近】 correct, debug, emend, rectify, red-pencil, reform, remedy

VERB 改进: to change and improve (something, such as a mistake or bad situation)

【近】 ameliorate, improve, better, enhance, enrich, help, meliorate, perfect, refine, upgrade

【反】 worsen

amenity [ə'mi:nɪtɪ]

NOUN 宜人;方便;享受: pleasantness resulting from agreeable conditions

NOUN 便利设施: something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoyment

【近】 accommodation, comfort, convenience, creature comfort, luxury, nicety

amiable ['eɪmɪəbl]

ADJ 友好的: friendly and pleasant

【近】 affable, agreeable, genial, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, mellow, nice, well-disposed

【反】 disagreeable, ill-natured, ill-tempered, unamiable, ungenial, ungracious, unpleasant

amicable ['æmɪkəbl]

ADJ 友善的: showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument

【近】 agreeable, harmonious, compatible, congenial, frictionless, kindred, unanimous, united

【反】 disagreeable, discordant, disharmonious, disunited, incompatible, inharmonious, uncongenial

amid [ə'mɪd]

PREP 在其中: in or into the middle of (something)

【近】 among, mid, midst, through

amity ['æmətɪ]

NOUN 友善: a feeling of friendship; friendly relations between nations or groups

【近】 goodwill, benevolence, charity, cordiality, cordialness, fellowship, friendliness, friendship, gemutlichkeit, neighborliness

【反】 ill will, malevolence, venom

amnesia [æm'ni:zɪə]

NOUN 健忘症: (medical) a condition in which a person is unable to remember things because of brain injury, shock, or illness

amorphous [ə'mɔ:fəs]

ADJ 不明确的;模糊的: being without definite character or nature

ADJ 无定形的;难以名状的: having no definite or clear shape or form

【近】 formless, shapeless, unformed, unshaped, unstructured

【反】 formed, shaped, shapen, structured

amplitude ['æmplɪtju:d]

NOUN 振幅: a measurement that indicates the movement or vibration of something (such as a sound wave or a radio wave)

anachronism [ə'nækrənɪzəm]

NOUN 时代错误;过时: something (such as a word, an object, or an event) that is mistakenly placed in a time where it does not belong in a story, movie, etc.

analgesic [ˌænəl'dʒi:zɪk]

NOUN 止痛药: (medical) a drug that relieves pain

【近】 painkiller, anesthetic, anodyne

analogous [ə'næləgəs]

ADJ 类似的: similar in some way

【近】 akin, cognate, comparable, connate, correspondent, corresponding, parallel, resemblant, resembling

【反】 different, dissimilar, diverse, unakin, unlike

anarchic [ə'nɑ:kɪk]

ADJ 无政府的;无秩序的: not following or having any laws or rules, wild and uncontrolled

【近】 lawless, disorderly, lawbreaking, unruly

【反】 law-abiding, orderly

anathema [ə'næθɪmə]

NOUN 极其讨厌的人或事物: someone or something that is very strongly disliked

【近】 abhorrence, abomination, hate, antipathy, aversion, bête noire, detestation, execration

【反】 love

NOUN 指责;诅咒: the denunciation of something as accursed

【近】 curse, ban, execration, imprecation, malediction, malison, winze

【反】 benediction, benison, blessing

anatomy [ə'nætəmɪ]

NOUN 解剖: (biology) the study of the structure of living things

【近】 anatomizing, analysis, assay, breakdown, deconstruction, dissection

NOUN 结构;构造: the parts that form a living thing (such as an animal or plant)

ancestry ['ænsɪstrɪ]

NOUN 祖先: a person’s ancestors, the people who were in your family in past times

【反】 issue, posterity, progeny, seed

NOUN 家世;家系: line of descent, lineage, especially honorable, noble, or aristocratic descent

【近】 birth, blood, breeding, descent, extraction, origin, parentage, pedigree, stock, strain

anchor ['æŋkə]

NOUN 锚: a heavy device that is attached to a boat or ship by a rope or chain and that is thrown into the water to hold the boat or ship in place

NOUN 支持;靠山: a reliable or principle support

【近】 dependence, buttress, mainstay, pillar, reliance, standby

NOUN 新闻节目主播: an anchorman or anchorwoman

【近】 anchorperson, newscaster, newsreader

VERB 稳固: to secure firmly

【近】 fasten, catch, clamp, fix, hitch, moor, secure, set

【反】 loose, loosen, unfasten, unfix, unloose, unloosen

ancillary [æn'sɪlərɪ]

ADJ 辅助的: providing something additional to a main part or function

anecdote ['ænɪkdəʊt]

NOUN 趣闻轶事: a short story about an interesting or funny event or occurrence

【近】 story, tale, yarn

anesthetic [ˌænəs'θetɪk]

NOUN 麻醉剂: (medical) a drug that causes a person to lose feeling and to feel no pain in part or all of the body

【近】 analgesic, painkiller, anodyne

ADJ 无意识的;麻木的: lacking awareness or sensitivity

animadversion [ˌænəmæd'vɜ:ʃən]

NOUN 批评: harsh criticism or disapproval

animate ['ænɪmeɪt]

ADJ 有活力的: full of life

【近】 animated, bouncing, brisk, energetic, frisky, gay, jaunty, jazzy, kinetic, mettlesome

【反】 dead, inactive, inanimate, lackadaisical, languid, languishing, languorous, leaden, vapid

VERB 使有活力;使行动: to give vigor and zest, to move to action

【近】 brace, energize, enliven, fillip, invigorate, quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify

【反】 damp, dampen, deaden, dull, kill, spike

VERB 鼓励: to give spirit and support to

animus ['ænɪməs]

NOUN 敌意: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred

【近】 animosity, enmity, antagonism, antipathy, gall, grudge, hostility, jaundice, rancor

【反】 amity

anneal [ə'ni:l]

VERB 退火: to heat and then slowly cool (metal, glass, etc. ) in order to make it stronger

VERB 锻炼;磨炼;使坚强: to strengthen, toughen

annex [ə'neks]

VERB 附加: to add (an area or region) to a country, state, etc.

【近】 adjoin, add, append, subjoin, tack

【反】 abate, bate, deduct, knock off, remove, subtract, take off

VERB 吞并: to take control of (a territory or place)

annihilate [ə'naɪəleɪt]

VERB 击败;破坏;使无效: to destroy (something or someone) completely

【近】 abolish, cancel, efface, eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, liquidate, obliterate

annotate ['ænəteɪt]

VERB 注解: to add notes or comments to (a text, book, drawing, etc.)

annoyance [ə'nɔɪəns]

NOUN 生气;厌烦: the state or feeling of being annoyed; vexation

【近】 aggravation, bother, exasperation, frustration, grief, irritation, vexation

【反】 delight, pleasure

annul [ə'nʌl]

VERB 宣告无效;使无效: to say officially that something is no longer valid, to make (something) legally void

【近】 negative, neutralize

anodyne ['ænədaɪn]

ADJ 平淡乏味的;无害的: not likely to offend,excite, interest, or upset anyone

ADJ 起镇静作用的;抚慰的: serving to alleviate pain

anomalous [ə'nɒmələs]

ADJ 异常的: not expected or usual

【近】 aberrant, aberrated, abnormal, exceptional, atypical, especial, exceeding, extraordinaire, extraordinary

【反】 common, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unexceptional, unextraordinary, usual

answerable ['ɑ:nsərəbl]

ADJ 应交代的: required to explain actions or decisions to someone

ADJ 负有责任的: responsible for something

【近】 accountable, amenable, responsible, liable

【反】 irresponsible, nonaccountable, unaccountable

antagonize [æn'tægənaɪz]

VERB 对抗: to act in opposition to; counteract

VERB 激起敌意: to cause (someone) to feel hostile or angry; to irritate or upset (someone)

【近】 embitter, empoison, envenom

antarctic [æn'tɑ:ktɪk]

ADJ 南极的: of or relating to the South Pole or the region around it

antedate [ˌæntɪ'deɪt]

VERB 提前: to give an earlier date rather than the actual date to (something)

【近】 antecede, precede, forego, predate, preexist

【反】 follow, postdate, succeed

VERB 早于: to be earlier or older than (something)

antediluvian [ˌæntɪdɪ'lu:vɪən]

ADJ 旧的;过时的: very old or old-fashioned

【近】 aged, age-old, ancient, antique, dateless, hoar, hoary, immemorial, old, venerable

【反】 modern, new, recent

anterior [æn'tɪərɪə]

ADJ 前面的: near or toward the front of something (such as the body)

【近】 front, fore, forward, frontal, frontward

【反】 aft, after, hind, hinder, hindmost, posterior, rear, rearward

anthology [æn'θɒlədʒɪ]

NOUN 选集: a published collection of writings (such as poems or short stories) by different authors

【近】 album, collectanea, compendium, compilation, florilegium, miscellany, reader

anthropomorphic [ˌænθrəpə'mɔ:fɪk]

ADJ 拟人的: described or thought of as being like human beings in appearance, behavior, etc.

antic ['æntɪk]

NOUN 搞笑: an attention-drawing often wildly playful or funny act or action

【近】 prank, caper, capriccio, dido, escapade, frolic, gag, jest, knavery, monkeyshine

antidote ['æntɪdəʊt]

NOUN 解药;克服……的良方: a substance that stops the harmful effects of a poison; something that corrects or improves the bad effects of something

【近】 cure, corrective, curative, remedy, therapeutic, therapy

antimatter ['æntɪˌmætə]

NOUN 反物质: matter composed of antiparticles

antipathy [æn'tɪpəθɪ]

NOUN 厌恶: a strong feeling of dislike

【近】 animosity, animus, antagonism, enmity, bad blood, bitterness, hostility, jaundice, rancor

【反】 amity

antiquarian [ˌæntɪ'kweərɪən]

ADJ 古董的: relating to the collection and study of valuable old things

antiquated ['æntɪkweɪtɪd]

ADJ 陈旧的;过时的: very old and no longer useful, popular, or accepted

【近】 obsolete, archaic, dated, mossy, moth-eaten, neolithic, outmoded, prehistoric, superannuated

antithetical [ˌæntɪ'θetɪkəl]

ADJ 对立的: directly opposite or opposed

【近】 antipodal, antipodean, opposite, contradictory, contrary, diametric, polar

apathy ['æpəθɪ]

NOUN 冷漠;无动于衷: the feeling of not having much emotion or interest; an apathetic state

【近】 affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, numbness, phlegm

【反】 emotion, feeling, sensibility

aphorism ['æfərɪzəm]

NOUN 格言: a short phrase that expresses a true or wise idea

【近】 adage, saying, apothegm, byword, epigram, maxim, proverb, saw, sententia, word

apocalyptic [əˌpɒkə'lɪptɪk]

ADJ 末日的: of or relating to the end of the world

ADJ 预言的: forecasting the ultimate destiny of the world; prophetic

ADJ 决定性的: ultimately decisive

【近】 climacteric

apocryphal [ə'pɒkrɪfəl]

ADJ 假的: well-known but probably not true

apologist [ə'pɒlədʒɪst]

NOUN 辩解者;辩护者: a person who defends or supports something (such as a religion, cause, or organization) that is being criticized or attacked by other people

apoplectic [ˌæpə'plektɪk]

ADJ 极度愤怒的: very angry and excited

【近】 ballistic, choleric, furious, incensed, indignant, outraged, rabid, roiled, sore, wroth

【反】 delighted, pleased

ADJ 中风的: (medical) relating to or caused by apoplexy

apostasy [ə'pɒstəsɪ]

NOUN 背叛宗教信仰: renunciation of a religious faith

NOUN 变节;背叛: abandonment of a previous loyalty; defection

appall [ə'pɔ:l]

VERB 使震惊: to cause (someone) to feel fear, shock, or disgust

【近】 shock, floor, jolt, shake up

apparition [ˌæpə'rɪʃən]

NOUN 幽灵: a ghost or spirit of a dead person

【近】 ghost, phantasm, phantom, poltergeist, spirit, spook, sprite, vision, visitant, wraith

appease [ə'pi:z]

VERB 安抚: to make (someone) pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired

VERB 减轻;缓解: to make (a pain, a problem, etc. ) less painful or troubling

【近】 pacify, assuage, conciliate, disarm, gentle, mollify, placate, propitiate

【反】 anger, enrage, incense, inflame, infuriate, ire, madden, outrage

appendix [ə'pendɪks]

NOUN 附录: a section of extra information added at the end of a book

【近】 afterword, addendum, codicil, excursus, supplement

【反】 foreword, introduction, preface, prologue

NOUN 阑尾: a small tube at the beginning of the large intestine that can be removed by surgery if it becomes infected

applaud [ə'plɔ:d]

VERB 鼓掌: to strike the hands together over and over to show approval or praise

VERB 赞扬: to express approval of or support for (something or someone)

【近】 accredit, acclaim, cheer, crack up, hail, laud, praise, salute, tout

【反】 knock, pan, slam

applicable ['æplɪkəbl]

ADJ 可用的: able to be applied or used in a particular situation

【近】 actionable, practical, applicative, applied, functional, practicable, serviceable, ultrapractical, workable, working

【反】 impracticable, impractical, inapplicable, nonpractical, unusable, unworkable, useless

ADJ 相关的: having to do with the matter at hand

【近】 pertinent, apposite, apropos, germane, material, pointed, relative, relevant

【反】 extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelative, irrelevant, pointless

apportion [ə'pɔ:ʃən]

VERB 分配: to divide (something) among or between people

【近】 allocate, allow, allot, assign, distribute, lot, ration

apposite ['æpəzɪt]

ADJ 相关的;适合的: having to do with the matter at hand

【近】 applicable, pertinent, apropos, germane, material, pointed, relative, relevant

【反】 extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelative, irrelevant, pointless

appraise [ə'preɪz]

VERB 估值;评价: to set a value on, estimate the amount of; to evaluate the worth, significance, or status of, especially to give an expert judgment of the value or merit of

【近】 estimate, assess, evaluate, guesstimate, rate, set, valuate, value

appreciable [ə'pri:ʃəbl]

ADJ 可感知的;明显的: large enough to be noticed or measured

【近】 perceptible, apprehensible, detectable, discernible, distinguishable, palpable, sensible

【反】 impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable

apprehend [ˌæprɪ'hend]

VERB 逮捕: (of police) to arrest (someone) for a crime; to catch (a criminal or suspect)

【近】 arrest, collar, nab, nail, pick up, pinch, pull in, restrain, run in, seize

【反】 discharge

VERB 理解;领会: to notice and understand (something)

【近】 appreciate, comprehend, assimilate, decode, get, grasp, grok, perceive, savvy, understand

【反】 miss

VERB (对未来)担忧: to anticipate especially with anxiety, dread, or fear

apprenticeship [ə'prentɪʃɪp]

NOUN 学徒身份;实习期: a person who learns a job or skill by working for a fixed period of time for someone who is very good at that job or skill; a period of time working as an apprentice

【近】 externship, internship, practicum, training

【反】 tenure

apprise [ə'praɪz]

VERB 告知: to give information to (someone)

【近】 acquaint, advise, enlighten, brief, familiarize, hip, inform, instruct, tell, verse

approbation [ˌæprə'beɪʃən]

NOUN 认可;赞许: praise or approval

【近】 approval, blessing, favor, imprimatur

【反】 disapprobation, disapproval, disfavor

appropriate [ə'prəʊprɪət]

VERB 私自挪用: to get or save (money) for a specific use or purpose; to take or use (something) especially in a way that is illegal, unfair, etc.

【近】 arrogate, commandeer, convert, expropriate, pirate, preempt, press, seize, take over, usurp

ADJ 恰当的: right or suited for some purpose or situation

【近】 applicable, fit, apt, becoming, befitting, felicitous, fitted, fitting, suitable

【反】 improper, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong

approve [ə'pru:v]

VERB 赞赏: to believe that something or someone is good or acceptable

VERB 批准;同意: to officially accept (an idea, action, plan, etc. )

【近】 accredit, approbate, authorize, clear, confirm, finalize, formalize, homologate, ratify, sanction

【反】 decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, turn down, veto

approximation [əˌprɒksɪ'meɪʃən]

NOUN 近似;相似: an amount, figure, etc. , that is almost correct and is not intended to be exact; something that is similar to something else

appurtenance [ə'pɜ:tɪnəns]

NOUN 附属物: an object that is used with or for something

a priori [ˌeɪpraɪ'ɔ:raɪ]

ADJ 推理的;演绎的: relating to or derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions

ADJ 假定的: being without examination or analysis, presumptive

apropos [ˌæprə'pəʊ]

ADJ 合宜的;恰当的;相关的: suitable or appropriate

【近】 applicable, apposite, pertinent, germane, material, pointed, relative, relevant

【反】 extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelative, irrelevant, pointless

ADV 顺带: by way of interjection or further comment

【近】 en passant, incidentally, by the way, in passing

PREP 就……而言;关于;至于: with regard to (something)

【近】 about, apropos of, as to, concerning, regarding, respecting, touching, toward

apt [æpt]

ADJ 有倾向的: likely to do something; having a tendency to do something

【近】 prone, given, inclined, tending

ADJ 合适的: appropriate or suitable

【近】 applicable, appropriate, fit, becoming, befitting, felicitous, fitted, fitting, pretty, proper

【反】 improper, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, incongruous, indecent, unbeseeming, unfit, unfitting

ADJ 聪明的: quick to learn

aptitude ['æptɪtju:d]

NOUN 倾向: inclination; tendency

【近】 affection, affinity, inclination, genius, habitude, impulse, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency

NOUN 资质;才能: a natural ability; talent

【近】 talent, bent, endowment, faculty, flair, genius, gift, head, knack

arbiter ['ɑ:bɪtə]

NOUN 裁决者;仲裁人: a person who is considered to be an authority on what is right, good, or proper; a person who has the power to settle an argument between people

【近】 adjudicator, judge, arbitrator, referee, umpire

arbitrary ['ɑ:bɪtrərɪ]

ADJ 独裁的;专制的: not restrained or limited in the exercise of power; ruling by absolute authority

【近】 absolute, autocratic, czarist, despotic, dictatorial, monocratic, tyrannical, tyrannous

【反】 limited

ADJ 任意的;随心所欲的: not planned or chosen for a particular reason; not based on reason or evidence

【近】 aimless, random, desultory, erratic, haphazard, scattered, slapdash, stray

【反】 methodical, nonrandom, orderly, organized, regular, systematic, systematized

arboreal [ɑ:'bɔ:rɪəl]

ADJ 生活于树上的: living in or often found in trees

arcane [ɑ:'keɪn]

ADJ 神秘难懂的;秘传的: secret or mysterious, known or understood by only a few people

【近】 abstruse, profound, deep, esoteric, hermetic, recondite

【反】 shallow, superficial

archaic [ɑ:'keɪɪk]

ADJ 过时的: old and no longer used

【近】 antiquated, obsolete, dated, out-of-date, outworn, past, prehistoric, rusty, superannuated

ADJ 古老的: of or relating to ancient times

archetype ['ɑ:kɪtaɪp]

NOUN 原先的模式;先例: the original pattern, or model, from which all other things of the same kind are made; prototype

【近】 antecedent, ancestor, precursor, predecessor, prototype

【反】 descendant

NOUN 理想的例子;典型: a perfect example of something

archive ['ɑ:kaɪv]

NOUN 档案馆;档案: a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are kept; the material that is stored in an archive

【近】 library

arctic ['ɑ:ktɪk]

ADJ 北极的: of or relating to the North Pole or the region around it

ardor ['ɑ:də]

NOUN 热情: a strong feeling of energy or eagerness

【近】 ardency, emotion, enthusiasm, fervency, vehemence, violence, warmth, white heat

【反】 impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, insensibleness, insensitiveness, insensitivity

arduous ['ɑ:dʒʊəs]

ADJ 费力的: very difficult

【近】 challenging, demanding, exacting, formidable, rigorous, rough, strenuous, toilsome, tough, uphill

【反】 cheap, easy, effortless, facile, light, mindless, simple, soft, undemanding

arena [ə'ri:nə]

NOUN 竞技场;活动场所: a building for sports and other forms of entertainment that has a large central area surrounded by seats; an area of activity, interest, or competition

arguably ['ɑ:gjʊəblɪ]

ADV 可以说;可能;大概: it can be argued

aristocracy [ˌærɪ'stɒkrəsɪ]

NOUN 贵族阶层: the highest social class in some countries, the people who have special titles (such as duke and duchess), who typically own land, and who traditionally have more money and power than the other people in a society

【近】 elite, gentility, gentlefolk, gentry, nobility, patriciate, quality, upper class, upper crust

【反】 proletarian, proletariat

array [ə'reɪ]

VERB 排列;陈列: to place (a group of things) in a particular position so that they are in order or so that they look attractive

【近】 arrange, order, classify, codify, dispose, draw up, lay out, organize, range, systematize

NOUN 大量: a large group or number of things

arrest [ə'rest]

VERB 逮捕: to use the power of the law to take and keep (someone, such as a criminal)

【近】 apprehend, bust, collar, nab, pinch, pull in, restrain, run in, seize

【反】 discharge

VERB 阻止;抑制: to stop the progress or movement of (something)

【近】 halt, bring up, catch, check, draw up, fetch up, hold up, pull up, stall, stay

VERB 吸引……的注意: to attract and hold the attention of (someone or something)

【近】 enthrall, bedazzle, catch up, enchant, fascinate, grip, hypnotize, mesmerize, spellbind

arresting [ə'restɪŋ]

ADJ 吸引人的: catching the attention; striking; impressive

【近】 absorbing, interesting, consuming, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fascinating, gripping, riveting

【反】 boring, drab, dry, dull, heavy, monotonous, tedious, uninteresting

arrhythmic [ə'rɪðmɪk]

ADJ 不规律的: lacking rhythm or regularity

ADJ 心律不齐的: of, relating to, characterized by, or resulting from arrhythmia

arrogant ['ærəgənt]

ADJ 傲慢的: having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people; having or showing arrogance

【近】 assumptive, bumptious, cavalier, chesty, haughty, sniffy, stiff-necked, supercilious, superior, uppish

【反】 humble, lowly, modest, unpretentious

artful ['ɑ:tfəl]

ADJ 技艺精湛的: done with or showing artistic skill

【近】 adroit, skillful, bravura, deft, practiced, virtuoso, workmanlike

【反】 amateur, amateurish, artless, rude, unprofessional, unskillful

ADJ 狡猾的: used to get or achieve things in ways that are clever and not noticeable

【近】 beguiling, cagey, crafty, cunning, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, slick, sly

【反】 artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, undesigning

articulate [ɑ:'tɪkjʊleɪt]

ADJ 善于表达的;表达清晰的: able to express ideas clearly and effectively in speech or writing

【近】 eloquent, fluent, silver-tongued, well-spoken

【反】 inarticulate, ineloquent, unvocal

artifact ['ɑ:tɪfækt]

NOUN 人工制品: something created by humans usually for a practical purpose

artifice ['ɑ:tɪfɪs]

NOUN 巧计;诡计: dishonest or insincere behavior or speech that is meant to deceive someone

【近】 trick, device, dodge, jig, juggle, knack, scheme, sleight, stratagem, wile

artless ['ɑ:tlɪs]

ADJ 质朴的;自然的: not false or artificial

【近】 guileless, genuine, honest, ingenuous, innocent, naive, sincere, unaffected, unpretending, unpretentious

【反】 affected, artful, artificial, assuming, fake, false, guileful, insincere, phony, pretentious

ascent [ə'sent]

NOUN 上升: the act of rising or mounting upward; climb

【近】 ascension, climb, rise, rising, soar, acclivity, hill, upgrade, uprise

【反】 descent, dip, dive, drop, fall, nosedive, plunge, downgrade, hang, hanging

NOUN 提升: an advance in social status or reputation; progress

【近】 advancement, creation, elevation, preferment, promotion, rise, upgrade, upgrading

【反】 abasement, comedown, degradation, demotion, disrating, downgrade, reduction

ascertain [ˌæsə'teɪn]

VERB 确定;查明: to learn or find out (something, such as information or the truth)

【近】 discover, catch on to, find out, get on to, hear, learn, realize, see, wise up

【反】 miss, overlook, pass over

ascetic [ə'setɪk]

ADJ 禁欲的: relating to or having a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasure

ascribe [ə'skraɪb]

VERB 归因于: to refer to a supposed cause, source, or author

【近】 accredit, credit, attribute, chalk up, impute, lay, put down

aseptic [ə'septɪk]

ADJ 无菌的: free from germs that cause disease

【近】 sanitary, germfree, hygienic, sterile

【反】 germy, insanitary, unhygienic, unsanitary, unsterile

ADJ 无活力的: lacking vitality, emotion, or warmth

askew [ə'skju:]

ADJ 不成直线的;歪的: not straight, at an angle

【近】 awry, aslant, cockeyed, listing, lopsided, oblique, skewed, slanted, slanting, tilted

【反】 even, level, straight

asperity [æ'sperɪtɪ]

NOUN (说话、脾气等)粗暴、严厉: harshness of behavior or speech that expresses bitterness or anger

【近】 acerbity, acrimony, acuteness, edge, bite, bitterness, harshness, keenness, poignancy, pungency

【反】 mildness, softness

NOUN 严苛: rigor, severity

NOUN 粗糙;崎岖: roughness of surface; a tiny projection from a surface or roughness of sound

aspersion [ə'spɜ:ʃən]

NOUN 诽谤;中伤: a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone’s reputation; the act of making such a charge, defamation

assail [ə'seɪl]

VERB 言语攻击: to attack or criticize (someone or something) in a violent or angry way

【近】 abuse, blast, castigate, excoriate, jump, lambaste, potshot, scathe, trash, vituperate

assault [ə'sɔ:lt]

NOUN 攻击;抨击: a violent physical or verbal attack

【近】 aggression, attack, attempt, charge, descent, offensive, onset, onslaught, raid, rush

assent [ə'sent]

VERB 同意: to agree to or approve of something (such as an idea or suggestion) especially after carefully thinking about it

【近】 acquiesce, agree, accede, come round, consent, subscribe

【反】 dissent

assert [ə'sɜ:t]

VERB 主张;断言;宣称: to state (something) in a strong and definite way

【近】 affirm, aver, avouch, avow, declare, guarantee, lay down, profess

【反】 deny, gainsay

VERB 坚持;维护: to demand that other people accept or respect (something)

assertive [ə'sɜ:tɪv]

ADJ 坚定自信的;过分自信的: disposed to or characterized by bold or confident statements and behavior

【近】 ambitious, aggressive, enterprising, fierce, militant, pushy, self-asserting, self-assertive

【反】 ambitionless, low-pressure, nonassertive, unaggressive, unambitious, unassertive, unenterprising

asset ['æset]

NOUN 资产: the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estate applicable or subject to the payment of debts

【近】 assets, capital, fortune, means, opulence, riches, substance, wherewithal, worth

NOUN 优势: advantage

【近】 advantage, benefit, boon

【反】 disadvantage, drawback, encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, minus

asseverate [ə'sevəˌreɪt]

VERB 断言: to affirm or declare positively or earnestly

assiduous [ə'sɪdʒʊəs]

ADJ 勤奋的: marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application

【近】 active, busy, bustling, diligent, employed, engaged, hopping, industrious, laborious, occupied

【反】 idle, inactive, unbusy, unemployed, unoccupied

assimilate [ə'sɪmɪleɪt]

VERB 吸收学习: to learn (something) so that it is fully understood and can be used

【近】 appreciate, apprehend, comprehend, behold, catch on, cognize, conceive

【反】 miss

VERB 同化: to cause (a person or group) to become part of a different society, country, etc.

【近】 absorb, embody, co-opt, incorporate, integrate

VERB 使相似;把……比作: to make similar; to compare

【近】 analogize, compare, bracket, equate, liken

【反】 contrast

assuage [ə'sweɪdʒ]

VERB 减轻;缓和: to lessen the intensity of (something that pains or distresses)

【近】 allay, alleviate, help, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe

【反】 aggravate, exacerbate

VERB 平息;抚慰: to put an end to by satisfying

【近】 satisfy, quench, sate, satiate, slake

assume [ə'sju:m]

VERB 假定: to think that something is true or probably true without knowing that it is true

【近】 hypothecate, hypothesize, postulate, premise, presume, presuppose, say, suppose

VERB 担任;承担: to begin (a role, duty, etc. ) as a job or responsibility

【近】 accept, bear, shoulder, take over, undertake

【反】 disavow, disclaim, disown, repudiate

VERB 呈现: to take or begin to have

assuming [ə'sju:mɪŋ]

ADJ 傲慢的: pretentious; presumptuous

【近】 assumptive, bumptious, cavalier, chesty, haughty, sniffy, supercilious, superior, uppish, arrogant

【反】 humble, lowly, modest, unarrogant, unpretentious

assurance [ə'ʃʊərəns]

NOUN 确保;保证: the state of being sure or certain about something

【近】 confidence, assuredness, certainty, certitude, cocksureness, conviction, doubtlessness, satisfaction, sureness, surety

【反】 doubt, incertitude, nonconfidence, uncertainty

NOUN 自信: a strong feeling of confidence about yourself or about being right

【近】 aplomb, confidence, self-assurance, self-assuredness, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-trust

【反】 diffidence, insecurity, self-distrust, self-doubt

astound [ə'staʊnd]

VERB 使震惊: to fill with bewilderment or wonder

【近】 amaze, astonish, surprise, dumbfound, flabbergast, floor, rock, shock, startle, thunderstrike

astringent [ə'strɪndʒənt]

ADJ 收敛性的;止血的: (medical) causing a tightening of soft organic tissues; styptic

ADJ 严厉的;尖酸刻薄的: very critical in a sharp and often clever way

astute [ə'stju:t]

ADJ 机敏的;有洞察力的: having or showing an ability to notice and understand things clearly; mentally sharp or clever

【近】 shrewd, canny, hardheaded, heady, knowing, savvy, sharp, sharp-witted, smart

【反】 unknowing

asunder [ə'sʌndə]

ADV 分成很多部分地: into parts

【近】 apart, piecemeal

【反】 together

ADV 分离地: apart from each other in position

asylum [ə'saɪləm]

NOUN 避难所: protection given by a government to someone who has left another country in order to escape being harmed

【近】 shelter, harbor, harborage, haven, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, sanctum

atone [ə'təʊn]

VERB 弥补: to do something good as a way to show that you are sorry about doing something bad

atrocious [ə'trəʊʃəs]

ADJ 残忍的: very evil or cruel

【近】 cruel, barbaric, barbarous, brutal, brute, butcherly, sadistic, savage, truculent, vicious

【反】 benign, benignant, compassionate, humane, kindhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted

ADJ 极坏的: very bad; of very poor quality

【近】 appalling, horrible, awful, dreadful, frightful, lurid, macabre, monstrous, shocking, terrible

【反】 great, marvelous, wonderful

atrophy ['ætrəfɪ]

NOUN 萎缩: (medical) gradual loss of muscle or flesh usually because of disease or lack of use

attachment [ə'tætʃmənt]

NOUN 附件;附属: an extra part that can be used with a machine to make it do a particular job, a document or file that is sent with e-mail

【近】 accoutrement, adapter, add-on, adjunct, appendage, appliance, accessory, option

NOUN 喜爱;依恋: strong feelings of affection or loyalty for someone or something

【近】 affection, love, devotedness, devotion, fondness, passion

【反】 abomination, hate, hatred, loathing, rancor

attenuate [ə'tenjʊeɪt]

VERB 减轻;减弱: to become thin, fine, or less

【近】 depreciate, break, cheapen, depress, devaluate, devalue, downgrade, lower, reduce, sink

【反】 appreciate, enhance, mark up, upgrade

attorney [ə'tɜ:nɪ]

NOUN 律师: one who is legally appointed to transact business on another’s behalf, especially, lawyer

【近】 advocate, lawyer, attorney-at-law, counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law, legal eagle

attune [ə'tju:n]

VERB 使协调;使和谐: to cause (a person, company, etc.) to have a better understanding of what is needed or wanted by a particular person or group

【近】 accommodate, harmonize, conciliate, conform, coordinate, key, reconcile

【反】 disharmonize

atypical [eɪ'tɪpɪkəl]

ADJ 非典型的: not typical, not usual or normal

【近】 aberrated, abnormal, anomalous, exceptional, especial, exceeding, peculiar, phenomenal, preternatural

【反】 common, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unexceptional, unextraordinary, usual

audacious [ɔ:'deɪʃəs]

ADJ 大胆的;愚勇的: intrepidly daring, recklessly bold

【近】 nervy, brassy, brazen, cheeky, cocksure, cocky, impertinent, impudent

【反】 meek, mousy, retiring, shy, timid

ADJ 蔑视(法律、礼节)的: contemptuous of law, religion or decorum

ADJ 创新的: marked by originality and verve

【近】 fresh

audible ['ɔ:dəbl]

ADJ 听得见的: able to be heard

augment [ɔ:g'ment]

VERB 增加: to increase the size or amount of (something)

【近】 accelerate, aggrandize, amplify, increase, boost, build up, compound, enlarge, swell, stoke

【反】 abate, decrease, diminish, downsize, dwindle, lessen, lower, minify, reduce

VERB 补充: to add something to (something) in order to improve or complete it

augur ['ɔ:gə]

VERB 预示: to show or suggest something that might happen in the future

【近】 foretell, call, forecast, predict, presage, prognosticate, prophesy, read, vaticinate

NOUN 占卜官;预言家: an official diviner of ancient Rome; one held to foretell events by omens

【近】 prophet, diviner, forecaster, futurist, prognosticator, prophesier, soothsayer, visionary

august [ɔ:'gʌst]

ADJ 威严的;庄重的: having a formal and impressive quality

【近】 imposing, portly, solemn, staid, stately, grand, imperial, imposing, magnific, magnificent

【反】 flighty, frivolous, giddy, humble, unheroic, unimposing, unimpressive

aurora [ɔ:'rɔ:rə]

NOUN 极光: an atmospheric phenomenon consisting of bands of light caused by charged solar particles follow ing the earth’s magnetic lines of force

auspicious [ɔ:'spɪʃəs]

ADJ 吉利的: showing or suggesting that future success is likely

【近】 hopeful, bright, encouraging, fair, golden, heartening, likely, optimistic, promising

【反】 bleak, dark, depressing, desperate, unencouraging, unlikely, unpromising, unpropitious

austere [ɔ:'stɪə]

ADJ 朴素的: simple or plain, not fancy

ADJ 严肃的;克制的: of a person, having a serious and unfriendly quality

【近】 grim, dour, fierce, flinty, forbidding, gruff, intimidating, rough, rugged

【反】 benign, benignant, gentle, mild, nonintimidating, tender

ADJ 清苦的;简朴的: having few pleasures, simple and harsh

【近】 no-frills, spartan, stark

【反】 deluxe, Lucullan, luxe, luxurious, plush

authentic [ɔ:'θentɪk]

ADJ 真实的;可信的: real or genuine; not copied or false

【近】 bona fide, certifiable, certified, echt, genuine, honest, real, right, sure-enough, true

【反】 bogus, counterfeit, false, inauthentic, phony, pseudo, sham, spurious, supposititious, unauthentic, unreal

ADJ 准确的: true and accurate

【近】 accurate, faithful, exact, precise, right, strict, true, veracious

【反】 imprecise, inaccurate, inexact, loose, unfaithful

authenticate [ɔ:'θentɪkeɪt]

VERB 证实: to prove that something is real, true, or genuine; to prove that something is authentic

【近】 argue, attest, confirm, bear out, certify, corroborate, substantiate, support, validate, verify

【反】 disprove, rebut, refute

authoritarianism [ɔ:ˌθɒrɪ'teərɪənɪzəm]

NOUN 独裁主义: expecting or requiring people to obey rules or laws, not allowing personal freedom

【近】 absolutism, autarchy, despotism, autocracy, Caesarism, dictatorship, totalism, totalitarianism, tyranny

autobiography [ɔ:təbaɪ'ɒgrəfɪ]

NOUN 自传: a biography written by the person it is about

autocracy [ɔ:'tɒkrəsɪ]

NOUN 独裁政府;独裁统治: a form of government in which a country is ruled by a person or group with total power

【近】 absolutism, autarchy, authoritarianism, despotism, dictatorship, totalism, totalitarianism, tyranny

autonomy [ɔ:'tɒnəmɪ]

NOUN 独立自主: the power or right of a country, group, etc., to govern itself

【近】 freedom, independence, independency, liberty, self-determination, self-governance, sovereignty

【反】 dependence, heteronomy, subjection, unfreedom

NOUN 自由意志: self-directing freedom and especially moral independence

【近】 accord, free will, choice, self-determination, volition, will

avail [ə'veɪl]

VERB 有益于;利用: to produce or result in as a benefit or advantage

【近】 advantage, benefit, help, profit, serve

avant [ə'vɑnt]

ADJ 激进的;先锋的: culturally or stylistically advanced; avant-garde

【近】 advanced, avant-garde, cutting-edge, progressive, state-of-the-art

avarice ['ævərɪs]

NOUN 贪婪: a strong desire to have or get money

【近】 acquisitiveness, greed, avariciousness, avidity, avidness, covetousness, cupidity, rapaciousness, rapacity

avatar ['ævətɑ:]

NOUN 化身;体现;具体化: someone who represents a type of person, an idea, or a quality

【近】 abstract, embodiment, epitome, manifestation, objectification, personification, personifier

avenge [ə'vendʒ]

VERB 复仇: to harm or punish someone who has harmed you or someone or something that you care about

【近】 redress, requite, retaliate, revenge, venge, get even

aver [ə'vɜ:]

VERB 主张: to declare positively

VERB 声称为真: to verify or prove to be true in pleading a cause

【近】 affirm, allege, contend, declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, purport, warrant

【反】 deny, gainsay

averse [ə'vɜ:s]

ADJ 厌恶的;反对的: having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste, usually used with to

【近】 allergic, antipathetic

avert [ə'vɜ:t]

VERB 转移(视线): to turn (your eyes, gaze, etc. ) away or aside

VERB 防止: to prevent (something bad) from happening

【近】 prevent, forestall, head off, help, obviate, preclude, stave off

avian ['eɪvɪən]

ADJ 鸟的: of or relating to birds

avid ['ævɪd]

ADJ 渴望的;热切的: very eager, wanting something very much

【近】 agog, antsy, anxious, ardent, athirst, eager, crazy, desirous, enthused, enthusiastic

【反】 apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic

avocation [ˌævəʊ'keɪʃən]

NOUN 业余爱好;嗜好: an activity that you do regularly for enjoyment rather than as a job

【近】 hobby, hobbyhorse, pursuit, recreation

avow [ə'vaʊ]

VERB 承认;公开宣布: to declare or state (something) in an open and public way

【近】 affirm, allege, assert, aver, avouch, insist, maintain, protest, purport, warrant

【反】 deny, gainsay

awash [ə'wɒʃ]

ADJ 被淹没的: flooded with or covered by water or another liquid

【近】 bedraggled, doused, drenched, dripping, saturated, sodde, sopping, soppy, soused, watery

【反】 arid, dry, unwatered, waterless

ADJ 泛滥的: filled, covered, or completely overrun as if by a flood

awe [ɔ:]

NOUN 敬畏: a strong feeling of fear or respect and also wonder

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]

ADJ 不优雅的;令人尴尬的: not graceful

【近】 discomfiting, embarrassing, flustering, uncomfortable, graceless, inelegant

【反】 graceful, suave, urbane

ADJ 缺乏手段的;笨拙的: lacking skill

【近】 clumsy, gauche, rustic, stiff, stilted, wooden

ADJ 不好操作的;笨重的: difficult to use or handle

【近】 cumbersome, bunglesome, clumsy, clunky, cumbrous, ponderous, ungainly, unhandy, unwieldy

【反】 handy

awry [ə'raɪ]

ADJ 出差错的: not working correctly or happening in the expected way

ADJ 扭曲的;走样的: not straight or neat

【近】 askew, aslant, atilt, crooked, listing, lopsided, oblique, skewed, slanted, uneven

【反】 even, level, straight

axiomatic [ˌæksɪə'mætɪk]

ADJ 公理的: obviously true

ADJ 不言自明的: self-evident

【近】 prima facie, self-evident fBettS2T53OPnXT3C+l23/gd9lKdmq8jhC8Eo9aSkmPnm6HBKsoszm8c/vtYnNYE
