
Unit 2

empire ['empaɪə]

【考法1】 N-COUNT An empire is a number of individual nations that are all controlled by the government or ruler of one particular country. 帝国

【举例1】 the Roman Empire


【考法2】 N-COUNT You can refer to a group of companies controlled by one person as an empire. 企业王国;企业集团

【举例2】 the big Mondadori publishing empire


farm [fɑːm]

【考法】 N-COUNT A farm is an area of land, together with the buildings on it, that is used for growing crops or raising animals, usually in order to sell them. 农场;牧场

【举例】 Farms in France are much smaller than those in the United States or even Britain.


understanding [ˌʌndə'stændɪŋ]

【考法1】 N-VAR If you have an understanding of something, you know how it works or know what it means. 了解;掌握;知识

【举例1】 They have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the advanced technology.


【考法2】 ADJ-GRADED If you are understanding towards someone, you are kind and forgiving. 能谅解的;宽容的;通情达理的

【举例2】 Her boss, who was very understanding , gave her time off.


unsatisfactory [ˌʌnsætɪs'fæktəri]

【考法】 ADJ-GRADED If you describe something as unsatisfactory, you mean that it is not as good as it should be, and cannot be considered acceptable. 不够好的;不能令人满意的;不能接受的

【举例】 The inspectors said just under a third of lessons were unsatisfactory .


calculate ['kælkjʊleɪt]

【考法1】 VERB If you calculate a number or amount, you discover it from information that you already have, by using arithmetic, mathematics, or a special machine. 计算

【举例1】 From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.


【考法2】 VERB If you calculate the effects of something, especially a possible course of action,you think about them in order to form an opinion or decide what to do. 估算;估计;推算;预料

【举例2】 I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.


educate ['edʒʊkeɪt]

【考法1】 VERB When someone, especially a child, is educated, he or she is taught at a school or college. 教育,教(尤指儿童)

【举例1】 He was educated at Haslingden Grammar School.


【考法2】 VERB To educate people means to teach them better ways of doing something or a better way of living. 教导;培养

【举例2】 Drinkwise Day is mainly designed to educate people about the destructive effects of alcohol abuse.


sake [seɪk]

【考法】 PHRASE If you do something for the sake of something, you do it for that purpose or in order to achieve that result. You can also say that you do it for something's sake. 由于;为了;因为……的缘故

【举例】 Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database.


organizational [ˌɔːgənaɪ'zeɪʃənəl]

【考法1】 ADJ Organizational abilities and methods relate to the way that work, activities, or events are planned and arranged. 组织的;安排的;筹备的

【举例1】 Evelyn's excellent organizational skills were soon spotted by her employers.


【考法2】 ADJ Organizational means relating to the structure of an organization. (组织或机构)结构的

【举例2】 The police now recognise that big organizational changes are needed.


rap [ræp]

【考法1】 N-UNCOUNT Rap is a type of music in which the words are not sung but are spoken in a rapid, rhythmic way. 说唱音乐(一种音乐形式)

【举例1】 For some people, rap —the music of the hip-hop generation—is just so much noise.


【考法2】 VERB Someone who raps performs rap music. 表演说唱音乐;说唱

【举例2】 the unexpected pleasure of hearing the Kids not only rap but even sing


audience ['ɔːdiəns]

【考法】 N-COUNT-COLL The audience at a play, concert, film, or public meeting is the group of people watching or listening to it. 观众;听众

【举例】 The entire audience broke into loud applause.


agreeable [ə'griːəbəl]

【考法1】 ADJ-GRADED If something is agreeable, it is pleasant and you enjoy it. 令人愉快的;宜人的

【举例1】 workers in more agreeable and better paid occupations


【考法2】 ADJ-GRADED If someone is agreeable, they are pleasant and try to please people. 亲切的;友善的;讨人喜欢的

【举例2】 sharing a bottle of wine with an agreeable companion


excellent ['eksələnt]

【考法1】 ADJ Something that is excellent is very good indeed. 极好的;优秀的;卓越的;杰出的

【举例】 The recording quality is excellent .


【考法2】 EXCLAM Some people say‘Excellent!’to show that they approve of something. (表示赞同)好极了,太好了 9tf/YGjnfFmaGSlUu6SNLdD5fbqMUiakI+oTXbo1oJDsfxtWGHpLHXSWtIDIK+Pi
