
Unit 3

concern [kən'sɜːn]

【考法1】 N-UNCOUNT Concern is worry about a situation. 忧虑;担心

【举例1】 The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa.


【考法2】 VERB If something concerns you, it worries you. 使担忧;使心烦

【举例2】 The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies.


【考法3】 VERB If you concern yourself with something, you give it attention because you think that it is important. 关心;关注

【举例3】 I didn't concern myself with politics.


unimportant [ˌʌnɪm'pɔːtənt]

【考法】 ADJ-GRADED If you describe something or someone as unimportant, you mean that they do not have much influence, effect, or value, and are therefore not worth serious consideration. 不重要的;无意义的;微不足道的

【举例】 It was an unimportant job, and paid very little.


maximize ['mæksɪmaɪz]

【考法】 VERB If you maximize something, you make it as great in amount or importance as you can. 使增加至最大限度;充分利用(或重视)

【举例】 In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output.


beautiful ['bjuːtɪfʊl]

【考法】 ADJ-GRADED A beautiful person is very attractive to look at. 美丽的;漂亮的

【举例】 She was a very beautiful woman.


lessen ['lesən]

【考法】 V-ERG If something lessens or you lessen it, it becomes smaller in size, amount, degree, or importance. (使)缩小;(使)减少;(使)减轻

【举例】 He is used to a lot of attention from his wife, which will inevitably lessen when the baby is born.


liberty ['lɪbəti]

【考法1】 N-VAR Liberty is the freedom to live your life in the way that you want, without interference from other people or the authorities. (自己选择生活方式的)自由

【举例1】 Wit Wolzek claimed the legislation could impinge on privacy, self determination and respect for religious liberty .


【考法2】 N-UNCOUNT Liberty is the freedom to go wherever you want, which you lose when you are a prisoner. 行动自由;人身自由

【举例2】 Why not say that three convictions before court for stealing cars means three months'loss of liberty ?


cake [keɪk]

【考法1】 N-VAR A cake is a sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, and fat in an oven. Cakes may be large and cut into slices or small and intended for one person only. 蛋糕;糕饼

【举例1】 a piece of cake


【考法2】 N-COUNT Food that is formed into flat round shapes before it is cooked can be referred to as cakes. 饼状食物;饼

【举例2】 fish cakes


jam [dʒæm]

【考法1】 N-MASS Jam is a thick sweet food that is made by cooking fruit with a large amount of sugar, and that is usually spread on bread. 果酱

【举例1】 home-made jam


【考法2】 VERB If vehicles jam a road, there are so many of them that they cannot move. (车辆)堵住,堵塞(道路)

【举例2】 Hundreds of departing motorists jammed the roads.


【考法3】 N-COUNT Jam is also a noun. 堵塞

【举例3】 400 trucks may sit in a jam for ten hours waiting to cross the limited number of bridges.


recycle [ˌriː'saɪkəl]

【考法】 VERB If you recycle things that have already been used, such as bottles or sheets of paper, you process them so that they can be used again. 回收利用;循环利用

【举例】 The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.


poverty ['pɒvəti]

【考法1】 N-UNCOUNT Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. 贫穷;贫困

【举例1】 According to World Bank figures, 41 per cent of Brazilians live in absolute poverty .


【考法2】 N-SING You can use poverty to refer to any situation in which there is not enough of something or its quality is poor. 贫乏;短缺;低劣

【举例2】 Britain has suffered from a poverty of ambition.


worker ['wɜːkə]

【考法1】 N-COUNT A particular kind of worker does the kind of work mentioned. 从事……工作的人;工作者

【举例1】 office workers


【考法2】 N-COUNT Workers are people who are employed in industry or business and who are not managers. 工人;雇员

【举例2】 Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.


dance [dɑːns]

【考法1】 VERB When you dance, you move your body and feet in a way which follows a rhythm, usually in time to music. 跳舞

【举例1】 Polly had never learned to dance .


【考法2】 N-COUNT A dance is a particular series of graceful movements of your body and feet,which you usually do in time to music. 舞蹈;舞步

【举例2】 Sometimes the people doing this dance hold brightly colored scarves.

有时跳这种舞的人会手拿色彩鲜艳的丝巾。 EEur9pojbHwfaSV7WSolU8NG0tNcJPPxrurf88B4SOZO7eCzUM4gqtAUf0sgLbDs
