
Unit 5

famous ['feɪməs]

【考法】 ADJ-GRADED Someone or something that is famous is very well known. 著名的;有名的

【举例】 New Orleans is famous for its cuisine.


cheap [tʃiːp]

【考法】 ADJ-GRADED Goods or services that are cheap cost less money than usual or than you expected. 便宜的;不贵的

【举例】 I'm going to live off campus if I can find somewhere cheap enough.


noisy ['nɔɪzi]

【考法1】 ADJ-GRADED A noisy person or thing makes a lot of loud or unpleasant noise. 喧闹的;嗓门大的;聒噪的

【举例1】 my noisy old typewriter


【考法2】 ADJ-GRADED A noisy place is full of a lot of loud or unpleasant noise. 充满噪音的;嘈杂的

【举例2】 It's a noisy place with film clips showing constantly on one of the cafe's giant screens.


pacific [pə'sɪfɪk]

【考法1】 N-PROPER The Pacific or the Pacific Ocean is a very large sea to the west of North and South America, and to the east of Asia and Australia. 太平洋

【举例1】 an island in the Pacific


【考法2】 ADJ Pacific is used to describe things that are in or that relate to the Pacific Ocean. 太平洋里的;与太平洋有关的

【举例2】 the tiny Pacific island of Pohnpei


boat [bəʊt]

【考法】 N-COUNT A boat is something in which people can travel across water. 船;小船

【举例】 One of the best ways to see the area is in a small boat .


thanksgiving [ˌθæŋks'gɪvɪŋ]

【考法1】 N-UNCOUNT Thanksgiving is the giving of thanks to God, especially in a religious ceremony. (尤指在宗教仪式中对上帝的)感恩,感恩祈祷

【举例1】 The Prince's unexpected recovery was celebrated with a thanksgiving service in St Paul's.


【考法2】 N-VAR In the United States, Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a public holiday on the fourth Thursday in November. It was originally a day when people celebrated the end of the harvest and thanked God for it. 感恩节(美国的公共假日,在11月的第四个星期四)

【举例2】 No matter where his business took him, he always managed to be home for Thanksgiving .


overly ['əʊvəli]

【考法】 ADV Overly means more than is normal, necessary, or reasonable. 过度地;过分地

【举例】 Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.


stressful ['stresfʊl]

【考法】 ADJ-GRADED If a situation or experience is stressful, it causes the person involved to feel stress. (状况、经历)压力大的,令人紧张的

【举例】 I think I've got one of the most stressful jobs there is.


unreasonable [ʌn'riːzənəbəl]

【考法1】 ADJ-GRADED If you say that someone is being unreasonable, you mean that they are behaving in a way that is not fair or sensible. 不公平的;不合理的

【举例1】 The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands, having rejected the deal two weeks ago.


【考法2】 ADJ-GRADED An unreasonable decision, action, price, or amount seems unfair and difficult to justify. 不合理的;不讲道理的

【举例2】 unreasonable increases in the price of petrol


logic ['lɒdʒɪk]

【考法1】 N-UNCOUNT Logic is a method of reasoning that involves a series of statements, each of which must be true if the statement before it is true. 逻辑(学)

【举例1】 Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine,philosophy and logic .


【考法2】 N-UNCOUNT The logic of a conclusion or an argument is its quality of being correct and reasonable. 逻辑性;条理性

【举例2】 I don't follow the logic of your argument.


novelist ['nɒvəlɪst]

【考法】 N-COUNT A novelist is a person who writes novels. 小说家

【举例】 a romantic novelist


leftward ['leftwəd]

【考法】 ADJ Leftward or leftwards means on or towards a political position that is closer to socialism than to capitalism. (政治上)左倾的

【举例】 Their success does not necessarily reflect a leftward shift in politics.

他们的成功并不一定表示政治气候转向亲左。 LBipk7f4s5YPcCjz0U/p9Puf99GCkpCddfkPZLX8Ero2neFsVqfDt4db/4yBmsga
