
Unit 9

irresponsible [ˌɪrɪ'spɒnsɪbəl]

【考法】 ADJ-GRADED If you describe someone as irresponsible, you are criticizing them because they do things without properly considering their possible consequences. 不负责任的;无责任感的

【举例】 I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalisation of drugs.


motivate ['məʊtɪveɪt]

【考法】 VERB If you are motivated by something, especially an emotion, it causes you to behave in a particular way. (尤指情绪)激发,激励,驱使

【举例】 They are motivated by a need to achieve.


wrestle ['resəl]

【考法】 VERB If you wrestle with someone, you fight them by forcing them into painful positions or throwing them to the ground, rather than by hitting them. Some people wrestle as a sport. 摔跤;扭斗

【举例】 They taught me to wrestle .


stroller ['strəʊlə]

【考法】 N-COUNT A stroller is a small chair on wheels, in which a baby or small child can sit and be wheeled around. 婴儿手推车

airline ['eəlaɪn]

【考法】 N-COUNT An airline is a company which provides regular services carrying people or goods in aeroplanes. 航空公司

【举例】 the Dutch national airline KLM荷兰国家航空公司KLM

approval [ə'pruːvəl]

【考法】 N-UNCOUNT If you win someone's approval for something that you ask for or suggest, they agree to it. 赞成;同意

【举例】 efforts to win congressional approval for an aid package for Moscow


mobile ['məʊbaɪl]

【考法】 ADJ You use mobile to describe something large that can be moved easily from place to place. 活动的;可轻松移动的

【举例】 special mobile units where men can have their fingerprints taken and donate a specimen of blood


evolution [ˌiːvə'luːʃən]

【考法1】 N-UNCOUNT Evolution is a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics. 进化

【举例1】 the evolution of plants and animals


【考法2】 N-VAR Evolution is a process of gradual development in a particular situation or thing over a period of time. 演变;演化;演进;发展

【举例2】 a crucial period in the evolution of modern physics


portrait ['pɔːtreɪt]

【考法1】 N-COUNT A portrait is a painting, drawing, or photograph of a particular person. 肖像;画像

【举例1】 Lucian Freud has been asked to paint a portrait of the Queen.


【考法2】 N-COUNT A portrait of a person, place, or thing is a verbal description of them. 描绘;描写;描述

【举例2】 this gripping, funny portrait of Jewish life in 1950s London


concentrate ['kɒnsəntreɪt]

【考法】 VERB If you concentrate on something, or concentrate your mind on it, you give all your attention to it. 全神贯注;集中(心思)

【举例】 It was up to him to concentrate on his studies and make something of himself.


expose [ɪk'spəʊz]

【考法1】 VERB To expose something that is usually hidden means to uncover it so that it can be seen. 使暴露;使显露

【举例1】 Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.


【考法2】 VERB To expose a person or situation means to reveal that they are bad or immoral in some way. 揭发;揭露

【举例2】 The Budget does expose the lies ministers were telling a year ago.


cheer [tʃɪə]

【考法1】 VERB When people cheer, they shout loudly to show their approval or to encourage someone who is doing something such as taking part in a game. 喝彩;欢呼

【举例1】 The crowd cheered as Premier Wayne Goss unveiled a lifesize statue of poet Banjo Paterson.


【考法2】 VERB If you are cheered by something, it makes you happier or less worried. 鼓舞;使鼓起精神

【举例2】 Stephen noticed that the people around him looked cheered by his presence.

斯蒂芬注意到,周围的人们似乎因为他的到来而受到鼓舞。 EYF/TIm75pNjc9EXmL/NYuJBCGJAbOlikQ9XS2CpWj7u2RXFAAZ9vY9eMikEEhQ4
