
Day 4



1 在过去一年里,我们保持定力、与时俱进,又取得了新的重要成就。今年是新中国成立70周年,新中国外交70年来也积累了很多经验,这些经验在当前形势下有何重要意义呢?

Over the past year, we have forged ahead with a clear sense of purpose and made new and important strides. This year marks seventy years since the founding the People’s Republic of China (PRC). China’s diplomacy has gained a wealth of experience over the years. How will that i________ what we are doing today?

2 过去的一年,中国人民团结奋斗、砥砺前行,取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。中国外交开拓进取、攻坚克难,也走过了波澜壮阔的历史征程。中国正在日益走近世界舞台的中央。

Over the past year, the Chinese people, forging ahead as one, have made great strides that have truly impressed the world. China’s diplomacy has overcome difficulties and broken new ground, traveling an extraordinary journey. China is moving ever closer to the world’s c________ stage.

3 这一论述为进入新时代的中国外交提供了根本遵循,也为探索解决当今世界各种复杂问题指明了方向。

This statement charts the course for China’s diplomacy in the new era and points the way for n________ through a complex array of issues in today’s world.

4 只要对话不停、方向不变,半岛无核化目标最终一定会得以实现。当然,半岛核问题延宕几十年,各种矛盾错综复杂,解决起来不可能一蹴而就。

So long as we continue the dialogue and s________ the course, the day will come when denuclearization of the peninsula will become a reality. Having said that, since the nuclear issue on the peninsula has dragged on for decades and complex factors are at play, one cannot expect it to be solved overnight.

5 我们不应从一开始就设置过高的门槛,也不应单方面提出不切实际的要求。我们要跳出历史的局限,打破互不信任的魔咒。

It is important that we don’t set the bar too high at the outset or make unilateral,unrealistic demands. We should not be a p________ of history. We must break the cycle of mistrust instead.

6 要按照分阶段、同步走的思路,明确相互联系、相互促进的具体措施,以各方同意的方式,由易到难,循序推进。

We need to identify specific, inter-linked and mutually reinforcing steps in a phased and synchronized f________ and take them with sequence starting with the easier ones in a way agreed to by the parties concerned.

7 我们将就高质量发展汇聚共识,坚持共商共建共享的原则,倡导开放透明包容的理念,追求绿色环保可持续的发展。

We will build consensus on high-quality development, follow the principle of consultation and collaboration for shared benefits, c________ an open, transparent and inclusive approach, and strive for green and sustainable development.

8 我们将以共赢理念为指引,以互联互通为主线,以增添共同发展动力为目标,打造更紧密的伙伴关系。

We will a________ in the spirit of win-win, focus on improving connectivity, build a stronger momentum for common development, and forge an even closer partnership.

9 “一带一路”倡议源于中国,成果属于世界。本次论坛将成为共建“一带一路”进程中一座新的里程碑。

The Belt and Road Initiative originates from China, but its benefits are s________ by the world. This forum will turn out to be another milestone in BRI cooperation.

10 公道自在人心,正义终将到来。我们今天要维护的不仅仅是一个企业的权益,而是一个国家、一个民族的正当发展权利,更是世界上所有希望提高自身科技发展水平国家的应有权利。

People can tell right and wrong, and justice will have its day. What we are standing up for is not just the rights and interests of one particular enterprise, but a nation’s legitimate right to development,and, by extension, the well-deserved right of all countries seeking to climb up the technology l________.



1 中欧关系当前总体向好,双方之间的共识远远多于分歧。另一方面,中欧关系也不时受到一些干扰和影响。

Overall, China-Europe relations are in good shape. There are far more areas where we agree than we disagree . That being said, this relationship is not insulated from external interferences and distraction.

替换:What binds us together is far greater than what d________ us.

2 中国有句古话叫“四十而不惑”。双方建交40周年是我们双方总结过去、规划未来的重要年头。40年来,双边关系风雨兼程。

As a Chinese saying goes, “At forty, one should have no more doubts.” As we celebrate the fortieth anniversary of our diplomatic ties, it is important for us to summarize the past and plan for the future. Our bilateral relations have gone through a lot over the years.


3 过去的经验归结到一条,就是合则两利,斗则俱伤。尽管今天的国际形势已发生了很大变化,但这条启示仍然是金科玉律,需要我们双方保持“不惑”的定力。

If history is any indication, it is that both countries stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. A great deal has changed in the international landscape, but this valuable lesson still holds true today. We must stay the course without any doubts.

替换:is still r________

4 两国在开展合作的同时,也会出现一些竞争,这是国际关系的正常现象,关键取决于我们如何看待和处理。

It’s only natural for two countries to compete against each other while engaging in cooperation. The key lies in how we look at and handle competition between us.

替换:The key is to put things in p________.

5 两国关系走过了极不平凡的历程。正是在这种磨砺和考验中,两国关系日臻稳定、成熟,并且找到了一条正确的相处之道,成为当今大国关系的典范。

Our bilateral relationship has traveled an extraordinary course, emerging more stable and mature from trials and tribulations and finding a way of getting along. This bilateral relationship is now held up as an exemplar of major-country relations.

替换:a good example of h________ major countries should interact with one another

6 我们还将继续推动“一带一路”同欧亚经济联盟深入对接,激发两国务实合作的内生动力,推动合作提质升级,助力两国发展,造福两国人民。

We will also seek greater synergy between the BRI and the Eurasian Economic Union to strengthen our internal drivers of practical cooperation. Upgraded cooperation between our two countries will better enable our countries’ development and deliver greater benefits to our two peoples.


7 这几年,单边主义和保护主义不断抬头,有时候还来势汹汹。但令人欣慰的是,面对这股逆流,越来越多的国家公开站出来予以抵制和反对。

In recent years, unilateralism and protectionism have raised their heads, returning with a vengeance at times. But we are happy to see that a growing number of countries have stepped forward to resist and oppose this disturbing trend.


8 现在各国都逐渐意识到,身处全球化时代,彼此命运相连、休戚与共,需要的是团队精神,而不是各行其是;是同舟共济,而不是独善其身。

There is a growing realization in the age of globalization that all countries share the same destiny. We rise and fall together. Instead of each going his way, we should act as a team. Instead of each minding his own business, we should help each other as passengers in the same boat.

替换:We are all i________ this together.

9 两国共识是大于分歧的,不会也不应该走向对抗。如果要重新拾起冷战思维的旧思维,那是违反时代潮流的,也是没有出路的,恐怕也是不得人心的。

What unites us outweighs what separates us. We won’t and shouldn’t descend into confrontation. A return to the outdated cold-war thinking goes against the present-day trend, has no future and will have little support .

替换:be deeply u________

10 两国的利益已经高度融合。去年双边贸易额超过6300亿美元,人员往来超过500万人次。有个别人声称要让两国经济“脱钩”,这显然是不现实的。

The interests of the two countries are highly intertwined. Last year bilateral trade topped 630 billion US dollars, and visits in both directions exceeded five million. Some people vow to decouple our economies, but this is obviously their unrealistic thinking.




1 中非友好源远流长。双方始终是命运相连、荣辱与共的好兄弟。当前,中国同非洲关系处于历史最好时期,中非互利合作继续走在国际对非合作的前列。

China and Africa have a long-standing friendship. We are good brothers whose destinies and fortunes are entangled. China-Africa relationship is at the best it has ever been,and China remains a pacesetter for the rest of the world when it comes to cooperation with Africa.


2 中非合作经过几十年辛勤浇灌,已经成长为参天大树,任何势力都无法撼动。

Thanks to decades of diligent nurturing, the sapling of China-African cooperation has grown into a towering tree that no force can topple.


3 中非友谊历经考验,中非合作的成果也已遍布非洲大陆。我们愿意发挥中非合作的标杆作用,带动更多的国家关注非洲、重视非洲、投入非洲,发挥各自优势,真正形成合力,共同致力于非洲的和平与发展。

The friendship between China and Africa is time-tested, and fruits of our cooperation can be seen across Africa. We are more than happy to leverage such exemplary effect to encourage more countries to give greater attention, weight and input to Africa. It’s important that we combine our strength and act in concert for peace and development of Africa.


4 两国是搬不走的邻居,两国人民共享数千年的南亚次大陆文明。我们希望双方和睦相处,互帮互助,携手前行。

The two countries are neighbors that will always live with each other. They are both heirs to the millennium-old civilization on this South Asian subcontinent. We hope that both sides can get along, help each other, and progress together.


5 我们也希望双方能化危为机,相向而行,尽快翻过这一页,寻找到两国关系的根本和长远改善之道。

We also hope that both sides can transform the crisis into an opportunity and meet each other along the way. We advise both parties to quickly turn this page and seek a fundamental, long-term improvement in bilateral relations.


6 双方要以对话代替对抗,以善意化解分歧,以合作共创未来。

When confrontation gives away to dialogue and disagreements are settled by goodwill,they can create a better future through cooperation.


7 该国局势现在处在一个关键阶段,和平曙光再现的同时,风险和挑战也在积聚。推进和平比挑起冲突更需要勇气。

The country finds itself at a critical moment when the potential dawn of peace is coupling with a buildup of risks and challenges. Pursuing peace requires more courage than stoking conflict.


8 我们呼吁各方以国家和民族大义为重,以对话解纷争,化干戈为玉帛。我们呼吁国际社会从旁发挥建设性作用,形成促谈的合力。

We call on all parties concerned to set great store for the greater good of the country,settle differences through dialogue, and beat swords into ploughshares. We also call on the international community to play a constructive role from the sidelines and build momentum for dialogue.


9 我们衷心希望这个饱经磨难的国家能够凤凰涅槃、浴火重生,从此把命运掌握在自己手中,迎来真正的独立和持久的和平。这个国家不应再成为大国的竞技场,不应再承受连绵不断的冲突和战火。

We ardently hope that, after suffering so much, this country can have a rebirth, taking destiny into its own hands and enjoying genuine independence and lasting peace.It should no longer be an arena of great-power rival. Nor should it ever be subject to incessant conflict and mayhem.


10 近年来,两国顺应时代发展大势和历史进步潮流,双边关系取得很大发展。我们的合作是建立在平等互利基础上,不针对第三方,也无意动谁的奶酪。新的一年,我们将继续推进同拉美国家的合作。

In recent years, both countries have seen significant advancement in bilateral relations,which accords with the trend of our times and history. Our cooperation is grounded on equality and mutual benefit. It’s neither targeted at any third party nor meant to move other people’s cheese. In the new year, we will deepen our engagement with Latin American countries.




1 咄咄逼人从来不是中国的传统,国强必霸压根不是我们的选择。

Assertiveness has never been Chinese tradition, and hegemony will not be our choice even when we become stronger.

润色:been p________ of Chinese tradition

2 作为绵延五千年而未中断的文明,中国可以说是世界上最具连续性和最具可预测性的国家。中国必将走向强大,但不会更加强硬。

As a civilization that has lasted without interruption for 5,000 years, China is arguably the most consistent and predictable country in the world. China will surely be stronger, but will not be assertive.

润色:has run u________

3 两国人民的传统友谊焕发出勃勃生机,两国关系也由此掀开了新的时代篇章。今年是两国建交70周年,对两国关系具有承前启后、继往开来的重大意义。

Friendship between the two peoples is brimming with vitality, and bilateral relations have turned a new chapter. This year marks the 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties between us. It presents a great opportunity for us to build on past achievements and push our relationship to a new high .

润色:build on the strong l________ of our relationship and take it forward

4 目前给予中国游客免签或落地签待遇的国家和地区已经达到72个,中国护照的“含金量”不断提高。

Seventy-two countries and regions now grant visa-free or visa-on-arrival treatment to Chinese tourists. It is now more convenient to travel with a Chinese passport.


5 我们要在驻外使领馆逐步开通移动支付,提供更多“指尖上的领事服务”。同时,要努力实现领事保护工作法制化、规范化。

Mobile payment will be gradually introduced to make more consular services accessible at finger tips. Meanwhile, we will work to put consular protection on a legal footing and make it procedure-based.

润色:be p________ in

6 只要贵国客观理性看待中国的发展,切实遵循迄今达成的各项原则,两国关系就能够排除障碍和干扰,迎来稳定和光明的前景,两国合作的潜力也就能够得到充分发掘。

As long as your country approaches China’s development from an objective and rational perspective and effectively honors principles agreed on by both sides, our bilateral relations will be able to steer clear of stumbling blocks and distractions and enjoy a stable and bright outlook. At the same time, we will be better able to unleash the full potential for bilateral cooperation.

润色:p________ China’s development in perspective

7 接下来,我们要以脚踏实地的行动沿着正确的方向坚定不移地向前走。

Looking ahead, we need to take solid actions and move forward steadfastly in the right direction .

润色:need to take more solid and d________ steps in the right direction

8 我们将打造地方省市全球推介的“增强版”。我们要以主场外交活动为平台,提升各主办城市的国际知名度和发展格局。要以共建“一带一路”为平台,支持各地方同沿线国家开展交流合作。

We will upgrade our efforts to present Chinese provinces to the world. We will leverage high-profile diplomatic events to boost the international visibility and development momentum of the host cities. We will use the BRI as a platform to facilitate exchanges and cooperation between various localities and BRI partner countries.

润色:s________ entities

9 我们要办好今年的省区市全球推介,助力更多地方走向世界。我们将按照“办好一个会,搞活一座城”的思路,继续支持地方打造国际活动品牌。

We will make a good job of presenting Chinese provinces this year to help more provinces to engage with the world . We will help Chinese cities in hosting flagship international events which are excellent opportunities to bolster the cities’ development.

润色:e________ the world

10 我们还将积极牵线搭桥,鼓励企业继续有序“走出去”,切实维护好它们的正当权益。

We will help build partnerships, encourage businesses to go global in an orderly fashion,and ensure that their legitimate rights and interests overseas are well protected.

润色:grow their international p________ K5unMJeK4xjIJ3iXB2LuPdNJ5QMPrcE2pGzIWuBAPQ8zruE5lTubtrtjqjR5f4dO
