
Day 3



1 要采取 对口 支援等多种形式,加大对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区扶持力度。

We need to increase support for old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas,border areas and poor areas through p________ assistance and other means.

2 广纳群言 、广集民智,增进共识、增强合力。

We must s________ a wide range of opinions, pool wisdom of the people, increase consensus, and build up synergy.

3 我们要深入开展法制 宣传 教育,广泛开展理想信念教育。

We need to carry out intensive p________ and education about the law and extensive education about our ideal and conviction.

4 我们要大力 弘扬 民族精神和时代精神,丰富人民精神世界,增强人民精神力量。

We should vigorously f________ China’s national character and promote the underlying trend of the times, enrich people’s cultural life and enhance their moral strength.

5 要加强社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人 品德 教育,弘扬中华传统美德,弘扬时代新风。

We will intensify education in public morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and individual i________, and advocate traditional Chinese virtues and new trends of the times.

6 我们要加强和改进 思想政治工作 ,注重人文关怀和心理疏导。

We will strengthen and improve education in v________, and provide compassionate care and psychological counseling.

7 我们要丰富人民 精神 文化生活,继续推动公共文化服务设施向社会免费开放。

We will enrich people’s i________ and cultural lives, and open more public cultural service facilities to the public free of charge.

8 在文化建设中,我们将开展全民阅读活动,加强和改进网络内容建设, 唱响 网上主旋律。

In the course of developing culture, we will launch reading programs for the general public, improve the contents of online services, and a________ healthy themes on the Internet.

9 我们要繁荣发展少数民族文化事业, 繁荣 全国文化市场。

We will enable cultural activities of ethnic minorities to grow and prosper, and create a t________ cultural market across the country.

10 要在学有所教、 劳有所得 、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居上持续取得新进展,努力让人民过上更好生活。

We should keep making progress in ensuring that all the people enjoy their rights to education, e________, medical and old-age care, and housing so that they will lead a better life.



1 城镇新增就业6600万人以上。

More than 66 million new urban jobs have been created.


2 易地扶贫搬迁830万人。

8.3 million have been relocated from hostile areas.


3 实际使用外资1363亿美元,创历史新高。

Actually utilized foreign investment has reached 136.3 billion U.S. dollars, hitting a new all-time high.


4 这些年,世界经济复苏乏力,国际金融市场跌宕起伏,保护主义明显抬头。

The past few years have witnessed sluggish world economic recovery, volatility in global financial markets, and a sharp rise in protectionism.


5 我国经济发展中结构性问题和深层次矛盾凸显。

In China, structural issues and deep-seated problems have become more acute.


6 一些干部服务意识和法治意识不强、工作作风不实、担当精神不够。

Some officials are weak on awareness that they are there to serve and must uphold the rule of law, and some lack dedication to their work and willingness to bear the weight of responsibility.


7 还有很多坡要爬、坎要过。

There are still many hills to climb and gorges to cross.

替换:u________ battles to fight

8 要尽力而为、量力而行,把群众最关切最烦心的事一件一件解决好。

We must do everything within our capacity to resolve each and every one of the issues that most affect and worry our people .

替换:most c________ and trouble our people

9 我们要坚持用市场化法治化手段,严格执行环保、质量、安全等法规标准。

We will take market-driven and law-based means to ensure compliance with laws,regulations, and standards in environmental protection, quality, and work safety.


10 我国拥有世界上规模最大的人力人才资源。

China is home to the biggest pool of human resources and talent in the world.




1 中国是联合国维和行动第二大出资国和五常中派遣维和军事人员最多的国家。

China is the second largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget, and the first largest contributor of peacekeepers among the five permanent members.


2 我们要按照厉行节约、勤俭办会的要求,进一步加强和完善会风会纪建设的具体措施,持之以恒,营造风清气正的会风。

We will practice frugality and avoid extravagance, further strengthen measures on building the conduct of meetings,and ensure the session upholds discipline and political integrity.


3 我们要制定英雄烈士保护法,彰显国家保护英烈的鲜明导向,推动全社会形成崇尚英烈、捍卫英烈、学习英烈的良好氛围。

We will enact Law on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs to demonstrate the country’s commitment to protecting heroes and martyrs and build a sound environment that encourages the general public to respect, protect, and follow the examples of those who have devoted themselves to the great good.


4 我们将所有权、承包权、经营权“三权分置”的重大改革成果用法律的形式确定了下来,稳定和完善了农村土地承包关系,给土地承包者和经营者吃下了“定心丸”。

We have codified into law the important progress achieved in the reform to separate ownership right, contract right and management right, which has helped keep rural land contracting relations stable and provided reassurances to the parties of the contract and to the operators.


5 我们制定了土壤污染防治法,填补了我国土壤污染防治领域的法律空白,与大气污染防治法、水污染防治法等相关法律构建起立体、严密的生态环境法治网。

We have enacted P.R.C. Law on Preventing and Controlling Soil Pollution. This is the first legislation dedicating to soil pollution and has filled a legal void. With that law in place, together with other two laws on air and water pollution, we now provide a comprehensive legal framework to protect the ecosystem.


6 事实充分证明,两国合则两利、斗则俱伤,合作是双方最好的选择。

When history teaches us anything,it is that the two countries stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. The best option for both sides is to work with, not against, each other.


7 用冷战的旧思维来处理全球化背景下的新问题是肯定没有出路的。

Taking an outdated approach of the cold war era to addressing emerging issues in a global world is not the right way to go.


8 我们在双方共同关心的许多问题上取得了重要阶段性进展,两国和国际社会对此都做出了积极的反应。

We have achieved substantive progress on many issues of mutual interest. This has been well received within both countries and the broad international community.


9 改革开放以来,我国形成了以中外合资经营企业法、外资企业法、中外合作经营企业法,也就是“外资三法”为基础的外商投资法律体系,为扩大对外开放、积极利用外资提供了有效的法律保障。

Since reform and opening up, we have established a legal system for foreign investment featuring by the Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures Law, the Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises Law and the Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures Law,providing strong legal underpinning for our efforts to open up wider to the world and better use foreign capital.


10 这是我国外商投资管理体制的根本性变革,将提高投资环境的开放度、透明度和可预期性,为推动形成全面开放新格局提供更加有力的法律保障。

This is a fundamental change to China’s foreign investment management system. It will make China’s investment environment more open, transparent and predictable and provide stronger legal guarantee for great opening across the board.




1 这个问题非常复杂、敏感,解决起来不是一件容易的事。随着谈判的深入,难免会遇到这样那样的困难。

This issue is rather complex and sensitive, and to address it is not an easy job. As the negotiation goes deeper, there will be bumps along the way.

润色:There is no easy f________ to this rather complex and sensitive issue.

2 去年开展的大气污染防治法执法检查,敢于动真碰硬,开展随机抽查。

Spot checks were made to get serious about addressing tough problems during last year’s law-enforcement inspections with regard to the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution.

润色:deal with problems h________

3 执法检查报告不掩饰问题,对执法检查中发现的涉及22家企业的38个问题点名曝光。

The law-enforcement inspection report didn’t water down or cover up any problem. Twenty-two companies were called out and exposed for thirty-eight irregularities and misconducts.

润色:named and s________

4 “一带一路”参与各方在互联互通的相关领域进行了密切合作,取得了积极的成果,在一些专业领域还建立了多个多边合作机制。这些都表明,“一带一路”倡议顺应了合作共赢的时代潮流。

All participants in the Belt & Road Initiative have collaborated closely in fields of enhancing connectivity, and we have seen good results coming out. Multilateral cooperation mechanisms have been established in special fields. All this indicates that the BRI responds to the call of the times for win-win cooperation.

润色:up and r________

5 像其他国际合作倡议一样,“一带一路”实施的过程中也会出现一些困难和挑战。但是随着倡议的实施和不断的总结完善,“一带一路”建设一定会取得更好的发展,给参与国人民带来更多的获得感。

Just like other international cooperation initiatives, difficulties and challenges will emerge as we continue to implement the BRI. But as things move forward and with experiences accumulated,the BRI will improve along the way,delivering greater gains to the people of partner countries.

润色:As w________

6 中国高度重视数据安全保护工作。对这一点外界应该全面准确地解读,不应该断章取义。China takes very seriously the protection of data security. The outside world should interpret this comprehensively and correctly rather than take anything out of context.

润色:It is important to look at the full p________ and read it as it is

7 通过立法加强个人信息保护已成为保护公民隐私和生命财产安全、规范网络健康有序发展的必然要求。

It is a necessary requirement to enhance legislation on personal information protection as a way to protect people’s privacy, safety and property and promote sound and orderly development of the Internet.

润色:It is increasingly i________ to

8 人工智能引领社会发展是大势所趋,同时应当看到,人工智能技术的应用具有不确定性,会给人类社会带来法律关系、道德伦理、社会治理等方面的新挑战。

The general trend is that artificial intelligence (AI) will lead social progress. Having said that, uncertainties over AI application will present new challenges with regard to legal, ethical and public policies.

润色:Artificial intelligence (AI) is s________ to lead the next wave of progress.

9 我们已将修改科学技术进步法列入与人工智能相关的立法规划,同时把人工智能方面立法列入抓紧研究项目,将围绕相关法律问题进行深入的调查论证。

We’ve made revisions to the law on science and technology progress part of our AI related legislative plan. AI legislation has been listed as a research project that we must work hard on , and in-depth study and vigorous debate will be carried out for that matter.

润色:has been made a p________

10 我们要以点带线,以线带面,串起连通东盟、南亚、西亚、北非、欧洲等各大经济板块的市场链。要用创新的合作模式,以点带面,从线到片,逐步形成区域大合作。

Starting with the launch of individual projects that are expected to help spur a wider range of cooperative activities, we hope to build a network of interconnected markets linking the ASEAN, South Asia, West Asia, North Africa, and Europe. We will take an innovative cooperative approach, starting with individual projects that are expected to help spur larger-scale regional cooperation.

润色:e________ uv5o2TXequMowYeOs5+xVdNf7L+rCG2JEiCUJZcF/91qTsaGfh38TqvfSJr7oDIt
