
Day 5



1 我们走出了一条具有中国特色、中国气派、中国风格的大国外交之路,为服务国内改革发展大局发挥了重要作用。

We have traveled on a road of major-country diplomacy that reflects China’s distinct values, vision and style. Our diplomatic efforts have been i________ in facilitating China’s reform and development.

2 我们将拿出新作为,展现新气象,总结改革开放成功经验,展示新时代深化改革、扩大开放的新前景。

We will take new steps and make new a________. We will review China’s experience and sketch new possibilities for reform and opening up in the new era.

3 首届中国国际进口博览会主旋律是市场开放。中国将向世界张开双臂,展现市场潜力,欢迎各国参与和分享中国发展的新机遇。

The first China International Import Expo aims to further market opening. China will embrace the world with open arms and enormous market potential. All will be welcome to a________ and benefit from the new opportunities of China’s development.

4 双方关系迅速解冻,为冰封已久的地区局势注入了久违的暖流。最近发生的这些变化有人似乎感到困惑,其实是情理之中。

Both sides have achieved a rapid thaw in their relations, r________ the long-standing chill in the regional situation. Recent developments as such may seem baffling to some people, but they are within the bounds of reason.

5 冰冻三尺非一日之寒。尽管隧道的尽头已经显露曙光,但前行的道路不可能一帆风顺。历史经验告诉我们,每当局势出现缓和时,各种干扰就会如影随形,接踵而来。

It takes more than one cold day to freeze three feet of ice. Despite light at the end of the tunnel, the journey ahead won’t be smooth. History has reminded us time and again that whenever tensions subsided, the situation would be c________ by various interferences.

6 这些重大外交活动,不仅极大增进了国际社会对中国的了解,有效提升了中国的国际地位和影响,也为解决当今许多全球性问题指明了方向。

These high-profile diplomatic events have g________ a long way towards deepening the world’s understanding of China, enhanced China’s profile and influence, and facilitated the solution of many global problems.

7 他本人的领袖风范和人格魅力,使许多不同社会制度、文化背景的领导人都成为他的好朋友,成为中国的好朋友。

His leadership and charisma have e________ him and China many good friends among foreign leaders who represent a diverse cross-section of cultures and social systems.

8 他亲力亲为的外交努力将会进一步展现为人民谋福、为国家负责、为世界担当的博大情怀。

His personal diplomacy will make a positive and responsible contribution to the well being of his people, the interests of China and the w________ of the world.

9 中国的核心要义是坚持和平发展,成功之处在于合作共赢,这与传统大国曾经走过的路完全不同,正在得到越来越多国家的认同和欢迎。

China is essentially committed to peaceful development. Its success is u________ by win-win cooperation. China’s path is completely different from that of traditional powers,and, as such, it is commended and welcomed by a growing number of countries.

10 我们两国应优势互补,合作共赢。两国关系数十年来历经风雨,但对话与合作始终是主线,因为这是唯一明智也是现实的选择。

Both countries need to combine strengths and p________ win-win cooperation. Our relations have gone through a lot in the past few decades, but dialogue and cooperation has always carried the day. It is the wise thing to do; there can be no alternative.



1 在全球化的今天,选择贸易战是抓错了药方,结果只会损人害己。

It is particularly unhelpful to engage in a trade war in a globalized world, as it will harm the initiator as well as the target country.

替换:Trade war is clearly not the right r________

2 作为两个利益高度融合的大国,作为世界第一和第二大经济体,中美既要对两国人民负责,也要为世界各国负责。

As the world’s two largest economies, China’s and America’s interests are deeply entwined. We must be responsible for not just the interests of our own people, but also the well-being of the world.

替换:b________ in mind

3 作为安理会常任理事国,中国始终把维护国际和平作为自己应尽的责任。而今天的中国,更有条件为解决地区和国际热点问题积极发挥作用。这既是我们应该做的,也是各方的普遍期待。

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China takes seriously its responsibility for maintaining international peace. China today enjoys better conditions to help address regional and international flashpoints. We are ready to play our part, and the world expects no less from us.

替换:is in a much better p________

4 中国参与解决热点问题,有着鲜明的中国特色,始终坚持有所为也有所不为。归纳起来有三条,即和平性、正当性和建设性。

We follow a distinctly Chinese approach as we help to settle various flashpoints. There are things we will do and there are things we won’t do. Simply put, our approach is a once peaceful, justifiable and constructive.

替换:There are do’s and d________ for us.

5 在普京总统领导下,近年来俄罗斯的国家发展取得了重要成就。俄罗斯民族是一个有韧性、有坚持、能抗压的民族。

Under the leadership of President Putin, Russia has witnessed important achievements in national development in recent years. The Russian people are resilient, principled and resistant to pressure.

替换:President Putin has o________ important strides in Russia’s development in recent years.

6 中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系稳如泰山。中俄深化合作没有止境,中俄关系没有最好只有更好。

The China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is as unshakable as a mountain. There is no end to our bilateral cooperation. We must continue to make the relationship even better than it already is.

替换:The s________ is the limit for

7 过去几十年,西方一直在对中国作出各种评判和预测,归纳起来无非一种是“中国崩溃论”,一种是“中国威胁论”。随着中国的持续发展,“中国崩溃论”自己先崩溃了,变成了一个国际笑柄。“中国威胁论”虽然有了新的翻版,但却更加不得人心。因为事实胜于雄辩。

For decades, the West has made all kinds of assessments and predictions about China. To some Westerners, China is either “collapsing” or “threatening”. As China continues to grow, the first theory has collapsed and become an international laughing stock. Meanwhile, proponents of the second theory have conjured up new versions, which are becoming more unpopular because facts speak louder than words.

替换:f________ dwindling support

8 中国是全球减贫事业的主要贡献者,贡献率超过70%,创造了人类历史上的奇迹;中国是维护世界和平的主要贡献者,成为安理会五常中派出联合国维和人员最多的国家,维和经费出资居世界第二位。

China accounts for more than 70 percent of poverty reduction worldwide, a miracle in human history. China bears a weighty responsibility for maintaining world peace, as it is the largest source of peacekeeping personnel among the permanent members of the Security Council. China is also the second largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget.

替换:the largest c________ of peacekeepers

9 对于这些事实,只要不怀有偏见,不奉行双重标准,从中看到的决不是什么威胁,而是满满的机遇。所谓“中国威胁论”可以休矣。

From these solid facts, those who do not have bias or practice double standards will see in China not a threat, but plenty of opportunities. It’s time the “China threat theory” was brought to an end .

替换:laid to r________

10 无论是规划“一带一路”合作蓝图还是实施具体项目,都由参与方商量着办,一切都在阳光下运行。没有一家独大,而是各方平等参与;没有暗箱操作,而是坚持公开透明;没有赢者通吃,而是谋求互利共赢。

The planning and implementation of BRI projects have been discussed by the participants in the open. No country is dominating the process; all parties participate on an equal footing . There is no back-room deal; everything is transparent. There is no“winner takes all”; every project delivers win-win results.

替换:have an equal s________



1 一大批“一带一路”合作项目正在全面推进,为当地的经济社会发展发挥了雪中送炭作用。中国在该国开工建设的十余座电站完工投产后将彻底解决该国缺电限电的历史困境。仅其中最大的一座电站就可满足上千万民众的日常需求。

A large number of BRI cooperation projects are well underway, adding much-needed momentum to the economic and social development of our partner countries. China has started the construction of a dozen power stations in this country. When all of them are completed, power cuts and shortages will be a thing of history in the country. The largest one is expected to supply electricity to tens of millions of local people.


2 中国企业收购了该国陷入困境的一家钢厂,不到一年就扭亏为盈,不仅保住了5000多人的就业,还使整个城市浴火重生。

In the country, a Chinese enterprise bought a troubled steel mill and turned it profitable in less than a year, both saving more than 5,000 local jobs and helping to re-energize the city in which the steel mill is located.


3 中国企业接手希腊最大港口的经营,货物吞吐量迅速回升,重新跻身欧洲大港行列。中国和法国联手在英国建设核电站,成为“一带一路”高新技术项目合作的典范。

In Greece, a Chinese group took over the operation of its largest seaport, ramped up the container volume and put it in the same league as Europe’s largest ports. China is also partnering with France to build a nuclear power plant in the UK, a stellar example of high-tech cooperation under the BRI.


4 我们真诚欢迎各方为“一带一路”建言献策,共同把“一带一路”建设好,推进好。不仅加强各国基础设施的“硬联通”,也要开展政策、规则和标准的“软联通”;不仅接地气,还要高标准;不仅效益好,而且高质量;不仅惠及中国,更要造福世界。

We sincerely ask for ideas from all parties, so that we will together make a success of the Belt and Road Initiative. Our goal is not only to strengthen the hard connectivity of infrastructure, but also to improve the institutional connectivity of policies, rules and standards. BRI projects must be high-standard as well as results-oriented, high-quality as well as economically viable, beneficial to the world and to China.


5 中国仍是发展中国家,服务国内发展是我们分内的事。面对新的历史使命和时代要求,我们将按照中央的统一部署,更加积极有为地做好服务发展这篇大文章。

China still being a developing country, facilitating domestic development is part and parcel of our work. Keeping in mind our new mission and what is expected of us, we will implement the decisions of the central leaders and be more active in facilitating domestic development.


6 我们将适应新形势,按照高质量发展的需要,为“走出去”“引进来”,扩大对外合作创造更有利条件,为国内发展营造更良好国际环境。

We will adapt to the new landscape of high-quality development to create a more favorable environment for foreign cooperation, including “bringing in” and “going global”, and for domestic development.


7 我们将破解新课题,紧扣社会主要矛盾变化,打造地方省区市全球推介活动的增强版,并将创办反映重大改革开放举措的专题推介,更有针对性地讲好中国的故事。

We will tackle the new challenges presented by the revolution of the principal contradiction facing Chinese society. To tell China’s stories in a more compelling way, we will both upgrade the presentation of Chinese provinces and launch a new series on the major initiatives of reform and opening-up.


8 我们将发挥好领馆遍布全球的优势,为“一带一路”建设铺路架桥,维护好我国海外利益。我们既要当对外工作的“排头兵”,也要做服务国内发展的“实干家”。

We will leverage our consular assets across the globe to facilitate the Belt and Road Initiative and protect China’s overseas interests. We aim to be not just the pacesetter of China’s international engagement, but also a solid contribution to domestic development.


9 今年是中国—东盟建立战略伙伴关系15周年,具有继往开来的重要意义。15年来,中国—东盟合作从小到大,硕果累累。

As we celebrate the 15th anniversary, this year is of particular importance for the future of China-ASEAN strategic partnership. The last 15 years have seen China-ASEAN cooperation undergo from strength to strength and bear rich fruits.


10 中国连续9年保持东盟第一大贸易伙伴地位。去年双方人员往来突破4000万人次。中国—东盟合作已经成为亚太区域合作中最为成功和最具活力的典范。

For nine years running, China has maintained ASEAN’s largest trading partner. Last year, our two-way visits totaled 40 million. China-ASEAN cooperation is the most successful and dynamic in the Asian-Pacific region.




1 我们将继续把东盟放在对外合作议程的首页,打造更高水平的战略伙伴关系,构建更紧密的命运共同体。

We will continue to give the highest priority to cooperation with ASEAN, build a higher level strategic partnership, and build a more close-knit community of shared future.


2 中国维护该地区和平稳定的决心不可动摇,诚意始终如一。我们处理该问题的立足点,是对中国人民负责,对历史事实负责,对地区和平负责,对国际法治负责。这一立场坚如磐石,一以贯之。

When it comes to maintaining peace and stability in the region, China’s resolve is as strong as its commitment is deep. China’s starting point of addressing issue is to be responsible for the interests of the Chinese people, the facts of history, the imperative of regional peace and the international rule of law. This position is firm and consistent.

润色:China’s a________ to this issue is a responsible one that takes into account

3 我们上周就行为准则的案文进行了首次磋商,取得积极进展,并且商定年内至少再举行三次磋商。

Last week, we held an inaugural round of consultation on the code of conduct text and made positive progress. At least three more rounds have been envisaged for the remainder of this year.


4 一些外部势力对这一地区的风平浪静心有不甘,总想挑动是非,唯恐天下不乱。中国诗句“青山遮不住,毕竟东流去”中蕴藏着深奥的智慧。

Some outside forces are not happy with the prevailing calm in the region and try to stir up trouble and muddle the waters. It is useful to heed the wisdom of a Chinese verse,“Green hills cannot block the river ; to the vast ocean it keeps advancing.”

润色:stop the river f________

5 中国和非洲国家是患难之交,患难之交不能忘。中非之间的深厚友谊牢不可破,中国对非真实亲诚的理念也不会改变。

China and Africa are friends tested by adversity. Such friends must never be forgotten. The profound friendship between China and Africa cannot be broken, and China’s promise of sincerity, real results, friendship and good faith will remain unchanged.

润色:remains u________

6 在构建人类命运共同体的新征程上,非洲是不可或缺的重要伙伴。我们欢迎非洲兄弟姐妹继续搭乘中国发展的快车。我们要让中非合作插上“一带一路”的强劲翅膀,飞得更高,飞得更远。

On our new journey to build a global community with a shared future, Africa is an indispensable partner. Our African brothers and sisters are welcome to continue their ride on China’s fast train of development. The Belt and Road Initiative will give wings to China-Africa cooperation to help it soar to greater heights.

润色:In our new e________ to

7 作为非洲国家的好兄弟,好伙伴,我们始终把非洲国家的需要和利益放在心上,想非洲之所想,急非洲之所急。非洲当前面临维护和平安全、促进振兴发展两大任务,中国将根据非洲国家实际需要,不断帮助提高非洲国家维护自身和平与安全的能力。

As Africa’s brother and partner, China will always attach particular importance to the needs and interests of African countries. Africa’s concerns are China’s concerns, and its imperatives are China’s imperatives . Africa faces the twin challenges of maintaining peace and security and of promoting development and revitalization. In response to its needs, China will help them build capacity for ensuring their own peace and security.

润色:its p________ are China’s p________

8 40年前缔结的该条约以法律形式确认了正确对待历史的政治原则,明确了两国和平共处、世代友好的大方向。不忘初心,方得始终。40年后,站在承前启后的历史关口,希望该国能够政治上讲信用,行动上守规矩,和平友好将重新成为两国关系的主旋律。

The treaty we signed forty years ago codified the political principles agreed in handling history correctly. The treaty also enshrined our joint desire to live in peace and friendship forever. As a saying goes, stay true to your original aspiration, and you can accomplish your mission. Forty years on, at another crucial juncture of history, we hope the country in question will have political credibility and act accordingly. When that happens, peace and friendship will again be the dominant theme of our bilateral relations.

润色:never forget why you s________

9 这个世界上,各种话题层出不穷,花样翻新。就像太平洋和印度洋上的浪花,一时引人耳目,转瞬归于平寂。在当今时代,再挑起冷战已不合时宜,再搞小圈子对抗更没有市场。

It seems there is never a shortage of headline-grabbing ideas. They are like the sea foam in the Pacific or Indian Ocean: they may get some attention, but soon will dissipate. Nowadays, stoking a new Cold War is not in keeping with the times and inciting bloc confrontation will find no market.

润色:out of s________ with the times

10 中印要龙象共舞,而不是龙象争斗;中印1+1不仅等于2,更等于11。面对当前国际局势的百年变局,越来越多的有识之士认识到,两个超过10亿人口规模的发展中大国相继走向现代化,最重要的是相互理解,相互支持,最应避免的是相互猜忌,相互消耗。建立起政治互信,喜马拉雅山也阻挡不了相互加强友好交往。缺乏互信,一马平川也难使双方走到一起。

The Chinese “dragon” and the Indian “elephant” must not fight each other, but dance with each other. In that case, one plus one will equal not only two, but also eleven. The international situation is experiencing its biggest change in a century. More and more far-sighted people have come to realize that as the largest two developing countries become modernized—each with a population of more than one billion—China and India must do everything to understand and support each other and to avoid mutual suspicion and attrition. With political trust, not even the Himalayas can stop us from strengthening friendly exchanges; without it, not even level land can bring us together.

润色:e________ with jhUIcd7JBnZeu2KTBjmY3FCJ2fY3nA/uzeHBIEdWkoH9owFU+2vg3kE1bgY6ZkoF
