
List 3

1 dominant


adj. 主要的(main);占主导地位的,占优势的(more powerful);(基因)显性的(a dominant gene causes a child to have a particular physical feature or illness, even if it has been passed on from only one parent)

It happens only when there is a dominant competitor.


2 further


adj. 更多的,更进一步的(more);另外的(extra)

This raises two further questions.


3 gather


v. 聚集,集合(to come together);收集(to collect)

In a well-fed hive, forager bees gather food only from flower patches that have lots of nectar.


4 quantity


n. 量(the amount);数量(the number);大量(a mass)

The quantity and total weight of soil flora generally exceed that of soil fauna.


5 theater


n. 戏剧(a play);剧院(a building with a stage)

Theater is a way to enjoy imitating other people.


6 demonstrate


v. 证明(to prove);演示(to display and explain);示范(to show)

Adults used props, uh, toys or other objects to demonstrate an action that have 2 steps.


7 due


adj. 应有的(required to have);到期的(expected to arrive);预定的(expected to happen);应付的(payable)

The urban heat island is due to industrial and urban development.


8 empire


n. 帝国(a kingdom)

The pottery of the ancient Roman Empire is remarkable.


9 native


adj. 本国的(domestic);本土的(relating to the original inhabitants of a country);当地的(local)

They are native to Hawaii.


10 obtain


v. 获得(to gain);得到(to get)

They obtain algae by using their gills as filters.


11 encourage


v. 鼓励(to inspire);促进(to promote);支持(to stimulate something or someone by approval or help)

They did not encourage the expression of emotions.


12 meter


n. 计量表(a device that measures and records something);米(a unit for measuring length; a hundred centimeters)

The bed is generally no more than one square meter in size.


13 political


adj. 政治的(of the politics)

It emerged rapidly as an economical and political center.


14 algae


n. 水藻(plants with no stems or leaves)

Algae grow rapidly.


15 shale


n. 页岩,泥板岩(a type of smooth soft rock)

Fossils are more likely to the preserved in shale deposits than in deposits of clay and silt.


16 irrigate


v. 灌溉(to supply with water)

For example, we know that farmers need water to irrigate their crops.


17 isolate


v. 使孤立(to make someone alone);隔离(to place apart)

Many factors can isolate a population geographically.


18 react


v. 反应(to respond)

As these fluids interact with surface materials, they move particles about or react chemically with them to modify or produce materials.


19 store


n. 商店(a shop) v. 贮藏(to keep)

Those animals store energy during the colder seasons.


20 traditional


adj. 传统的(of being a tradition)

It questioned traditional ideas.


21 apparent


adj. 明显的(easy to notice);表面上的(seeming)

Their true age is immediately apparent.


22 molecule


n. 分子(the smallest amount of a chemical substance which can exist by itself)

The signaling molecule has not been chemically identified.


23 pottery


n. 陶器(articles made from baked clay)

It did not break as easily as other ancient pottery.


24 preserve


v. 保护(to protect);维护(to maintain);保存(to keep or save from decomposition)

He encouraged native people to preserve their traditional ways of life.


25 ancestor


n. 祖先(a member of your family who lived a long time ago)

Why does the author discuss “a mythic ancestor”?


26 avoid


v. 避免(to prevent from happening);逃避(to keep away from)

Fish tend to avoid well-illuminated areas.


27 drama


n. 戏剧(a play for the theater);戏剧艺术(the art of a play)

Fuller believed that the drama of her dancing sprang from her emotional style of storytelling.


28 Mesopotamia


n. 美索不达米亚(an ancient region of southwest Asia)

With the exception of Mesopotamia and Egypt, ancient societies were generally not urbanized.


29 metal


n. 金属(a type of solid mineral substance)

Metal weapons increased the power of warriors.


30 release


n. 释放(the act of freeing);发行(the act of issuing for sale) v. 释放(to liberate)

Dangling catkins release pollen only when the wind is blowing hard.


31 serve


v. 服务(to work for);可用作……(to meet the needs of)

Objects serve a functional purpose.


32 terrestrial


adj. 陆地的(relating to land);陆生的(living on land);地球的(of the planet Earth)

It is less dense than any of the terrestrial planets.


33 extreme


adj. 极度的(very great in degree);极远的(farthest);极端的(unusual, serious or severe)

A series of extreme climate episodes occurred.


34 sufficient


adj. 足够的,充分的(enough)

It could not accumulate sufficient energy reserves.


35 accumulate


v. 积累(to gradually get more and more of something);增加(to increase);聚集(to gather together)

Soon layer of oceanic ooze began to accumulate above the old hard layer.


36 analyze


v. 分析(to examine);细察(to study)

Furthermore, the number of interactions is so great that they are difficult to analyze, even with the help of large computers.


37 graze


v. 放牧(to feed with grass);吃草(to feed on grass)

The animals that graze on grasslands include more natural herbivores than livestock, which is usually not true of other ecological communities.


38 pest


n. 害虫(a small animal or insect that destroys crops, food, etc.)

Pest control measures vary in their approach and overall degree of success.


39 route


n. 路线(a chosen way)

It was at the junction of a major trade route with the Nile valley.


40 scale


n. 刻度(a system of measurement);等级(a degree);规模(the size);比例(a ratio)

Limited rainfall had prevented large-scale agricultural development.


41 approach


n. 方法(a way);接近(the act of coming close);接洽(the act of speaking to somebody about something especially when making an offer or a request) v. 靠近,接近(to come closer to);动手处理(to deal with)

Its most recent approach occurred in 1986.

最近的一次接洽是在 1986 年。

42 constant


adj. 不变的(unchanging)

Its surface temperature is constant at all times of the day.


43 diet


n. 饮食(a way of eating certain foods)

An insect diet is less nutritious than a diet of fruit, nectar, and fish.


44 meteorite


n. 陨石(a piece of rock from outer space)

Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence.


45 propose


v. 打算(to intend);计划(to plan);向……提议(to suggest);求婚(to offer marriage)

The observation that the tail of a comet points away from the Sun in a slightly curved manner led early astronomers to propose that the Sun has a repulsive force that pushes the particles of the coma away, thereby forming the tail.


46 conclude


v. 推断出(to settle finally);得出结论(to come to an end)

We can conclude that the major marine and terrestrial events occurred simultaneously.


47 dominate


v. 支配(to control);统治(to govern);占优势(to gain the upper hand)

In this case, push explanations dominate.


48 initial


adj. 最初的(of the beginning);开始的(at the beginning)

It widens the path made by the initial stream of electrons from the cloud.


49 explode


v. 爆炸(to blow up);激增(to increase rapidly);爆发(to burst)

And explode they did, starting in the 1630s.


50 hatch


n. 孵化(the act of emerging from the egg)

The female’s eggs hatch under the surface of the desert.


51 recognize


v. 识别(to identify)

For instance, as we all know, dogs recognize each other via smell.


52 subject

n. ['sʌbdʒɪkt]

v. [səb'dʒekt]

n. 话题(a topic);科目(a branch of study);实验对象(a person or thing that undergoes an experiment);国民(a citizen) v. 遭受(to undergo)

Even so, they are still a subject of speculation and inquiry.


53 territory


n. 领土,版图(the area under the control of a government);范围(a range)

It selects its territory each year in spring.


54 yawn


v. 打哈欠(to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored)

People tend to yawn about fifteen minutes before they become tired or bored.


55 assume


v. 假定(to presume);设想(to think);承担(to take over)

Even though the paint was often sprayed on by mouth, one can assume that the dominant hand assisted in the operation.


56 composition


n. 成分(the different parts which something is made of);作品(a creation)

It caused changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere.


57 fine


n. 罚款(a payment imposed as a penalty) adj. 好的(good);优质的(quite well)

They are made of fine-grained stones such as flint or obsidian.


58 interact


v. 交流(to communicate);相互作用(to affect each other)

Studies to identify ways that genes interact have been largely successful.


59 radiate


v. 放射(to emit);散发(to spread out);流露(to show)

Their bodies also radiate heat, usually in the infrared part of the spectrum.


60 distinct


adj. 明显的(obvious);清晰的(clear);不同的(different);可辨别的(clearly recognized)

The Depression passed through to distinct stages.


61 enable


v. 使能够(to make able);使可能(to make possible)

Water and nutrients stay in the soil and enable plant growth.


62 estimate


v. 估价(to calculate roughly);估计(to think)

Joly was able to estimate the annual increment of salt to the oceans.


63 responsible


adj. 有责任的(having an obligation to do something);负责的(being in control);责任重大的(being in authority)

It is responsible for earthquakes.


64 shift


v. 移动(to move);改变(to change)

The eastward shift signals the beginning of an El Nino.


65 focus


n. 焦点(the thing, person, situation etc. that people pay special attention to);焦距(focal length);中心(a center) v. 焦距(to adjust one’s eyes or an instrument on an object so that its image is clear)

It led to a focus on productivity.


66 import

n. ['ɪmpɔːrt]

v. [ɪm'pɔːrt]

n. 进口(the activity of bringing goods into a country);进口商品(imported goods);输入(the activity of delivering goods to a country) v. 进口(to bring in)

The shift to increased mechanization in cotton production is apparent in the import of raw cotton and the sale of cotton goods.


67 mill


n. 磨坊(a place for grinding solids);工厂(a factory);磨粉机(a small device for grinding solids)

Once the logs arrived at a river, the trip downstream to a mill could be a long and tortuous one.


68 Paleolithic


adj. 旧石器时代的(of or relating to the earliest period of the Stone Age)

Upper Paleolithic art was not confined to cave paintings.


69 surrounding


adj. 周围的(nearby)

The number of farming villages surrounding cities increased.


70 continuous


adj. 连续的(constant);继续的(keeping on)

Many migrators also must have an internal timing mechanism that compensates for the continuous daily movement of Earth relative to celestial objects.


71 phenomenon


n. 现象(anything that can be perceived as an occurrence or fact)

What are the factors causing this phenomenon?


72 solve


v. 解决(to find the solution to);解答(to answer)

Sound films in the 1920s were unable to solve the technical flaws found in sound films before the First World War.

20 世纪 20 年代的有声电影无法解决第一次世界大战前有声电影存在的技术缺陷。

73 gain


n. 获得(attainment);收益(profit)

They can glide past eddies that would slow them down and then gain extra thrust by “pushing off” the eddies.


74 considerable


adj. 重要的(important);相当大的(large)

Play is not without considerable costs to the individual animal.


75 disappear


v. 消失(to cease to exist);不见(to go away);失踪(to become lost)

Coral larvae disappear.


76 nitrogen


n. 氮,氮气(a chemical element)

Legumes return nitrogen to the soil.


77 cretaceous


adj. 白垩纪,白垩的(formed in the last period of the Mesozoic era)

Why is there a layer of clay between the rocks of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic?


78 navigate


v. 航行(to sail);驾驶(to drive);操纵(to maneuver)

Perhaps they navigate by the night sky.


79 plow


n. 犁(a large farming tool with sharp blades)

The new plow was easier to make.


80 rare


adj. 罕见的(uncommon);珍贵的(priceless)

In fact, periods of glaciation are rare.


81 vast


adj. 巨大的(huge);广阔的(of very great area)

It was probably a vast plain.


82 consist


v. 由……组成或构成(to be formed or composed);存在于(to exist)

Coral reefs consist of the outer skeletons of small living organisms.


83 genetic


adj. 基因的,遗传学的(connected with genes)

Are these constraints genetic, environmental, or both?


84 hydrogen


n. 氢气(a colorless gas that is the lightest of all the elements)

It contained very little hydrogen and helium.


85 lizard


n. 蜥蜴(a reptile with four short legs and a long tail)

The chameleon lizard has the most striking ability to do this.


86 reveal


v. 显示(to show);透露(to disclose);揭示(to expose);展现(to display)

Images of the Martian surface reveal many hundreds of volcanos.


87 rural


adj. 农村的,乡村的,田园的(of the countryside)

They had less control over the rural populations.


88 sign


n. 手势(a gesture);符号(a symbol);迹象(an indication)

Smiling is apparently a universal sign of friendliness and approval.


89 access


n. 入口(an entrance);通道(a way of approaching);机会(an opportunity)

Farmers did not have access to many horses.


90 amphibian


n. 【脊椎】两栖动物(any animal that can live both on land and in water)

Most amphibian skin is fully water permeable and is therefore not a barrier against evaporation or solar radiation.


91 aspect


n. 方面(a part);方位(a position);外观(a look);外貌(an appearance)

Another aspect of advertising that may especially influence children is fantasy.


92 labor


n. 劳动(work);工人(a worker) v. 吃力地做(to struggle);干苦力活(to do hard work)

A united, highly successful labor movement took shape.


93 Mediterranean


adj. 地中海的(connected with the Mediterranean Sea)

Just as significant were changes in the geopolitics of the Mediterranean world.


94 plate


n. 碟(a flat dish);盘(a shallow dish);金属板(a piece of metal);板块(a large piece of the Earth’s surface)

How can volcanic activity occur so far from a plate boundary?


95 residence


n. 住宅(a house);住处(home);居住,滞留(the state of living in a place)

This raises the matter of a lake’s residence time.


96 stability


n. 稳定性(the firmness)

This kind of stability is also called resilience.


97 arise


v. 出现(to begin to exist);升起,上升(to rise);发生(to happen);起来(to get up)

The signal must arise from the flower bud.


98 volume


n. 卷(a roll of);体积(the amount of space);册(a book of);音量(loudness of sound);容量(the capacity);数量(the amount)

Water controls the volume of plant matter produced.


99 coast


n. 海岸(a shore);海滨(the area where the land meets the sea)

Migrating north in the spring, they keep the coast on their right.


100 crater


n. 火山口(a large hole in the top of a volcano);(由撞击或爆炸形成的)大坑(a very large hole in the ground)

After a decade-long search, scientists identified what appears to be the impact crater from the event.

经过长达 10 年的搜寻,科学家们确定了可能是那次撞击造成的陨石坑。 YOZWalK68JQfYT2M3Mbp3MeM53sYOqzci5NN5Iip4wD5ZNT0y6cF8a1asDRpNxOw
