1 species
['spiːʃ iːz]
义 n. 种类(a kind);(单复同)物种(a group into which a genus is divided)
例 Many species became extinct.
译 很多物种灭绝了。
2 state
义 n. 状态(the condition);国家(a country);州(a province such as in the US) v. 陈述,说明(to express)
例 They lost important funding from state governments.
译 他们失去了州政府拨给的重要资金。
3 vary
义 v. 改变(to differ);变化(to change);使多样化(to diversify)
例 They can vary significantly from day to day.
译 它们每天都会有显著变化。
4 essence
义 n. 精髓(the most important feature);本质(the fundamental nature);要素(the distinctive element)
例 In essence, changes then occurring in Japanese political life were rendering past arrangements for the rulers’ headquarters obsolete, and continental models offered an alternative.
译 从本质上讲,当时日本政治生活中发生的变化正在使过去对统治者总部的安排变得过时了,而大陆模式提供了另一种选择。
5 surface
义 n. 表面(a covering);外表(outward appearance);平面(the flat)
例 It cooled the surface of Earth.
译 它冷却了地球的表面。
6 active
义 adj. 活跃的(energetic);积极的(enthusiastic);起作用的(functioning);灵活的(quick)
例 It is more geologically active.
译 它的地质活动更为活跃。
7 region
义 n. 地区(an area);范围(a sphere);领域(a field);地域(territory)
例 The region’s ports became increasingly busy.
译 该地区的港口变得越来越繁忙。
8 economy
义 n. 经济(the financial system);节约(thrift)
例 Its economy relied heavily on agriculture.
译 它的经济严重依赖于农业。
9 extinct
义 adj. 灭绝的(died out);熄灭的(extinguished);消亡的(no longer in existence)
例 It became extinct.
译 它灭绝了。
10 fit
义 adj. 适宜的(appropriate);合适的(suitable);健康的(healthy) v. 使适合(to make suitable)
例 Where does the sentence best fit?
译 这句话放在哪里最合适?
11 relative
义 n. 亲属(the family) adj. 相对的,相应的(corresponding);比较的,相对而言的(comparative);相关的(relevant)
例 They increase the relative humidity.
译 他们增加了相对湿度。
12 predator
义 n. 食肉动物(an animal that eats other animals);掠夺者(a predatory person or organization)
例 They are predator keystone species.
译 它们是食肉动物关键物种。
13 require
义 v. 要求(to demand);需要(to need);命令(to order);规定(to make somebody do because it is necessary according to a law or rule)
例 They did not require live entertainers.
译 他们不需要现场表演者。
14 include
义 v. 包括(to contain);使成为……的一部分(to make somebody or something part of);列入(to add in)
例 They include some of the world’s largest rivers.
译 它们包括几条世界上最大的河流。
15 process
义 n. 工序(sequent steps to be followed);过程(a series of development)
例 This process is known as leaching.
译 此过程称为浸出。
16 origin
义 n. 起源(the beginning);出身(the root or ancestry)
例 Why was the origin of life a simple step in Earth’s history?
译 为什么生命起源是地球历史上一个简单的步骤?
17 locate
义 v. 找出(to find out);把……设置在(to set);使坐落于(to situate)
例 It is easier for predators to locate birds when so many are making noise.
译 当许多只鸟发出声音时,捕食者更容易找到它们。
18 atmosphere
义 n. 大气(the layer of air);空气(air that you breathe);气氛(the feeling)
例 It has an atmosphere.
译 它有大气层。
19 individual
义 n. 个人,个体(a single thing or person) adj. 单独的(separate);个人的(single)
例 They tend to vary widely in their individual colors.
译 它们个体的颜色往往差别很大。
20 amount
义 n. 数量(the quantity);总额(a total)
例 What is the total amount of water in Earth’s oceans?
译 地球海洋中水的总量是多少?
21 organism
义 n. 有机体(a living thing);生物(a creature);有机组织(an organic organization)
例 For any individual organism, the amount of metabolite secreted is small.
译 对于任何个体生物而言,其分泌的代谢物都很少。
22 fossil
义 n. 化石(the hard remains of a creature)
例 It did not contain any marine fossil.
译 它不包含任何海洋化石。
23 survive
义 v. 幸免于难(to live after a dangerous situation);存活(to remain alive);比……活得长(to outlive)
例 Eggs needed warm water to survive.
译 卵需要温水才能存活。
24 ancient
义 adj. 古老的(very old);古代的(dating from very long ago)
例 The possibility of analyzing ancient DNA to identify past diseases of extinct animals is being explored.
译 人们正在探索通过分析古代 DNA 来确定灭绝动物过去所患疾病的可行性。
25 major
义 adj. 较多的(larger in number);主要的(main)
例 Another major discovery was made in Egypt in 1989.
译 1989 年埃及又有了另一个重大的发现。
26 colony
义 n. 殖民地(occupied territory);聚居(地)(a settlement);群体(a community)
例 Treat a colony of these termites with an antibiotic solution, and they will slowly starve to death.
译 用抗生素溶液投喂这群白蚁,它们就会慢慢饿死。
27 rate
义 n. 比率(the proportion);速度(the speed);价格,费用(money charged for goods or services);等级(a degree)
例 They have increased at a steady rate since 1950.
译 自 1950 年以来,它们以稳定的速度增长。
28 element
义 n. 要素(a fundamental component);元素(a substance that consists of only one type of atom)
例 Earth’s crust contains very little of this element, but most asteroids contain a lot more.
译 地壳中几乎不含有这种元素,但在大多数小行星中,这种元素的含量却多得多。
29 argue
义 v. 争论(to quarrel);辩论(to debate);说理,论证(to reason)
例 Yet many scientists argue against this “Pleistocene overkill” hypothesis.
译 然而,许多科学家反对这种“更新世过分之举”的假设。
30 mass
义 n. 大量(a lot);块(a large piece);众多(the majority);质量(weight)
例 Most of their mass is above the sea surface.
译 它们大部分都在海面以上。
31 particular
义 adj. 特定的,专指的(specific);特别的(special);挑剔的(fussy);特殊的(unique)
例 Certain species are native only to particular islands.
译 某些物种只在特定岛屿上才有。
32 minor
义 adj. 轻微的(not very serious);较小的(smaller);次要的(secondary)
例 In some areas, small changes in climate or minor changes in plant characteristics may have further destabilized local economies.
译 在某些地区,气候的微小变化或植物特征的微小变化可能会进一步破坏当地经济的稳定。
33 significant
义 adj. 重要的(important);有意义的,意味深长的(meaningful)
例 It was not a significant factor.
译 这不是一个重要因素。
34 source
义 n. 来源(the starting point);发源地(the origin)
例 Gills were undoubtedly the main source of oxygen for these fish, but the lungs served as an auxiliary breathing device for gulping air when the water became oxygen depleted, such as during extended periods of drought.
译 鳃无疑是这些鱼的主要氧气来源,但当水中含氧量大幅减少时,比如在长期干旱的情况下,肺会作为辅助呼吸系统来吸气。
35 available
义 adj. 可利用的(usable);可得到的(accessible);有空的(free);有效的(of avail)
例 It was not available in Egypt.
译 埃及没有这种东西。
36 expand
义 v. 使……膨胀(to get bigger);扩张(to spread out);增加(to increase)
例 It will expand to hundreds of times its previous size.
译 它会膨胀至原来尺寸的好几百倍。
37 behavior
义 n. 行为(a typical way animals show)
例 How has animal behavior changed over time?
译 动物行为是如何随着时间变化的?
38 exist
义 v. 存在(to be present);生存(to be living);活着(to keep alive)
例 They do not exist at the upper timberline.
译 它们不存在于上林线。
39 nest
义 n. 巢(a roost) v. 筑巢(to settle somewhere to lay eggs)
例 The answer lies in the construction of the nest.
译 答案在于巢的构造。
40 structure
义 n. 结构(an arrangement);构造(construction);建筑物(a building)
例 They had a sophisticated multicellular structure.
译 它们具有复杂的多细胞结构。
41 complex
义 adj. 复杂的(complicated)
例 They included complex molecules.
译 它们包含复杂的分子。
42 mammal
义 n. 哺乳动物(animals that give birth to babies and feed them with milk)
例 The mammal species there all survived into modern versions.
译 那里所有的哺乳动物都幸存了下来,变成了现代的样子。
43 sediment
义 n. 沉淀物(the matter that settles at the bottom of a liquid)
例 It contained sediment from nearby deserts.
译 它含有来自附近沙漠的沉积物。
44 depend
义 v. 依靠,指望(to rely on);需要提供资金、帮助(to need money, help);受……的影响(to be affected)
例 Some plants depend on the wind to carry their pollen.
译 一些植物依靠风来传播花粉。
45 adapt
义 v. 改编(to change to suit);使适应(to adjust)
例 Grassland plants must adapt to these conditions.
译 草原上的植物必须适应这些条件。
46 local
义 adj. 地方性的(regional);当地的(relating to the particular area you live in);局部的(concerning a limited part)
例 The prices of local products decreased.
译 当地产品的价格下降了。
47 order
义 n. 命令(a command);顺序(a sequence);订单(an instruction to supply something in return for payment) v. 命令(to command);下订单(to make a request for)
例 Obviously, more testing was in order.
译 显然,还需要进行更多的测试。
48 closet
义 n. 壁橱(a cupboard);衣帽间(a wardrobe);密室(a secret room)
例 Giving closet space pride of place in the house is becoming increasingly popular.
译 让衣柜空间成为房子中最重要的位置正变得越来越流行。
49 volcano
义 n. 火山(a mountain with hot melted rock, gas, steam, and ash)
例 They are smaller than the largest volcano on Mars.
译 它们比火星上最大的火山要小。
50 affect
义 v. 影响(to influence);感动(to move);假装(to pretend)
例 They may affect fertility in female deer.
译 它们或许影响了雌鹿的生育能力。
51 community
义 n. 社区(a district);团体(a group);【生】群落(a colony)
例 It makes it less likely for species within a community to survive.
译 这使得物种在群落里存活下来的可能性很小。
52 organ
义 n. 器官(a body part);管风琴(a large musical instrument)
例 Dispersal, as much as organ development, requires energy.
译 播种跟器官发育一样,需要能量。
53 primary
义 adj. 主要的(major);初级的(being the first stage);根本的,基本的(basic)
例 They are the primary producers of organic carbon.
译 它们是有机碳的主要生产者。
54 dinosaur
义 n. 恐龙(large reptiles which lived in prehistoric times)
例 At Egg Mountain, many nests contain baby dinosaur bones.
译 在蛋山,许多巢穴都有幼龙骸骨。
55 unite
义 v. 联合(to cooperate);统一(to be one group);团结(to join together)
例 Romans built walls to unite the various parts of their realm into a single entity, which was controlled by powerful laws.
译 罗马人建造了城墙,将他们王国的各个部分统一为一个实体,这个实体被强大的法律所控制。
56 urban
义 adj. 城市的,都市的(of a town or city)
例 They are living in urban areas.
译 他们生活在市区。
57 thus
义 adv. 这样(in this way);如此(so);因此(as a result);从而(therefore)
例 The overall survival of the next generation is thus enhanced.
译 因此,下一代的整体存活率得以提高。
58 carbon
义 n. 碳(a chemical element)
例 It had lower levels of carbon dioxide.
译 它的二氧化碳含量更低。
59 glacier
义 n. 冰川(a large mass of ice)
例 Surplus snowfall is essential for a glacier to develop.
译 过剩的降雪对冰川的形成至关重要。
60 tropics
义 n. 热带(region of the Earth lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn)
例 This is not the case in the tropics.
译 在热带地区情况并非如此。
61 influence
义 n. 影响(an effect) v. 影响(to affect);感染(to infect)
例 However, its influence was not limited to Mexico itself.
译 但是,它的影响不仅限于墨西哥当地。
62 spread
义 v. 传播(to be known about by more people);散布(to diffuse);铺开(to unfold);伸展(to extend)
例 They may be spread by wind.
译 它们或许通过风来传播。
63 pollen
义 n. 花粉(a fine powder produced by flowers)
例 It keeps pollen grains from attaching properly.
译 它阻止花粉粒正常附着。
64 evolution
义 n. 进化(a process of natural selection);发展(development);演变(a gradual change)
例 Why was this evolution so rapid?
译 为什么这一演变如此快速?
65 tend
义 v. 趋向(to be inclined to do);易于(to be likely to do);朝向(to go toward)
例 They tend to grow in open spaces.
译 它们倾向于在开阔的空间生长。
66 habitat
义 n. 栖息地(the natural home);产地(the producing area)
例 It selects a habitat having the tallest trees.
译 它选择一个有最高树木的栖息地。
67 oxygen
义 n. 氧气(a colorless gas needed to live)
例 They contain little oxygen.
译 它们几乎不含氧气。
68 hypothesis
义 n. 假说(a theory);假设,猜测(the speculation)
例 The first theory might be called the tall-trees hypothesis.
译 第一种理论可以称为“大树假说”。
69 layer
义 n. 层(a covering) v. 把……分层(to arrange in layers)
例 They lose their outer layer of skin.
译 它们失去外层的皮肤。
70 identity
义 n. 一致(sameness);身份(the state of being a specified person);特征(individual characteristics)
例 This increases the importance of symbolic exchanges of both goods and information, and makes it necessary to clarify group identity.
译 这增加了商品和信息象征性交换的重要性,并使阐明群体身份变得有必要。
71 involve
义 v. 包含(to include);使忙于(to be occupied);牵涉(to concern);使卷入(to implicate)
例 They involve the creation of large, detailed images.
译 它们包括创作大型、详细的图片。
72 resource
义 n. 资源(something available for use)
例 Experiments are under way to develop technologies for exploiting this resource.
译 目前正在进行实验,以发展开发该资源的技术。
73 dense
义 adj. 密集的(closely packed)
例 It was comparatively dense in population.
译 它的人口相对密集。
74 archaeology
义 n. 考古学(the study of the societies and peoples of the past)
例 A rapidly growing technical specialty within archaeology is geoarchaeology, which combines archaeological and geological analyses.
译 地质考古学是考古学中一个快速发展的技术专业,它把考古学和地质学分析结合在一起。
75 impact
义 n. 巨大影响(a powerful effect);冲击力(the force of a collision);撞击(a collision)
例 It is covered by impact craters.
译 它被撞击坑覆盖着。
76 iron
义 n. 铁(a common hard metal)
例 It includes a dissolved form of iron.
译 它包含铁的溶解形态。
77 solar
义 adj. 太阳的(relating to the sun)
例 It is confirmed by solar evolution models.
译 太阳进化模式证实了这一点。
78 commerce
义 n. 贸易(trade);商业(economical activities)
例 It experienced growth in international commerce.
译 它经历了国际贸易的增长。
79 frequent
义 adj. 频繁的,经常的(repeated);常见的(common)
例 It would seem that they are becoming more frequent.
译 它们好像变得越来越频繁了。
80 chemical
义 adj. 化学的(involving or resulting from a reaction between two or more substances)
例 However, chemical control has its dark side.
译 但是,化学控制有负面影响。
81 insect
义 n. 昆虫(a small creature)
例 They are the only insect species whose members are all social.
译 它们是唯一一个所有成员都是群居的昆虫物种。
82 evolve
义 v. 演变(to develop);进化(to grow)
例 Why did animal life evolve so rapidly?
译 为什么动物生命进化得如此快速?
83 character
义 n. 个性(a personality);品质(a quality)
例 The culture to which they contributed has, nevertheless, an underlying homogeneity and a distinct visual character.
译 但是,他们所贡献的文化具有内在的同质性和鲜明的视觉特征。
84 coral
义 n. 珊瑚(a hard substance formed from the bones of very small sea animals)
例 Coral larvae disappear.
译 珊瑚幼虫消失了。
85 compare
义 v. 对比(to contrast)
例 Why does the author compare “modern humans” with “ancient people”?
译 为什么作者把“现代人”和“古代人”作比较?
86 contribute
义 v. 捐助(to support);贡献(to give);是……的原因之一(to be one of the causes of something)
例 They may contribute to increased volcanic eruptions.
译 它们可能会造成更多的火山喷发。
87 govern
义 v. 统治(to rule);支配(to guide);抑制(to restrain);管理(to control);决定(to determine)
例 Some theories of theater development focus on how theater was used by group leaders to govern other members of society.
译 戏剧发展的某些理论集中研究统治其他社会成员的团队领袖是如何使用戏剧的。
88 migrate
义 v. 迁移,迁徙,转移(to move)
例 Many birds, unlike monarchs, migrate over water.
译 与黑脉金斑蝶不同,许多鸟会在水上迁徙。
89 vegetation
义 n. 植物(plants);草木(grass and trees)
例 There was little vegetation.
译 几乎没有植被。
90 nutrient
义 n. 营养物,养分(substances that help plants and animals to grow)
例 Animals, bacteria, and fungi consume much of the nutrient content in soil.
译 动物、细菌和真菌消耗了土壤中的大部分营养成分。
91 diverse
义 adj. 不同的(different);多种多样的(various)
例 The population became more ethnically diverse.
译 人口变得更加种族多样化。
92 pattern
义 n. 模式(a regular way that something is done);图案(a design);典范(a model);式样(a sample)
例 This pattern is repeated yearly.
译 这种模式每年都在重复。
93 reef
义 n. 礁(a long line of rocks or sand near the surface of the sea)
例 How does a fringing reef become a barrier reef?
译 边缘礁如何成为屏障礁?
94 addition
义 n. 增加(an increase);加法(the process of adding two or more numbers together)
例 In addition, the juveniles inside the body cavity were of different sizes.
译 另外,体腔内的幼体大小不一。
95 establish
义 v. 建立(to set up);确立(to prove);创办(to create)
例 They establish territories in their first autumn.
译 它们在第一个秋天建立了领地。
96 benefit
义 n. 利益(profit);津贴(social security payments);益处(an advantage);福利(welfare) v. 使受益(to be useful to somebody or something)
例 Many insects benefit from the same strategy.
译 许多昆虫都受益于同种策略。
97 deposit
义 n. 存款(savings);保证金(a down payment);沉淀物(sediment) v. 放置(to put);(使)沉淀(to gradually be left);存储(to store)
例 Predation contributes to the sediment deposit of the reef.
译 捕食导致了礁的沉积物沉积。
98 term
义 n. 学期(a session);术语(a specialized word);条款(a part of a written law or legal document)
例 Thus, they help keep farmland productive over the long term.
译 因此,它们有助于保持农田的长期生产力。
99 ecosystem
义 n. 生态系统(all the plants and living creatures in a particular area)
例 The reasons for ecosystem change are not always clear.
译 生态系统变化的原因不总是明确的。
100 extend
义 v. 延伸(to spread out);延长(to make longer);伸展(to stretch);扩展(to widen)
例 It is not unusual for the roots of some desert perennials to extend downward more than ten meters.
译 一些沙漠多年生植物的根部向下延伸超过十米并不罕见。
1 range
义 n. 范围(the scope);界限(the limits);射程(the distance over which a weapon can hit things);一系列(a series)
例 They began hunting a wider range of animals.
译 他们开始猎杀更多的动物。
2 format
义 n. 版式(an arrangement);设计(a design)
例 Nevertheless, disclaimers are mainly presented in audio format only.
译 但是,免责声明主要以音频格式呈现。
3 grain
义 n. 谷物(cereal);颗粒(a seed)
例 They had to do with things like grain, goats, and real estate.
译 他们必须处理粮食、山羊和房地产之类的问题。
4 pacific
义 n. (the P-)太平洋(the Pacific Ocean) adj. 温和的(not aggressive);和平的(peaceful)
例 Both are located near the Indian and western Pacific Oceans.
译 两者都位于印度洋和西太平洋附近。
5 distribute
义 v. 分配(to hand out);散发(to give out);分布(to spread)
例 The wind not only helps the flowers distribute their seeds but enables birds to find more food.
译 风不仅帮助花儿传播种子,而且还让鸟儿找到更多的食物。
6 civil
义 adj. 公民的(civic);礼貌的(polite)
例 But the effect of Roman civil architecture was significant.
译 但是罗马民用建筑的影响是巨大的。
7 relation
义 n. 关系(kinship);亲戚(a relative)
例 The world’s architectural structures have also been devised in relation to the objective limitations of materials.
译 世界上的建筑结构在设计时也考虑到了材料的客观局限性。
8 current
义 n. 趋势(a trend);(水、气、电)流(a flow) adj. 当前的(present);流通的(commonly accepted)
例 Their current height is not an indication of their age.
译 他们目前的身高并不代表他们的年龄。
9 construct
义 v. 建造(to build);构筑(to create)
例 It required local labor to construct forts and feed and exercise the soldiers’ animals.
译 建造堡垒,喂养和训练士兵的牲畜都需要当地劳动力。
10 film
义 n. 电影(a movie);薄膜(a layer);胶卷(the thin plastic used for taking photographs)
例 Each film was short.
译 每一部电影都很短。
11 mighty
义 adj. 有力量的(powerful)
例 There was a flash and a mighty bang.
译 一道闪光伴随着一声轰然巨响。
12 cultivate
义 v. 栽培(to develop);耕作(to farm);培养(to improve)
例 Whole villages began to cultivate fruit and vegetables.
译 整个村庄开始种植水果和蔬菜。
13 dioxide
义 n. 二氧化物(an oxide containing two oxygen atoms per molecule)
例 It had lower levels of carbon dioxide.
译 它的二氧化碳含量更低。
14 object
n. ['ɑːbdʒekt] v. [əb'dʒekt]
义 n. 物体(a thing);目标(a target);对象(a subject) v. 反对(to disagree);异议(to protest against)
例 An object’s purpose is primarily aesthetic.
译 一个物体的目的主要是(培养)审美。
15 remove
义 v. 消除(to delete);脱掉(to take off)
例 They remove waste matter that would otherwise contaminate the soil.
译 他们清除了会污染土壤的废物。
16 transport
n. ['trænspɔːrt]
v. [træn'spɔːrt]
义 n. 运输(transportation) v. 运输(to move something around)
例 It was relatively easy to transport.
译 相对来说,它比较容易运输。
17 advantage
义 n. 优势(superiority);有利条件(the benefit)
例 Each took advantage of these opportunities in its own way.
译 每一个国家都以自己的方式利用这些机会。
18 reflect
义 v. 反映(to show);反射(to throw back);反省(to consider)
例 They reflect the advertiser’s viewpoint about the product.
译 他们反映了广告商对这个产品的看法。
19 drag
义 v. 拖(to lag);拉(to pull)
例 Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong.
译 将你选择的答案拖至它们应在的位置。
20 intense
义 adj. 强大的(extreme);紧张的(concentrated);强烈的(passionate);深刻的(profound)
例 They would become less intense.
译 他们会变得不那么紧张。
21 main
义 adj. 主要的(chief);最重要的(the most important)
例 Crown of thorns starfish’s main food is coral.
译 棘冠海星的主要食物是珊瑚。
22 associate
义 v. 联系(to connect);联合(to join together)
例 That is, we associate blushing that caused by physical reaction with embarrassment, such as saying something silly may cause us to blush.
译 也就是说,我们将身体反应引起的脸红与尴尬联系在了一起,例如说一些愚蠢的话可能导致我们脸红。
23 combine
义 v. 联合(to unite);使结合(to join together);结合(to form a chemical compound)
例 They decided how to combine various components of the film program.
译 他们决定了如何把电影节目中的各个部分结合起来。
24 maintain
义 v. 维持(to keep up);维修(to repair);保养(to keep in good condition);坚持(to defend against);断言(to declare)
例 It would not be able to maintain a steady body temperature.
译 无法维持稳定的体温。
25 design
义 n. 设计(a creation);图样,图案(a pattern);目的(an intention)
例 European city planning and design have a long history.
译 欧洲城市规划与设计有着悠久的历史。
26 stream
义 n. (小)河(a small river);水流(a flow);(人、车、气)流(a continuous flow); 一连串(an unbroken succession);组(a group)
例 It produces a stream of electrons from the cloud.
译 它产生了来自云层的电子流。
27 abundant
义 adj. 丰富的(plentiful);充裕的(well-supplied)
例 They survive well even if food supplies are not abundant.
译 即使食物供应不足,他们也能很好地生存。
28 infant
义 n. 婴儿(a baby);幼儿(a young child)
例 The frequency of infant mortality decreased.
译 婴儿死亡率下降了。
29 represent
义 v. 代表(to stand for);象征(to symbolize);说明(to state);阐明(to exemplify)
例 They were not numerous or varied enough to represent all of the trade commodities.
译 它们数量不多、种类不全,不足以代表所有的贸易商品。
30 decline
义 n. 下降,衰落(a fall or a slump) v. 下降(to fall);减少(to decrease);拒绝(to refuse)
例 Several factors accounted for the decline.
译 下降的原因有好几个。
31 function
义 n. 职能(a professional or official position);功能,作用(a series of operations);函数(a mathematical relation in which a factor depends upon another or other factors)
例 Some genes seem to have no function.
译 一些基因似乎没有作用。
32 geologic
义 adj. 地质的,地质学上的(relating to or based on geology)
例 Geologic changes had occurred after the engravings were made.
译 雕刻完后,地质发生了变化。
33 merchant
义 n. 商人(a trader) adj. 海上货运的(connected with the transport of goods by sea)
例 Most merchant activity at this time was controlled by Spain.
译 这个时期的大部分海上货运活动都由西班牙控制。
34 emotion
义 n. 情感(a feeling);情绪(a mood)
例 What are the possible links between facial expressions and emotion?
译 面部表情与情感之间可能存在什么关联呢?
35 cell
义 n. 小房间(a small room);细胞(the smallest part of an animal or a plant);电池(a battery);手机(a cellphone)
例 They had cellulose-based cell walls.
译 它们有纤维素基细胞壁。
36 just
义 adv. 刚才(recently);仅仅(simply);正好,恰好(exactly)
例 It had just undergone a major climatic change.
译 它刚刚经历了一次重大的气候变化。
37 revolution
义 n. 革命(a revolt);变革(a transformation);旋转(rotation)
例 The colonization of land by plants was a major revolution in the history of Earth.
译 植物在土地上定植是地球历史上的一场重大革命。
38 emphasize
义 v. 强调(to stress);着重(to give special importance to);使突出(to highlight)
例 To emphasize how serious the water problem was in Venice.
译 为了强调威尼斯的水问题有多严重。
39 organize
义 v. 组织(to put in order);安排(to arrange);筹办(to hold)
例 This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.
译 这就意味着军队必须继续镇压叛乱,组织政府。
40 perform
义 v. 执行(to carry out);履行(to fulfil);表演(to present)
例 They do not take long to perform.
译 他们不需要很长时间就能完成。
41 physical
义 adj. 物质的(material);身体的(of the body);体力的(produced by the forces of the body);物理的(connected with physics)
例 Mental or physical stress tends to make people yawn.
译 精神上的或身体上的压力容易使人打哈欠。
42 particle
义 n. 颗粒(a small piece)
例 The fusion process begins when two hydrogen nuclei smash together to form a particle called the deuteron (a combination of a positive proton and a neutral neutron).
译 聚变过程开始于两个氢原子核相撞形成一种称为氘核的粒子(一个正质子和一个中性中子的结合)。
43 replace
义 v. 替换(to take the place of)
例 They can replace regular ice at certain locations.
译 它们在特定的地方能代替常规的冰。
44 architect
义 n. 建筑师(a person who designs buildings)
例 To argue that Le Corbusier should be considered more of a builder or an engineer than an architect.
译 认为勒·柯布西耶应该被视为建立者或工程师,而不是建筑师。
45 claim
义 n. 主张(a proposition);断言(an assertion);声称(a declaration) v. 声称(to declare);断言(to state firmly)
例 What reason does the author provide for the claim that Mendeleyev was bolder than Meyer?
译 作者认为门捷列夫比迈耶更大胆的理由是什么?
46 concentrate
义 v. 专心(to focus);集中(to gather);浓缩(to increase the strength by removing water from)
例 Some animals watch for danger while others concentrate on feeding.
译 一些动物专心觅食时,另一些动物会警惕危险。
47 mineral
义 n. 矿物质(a substance formed naturally in rocks and in the earth)
例 It has low levels of mineral nutrients.
译 它含有少量的矿物营养。
48 generate
义 v. 产生(to produce);导致(to breed);引起(to cause)
例 They are used to generate electricity.
译 它们用于发电。
49 marine
义 adj. 海的(of or relating to the sea);航海的(of shipping)
例 It did not contain any marine fossil.
译 它不包含任何海洋化石。
50 religion
义 n. 宗教(belief)
例 The Romans adopted Greek religion and moral philosophy.
译 罗马人采用了希腊的宗教和道德哲学。
51 efficiency
义 n. 效率(the quality of being efficient)
例 Its remarkable efficiency at hunting seems to have caused a reduction in the body size of other large mammals, too.
译 它惊人的捕猎效率似乎也导致了其他大型哺乳动物体型的变小。
52 clay
义 n. 黏土,陶土,泥土(a type of heavy, sticky earth)
例 Archaeologists frequently find clay tablets in batches.
译 考古学家经常发现成批的泥板。
53 case
义 n. 例子(an example);情况(a situation);案例(an instance)
例 This is not the case in the tropics.
译 在热带地区,情况并非如此。
54 especially
义 adv. 特别(particularly);尤其(specifically)
例 It produced buildings that were especially attractive.
译 它产生了特别有吸引力的建筑。
55 steam
义 n. 蒸汽(vapor);水蒸气(the hot mist)
例 It used steam to move a piston in a cylinder.
译 它用蒸汽来移动气缸中的活塞。
56 emerge
义 v. 浮现(to appear);(由某种状态)脱出(to come out);(事实)显现出来(to become apparent)
例 According to paragraph 1, which of the following made it possible for an elite to emerge?
译 根据第一段,下列哪项使得精英人士有可能出现?
57 account
义 n. 账户(a bank information record);账目(a bill);描述(a description);说明(an explanation)
例 They wanted to balance the credits and debts in their account books.
译 他们想平衡账目上的贷款和债务。
58 prey
义 n. 猎物(a hunted animal)
例 There are the best times for birds to find prey.
译 鸟类拥有寻找猎物的最佳时机。
59 eventual
义 adj. 最终的(final)
例 As lava flows and spreads to form a shield volcano, the volcano’s eventual height depends on the new mountain’s ability to support its own weight.
译 随着熔岩流动并扩散形成盾状火山,这座火山的最终高度取决于其支撑自身重量的能力。
60 consume
义 v. 消耗(to use up)
例 Upon reflection, however, it makes sense that these mammals consume fruit.
译 但是,经过反思,这些哺乳动物吃水果是说得通的。
61 erode
义 v. 腐蚀(to deteriorate);侵蚀(to destroy)
例 They commonly form in one year and erode the next.
译 它们通常在一年内形成,然后在下一年开始腐蚀。
62 fertile
义 adj. 肥沃的(productive)
例 Plants grew better in the fertile soil next to bodies of water.
译 植物在靠近水体的肥沃土壤中生长得更好。
63 resist
义 v. 抵制(to refrain from);抵抗(to fight against);反抗(to oppose)
例 Hills and mountains successfully resist the destructive forces of nature, but only for a short time.
译 山丘和山脉成功抵抗自然的破坏力,但只能维持很短的一段时间。
64 feature
义 n. 特征,特色(the distinctive part);容貌(the appearance);特写(a closeup) v. 以……为特征(to make a feature of)
例 Another prominent feature of Mars’s surface is cratering.
译 火星表面的另一个显著特征是凹凸不平。
65 previous
义 adj. 以前的(preceding);先于,在……之前(happening before)
例 It continued the steady growth in population of previous centuries.
译 它延续了前几个世纪人口的稳定增长。
66 review
义 v. 复习(to examine again);回顾(to look back on);审查(to formally examine)
例 Further observation revealed the tendency of teachers to evaluate events rather than review the contributory factors in a considered manner by, in effect, standing outside the situation.
译 更进一步的观察显示,教师倾向于评估事件,而不是以一种站在实际情况之外的经过深思熟虑的方式来审查起作用的因素。
67 succession
义 n. 连续(a series);继承权(the right that one person succeeds another in a position);继位(the act of one person succeeding another);【生】演替(the gradual and orderly process of change in an ecosystem brought about by the progressive replacement of one community by another until a stable climax is established)
例 They occur at the end of a succession.
译 它们出现在演替的末尾。
68 aggression
义 n. 进攻(an attack);侵犯(a violent and hostile behavior)
例 Numerous biological structures and chemicals appear to be involved in aggression.
译 许多生物结构和化学物质似乎与侵略有关。
69 consequence
义 n. 结果(a result);影响(an effect)
例 The great height of Martian volcanos is a direct consequence of the planet’s low surface gravity.
译 火星火山的高度很高是由其表面引力低直接造成的。
70 contrast
n. ['kɑːntræst] v. [kən'træst]
义 n. 对比(a comparison);差别(a difference);对照物(an object that is used to compare with) v. 对比(to compare)
例 The Whigs, in contrast, viewed government power positively.
译 相反,辉格党对政府的权力持积极的态度。
71 potential
义 n. 潜力(the hidden ability) adj. 潜在的(hidden);可能的(possible)
例 The potential benefit of this was not the amounts of crop output.
译 这样做的潜在好处不是作物产量。
72 typical
义 adj. 特有的(particular);典型的(characteristic);有代表性的(representative)
例 Its technique was more typical of international artists than Mexican artists.
译 它的技术更多地体现出国际艺术家的水平而非墨西哥艺术家的水平。
73 electric
义 adj. 电的(electric-powered)
例 Some male fish switch to a different electric call during mating season.
译 在交配季节,一些雄性鱼会切换成不同的电叫声。
74 gradual
义 adj. 逐渐的(happening slowly);逐步的(developing slowly)
例 This in turn added to the gradual construction of the commercial economy.
译 这反过来又促进了商业经济的逐步发展。
75 transform
义 v. 改变(to change);转换(to make over)
例 Their ideas and methods were used to transform United States industry.
译 他们的想法和方法被用来改变美国工业。
76 reproduce
义 v. 再生(to produce again);复制(to copy);生殖(to produce offspring)
例 Because they were sexually mature and could reproduce.
译 因为它们已经性成熟并且可以繁殖了。
77 alter
义 v. 改变(to make different)
例 Yet the movements of these fluids can drastically alter a planet.
译 然而,这些流体的运动可以极大地改变一颗行星。
78 bacteria
义 n. 细菌(a large group of microorganisms, many of which cause disease)
例 They lead to more bacteria production.
译 它们导致了更多的细菌繁殖。
79 domesticate
义 v. 驯养(to tame);驯化,培育(to cultivate)
例 Africa’s native plants are very difficult to domesticate.
译 非洲的本土植物很难培育。
80 manufacture
义 n. 制造,生产(the process of producing goods) v. 制造(to make by hand or by machinery)
例 During the Iron Age, the typical household objects were usually manufactured using a low technology of craft manufacture.
译 在铁器时代,典型的家用物品通常是使用较低的生产工艺制造出来的。
81 predict
义 v. 预言(to foretell);预测(to foresee)
例 It cannot predict periods of glaciation in Earth’s distant past.
译 它无法预测地球遥远过去的冰川期。
82 therefore
义 adv. 因此,所以(so)
例 Therefore, additional explanations are needed.
译 因此,需要额外的说明。
83 expose
义 v. 揭露(to reveal);使曝光(to uncover)
例 Therefore, a begging nestling would unnecessarily expose itself to danger from predators.
译 因此,乞食的雏鸟会不必要地使自己暴露在捕食者的危险之下。
84 herd
义 n. 兽群(a large group of animals of one kind that live together)
例 Each animal in a herd tries to protect the others from danger.
译 兽群中的每一个动物都试图保护其他动物免受危险。
85 absorb
义 v. 吸收(to take in);吸引(to attract);承受(to receive the force of an impact)
例 They absorb micronutrients unusually well.
译 它们能很好地吸收微量营养素。
86 exchange
义 v. 交换(to give something to somebody and receive something from them at the same time);兑换(to interchange)
例 It allowed scientists from different regions to exchange information.
译 它使来自不同地区的科学家可以交换信息。
87 internal
义 adj. 国内的(domestic);内部的(inner);体内的(inside)
例 Their ancestors once possessed internal skeletons.
译 它们的祖先曾经拥有内部骨骼。
88 capable
义 adj. 有能力的(having the ability to do);能干的(competent)
例 How was the bolide capable of generating a shock wave?
译 火流星是如何产生冲击波的?
89 disperse
义 v. 分散(to break up);散开(to leave a gathering)
例 Males disperse when new siblings are born.
译 当新的兄弟姐妹出生时,雄性就散开了。
90 illustrate
义 v. 说明,解释(to explain);图解(to demonstrate with pictures)
例 The ventures of the German Hanseatic League illustrate these advancements.
译 德国汉萨同盟的冒险解释了这些进步。
91 forage
义 v. 觅食(to search for food)
例 Aggressive species usually forage in groups and feed mainly on flowers that occur in high-density clumps.
译 侵略性的物种通常成群觅食,主要以高密度丛生的花朵为食。
92 inhabit
义 v. 居住于(to live in);占据(to occupy);栖息(to dwell in)
例 Foundational species are the backbones of the systems they inhabit.
译 基础物种是它们所居住的生态系统的支柱。
93 project
n. ['prɑːdʒekt]
v. [ˌprə'dʒekt]
义 n. 计划(a plan);工程(a program);项目(a proposal);课题(a assignment) v. 投射(to cast);投影(to cause an image to appear on a surface)
例 The development of projection technology made it possible to project images on a large screen.
译 投影技术的发展使在大屏幕上投射图像成为可能。
94 glide
义 v. 滑动(to slip);滑翔(to float);溜走(to slip)
例 As a result, animals must risk descending to the ground or glide to move between trees.
译 因此,动物必须冒险下降到地面或在树木之间滑行移动。
95 channel
义 n. 海峡(a navigable course);通道(a means of access);频道(a path for an electromagnetic signal);水渠(a passage that water can flow along, especially in the ground, on the bottom of a river, etc.)
例 Most streams flow in a single channel.
译 大多数溪流都在单一的水渠中流动。
96 quality
义 n. 品质(the basic character);才能(the talent);特质(a feature of personality)
例 The casts form a high-quality natural fertilizer.
译 铸模形成优质的天然肥料。
97 branch
义 n. 分支(the division);树枝(a secondary woody stem extending from the trunk)
例 If a tree gets rid of a branch, it is usually because other branches lack enough carbohydrate to subsidize it.
译 如果一棵树失去了一根树枝,通常是因为其他树枝缺少足够的碳水化合物来支撑它。
98 landscape
义 n. 风景(the scenery);风景画(a painting)
例 The natural landscape was destroyed.
译 自然风景已经被破坏了。
99 cereal
义 n. 谷类植物(plants that produce grain);麦片(a food made from grain)
例 They developed special pouches for storing and carrying cereal grain.
译 他们发明了用来贮存和运送谷物的特殊袋子。
100 comet
义 n. 彗星(a bright object with a long tail)
例 The size of the coma varies greatly from one comet to another.
译 不同彗星的彗发大小差异很大。