
The Music Industry and Stage Performance

Learning Objectives

In this unit, you will learn:

· to talk about the basic information in the music industry;

· to improve your speaking skills;

· to prepare for your job interview.

Background Information

When people talk about music, they always think of musicians, singers and instrument players. As a matter of fact, there are many other job divisions in the music industry. According to Wikipedia, the music industry consists of the companies and individuals that make money by creating and selling music. Among the many individuals and organizations that operate within the industry are: the musicians who compose and perform music, the companies and professionals who create and sell recorded music (e.g. music publishers, producers, recording studios, engineers,record labels, retail and online music stores, performance rights organizations),those that present live music performances (e.g. booking agents, promoters, music venues, road crew), professionals who assist musicians with their music careers (e.g.talent managers, artists and repertoire managers, business managers, entertainment lawyers), those that broadcast music (e.g. satellites, the Internet and radio stations),journalists, educators, musical instrument manufacturers, as well as many others. In this unit, we provide you some crucial information about the music industry.


Please answer the following questions according to your own opinion.

1. What is your ideal job in the music industry?

2. What kind of position do you think is most important?

3. What qualification should a student have to be a manager assisting musicians(singers, instrumentalists or composers) with their music career?

4. Why do you choose music as your major?

Module 1Dialogue

In this part, you are going to learn how to talk about a concert tour. Listen carefully and try to understand the dialogue and finish the tasks.

A: What are you looking at?

B: Oh, a critics review about New York Philharmonic ’s recent performance celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year at Lincoln Center. They featured many Chinese composers and musicians, including vocalist Lei Jia, who performed some Chinese folk songs, making her Lincoln Center debut .

A: Oh, I love Lei Jia! She’s a famous soprano and rated as a first-class national performer in China. She perfected her traditional Chinese singing style after learning a variety of vocal techniques at her alma mater , China Conservatory of Music.

B: I didn’t realize you knew so much about her! I’m also quite a fan myself. She is such a brilliant and gifted soprano. Did you know that she was invited by both Toronto Symphony Orchestra and New York Philharmonic for this year’s Chinese New Year’s Celebrations?

A: Not surprising at all. Lei Jia is renowned for having “the most Chinese sound”, a comment made by Joshua Cheek, an industry expert, after he listened to her song of Dandelion in the Sky .

B: She really is my favorite Chinese singer. I love all of her renditions . You know, her performance of Reed Catkins was what brought her into the limelight, winning her a first place in the China Central TV National Youth Singing Competition.

A: You really are a huge fan, aren’t you?

B: You bet.

A: So which songs did she perform during her tour of North America?

B: Well, in the critics review here, it says she sang two Chinese folk songs, which they thought most heavily featured and best represented Chinese music of all the pieces performed. They were Sanshili Pu and Ganshengling , typical love folk songs from the northern area of the province Shaanxi, you know, where the Terra-cotta Warriors are. Not as famous as her signature songs Banlan Flowers Blossom and Homesickness (Nostalgia) though.

A: I’m sure she made a wise choice. She really is a thought-provoking performer. She is enjoying huge success in China but is continuously striving to challenge herself and is committed to bringing more of an appreciation of Chinese traditional music in the rest of the world. She has contributed so much to the industry. She also often performs in the Chinese opera Mulan and The Ballad of the Canal .

B: You are absolutely right. She is sparing no effort to popularize new Chinese folk songs, opening up new dialogues concerning musical genres and current events.She truly is a gem , loved by people from all walks of life. I wish I could have seen her performance at Lincoln Centre, and had the chance to see her charming and graceful image and listen to her sweet yet powerful voice in the flesh.

A: You really sound besotted with her! You should book a ticket to Beijing and see her in Mulan !

B: You’re right, I should plan a trip! It would be worth it to see someone who has done so much to disseminate culture and music around the world.

New Words
Proper Names

Toronto [tə'rɒntəʊ] 多伦多(加拿大主要城市之一)

Abraham Lincoln ['eɪbrəˌhæm ˈlɪŋkən ] 亚伯拉罕·林肯(人名)

Language and Culture Tips

1. be renowned for 以……著名

2. all walks of field 各行各业

3. contribute to 对……做出贡献

4. in the flesh 亲自

5. be besotted with 对……着迷

6. Lei Jia 雷佳,中国著名女高音,被格莱美奖评委会委员Joshua Cheek誉为“最中国的声音”。她的声音兼具民族、美声、戏曲之美,涵浑大气,灵秀韵致。她秉承“新国风音乐”的创新理念,以其精湛独特的唱功,打破传统民族音乐的桎梏,在新民歌行列中独树一帜。

7. Avery Fisher Hall 爱弗利费雪厅,位于林肯艺术中心内,纽约爱乐乐团的驻在地。

8. New York Philharmonic 纽约爱乐乐团,美国“五大”交响乐团之一,成立于1842年。美国“五大”交响乐团还包括:Boston Symphony Orchestra (1881),Chicago Symphony Orchestra (1891),Philadelphia Orchestra (1900),Cleveland Orchestra (1918)。

9. Toronto Symphony Orchestra多伦多交响乐团,成立于1922年。

10. Lincoln Center 纽约市林肯艺术中心,始建于1962年,被誉为“世界最大的艺术会场”,以美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯(1809—1865)命名。

11. China Central TV National Youth Singing Competition CCTV 全国青年歌手大赛。

12. Sanshili Pu 《三十里铺》,陕北民歌,是一首广为流传、脍炙人口的优秀陕北爱情民歌。它产生于第二次国内革命战争时期,是根据陕北地区的真人真事,用信天游曲调编唱的。它的诞生地在陕北绥德县城东30华里的满堂川乡“三十里铺”。这首《三十里铺》独唱民歌已经成为中国民歌宝库中的精品和陕北民歌中的典型作品,中国有很多歌唱家都把它当作保留节目经常演唱并久唱不衰。

13. Ganshengling 《赶牲灵》 陕北民歌。

14. Terra-cotta Warriors 兵马俑

15. Balan Flowers Blossom 《板蓝花儿开》,中国民歌,由盘龙作曲,贺东久和谢明月作词。《板蓝花儿开》由总政歌舞团著名歌唱家雷佳在东方卫视春晚《快鹿之夜——“春满东方”2015羊年群星新春大联欢》的录制现场中演唱。在雷佳绝美唱法的极致演绎下,听众仿佛置身山间田野,清风拂面,花开心间。

16. Nostalgia 《乡愁》,中国民歌,由孟庆云作曲,黄石作词。

17. Mulan 《木兰诗篇》,中国原创歌剧,取材于中国家喻户晓的“花木兰女扮男装替父从军”的古老故事,由著名作曲家关峡作曲,剧作家刘麟编剧,著名歌唱家彭丽媛、戴玉强及青年歌唱家雷佳、张英席、赵昕、谭晶等担纲主演。该剧以交响乐和情景歌剧的崭新形式,弘扬了博大的中国文化和民族精神,展现了中华儿女乃至全人类热爱生活、追求真善美、呼唤和平与正义的崇高精神境界。该剧首演时间为2004年10月8日。

18. The Ballad of the Canal 《运河谣》,中国原创民族歌剧,由印青作曲、黄维石和董妮编剧,是国家大剧院推出的首部原创民族歌剧。该剧以民族唱法为载体,以京杭运河为故事背景,通过描述剧中人物在运河上跌宕起伏的人生际遇,展现了运河见证的离合悲欢、善恶生死、义薄云天。该剧从戏曲、民歌、民俗等中国文化精华中汲取营养,呈现出民族歌剧所特有的艺术质感与艺术魅力。该剧由国家大剧院管弦乐团首席指挥吕嘉激情执棒,雷佳、王丽达、王宏伟、王喆等优秀青年歌唱家担纲主演。该剧于2012年6月21日在国家大剧院首演。


1. Listen to the dialogue and read aloud after the two speakers.

2. Memorize the following expressions, and then translate them into Chinese.

· with a performance featuring Chinese composers and musicians

· make debut

· first hit

· a graceful image on stage

· disseminate Chinese music in the world

3. Do you like traditional Chinese music? Why or why not?

4 . Name some of the traditional Chinese songs, and talk about the themes of those songs.

5. Make up a dialogue with the help of the information about Tan Dun given below and extra information if a ny you ca n provide. Try to introduce the physical appearance, features,works and life experience of the musician in the dialogue.

Tan Dun is a Chinese contemporary composer and conductor, most widely known for his scores for the movies Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon and Hero , as well as the music composed for the medal ceremonies at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. His works often incorporate audio-visual elements; use instruments constructed from organic materials, such as paper, water, and stone; and are often inspired by traditional Chinese theatrical and ritual performance. In 2013, he was named a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador (联合国教科文组织亲善大使) .

Module 2 Listen and Talk

In this part, you are going to listen to a lecture about the music industry, and then finish the following tasks.
Before-listening tasks

Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

1. What kind of people can work in the music industry?

2. What qualifications should people have to be a musician?

3. How do you prepare yourself for a musician?

While-listening tasks

Listen carefully and answer the following questions according to what you hear.

1. What can you infer from the beginning?

2. To what profession did the speaker compare a rock star?

3. What is the purpose of the speaker to mention his friend?

4. What does the word “royalty” mean?

After-listening tasks

Discuss the following questions.

1. What is a high-risk profession according to your own opinion?

2. What is the similarity of being a rock star and a brain surgeon?

3. What should you do when you want to open up a shoe store?

4. Do you want to work in the music industry? Why or why not?

New Words
Language and Culture Tips

1. have something in common 共同之处

2. and so forth 等等

3. pour in 使流入,使灌入;大量地涌进来

4. University of Southern California Law School 南加利福尼亚大学法学院

Module 3 Read and Talk

In this part, you are going to read a passage about the copyright of musical works. After reading you are going to do some follow-up exercises to improve your speaking skills and enlarge your vocabulary.
Protection of Copyright of Musical Works

The music industry is a complex system of many different organizations, firms and individuals and has undergone dramatic changes in the 21st century. However,the majority of the participants in the music industry still fulfill their traditional roles. There are three types of property that are created and sold by the recording industry: compositions, recordings and physical media (such as CDs or mp3s). There may be many recordings of a single composition and a single recording will typically be distributed into many media.


Compositions are created by songwriters or composers and are originally owned by the composer, although they may be sold. For example, in the case of work for hire,the composition is owned immediately by another party. Traditionally, the copyright owner licenses or “ assigns ” some of their rights (e.g. distribution and sales) to publishing companies, by means of a publishing contract. The publishing company(or a collection society operating on behalf of many such publishers, songwriters and composers) collects fees (known as “publishing royalties”) when the composition is used. A portion of the royalties are paid by the publishing company to the copyright owner, depending on the terms of the contract. Sheet music provides an income stream that is paid exclusively to the composers and their publishing company.Typically (although not universally ), the publishing company will provide the owner with an advance against future earnings when the publishing contract is signed. A publishing company will also promote the compositions, such as by acquiring song“ placements ” on television or in films.


Recordings are created by recording artists, often with the assistance of record producers and audio engineers. They were traditionally made in recording studios (who are paid a daily or hourly rate) in a recording session. The record producer oversees all aspects of the recording, making many of the logistic , financial and artistic decisions in cooperation with the artist. Audio engineers (including recording, mixing and mastering engineers) are responsible for the audio quality of the recording. A recording session may also require the services of an arranger,studio musicians, session musicians, vocal coaches, or even ghostwriter to help with the lyrics.

Recordings are (traditionally) owned by record companies. A recording contract specifies the business relationship between a recording artist and the record company. In a traditional contract, the company provides an advance to the artist who agrees to record music that will be owned by the company. The company pays for the recording costs and the cost of promoting and marketing the record. For physical media (such as CDs), the company also pays to manufacture and distribute the physical recordings. The record company pays the recording artist a portion of the income from the sale of the recordings, generally known as a mechanical royalty,which is specified by a recording contract. However, session musicians and orchestra members (as well as a few recording artists in special markets) are under contract to provide work for hire; they're typically only paid one-time fees or regular wages for their services, rather than royalties.


Physical media (such as CDs) are sold by music retailers and are owned by the consumer. A music distributor delivers the physical media from the manufacturer to the retailer and maintains relationships with retailers and record companies.The music retailer pays the distributor, who in turn pays the record company for the recordings. The record company pays mechanical royalties to the publisher,composer, and songwriter via a collection society. The record company then pays royalties, if contractually obligated , to the recording artist.

(Excerpt from All You Need to Know about the Music Business )

New Words
Language and Culture Tips

1. on behalf of ... 代表……

2. with the assistance of ... 在……帮助下

3. publishing royalty 出版版税

4. mechanical royalty 灌录版税


1. Answer the following questions according to the passage.

1) How many types of property that are created and sold by the recording industry?

2) In what case is the composition immediately owned by another party?

3) Who collect the publishing royalties when the composition is used?

4) Who are responsible for the audio quality of the recording?

5) How do session musicians and orchestra members get paid?

2. Read the following sentences carefully and translate them into Chinese.

1) Compositions are created by songwriters or composers and are originally owned by the composer, although they may be sold. For example, in case of work for hire, the composition is owned immediately by another party.

2) A publishing company will also promote the compositions, such as by acquiring song “placement” on television or in films.

3) The record producer oversees all aspects of the recording, making many of the logistic, financial and artistic decisions in cooperation with the artist.

4) Recordings are (traditionally) owned by record companies. A recording contract specifies the business relationship between a recording artist and the record company.

5) The company pays for the recording costs and the cost of promoting and marketing the record. For physical media (such as CDs), the company also pays to manufacture and distribute the physical recordings.

3. Speak out.

Work with 6—8 students in a group and discuss the importance of protecting the copyright of artistic works in China.

Module 4 View and Talk

In the part, you are going to watch a video clip from Andrew Lloyd Webber 40 Musical Years, and then finish the following tasks.

1. Watch the video clip and try to understand the main idea of each speaker.

2. Watch the video clip again and try to understand most of the interview.

3. Watch the video clip for the third time and discuss the following questions:

· What kind of musical works can be successful?

· Do you like Webber’s works? Why or why not?

· Do you think Webber’s works can be attracted to the Chinese audience? And give your evidence or examples to support your points of view.

New Words
Proper Names

Barnardo ['bənɑ:dəʊ] 伯纳多(人名)

Richard the Lionheart ['rɪtʃəd ðə ˈlaɪənhɑ:t] 狮心王理查德(人名)

Andrew Lloyd Webber [ˈændru: ˈlɔɪd ˈwebə(r)] 安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(人名)

Michael Ball ['maɪkəl bɔ:l] 迈克尔·波尔 (人名)

Elaine Page [ɪˈleɪn ˈpeɪdʒ] 依莲·佩姬(人名)

Bonnie Langford [ˈbɒni ˈlæŋfɔ:d] 波妮·朗福得(人名)

Brain Blessed [ˈbreɪn 'blesɪd] 布莱恩·布莱斯得(人名)

T. S. Eliot [ˈelɪət] 托马斯·斯特尔那斯·艾略特(人名)

John Napier [ˈdʒɒn ˈneɪpɪə] 约翰·纳皮耶(人名)

Gillian Lynne [ˈdʒɪliən ˈlɪn] 吉利安·林恩(人名)

Trevor Nunn [ˈtrevə ˈnʌn] 特雷弗·纽恩(人名)

Cameron Mackintosh [ˈkæmərən ˈmækintɒʃ] 卡梅隆·麦金托什(人名)

Language and Culture Tips

1. be suspicious of ... 对……表示怀疑

2. make sense 认为……合理

3. set your mind to 决心

4. dress rehearsal 彩排

5. carry on 继续进行

6. dividing line 分界线

7. Richard the Lionheart 狮心王理查德,1189年成为英格兰国王。

8. Jellicle 音乐剧《猫》里的猫家族姓名。

9. Pollicle 音乐剧《猫》里的狗家族姓名。

10. Andrew Lloyd Webber 安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯,1948年出生于英国伦敦,英国著名作曲家,主要作品有音乐剧《猫》《歌剧魅影》《贝隆夫人》等。

11. Michael Ball 迈克尔·波尔,英国歌手、演员、电视广播节目主持人。

12. Elaine Page依莲·佩姬,著名英国音乐剧演员,代表作有《猫》《贝隆夫人》。

13. Bonnie Langford 波妮·朗福得,英国演员、歌手。

14. Brain Blessed 布莱恩·布莱斯得,英国演员。

15. T. S. Eliot 托马斯·斯特尔那斯·艾略特(1888—1965),英国诗人、剧作家和文学批评家,诗歌现代派运动领袖。

16. John Napier 约翰·纳皮耶,美国演员。

17. Gillian Lynne 吉利安·林恩,英国著名舞蹈家。

18. Trevor Nunn 特雷弗·纽恩,1940年出生,英国戏剧、电影和电视导演,皇家国家剧院、皇家莎士比亚剧团的艺术总监。他曾执导舞台音乐剧、戏剧和歌剧。最著名的作品有音乐剧《猫》(1981)和《悲惨世界》(1985)。

19. Cameron Mackintosh 卡梅隆·麦金托什(1946— )英国著名制片人,四大音乐剧(《悲惨世界》《猫》《歌剧魅影》《西贡小姐》)的制片人。

20. West End 英国伦敦的西区剧院(West End Theatre),和美国百老汇齐名,在该剧院上映的戏剧被公认为英语世界中最高水平的商演。

21. Jesus 英国音乐剧《万世巨星》,著名音乐家韦伯的作品。

22. Joseph 英国音乐剧《约瑟夫和他的梦幻彩衣》,著名音乐家韦伯代表作之一。

23. Evita 英国音乐剧《贝隆夫人》,著名音乐家韦伯的传世之作之一。

24. Joe Allen’s 店家名称,西方人通常用自己的姓名作为商店或者餐厅的名称。

Module 5 Speaking Skill

In this part, you are going to learn a speaking skill. You can learn how to prepare for a job interview.
How to prepare for a job interview?

Job interviews are the first important step to a position in the real world. However,job interviews are stressful, and nervousness, fear and anxiety just plague everyone.While a little anxiety can help you stay on top of your game, too much can destroy your confidence and ruin your chances of success. There are some useful tips on how to prepare yourself for a successful job interview. There are four keys to getting hired:

1. Prepare to win. You won’t get every job you go after, but it takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in half-prepared for five. And your prospect for success will be many times better.

2. Never stop learning. To be able to compete, you have to keep learning all your life.

3. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. You should set your goal that is in writing, measurable, identifiable and attainable, and work hard on it. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t accomplish your goals.

4. Find a way to make a difference. Do always remember why people hire you. You should justify that you are more able and competent than others.


Now finish the following tasks.

Step 1: Search some companies that you take interest in.

Step 2: Find out your dream job / position/ company.

Step 3: Role play the following situation.

Suppose you will graduate from school a month later, you are busy finding a job.

You are told that your dream company is recruiting people. And you are informed to have an interview a week later. What will you do in this week?

One of you is the employer and the other a college graduate applying for a job.

The employer is now conducting an interview with the applicant. The questions the employer asks are mainly about the applicant’s academic training, practical experience and other relevant details.

You should ask your partner at least five questions. Then switch the role.

Module 6 Extended Learning

In this part, you are going to listen to a song and try to understand the theme of the song.
All I Ask of You

No more talk of darkness,

Forget these wide-eyed fears.

I’m here, nothing can harm you,

My words will warm and calm you.

Let me be your freedom,

Let daylight dry your tears.

I’m here, with you, beside you,

To guard you and to guide you.


Say you love me every waking moment,

Turn my head with talk of summertime.

Say you need me with you, now and always.

Promise me that all you say is true,

That’s all I ask of you.


Let me be your shelter,

Let me be your light.

You’re safe. No one will find you,

Your fears are far behind you.


All I want is freedom,

A world with no more night.

And you, always beside me,

To hold me and to hide me.


Then say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime.

Let me lead you from your solitude.

Say you need me with you here, beside you,

Anywhere you go, let me go too.

Christine, that’s all I ask of you.


Say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime.

Say the word and I will follow you,


Share each day with me, each night, each morning.


Say you love me.


You know I do.


Love me, that’s all I ask of you.

Anywhere you go let me go too.

Love me, that’s all I ask of you.

New Words

All I Ask of You 是音乐剧《歌剧魅影》中的主要曲目之一,由劳尔和克莉丝汀对唱。歌曲中,男女双方表达了对对方的爱慕与信赖。 +fyFbZYyQofBsTH1b4WwjdKIk4rmDmO6hyzljDhzUWup7bFqegF0LIx9ZEeKIsNS

Music Terms
