

1. Banked Cloze

Directions: Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.

Gradually with time,the(1)____of computers started. With time,they became faster,more(2)____and able to store more information. The best part was that they could think(3)____,were able to(4)___and achieved Natural Language Processing Exercises. In 1980,AI research(5)___with an(6)___of funds and(7)___tools. With Deep Learning techniques,the computer learned from the user experience. After all the failed attempts,the technology was successfully established but,it was in the 2000s that the landmark goals were(8)___. At that time,AI(9)____(10)____a lack of government funds and public attention.

2. Term Explanation

Directions: Use your own words or sentences from the text to explain the following terms.


(2)Intelligent Machine


(4)863 plan

3. Translation Exercises

Directions: Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese or English.

(1)English-Chinese Translation

Starting from healthcare,education,e-commerce to water power,electricity and assembly lines,everything is automated. Such machines and technologies have helped humans to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. There is a big shift in a way we live,work and relate to one another due to the adoption of Cyber-Physical Systems ,the Internet of Things and the Internet of Systems.” With Self Aware Systems,human-like intelligence has been developed. With Artificial Superintelligence and AI algorithms,the machines are capable of outperforming the smartest of humans in every single domain.

(2)Chinese-English Translation

《中国制造 2025》《机器人产业发展规划(2016—2020 年)》和《“互联网+”人工智能三年行动实施方案》的发布与施行,体现了中国已把人工智能技术提升到国家发展战略的高度。中国有大量的科学技术人员和大学师生,从事不同级别的人工智能相关领域的研究、学习、开发和应用。人工智能的研究与应用已在中国取得了丰硕的成果,必将为促进其他学科的发展做出新的重大贡献。

4. Short Answer Questions

Directions: Use your own words or sentences from the text to answer the following questions briefly.

(1)What are the main schools of AI research?

(2)What did the National Science Conference put forward in 1978?

(3)What might be the impact of the publication of “Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications” and intelligent works on the development of AI in China?

(4)What did the State Council issue in May 2015?

5. Questions for Discussion

Directions: Discuss with each other and try to find answers to these questions either from the text or from online sources.

(1)Elaborate on Chinese AI development.

(2)What are the main achievements of AI in China?

(3)Compare AI development at home and abroad. ZTuDyH9CaMcEeYFD/vI6J6NbVrgcLSxqYqC46iamOqYv5vz66W1Qf8BG0Bxjs9Bc
