

1. The Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Calculator(SNARC):SNARC is the first Artificial Neural Network machine ever built. In 1949,Marvin Minsky began to seriously think about learning machines and how to design them.

2. AGI(Artifical General Intelligence):AGI is the representation of generalized human cognitive abilities in software so that,faced with an unfamiliar task,the AI system could find a solution. An AGI system could perform any task that a human is capable of.

3. The Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence(CAAI):CAAI was founded in 1981. It is now the only national-level academic association in the field of intelligence science and technology,officially authorized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in China.

4. The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI):IJCAI is the main international gathering of researchers in AI. IJCAI has been held biennially in oddnumbered years since 1969. Starting in 2016,IJCAI will be held annually. IJCAI is sponsored jointly by IJCAI and the national AI societies of the host nations.

5. The World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA):In 1993,a number of well-known scientists,together with the organizers Prof. T. J. Tarn at Washington University,USA and Prof. T.C. Hsia,originated a congress on intelligent control and automation,aiming at providing a forum for Chinese scholars all over the world to present their achievements in the fields of control and automation. wZ6BkI/4oXHVGejDxo2jCkhAa0XnWjAPMTQhQPzzM0zbuwNFHmLIdUq57yPWcc9r
