

1. Turing Test:In Artificial Intelligence,a test was proposed(1950)by the English mathematician Alan M. Turing to determine whether a computer can “think.” There are extreme difficulties in devising any objective criterion for distinguishing “original” thought from sufficiently sophisticated “parroting”;indeed,any evidence for original thought can be denied on the grounds that it ultimately was programmed into the computer. Turing sidestepped the debate about exactly how to define thinking by means of a very practical,albeit subjective,test:if a computer acts,reacts,and interacts like a sentient being,then call it sentient. To avoid prejudicial rejection of evidence of Machine Intelligence,Turing suggested the “imitation game”,now known as the Turing Test:A remote human interrogator,within a fixed time frame,must distinguish between a computer and a human subject based on their replies to various questions posed by the interrogator. By means of a series of such tests,a computer’ s success at “ thinking”can be measured by its probability of being misidentified as a human subject.

2. Expert System:Expert System is AI software that uses knowledge stored in a knowledge base to solve problems that would usually require a human expert,thus preserving a human expert's knowledge in its knowledge base. They can advise users as well as provide explanations to them about how they reached a particular conclusion or advice.

3. The Cyber-Physical System(CPS):The Cyber-Physical System is an emerging computing technology that involves sensing,computing,controlling,and communication between physical components(e.g. smart sensors,devices,systems,and human beings)and cyber components.

4. AlphaGo:AlphaGo won the first ever game against a Go professional with a score of 5-0. AlphaGo then competed against legendary Go player Mr Lee Se-dol,the winner of 18 world titles,who is widely considered the greatest player of the past decade with a 4-1 victory.

5.863 Plan:The National High-tech R&D Program,namely the 863 Program,was approved. Implemented in three successive Five-Year Plans,the program has boosted China’ s overall high-tech development,R&D capacity,socio-economic development,and national security.

6.973 Program:Based on the existing basic research programs conducted by the National Natural Science Foundation and early-stage basic research key projects,the 973 Program organizes and implements key projects to meet national strategic needs.

7. Journal of Artificial Intelligence:It is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the Institute of Electronics and Computer(IEC). It publishes research spanning all aspects of Artificial Intelligence and systems.

8. Topology:It is a geometric structure defined on a set. Basically,it is given by declaring which subsets are “ open” sets. Thus,the axioms are the abstraction of the properties that open sets have.

9. Blast Furnace Modeling:As iron makers are well aware,it was only a few decades ago that the blast furnace was viewed as a strange “ black box”. Recently,however,various in-furnace phenomena have become the subject of serious scientific study,largely as the result of the “ dissection” of dead furnaces,together with the development of advanced monitoring and control techniques. +ZUfUscwviIJ8aJmPlLU4sWuNfwZ8/uZnJenGD+Ub97RtznubFWsGBgxPh6aK1L+
