
Part One


advertisement 广告

salesperson 售货员,销售员

vacancy 空缺;空位

applicant 申请人

interview 面试

familiar 熟悉

Cantonese 广东话

certificate 证书

reference 参考;介绍信

cashier 出纳员,收银员

grocery store 杂货店

merchandise 商品;货物

stock 库存;股份

wait on 服侍

cash register 收银机

adult 成年人

shift 移动;变化;轮班

salary 工资

contribute 贡献;出力

concentrate 集中;浓缩;全神贯注

mate 助手;配偶;配对物

potential 潜能;潜在的;可能的

match 比赛;匹配;对手;火柴

impress 给人印象深刻

chase 追逐;追赶

obviously 明显地,显然地

date 日期;约会

interaction 相互作用,互动

woo 追求;求爱;恳求

definitely 当然;明确地,肯定地

intensity 强度;强烈

primary 主要的;初级的;基本的

follow up 跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事

submit 提交,服从

résumé 简历

Task One Before a Job Interview

Exercise 1. Listen to a dialogue and decide whether the statements are true T or false F .

1.Mr.Thomas is making a telephone call about a job vacancy.( )

2.The job vacancy will be filled within a week.( )

3.Amy has just graduated from college.( )

4.Amy will come to Mr.Thomas’s office tomorrow.( )

5.As an English major, Amy is proficient both in English and Cantonese.( )

Exercise 2. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following sentences.

1.I’m calling about your ____for a ____.

2.Has the________been ____?

3.Will it be possible to ____an ____for me?

4.But I’ve got a_____in business English and I am_____in English and ____.

5.Please remember to bring your_____,two ________and any other ____you may have.

Task Two Preparations for a Job Interview

Exercise. Listen to a passage and complete the following sentences.

1.________and ________is learned through professional courses,____.In addition, one has to have the right ____for that.

2.Doing your homework about the company means—finding out when they started, the top ____, financial numbers, their ____and what makes them stand out.

3.Make a mental note of your“________”and“____”and how will your strengths/skills contribute to the job.

4.Be ready to answer difficult questions like: Why should we______you? Why do you think you are a good ____?

5.Make a short list of________questions to ask them.Questions that you pose will hopefully create more of a dialogue and ________the interviewer!

Task Three At a Job Interview

Exercise 1. Listen to a dialogue and choose the best answer to each question.

1.What position didthejob applicant apply for?

A.The cashier.

B.The manager.

C.The shop assistant.

D.The receptionist.

2.Working at his parents’grocery store, the job applicant’s job responsibilities exclude ____.

A.sales work

B.stocking shelves

C.ordering merchandise

D.waiting on customers

3.The job applicant prefers to work ____.

A.in the morning

B.in the afternoon

C.evenings and weekends

D.evenings or weekends

4.What does the interviewer mean by“people skills”?

A.Technical skills.

B.Problem-solving skills.

C.Decision-making abilities.

D.Interpersonal skills.

5.Whatkind of school does the interviewee go to?

A.Evening school.

B.Polytechnic college.

C.Primary school.

D.Adult school.

Exercise 2. Listen to a dialogue and answer the following questions.

(Scene)At the Human Resources Department office.

1.How didAmy describe herself?Wh at are her personality traits?

2.Can you tell us something aboutAm y’s educational background?

3.Does Amy hav e any work experience in sales?

4.Whatis Amy’s greatest strength?

5.Does the company offer any trainin g for the new employees?

Task Four After a Job Interview

◇ Follow-up after the Job Interview

Exercise 1. Listen to a passage and decide whether the statements are true T or false F .

1.The speaker compares job-hunting to searching for a mate.( )

2.The passage mainly talks about searching for a mate.( )

3.After the job interview you should not contact the potential employer again.( )

4.You should interact with a hiring manager in a romantic way.( )

5.It is advisable to send a personal thank-you note to the person who interviewed you.( )

Exercise 2. Listen to the passage again and complete the following sentences.

1.With each potential match, you want to impress them with your and show them you’re ____by calling them.

2.You are ____potential employers, in a matter of ____.

3.So, just as you might ____chase the man or woman of your dreams,you should ____the job of your dreams with the same ____.

◇ A Thank-you Letter

Exercise. Listen to a thank-you letter and fill in the blanks.

Good afternoon, Mr.Black:

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday about the (1)______position with AIC Company.It was a(2)_____meeting with you, and I truly enjoyed learning more about the role and your company.After our discussion, I am(3)________that my skills and experiences are a great match for this opportunity and that I can quickly become a (4)______member of the AIC team.

I am very (5)_______about the possibility of a career with your company and would greatly appreciate a (6)______as you move forward with the(7)_____process.If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (8)______or by phone at 7528392.Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you in the near future.

Best regards,
Frank Lu sw0wz4MPBbv7JAEHIhCK5uEpUYGIvljx3EuSYoYLi2ua8jzkn+ne4xuP66FgIZc0
