
Part Three
Useful Sentence Patterns

√ Right, let’s begin.(Starting)

√ If we are all here, let’s get started.(Starting)

√ Can I have your attention? I’d like to get things under way.(Starting)

√ It’s a pleasure to welcome...(Welcoming)

√ I’d like to extend warm welcome to Alex Cuff.(Welcoming)

√ I’d like to introduce...(Introducing)

√ There are three items on the agenda.(Setting the agenda)

√ Mary, could you take the minute?(Defining roles)

√ Kelvin, I wonder if you’d like to tell us something about...(Defining roles)

√ The purpose of this meeting is to...(Stating purpose/aims/objectives)

√ We are here today to discuss about what to do next.(Stating purpose/aims/objectives)

√ I would like to finish by 10 o’clock.(Timing)

√We have a late fine for meetings, whoever comes in over 10 minutes late will have to pay twenty Yuan .

In the meeting

√ We are having impermanent meeting.

√ Let’s go over the minutes of last Friday’s meeting.

√ Middy, would you mind taking notes today?

√ Kathy, would you like to kick off ?

√ Who is going to write the meeting minutes?

√ Does your division need to hire more buyers?

√ We expect you to reach the decision this week whether we will take on this program.

√ Keep to the point please.

√ Excuse me for interrupting.

√ I never thought about it that way before.

√ I totally agree with you.

√ Unfortunately, I see it differently. Zuw6sIyPfHGlfpJIhT8DgtU77wiz/zpdtvYfQyAS6bo62As+6lzXyK6zGQkdTPUs
