
Part Four

Task One Role Play

Work in pairs and play the roles in the following situations.

Situation 1

Student A

⊙ You are a secretary of ABC Company who is receiving guests from the United States at the airport.Identify the guests, greet them and make them feel welcome and have a small talk during the journey to the hotel.

Student B

⊙ You are the guest from America.You need to express your thanks, talk about your journey, ask about the hotel and the itinerary during your stay here.

Situation 2

Student A

⊙ You are a receptionist of ABC Company who is receiving guests now at the office.Greet the guest properly, find out what they want and deal with their needs and requests politely and pleasantly.

Student B

⊙ You are the guest who wants to see the General Manager in person.You want to talk with him about the order.

Task Two Group Work

Work in a group of four or six to simulate a panel interview.

Students work in groups of six.First every group set up the business scene.Three students in a group act as three receptionists who are now receiving guests at the office, at the airport and at the hotel separately.Then the other three students act as visitors who arrive at the office, the airport and the hotel respectively.The three receptionists need to receive them in a welcoming way.Try to act as professionally as possible.Pay attention to the language you use and your manner.

Task Three Presentation

Prepare two 3-minute presentations on the following topics and make the presentations to your group or to the whole class.

1.What are the job duties of a receptionist?

⊙ Greet visitors professionally.

⊙ Answer the phone calls properly.

⊙ Dress properly and neatly.

⊙ Keep the reception area tidy.

2.What are the good qualities a professional receptionist needs?

⊙ Be confident and polite.

⊙ Be considerate and thoughtful.

⊙ Be organized and flexible. FcBE8r2gy+XfbH1c14h2u2A9QrHSCMPFMHFjMjKEGgf7v+BYM6V9ywBiZJvXdfL5

