
Part One


reception 接待,欢迎

vital 至关重要的

a variety of 多种的,种种

function 功能,作用

schedule 时刻表,进度表;排定, 安排

tidy 整洁的

essential 基本的,必要的

affect 影响;感动

employer 雇主,老板

luggage 行李

smooth 光滑的,流畅的

snack 快餐,点心

reservation 保留,预定

superior 上级;上等的,较好的

registration 登记;注册

passport 护照,通行证

baggage 行李

confirmation 确认,认可

impression 印象,感觉;影响,效果

behavior 行为

attitude 态度

professional 专业的

welcoming 受欢迎的;令人愉悦的

interrupt 打断

approach 走近,靠近;方法,途径

indicate 表明,标示;象征,暗示

eye contact 目光接触

focus on 致力于;使聚焦于

apologize 道歉,认错

shortly 立刻,马上

announce 宣布;声称;预告

hang up 挂上;挂住;将话筒挂上

Task One Business Reception Duties

Exercise 1. Listen to a passage and decide whether the statements are true T or false F .

1.A receptionist is the first person a visitor sees when entering a company’s doors.( )

2.Receptionists are important only in some trade companies.( )

3.A receptionist’s job is easy because she or he just needs to greet people who visit.( )

4.Receptionists need to schedule appointments for their employers.( )

5.Receptionists are responsible of making sure the reception area is tidy and welcoming.( )

Exercise 2. Listen to the passage again and complete the following sentences.

1.Therefore, receptionists serve a ____role in any company.

2.Receptionists perform ____functions, such as answering the phone,greeting visitors, scheduling ____and making sure the reception area is tidy and welcoming.

3.One of the most important tasks is to ________the people who_____come the door each day.

4.If the visitor has an appointment with the _____, the receptionist should call and let him or her know the meeting is ready.

5.The receptionist should make sure the visitors are _______as they wait.

Task Two Receiving Guests

Exercise 1. Listen to a dialogue and fill in the blanks with the missing information.

Jenny : Excuse me.You must be Mr.Edward Brown from New York?

Edward : Yes, that’s right.Are you Jenny Li from DBC Electronics Company?

Jenny : Yes.(1)_______, Mr.Brown.We’ve met at the Fair in April.

Edward : Glad to see you too, Miss Li.

Jenny : Mr.Brown, this is David Smith, our General Manager.Mr.Smith made a special trip to the airport to meet you today.

David : How do you do? Mr.Brown, welcome to our city.(2)_______.

Edward : How do you do? Mr.Smith.Thank you for coming to meet me.

David : You’re welcome.

Edward : Sorry I’m late.(3)________in New York.I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.

David : Never mind.(4)________?

Edward : Very nice except for the jet lag.The service on the plane made me feel at home.

David : You must be very tired after such a long flight.(5)_______? The car is in the parking lot.

Edward : That would be best.Is it far to the hotel?

David : Not really.It takes about 30 minutes if the traffic is good.

Edward : Ok.I’d like to make a quick phone call, if that’s all right.

David : Of course.(6)_______? I’ll just find a trolley.

Edward : Thank you.It’s very nice of you.

Exercise 2. Listen to a dialogue and fill in the blanks with the missing information.

Mary : Good morning, are you Mr.Green from Global Corporation?

Mr.Green : Yes, I am.Good morning,(1)_______.

Mary : Hello, Mr.Green.I’m Mary.Welcome to Guangzhou.(2)_______.Please have a seat.

Mr.Green : Thank you.

Mary :(3)_______? Coffee or tea?

Mr.Green : Oh, yes, coffee please.

Mary : Would you like it with milk?

Mr.Green : No, thanks, black please, without sugar.

Mary : You know, it’s almost lunchtime.(4)_______?

Mr.Green : No, thanks, I’m all right.(5)_______.

Mary : Here’s your coffee.So, how was your flight?

Mr.Green : Thanks.Not too bad.The flight was a bit long, but it’s quite smooth and we arrived in Guangzhou on time.

Mary : Good.(6)_______?

Mr.Green : No.I was sent a good map.I got here quite easily.Thanks for the map.

Mary: You’re welcome.

Task Three Checking in at the Hotel

Exercise. Listen to a dialogue and choose the best answer to each question.

1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a restaurant.

B.At the hospital.

C.At a hotel.

D.In an office.

2.Whatkind ofroom didthe man reserve?

A.A standard room.

B.A double room.

C.A deluxe room.

D.A single superior room.

3.The man will stay in the hotel from ____to ____.

A.July 1st;7th

B.July 3rd;7th

C.July 2nd;7th

D.July 2nd;6th

4.Whatis the man’s room number?





5.Which one ofthe following statements is true?

A.The receptionist offeredto take his luggage for him.

B.The man will stay in this hotel for three nights.

C.The man has to show his ID card to the receptionist.

D.The bellboy will help the man with his luggage.

Task Four Business Reception Etiquette

Exercise. Listen to a passage and fill in the blanks.

If you’re sitting behind a reception desk, you’re the first person a visitor meets in your company.First (1)______do count, and your behavior and attitude (2)______.You should look to make a professional and welcoming impression at all times, even if you are busy with other tasks.Remember, the visitor isn’t(3)_______your business, he is your business.

Look up when someone approaches your desk and smile.If you’re on a business call, make(4)_______with the visitor to indicate that you see her and will be with her shortly.As soon as you’ve finished your phone call,(5)_______the visitor with a smile.(6)_______for the delay and ask how you can help.Ask the visitor if he would like to have a seat while you(7)_______the person with whom he’s meeting.

Offer to(8)______his coat or show him where it can be hung.Call the person who will be meeting the visitor.Use Ms.or Mr.when(9)______the visitor. 8IDLV8oiPxrAn8DKgnofDoczjmeTsaocXvq+6zCWlqCenfwnkINK5rwcvYdD8APK
