
Part Four

Task One Role Play

Work in pairs and play the roles in the following situations.

Situation 1

Student A

⊙You are a receptionistofApple Incorporated,andyou’llreceive a callcomplaining about the iphone a customer has bought.Respond to it and deal with the problem.

Student B

⊙You’re a customer who makes a callcomplaining aboutthe iphone you have just bought.

Situation 2

Student A

⊙You’re the secretary ofABC software Company.You need to put offthe appointment for your boss, Mr.Green, because his flight is delayed.

Student B

⊙You’re Mr.Smith.You have an appointment with Mr.Green at 10:30 a.m.in the morning.You receive a call from Mr.Green’s secretary.

Task Two Group Work

Work in a group of four or six.

Devise a specific company and have some students act as the following roles of the company: a secretary, a sales manager, a client, a customer, and a coworker.Use your own imagination to connect them all through telephone communication.All the roles in your story should make a call and receive a call at least one time and some roles should take and leave messages in your dialogues.

Task Three Presentation

Prepare two 3-minute presentations on the following topics and make the presentations to your group or to the whole class.

1.What are the good cell phone manners with businesspeople?

⊙ Speak in a normal tone of voice.

⊙ Mute cell phones during conference calls.

⊙ Obtain permission and explain who else is in the room before turning on speaker phone.

⊙ Choose a standard ring tone or set the phone to vibrate.Loud, musical tones are unprofessional and aggravating to the public.

2.How to make a good impression through a telephone call?

⊙ Picking it up after the first ring.

⊙ Speaking clearly and slowly.

⊙ Being friendly and polite.

⊙ Using the caller’s name. SUj3B+AIjsoNJCA/Wqwp0+m5+pMbPB4rtpvke23DznmIGmArJl5k7kflRPBg2wRk
