
Part One


design 设计;计划

contract 合同,契约

detail 详述;细节

appointment 约会;任命

unexpectedly 未料到地,意外地

confirm 确认,批准

presentation 陈述;报告

promotion 促进;提升,升级

intelligently 聪明地

assign 分派,选派,分配

due 预定;应有的;由于

surgery 外科手术;诊所

cancel 取消,注销

unfortunately 不幸地,遗憾地

flu 流感

agenda 议事日程;议程

umbrella 雨伞,保护物

etiquette 礼仪,礼节

environment 环境;周围

virtually 实际上,事实上;几乎

guideline 指导方针

identify 识别,认出;确定

properly 适当地,恰当地

gatekeeper 看门人

secretary 秘书

receptionist 接待员

influence 影响;势力

convey 传达,传递

negative 消极的,否认的;负的

be aware of 知道,意识到

abrupt 突然的;唐突的,无礼的

appropriate 适当的,恰当的

transfer 转移;调动

summarize 总结,概述

courtesy 谦恭有礼,礼貌

courteous 有礼貌的

Task One Making and Answering a Call

Exercise. Listen to a dialogue and decide whether the statements are true T or false F .

1.Mr.Anniston is making a telephone call about the order.( )

2.Mr.Brown is not available on Friday because he has a meeting all day.( )

3.Mr.Anniston wants to talk with Mr.Brown about their new products.( )

4.The first person who receives the phone call is most probably a receptionist.( )

5.Mr.Brown and Mr.Anniston have met before.( )

Task Two Taking and Leaving Telephone Messages

Exercise 1. Listen to a dialogue and answer the following questions.

1.What’s the caller’s name?

2.Who answers the phone?

3.Whom wouldthe caller wantto spe akto?

4.Whatis the reason for the call?

5.Does Mr.Brown make another app ointment?Why?

Exercise 2. Listen to a telephone call and answer the following questions.

1.What’s the caller’s name?

2.Who answers the phone?

3.Whom wouldthe caller wantto spe akto?

4.Why does the caller make this call?

5.Whatis the caller’s telephone num ber?

Task Three Answering Machine Messages

Exercise 1. Listen to five answering machine messages.For each recording, decide what the main reason is for the phone call.Write one letter A—F next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once.







A a compliment

B contact the owner

C an instruction

D a reminder of some work E confirm the dinner

F cancel an appointment

Exercise 2. Listen to the six messages again and fill in the blanks.
Phone Messages


Message: Julia confirmed the dinner on _________.

2.From: _________

Message: compliment Jenny on ________.

3.From: _______

Message: remind Mark of the _________they need to do.

4.From: _________

Message: the time of the new appointment: _________.

5.From: ________

Message: ask Carl to ___________.

6.From: _________

Message: the supermarket has found ________.

Task Four Good Telephone Manners

Exercise 1. Listen to a passage and decide whether the statements are true T or false F .

1.Proper Telephone Etiquette is more important than ever in today’s business environment.( )

2.All business communications takes place on the phone.( )

3.When answering someone else’s line, it’s unnecessary to include their name in your greeting.( )

4.In this passage“gatekeepers”refer to secretaries, receptionists etc.( )

5.Secretaries sit outside of the office on Friday because they are getting ready to leave the office.( )

Exercise 2. Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks.

First is the(1)________.When answering the phone for business, be sure to (2)______yourself.If answering someone else’s line, be sure to include their name in your greeting, so that the other party does not think they have(3)______a wrong number.For example, if answering Jim Smith’s line, Bob Johnson would answer the phone“Jim Smith’s line, Bob Johnson speaking”and then take a message or(4)______the call properly.

When you are the person making the call, be sure to use(5)______phone etiquette from the start.You want to be sure to be polite to the“gatekeepers”i.e.Secretaries,(6)______etc.that answer the phone for your business contact, as they are the ones who have the power put you(7)______, (or not)at 4:55 pm on Friday, when their boss is getting ready to leave the office.They may sit outside of the office, but they too have influence and(8)_______so a greeting such as“Good morning, this is Penny Jones, I’m returning a call from John Smith, is he available? ”is good etiquette.

Exercise 3. Listen to the recording and check the good phone language mentioned in the recording:

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