
Part B


(1) There was a ten-year period, during which time figures have fallen gradually/fell gradually.

(2) By 2008, the percentage of students choosing science subjects decreased/had decreased significantly.

(3) Between 2000 and the present day, the numbers remained/have remained steady.

(4) Over the past few decades, there has been/was a rapid development in educational technology.

(5) In 2005, a more significant increase took place/had taken place.

(6) Since the 1990s, graduates have experienced/experienced higher unemployment rates.

(7) The situation remained/had remained unchanged for the next two years until more universities were opened.

(8) In 2002, the university intake was stable, but prior to that, it fluctuated/had fluctuated.

(9) In the future computers will be/is used to create bigger and even more sophisticated computers.


Passage A

The number of men obtaining degrees in science from Callum University (1) __________ (rise) since 1995, but the trend (2) __________ (not always be) steady. Between 1995 and 1997, the university (3) __________ (experience) a slight increase from just over 4,000 science graduates to just under 5,000.This was followed by a period during which numbers (4) __________ (drop) a little and then (5) __________ (remain) stable. However, between 2000 and 2005, the faculty (6) __________ (see) a dramatic increase in male graduates, and by 2005, their numbers (7) __________ (reach) a peak of about 7,800, after which they (8) __________ (fall back) to their current figure of 6,000.

Passage B

The use of computers in modern life (1) __________ (result in) changes in society. Some of these changes (2) __________ (be) to the advantage of society and others have not. This essay will outline both sides of the issue.

On the one hand, computers (3) __________ (be) useful tools offering several benefits to people. They (4) __________ (enable) machines to do dangerous work instead of humans. For example, in computerised car assembly factories, robots can do hard and dangerous work without stopping. In addition, computers (5) __________ (improve) the speed of data processing helping scientists to further develop modern technology. People can go to the moon using computers to control the orbit for the spaceship, the timing of fuel injection and other vital calculations. Moreover, people can shop and book aeroplane or theatre ticket without leaving home.

However, computers can be used in many harmful ways. For example, computers can be used to steal people’s private information. Also, with the development of the Internet, previously controlled material, such as pornography (6) __________ (become) more widespread, providing children with easy access to it. Furthermore, many people (7) __________ (lose) their jobs because computers can shorten some process in factories resulting in fewer workers being required to control the factory.

To conclude, computers (8) __________ (use) in more areas of life such as communication, the workplace and at home. The result is that people (9) __________ (rely) more on computers in their daily lives. Despite the disadvantages, it is highly likely that the use of computers (10) __________ (increase) due to the various benefits computers have to offer.

Passage C

I strongly (1) __________ (disagree) with this statement. There (2) __________ (be) several compelling arguments in support of the view that technology and traditional are indeed compatible.

Firstly, today we can see many countries around the world where tradition and new technology live side by side very comfortably. Japan, for instance, is a leader in technology but still strongly holds its traditional values, such as respect for elders. Whether Japanese people (3) __________ (post) hand-written letters to their parents or (4) __________ (send) them e-mails, the traditional values remain unchanged, although the technology (5) __________ (change).

In addition, there (6) __________ (be) innumerable cases throughout history where we can see that a change in technology (7) __________ (lead) to change in traditional culture. For example, when farmers all around the world (8) __________ (start) using tractors instead of animals to plough their fields, their productivity and lifestyle (9) __________ (improve) but there (10) __________ (be) no significant change in their behaviour, beliefs and customs. The technology (11) __________ (be) incorporated into their traditional culture without challenging it.

Finally, we (12) __________ (know) that technology can actually help preserve ancient manuscripts and artefacts and to understand the roots of culture by exploiting history. It also (13) __________ (help) with communication, which is the basis of all culture. Communication devices such as satellite televisions and cellular telephones are, for example, of great benefit to geographically scattered cultures. Improved telecommunications technology (14) __________ (enhance) the ability of these cultural groups to stay in touch with one another and find ways of safeguarding their culture.

For these reasons, it (15) __________ (be) easy to support the view that technology and tradition (16) __________ (be) indeed compatible. As technology develops, traditional cultures are not necessarily lost.


(1) Children can learn literacy and numeracy skills from programmes made especially for children.



(2) TV stations broadcast factual information about animals and the environment on many different natural programmes.



(3) Therefore, they develop an appreciation of the environment.



(4) Children can learn modelling the social interaction of a variety of presenters on TV and this can lead to the development of good social skills.



(5) As a result, they can gain self-esteem and confidence.



(6) The government is knocking down all the old houses to make way for office blocks.



(7) The storm damaged the house last year.




(1) 儿童在物质(financially)和感情上(emotionally)都受到父母的支持。



(2) 交通拥堵不会通过改变人们可以使用的交通工具的类型得到解决。



(3) 长途火车和长途汽车应该成为自驾长途旅行(self-drive tours)的价廉物美的(attractive and affordable)替代选择(alternatives to sth.)。



(4) 体育明星和流行明星很快被更年轻、更有活力的下一代所取代,而大部分电影明星的美丽容颜(good looks)很快褪去(fade)。



(5) 对团队的责任感和忠诚感可以使满意度提高。[被动语态]



(6) 我同意小孩子每天花太多时间在电脑上会受到负面影响。



(7) 尽管如此,电脑技能对小孩的明显好处是不能否认的。



(8) 如今道路的高交通量(heavy road traffic)已经是困扰许多城镇的问题。



(9) 通过把大公司和工厂搬到(relocate)乡村,可以解决交通和住房问题。



(10) 社区中心以及当地学校可以定期组织社区活动,给社区居民机会就他们共同关心或担心的问题进行互相交流。



(11) 在如此短的时间内电脑已经对人们的生活产生了巨大的(tremendous)影响。



(12) 第一批电脑是七十年前生产的,也正是在过去的大约五十年里它们的影响已经影响了人们的日常生活。



(13) 二十年前,很常见的是女性一旦有了孩子就会放弃工作并且把她们的时间奉献给(devote...to...)照顾她们的孩子。


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