
Part B


(1) Students have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. They have spent some time earning a living or travelling to other places.



(2) They tend to be more independent. It is a very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of student life.



(3) Boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and to study languages. These classes are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls.



(4) Perhaps parenting classes are needed to help them to do this, and high quality nursery schools could be established. These schools would support families more in terms of raising the next generation.



(5) Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food. Such food can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket and then at home.



(6) Many students leave school with a negative attitude because they do not like the place. At this place, they may be bullied by other students.



(7) Modern toys are designed to be educational as well as fun, and concerned parents carefully select products. These products might speed their child’s acquisition of numbers or the alphabet.



(8) People can benefit from art programmes as exposure to the creative arts can help them to work more innovatively. They do not have art-related jobs.



(9) Coordination on the government level can help scientists. They work on research projects with similar purposes to collaborate closely with each other.



(10) They are profit driven. It often makes them more motivated and goal-oriented in their projects than government departments and agencies are.



(11) Politicians have every right to complain. Their families are the objects of unwanted media attention.



(12) Public figures should be free from press harassment. They lead discreet lives.



(13) We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position. In this position we are able to control technology.




(1) 政府在积极地鼓励创新,这会帮助国家获得科学发现以及实现科技突破,而且可以提高人们的生活。



(2) 应该限制没有自控力的孩子使用电子设备。



(3) 手机、空调和吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)是让人们生活变得容易的现代科技产品(modern conveniences)。



(4) 在现代社会,人们往往会忽视和亲友们保持联络,这对社会造成负面的影响。



(5) 如今,越来越多的人在使用手机,其辐射(radiation)对人们的身体有害。



(6) 医生建议人们不要沉迷于手机的原因是长时间使用手机导致眼睛疲劳(eyestrain)或头痛。



(7) 孩子们可以接触到各种各样的游戏,他们可以借此提高他们建设团队的能力(team-building skills)。



(8) 同意免费大学教育的人们认为该措施会使那些家境不好的学生有同等上大学的机会。



(9) 社区服务给犯人提供获得实用技能(transferable skills)的机会,用这些技能他们在被释放的时候可以有一个好的起点(a flying start)。



(10) 经常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这对年轻人和对老年人都很重要。



(11) 在孩子成长过程中一个重要的阶段当然是良知的培养,这与明辨是非的能力有关。



(12) 任何鼓励语言学习的做法都在文化层面和经济层面有益于社会,而且提早接触语言学习有助于(contribute to)实现这一点。



(13) 他们的大脑仍然在习惯(be programmed to)学习母语,这有助于(facilitate)学习另一门语言,而且不像青少年,他们没有被自我意识(self-consciousness)约束(inhibit)。



(14) 不是每个人(universal)都对体育感兴趣,额外的设施可能只会吸引本身就健康的人,而不是那些非常需要这些设施的人。



(15) 这个做法有一个额外的好处(added benefit),就是父母和子女会经常为了好玩而一起使用这些健身器材,这可以从小培养对锻炼的积极态度。



(16) 那些认为青少年是最快乐的人们把不用承担任何责任视作一个重要因素。



(17) 我相信人们的确有一些可能存在于(inherit)他们基因(gene)中的天分。



(18) 他们在短时间内可以挣的钱不能由他们所做的工作量来解释(justify)。



(19) 只有那些达到他们行业最顶峰(the very top)的人才可以得到这样高的工资。



(20) 明星们期望的薪水(size of salary)与他们为获得成功所需要克服的竞争紧密相关(be closely linked to)。



(21) 这就是娱乐明星高收入的原因。



(22) 主要的担心是关于吸引小孩的电脑活动的种类。



(23) 这些通常是非常紧张(intense)、相当暴力的电子游戏。



(24) 其他一些研究项目涉及国家安全利益(national security interests),它们的结果可能带来军事和核技术的进步。


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