
Part B


(1) Some people believe __________ only the fittest and strongest participants can achieve success in sports competitions.

(2) This belief is based on the understanding of sports as purely physical activities and the fact __________ the result of sports competitions are often determined by the strength, speed, endurance, flexibility or balance that participants display.

(3) It is generally thought in these societies __________ the older generation is more calm and rational when making decisions, which can help families, organisations and governments to avoid the negative consequences of rash actions or plans.

(4) It is widely believed __________ people in large cities live a wealthy life.

(5) It is true __________ an ageing population may lead to a rising demand for healthcare workers and therefore may create job opportunities in healthcare-related fields such as nursing and pharmacy.

(6) This is __________ universal ownership of these consumer products is often associated with a higher standard of living.

(7) There is also a risk __________ universal TV and fridge ownership would result in an increase in sedentary lifestyle habits and the number of people buying less fresh food.

(8) Another benefit is __________ the amount of traffic caused by the transport of office supplies and factory produces is also likely to fall if large companies and factories are moved to rural areas.

(9) A much debated issue these days is __________ citizens should take out private health insurance or not.

(10) This is not always __________ happens but it is __________ should happen.

(11) I therefore conclude __________ primary and secondary education should be freely available to all if possible, but __________ further education should not necessarily be completely free.

(12) I agree with the view __________ laws and rules set down by the government are necessary for the well-being of society.

(13) The issue of __________ charitable organisations should focus on helping people in their own countries has arisen as a result of the increasing demand for charitable help.

(14) If charitable aid is provided for people in other countries, it may be misused because the charitable organisations are not familiar with the local situation, and are not able to keep track of __________ the aid is used.

(15) __________ the government needs to do is enact laws which require food companies to show detailed nutritional information on food labels.

(16) Both genders of student can have equal chances to study __________ they want in whichever type of school they attend.

(17) There is a certain inevitability __________ technology will progress and become increasingly complex.

(18) It is true __________ newspapers and TV stations are tailoring their news to their readers’ and viewers’ requirements, how can they possibly be reporting real world events in an honest and objective light?


(1) 应该支持政府组织大规模的宣传活动(run campaigns)以鼓励人们过健康生活。



(2) 一个开明的、民主的政府应该做的是允许人们有言论自由(the freedom of speech)。



(3) 发达国家对发展中国家的帮助是否可以促进发展中国家的发展还值得讨论(be worth sth.)。



(4) 有的人认为应该对高热量食物(high-fat food products)征收重税。



(5) 政府给公民提供就业机会可以减少他们对于政府的依赖。



(6) 我能够理解为什么有的人赞同过度地依赖政府会给政府带来负担这个想法。



(7) 失业的人们想从政府得到的是职业培训(job training)。



(8) 有的人认为政府应该对不健康的食物进行禁止(impose a ban on)。



(9) 很多人赞同这个观点:政府应该针对媒体里的暴力内容制定严格的法律(tighten the law on)。



(10) 政府首先要解决(give priority to)的是改善医疗体系(the healthcare system)。



(11) 这种技能的培养需要时间以及家长对孩子的良好教育,而且我确信(firm conviction)惩罚在其中不会扮演太重要的角色(have much of a role to play)。



(12) 我们可以找到足够的证据支持这个观点,即孩子可以通过持续的(continued)教学以及有指导的(guided)练习获得这些技能。



(13) 父母如何抚养孩子长大是非常重要的。


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