
Part B


(1) The quality of education in this small school is better than __________ in some larger __________.

(2) A smile costs __________, but gives much.

(3) In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in __________ knives and forks.

(4) An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year, making __________ the driest year since California became a state in 1850.

(5) Recycling is one way to protect the environment; reusing is __________.

(6) The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than __________ on the small ones.

(7) We should be independent of our parents. We should depend on __________.

(8) The research group produced two reports based on the survey, but __________ contained any useful suggestions.

(9) Helping others is a habit, __________ you can learn even at an early age.

(10) To save class time, teachers always have __________ students do half of the exercise in class and complete __________ half for homework.

(11) The government has changed __________ policy.

(12) According to the graph, it is clear that males in the UK were taller than __________ in Germany in 1970.

(13) Half of __________ surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friends to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.

(14) __________ Beijing and Sydney have high cost of living.


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(1) Stories in the media about famous people often cause __________ distress.

(2) Some measures that governments take should be avoided because __________ limit the freedom of the press.

(3) Politicians who behave badly, whether in public or in private, should not be surprised if they find __________ the object of media attention.

(4) The fact that there are a large number of gossip magazines reporting on the private lives of the rich and famous, and this is because there is a market for __________ stories.

(5) Trivial stories about the rich and famous often attract more media attention than __________.

(6) Writing about famous people’s private lives does not serve the public interest. __________ is just a way to increase sales.

(7) The press could not perform __________ role properly if the government imposed too many restrictions on journalists.



People could contribute more to society if they lived longer lives, although we have to remember that this is not automatically the case.




An increasing older population would cause many problems for society. It would place a lot of pressure on the social welfare system. On the other hand, it could also provide great benefits for society by making more experienced workers available for a much longer time.




Traditional medicine is growing in popularity and many people are now using methods such as acupuncture and herbal remedies to maintain and strengthen their health. Many of those who have experienced traditional medicine believe that it is more effective than modern medicine. I completely agree with this.




Taking notes in university lectures requires specific skills. These include identifying main points, understating tasks and deciding relevance and relationships. If the notes are to be useful they should be clear and concise. When you read them again several months later you have to be able to make sense of them. Some students try to write down everything in a lecture. This is not a useful technique: it shows that they have failed to understand the purposes of a lecture.




Nowadays, whenever a catastrophic event such as a war or an earthquake takes place, there is usually a television or video camera on hand which will film and broadcast images of it around the world almost instantly, no matter how disturbing they might be. It is often suggested that these are not the kind of pictures we should have to see in our homes, but there are some who think there are very good reasons why such images should be included in television news reports.

Firstly, it is sometimes claimed that when disturbing images of war or some other disastrous event are broadcast, people become motivated to do something to remedy the situation or to help the victims. Unless the public see these images, it is argued that they are unlikely to act. On the other hand, it is also said that if people see too many disturbing or violent scenes on the news, they grow accustomed to them and no longer react as if these events were something unusual. As a result, they may begin to think that what they are seeing is normal or even acceptable.

Secondly, there is the issue of whether or not children should be exposed to such images. It is sometimes argued that television news reports should show the world as it really is and that is the best for children to be aware of this reality. The counter-argument to this, however, is that violent images on television can be particularly disturbing for children, and that some of them may be severely traumatised by seeing such things.

Finally, it is often pointed out that if viewers find images upsetting, they can simply switch off the television or change channel. However, viewers are not always forewarned that a report may include distressing pictures. Besides this, most people would probably find flicking from one channel to another during a news programme rather frustrating.

On balance, I think the argument that this kind of television reporting can sometimes help bring an end to a tragic situation is a very powerful one. However, broadcasters must take care to protect children, and others who do not wish to be upset, by showing potentially disturbing images only after a certain time in the evening.

(1) What does such mean here? (paragraph 1)

a. disturbing

b. television

c. news

(2) What does they refer to? (paragraph 2)

a. disturbing images

b. the public

c. the victims

(3) What does them refer to? (paragraph 2)

a. disturbing or violent scenes

b. the public

c. the news

(4) What does it refer to? (paragraph 3)

a. the news

b. the world

c. what’s best for children

(5) What does this refer to? (paragraph 3)

a. the argument that news reports should show events as they really happen

b. the argument that children should not see disturbing images on television

c. the argument that children ought to be aware of the real world

(6) What does them refer to? (paragraph 3)

a. news reports

b. violent images

c. children

(7) What does they refer to? (paragraph 4)

a. viewers

b. children

c. upsetting images

(8) What does this refer to? (paragraph 4)

a. the fact that viewers find its images disturbing

b. the fact that viewers have to change channel

c. the fact that viewers are not always forewarned

(9) What does one refer to? (paragraph 5)

a. situation

b. argument

c. television reporting


(1) 一个团队或工作群体的归属感(sense of belonging to...)也有助于工作满意度,因为同事之间会互相帮助以享受工作(working lives)。



(2) 严峻的(hard)经济现实意味着很多人在他们可以得到的工作类型方面没有什么选择(have little choice in)。



(3) 一些工作重复而乏味,劳资关系(labour relations)可能不佳、导致怨气(resentment)和不安(insecurity)而不是工作满意度。



(4) 然而,并不是每个人都享受工作。


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