
Part B

1.阅读下面的句子,判断句子中的情态动词表示的是 (a) tentative,(b) less certain还是(c) certain。

(1) __________ With the development of science and technology, it might be possible for people to live for 200 years in the near future.

(2) __________ The overpopulation of the earth may result in catastrophic changes to the earth’s ecosystem and could lead to ecological disaster.

(3) __________ Many people agree that stricter laws to control gun ownership will reduce the amount of shooting-related crimes.

(4) __________ Continual change and development of technology may lead to a change in traditional culture.

(5) __________ Government spending on art and entertainment can enrich many aspects of our culture.

(6) __________ If people do not replace their clothes or cars every few years with a newer model, manufacturing industries will go bankrupt because of lack of demand.


(1) Smoking __________ be banned in all public places. (less tentative suggestion or recommendation)

(2) Politicians __________ adopt policies that benefit the lives of their people. (strong suggestion or recommendation)

(3) People __________ be forced to drive smaller cars, and cars __________ be adapted to use petrol as efficiently as possible. (less tentative suggestion or recommendation)

(4) In the long run, alternative sources of power __________ be found. (strong suggestion or recommendation)

(5) Traffic congestion in large cities __________ be solved by taxing private cars. (tentative suggestion or recommendation)

(6) The government __________ reward taxpayers with health care and education. (less tentative suggestion or recommendation)


(1) It is likely that genetically modified crops will have such as a disastrous effect on the environment.

Genetically modified crops __________ such a disastrous effect on the environment. (likely)

(2) Research into gene therapy will probably provide a cure for certain form of cancer.

__________ , research into gene therapy will provide a cure for certain forms of cancer. (probability)

(3) People who eat a fatty diet could very well suffer from heart disease in later life.

People who eat a fatty diet __________ suffer from heart disease in later life. (likely)

(4) It is possible that a cure for AIDS will be available within the next decade.

A cure for AIDS __________ be available within the next decade. (just)

(5) Viruses buried deep in the Arctic could well be released by a change in the Earth’s climate.

__________ viruses buried deep in the Arctic will be released by a change in the Earth’s climate. (possible)

(6) In the future most of the world’s population will probably live considerably longer.

__________, most of the world’s population will live considerably longer in the future. (probability)

(7) People are unlikely to stop smoking simply because of the health warnings on cigarette packets.

__________ people will stop smoking simply because of the health warnings on cigarette packets. (likely)

(8) There is very likelihood that gene therapy will make some hereditary diseases a thing of the past.

Gene therapy __________ some hereditary disease a thing of the past. (well)


(1) 可能会有更好的方式解决这个问题。



(2) 应该鼓励人们不仅要更多地锻炼身体(physically active),而且要拥有更健康的生活方式。



(3) 在学校,孩子们会与不同背景的学生一起学习。



(4) 这样相对短暂的工作寿命(working life)可能是对高收入(the very high pay)的一些解释(justification)。



(5) 没有足够亲自操作的(hands-on)经验,理工科学生就无法真正熟悉(be familiar with)科学实验及方法。



(6) 有的人认为科学实验应该由政府而不是私人企业进行并控制。



(7) 如果修建并有效地维护充足的(sufficient)轻轨(sky train)和地铁系统,那么道路上的车辆就会急剧减少。



(8) 老师和家长可以使用各种方式来管教(discipline)孩子(young charges),例如课后留校(detention)、取消优待(withdrawal of privileges)以及停课(time-out)。



(9) 如果家长可以把孩子培养成为体谅(be considerate of)别人并且善于交际(social)、有责任心的人,整个社会都会受益。



(10) 如果当地有方便到达的(easy-to-reach)体育中心,人们将更有可能使锻炼成为他们生活的常规部分,而不是仅仅每天晚上瘫坐(collapse)在屏幕前。



(11) 养育孩子(child-rearing)应该是父母双方的责任。


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