
Las Misiones 高尔夫球会所
Las Misiones Club Campestre

总成本(Total Project Cost):¥6,300,000




墨西哥蒙特雷的Las Misiones Club Campestre的业主和发展商想要使该俱乐部成为墨西哥同类俱乐部中设施最好的。此建筑物的室内外设计均规模宏大,从而渲染它的优美及给人宏伟的感觉。其装饰和艺术品布置应既能反映墨西哥文化的精髓,又能避免墨守陈规或完全雷同。该俱乐部的背景一定要在环境宜人和舒适方面使其会员满意无比。







General Description

A golf club set in gently rolling foothills between two sharply sculptural mountain ranges.The architecture of the main building in the complex,with its soaring rooflines,domed entrance,bell tower and arched arcades,Spanish colonial mission churches.

Design Brief

Las Misiones Club Campestre in Monterrey,Mexico was envisioned by its owners and developers to be the premier facility of its type in Mexico.The design of both the architecture and interiors was to be grandly scaled,yet understated in its elegance and feeling of grandeur.The decor and art were to reflect the best of Mexican cultural influences without being stereotypes or outright replications.The club's background must pamper its members to the highest degree in terms of hospitality and creature comfort.

The Challenge & Solution

Extensive use is made throughout of indigenous Mexican granite for paving and flooring,set in discreet patterning of flamed blocks accented by polished inlays.Stone carvers worked onsite for over two years creating the columns,capitals,portals,and other decorative trims fashioned from the local grey Cantera stone.

Design Concept & Aesthetics

The aim of the design is to echo traditional themes within a contemporary context to subtly suggest a sense of place,unique to the club's purpose for its members.The design statement is summarized in the club's entrance,where a large rotunda is crowned by a 30-foot dome entirely crafted of handmade brick made by artisans on the site.The walls throughout the clubhouse are finished in a rough plaster texture heavily glazed and distressed.The main dining room features views of the mountains through two walls of glass arcades on the interior to match the arches of the adjoining verandas.The nave-like space soars to a height of well over 20 feet,with heavily hewn beams supporting a wood ceiling.

Handmade rugs in rich,earthly colours of charcoal,terra cotta,deep cream and magenta focus seating groupings of overscaled furniture upholstered in custom-designed chenilles and silks.

The'19th Hole'is a male domain,its furnishings repeating the grand scale,rustic textures,and expansive views of the main dining room,but here bushed by deep-pile carpeting,richly coloured in a geometric design.Private dining areas can be created by the positioning of portable nailhead studded leather screens.An adjacent harbored terrace offers additional opportunities for dining and relaxation. LPBVgUcWAU+jv7onZaw3nTMljaVf5KK5+anrASd3yl5A0qguQI8w6hYVhYe0tFAJ
