

概况 2009年末,全国设市城市654个,城市城区人口3.40亿人,暂住人口0.36亿人,建成区面积3.81万平方公里。

城市市政公用设施固定资产投资 2009年城市市政公用设施固定资产完成投资10641.5亿元,城市市政公用设施固定资产完成投资总额占同期全社会固定资产投资总额的4.73 %,占同期城镇固定资产投资总额的5.48 %。道路桥梁、轨道交通、园林绿化分别占城市市政公用设施固定资产投资的46.5 %、16.3 %和8.6 %。


城市供水和节水 2009年,城市供水总量496.7亿立方米,其中,生产运营用水166.8亿立方米,公共服务用水63.1亿立方米,居民家庭用水169.6亿立方米,用水人口3.6亿人,用水普及率96.12 %,人均日生活用水量176.58升。2009年,城市节约用水62.9亿立方米,节水措施总投资19.8亿元。

城市燃气和集中供热 2009年,人工煤气供应总量361.6亿立方米,天然气供气总量405.1亿立方米,液化石油气供气总量1340.0万吨。用气人口3.44亿人,燃气普及率91.41 %。2009年末,蒸汽供热能力9.3万吨/小时,热水供热能力28.6万兆瓦,集中供热面积38.0亿平方米。

城市轨道交通 2009年末,全国有10个城市已建成轨道交通线路条数33条,长度839公里,车站数558个,其中换乘站116个,配置车辆数4801辆。全国有28个城市在建轨道交通线路条数81条,长度1991公里,车站数1342个,其中换乘站306个。

城市道路桥梁 2009年末,城市道路长度26.91万公里,道路面积48.19亿平方米,其中人行道面积10.59亿平方米,人均城市道路面积12.79平方米。

城市排水与污水处理 2009年末,全国城市共有污水处理厂1214座,污水厂日处理能力9052万立方米,排水管道长度34.4万公里。城市年污水处理总量279亿立方米,城市污水处理率75.25 %,其中污水处理厂集中处理率65.79 %。

城市园林绿化 2009年末,城市建成区绿化覆盖面积149.4万公顷,建成区绿化覆盖率38.22%;建成区园林绿地面积133.8万公顷,建成区绿地率34.17 %;公园绿地面积40.2万公顷,人均公园绿地面积10.66平方米。

国家级风景名胜区 2009年末,全国共有208处国家级风景名胜区,统计了其中198处,风景名胜区面积8.1万平方公里,可游览面积3.4万平方公里,全年接待游人4.6亿人次。国家投入34亿元用于风景名胜区的维护和建设。

城市市容环境卫生 2009年末,全国城市道路清扫保洁面积44.7亿平方米,其中机械清扫面积14.2亿平方米,机械清扫率31.8 %。全年清运生活垃圾、粪便1.79亿吨。


General situation

There were 654 cities across the country at the end of 2009 with a total population of 340 million,among which 36 million were temporary population. The urban built areas amounted to 38.1 thousand square kilometers.

The fixed assets investment in municipal service facilities

In 2009,the total fixed assets investment in the urban municipal service facilities reached 1064.15 billion yuan,accounting for 4.73% of the country's total fixed assets investment and 5.48% of total urban fixed assets investment in the same period. The fixed assets investment in roads and bridges,transit system,and landscaping and greening accounted for 46.5%,16.3%,and 8.6% of the totalfixed assets investment inmunicipal service facilities respectively.

This year saw the newly added fixed assets in the municipal service facilities amounting to 581.41 billion yuan.The fixed assets delivery rate reached 54.6 %. The newly added production capacity or efficacy of major facilities were as follows:daily overall water production capacity was 9.68 million cubic meters,natural gas storage capacity was 6.23 million cubic meters,supply capacity of central heating from steam and hot water was 3045 tons per hour and 14349 megawatts respectively,length of urban roads totaled 9188 kilometers,length of rail transit lines in operation was 264 kilometers,drainage pipelines reached 15.8 thousand kilometers,daily urban wastewater treatment capacity was 7.81 million cubic meters,and daily urban domestic garbage treatment capacity was 24 thousand tons.

Urban water supply and water conservation

In 2009,the urban water supply totaled 49.67 billion cubic meters. 16.68 billion cubic meters of water was consumed in production and operation,6.31 billion cubic meters in public service,and 16.96 billion cubic meters was for domestic use. The water supply served a population of 360 million with coverage rate of 96.12 % and daily per capita consumption of domestic water being 176.58 liter. 6.29 billion cubic meters of urban water was saved in the year with total investment in water saving measures reaching 1.98 billion yuan.

Urban gas and central heating supply

In 2009,the man-made coal gas,natural gas,and LPG supply totaled 36.16 billion cubic meters,40.51 billion cubic meters,and 13.400 million tons respectively,serving a population of 344 million and with coverage rate of 91.41 %. By the end of 2009,the supply capacity of heating from steam and hot water reached 93 thousand tons per hour and 286 thousand megawatts respectively. The centrally heated area extended to reach 3.80 billion square meters.

Urban rail transit system

By the end of 2009,33 rail transit lines have been built in 10 cities across the country,with total length reaching 839 kilometers. The number of stations totaled 558,among which 116 were transfer stations,and the number of vehicles in service amounted to 4801 . There were 81 rail transit lines under construction in 28 cities across the country,which was 1991 kilometers long in total. These projects involved the construction of 1342 stations,among which 306 were transitions.

Urban roads and Bridge

At the end of 2009,the country claimed a total length of urban road of 269.1 thousand kilometers covering an area of 4.819 billion square meters with per capita area 12.79 square meters.

Urban drainage and wastewater treatment

At the end of 2009,there were a total of 1214 wastewater treatment plants in cities with daily treatment capacity of 90.52 million cubic meters. The length of drainage pipelines reached 344 thousand kilometers. The total quantity of urban wastewater treated within the year was 279 billion cubic meters with treatment rate of 75.25 % and central treatment rate of 65.79%.

Urban landscaping

By the end of 2009,the area in urban built district covered by greenery totaled 1.494 million hectares with coverage rate of 38.22 %. The total green space in built areas amounted to 1.338 million hectares with coverage rate of 34.17 %. The total public green space in cities was 402 thousand hectares with per capita public green space 10.66 square meters.

State-level Scenic Spots and Historic Sites

By the end of 2009,there were 208 state-level scenic spots and historic sites in China,and they covered an area of 81 thousand square kilometers with 34 thousand square kilometers open to visitation which added up to 460 million people times for the whole year. The Central Government invested 3.4 billion yuan in the development and maintenance of national parks.

The urban environmental sanitation

By the end of 2009,the total surface area of road cleaned and maintained was 4.47 billion square meters,of which mechanically cleaned area was 1.42 billion square meters with a mechanical cleaning rate of 31.8 %. The yearly amount of domestic garbage and night soil cleared and transported totaled 179 million tons. CKplzWNIrkOZJO8Hz5igCMjI0kwH+WD6ni8ZGHoZz4IjuGfX/BfQ69ZlgW1SplLC

