
Unit 1
New World, Great Challenge

Unit Goal


Suggested Teaching Plan

The 1st class period

In order to introduce the topic of job hunting, it is important to make sure that the students know what they are going to learn directly and easier. Ask them to look at the lead-in part to have a whole picture of this unit.

We don't have time to do more than two long listening and speaking with in-class listening and speaking, but for additional practice there are listening tasks for students to complete at home. Students are encouraged to practice more if they have difficulty following the video part.

The students are required to practice the dialogues with their partners and you can make a spot check,ask two groups to do the role-playing in class. Other students are required to observe and raise questions.These will be graded as performance in class.

The 2nd class period

Ask students to do the preview work and get themselves familiar with the whole job hunting process:career orientation assessment, job application and job interview. Recommend some websites related to them.Group work: Let the students discuss the some questions. What do you usually do when preparing for job application? What can you do after submitting your application form? What can you do to turn the unfavorable job hunting situation?

The text tells a story about how an inexperienced graduate landing his first job. Play the audio of the text to students and then ask them to read the text, correct the words which the students have difficulty in pronunciation.

The 3rd class period

Here are two ways to check students’ study: one is to ask the students to retell the text (individual);another is to ask the students to make a short play according to the text and perform it in class (group work).The key words and expressions learned in the text should be used in their short play. After watching the rest groups will assess the performance and be graded.

The 4th class period

Ask the students the following questions: How to find the potential job openings? How can you know what type of job suits you? When do you start job searching?

Then ask them work on Passage B with partners and report the ideas the author mentioned in the text to the class. The assessment from their classmate will be graded.

The 5th class period

Ask the students do this part individually. They can discuss with their partners when necessary, and then they will check the answer with their partners. Go through the answers with the whole class. Analyze the exercises where the students have problem.

We offer the writing sample for the students and also offer the information to help them finish their own application letter. For Presentation and Do Your Project, teachers can organize group competition which can stimulate students’ team spirits.

Part ⅠO pen Your Mouth

Warm-up Activity

What are they talking about Complete the following sentences with the correct answers.


1) leave

2) secretary

Chat with Your Friends

Activity 1 Write down useful expressions from the sample dialogues above for interviewing and try to add more


Useful expressions for questioning the interviewee

1. Which school are you from and what's your major?

2. Do you have any work experiences?

3. What courses have you completed?

4. Do you have any certificates?

5. What kind of position are you interested in?

6. Why do you want to work for us?

Useful expressions for answering the above questions

1. I've just graduated from… and I majored in…

2. Yes. I ever worked as… for…

3. I have completed International Trade, Business English, and Foreign Trade Correspondence…

4. Yes. I have got an NCRE-3 Certificate, a Secretarial Qualification Certificate, a BEC Higher Level and a driving licence.

5. I'm interested in the position as…

6. Because I think I'll be given more opportunities.

Activity 2 Complete the following dialogue by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.


1) I majored in International Trade

2) skillfully use Office Software

3) an NCRE-3 Certificate and a driving license

4) I'm interested in the position as a secretary

5) I'll be given more opportunities in a small business

6) my starting salary will not be less than 3,500 yuan

Activity 3 Take turns to ask and answer the following questions and then make your own conversation about interviewing according to the clues given below.


Mr. Smith: Good morning, Han Qi.

Han Qi:Good morning, Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith: Where did you get the news that we wanted a computer programmer?

Han Qi:From newspaper.

Mr. Smith: Have you ever heard about our company?

Han Qi:Yes, of course. One of my schoolmates worked in your company for several years and he strongly recommended this position to me.

Mr. Smith: Great, what is your major?

Han Qi:Computer Science and Technology.

Mr. Smith: What is your working experience?

Han Qi:I have ever worked for a small computer company.

Mr. Smith: And what qualifications do you have for the job?

Han Qi:I have an NCRE-3 Certificate, a BEC Higher Level and a Secretarial Qualification Certificate.Besides, I have a driving license.

Mr. Smith: What do you want to know about our company?

Han Qi:Need I often work overtime?

Mr. Smith: Sometimes, but you will get extra paid. Any other questions?

Han Qi:I' m afraid not. Thanks.

Mr. Smith: Nice talk. We will inform you as soon as we make a decision.

Han Qi:Thank you very much.

Part ⅡSharpen Your Listening

Watch and Answer


1. project

2. difficulty

3.15 years

4. with people

5. too much


Voiceover: Now, you are going to watch a movie.

The First Interview

Allison: Well, we are very interested in your application for the position of project manager.

Sam:Well, I'm very excited about the position.

Allison: Well, I can see from your resume that you have a lot of work experience.

Sam:Yes, I have many job responsibilities.

Allison: What do you consider your greatest strength?

Sam:I'm very reliable. I always try to do my work on time.

Allison: I see. Very good! May I ask what your greatest weakness is?

Sam:I have difficulty saying no. I often work overtime. Sometimes I even forget what our company's normal working hours are.

Allison: Very impressive. May I ask why you'd like to work for this company?

Sam:Your organization is very successful and known throughout the world.

Allison: So you hope to have an international career?

Sam:Yes, I have studied abroad before, but haven't worked for an international company yet.

Allison: Well, we may be able to give you that chance. As soon as we review all our candidates, we'll let you know our decision.

Sam:Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

The Second Interview

Man:Can you send in the next applicant, please?

Vivian: Hello, Sir!


Vivian: Vivian. Nice to meet you!

Man:Nice to meet you! Thank you! Have a seat! So you are interested in the position of running the volunteering for the Olympics?

Vivian: Yes, That's right.

Man:OK. This is your resume? Thank you. Vivian, good. Well, can you tell me a little bit about yourself? What could you… have you done in the past?

Vivian: Yes. I actually have been volunteering for 15 years. I started volunteering when I was 13 years old. I volunteered at the art camp, band camp, sports camp, science camp. Everything. You name it,volunteering, I got it.

Man:Wow, you surely like to work for free. So…

Vivian: I'm pleased. I like to help.

Man:Good! Can I ask you a few questions? So May I ask you what you consider to be your greatest strength?

Vivian: Oh, I think, you know, I'm really good at working with people. Like I said, I have been volunteering for 15 years. I'm really dedicated to my job. I like to help. Always there to volunteer my services, like coordinating things, organizing things. You name it, I do it.

Man:Great, OK. May I also ask what you consider to be your greatest weakness?

Vivian: Er…Maybe I volunteer too much.

Man:Er… May I ask why you are interested in this position?

Vivian: Because this is the grand slams of all volunteering events. I want to be part of it.

Man:I understand. May I ask you one more thing… Can you tell me what you consider to be your greatest achievement?

Vivian: I thought you never gonna ask. Well, My greatest achievement I think is back when I was 18 years old and I got the entire art camp to create clay pots…

Man:Clay pots?

Vivian: Yes.

Man:That…may come in handy as job.

Vivian: Yes.

Man:OK. Thank you, Vivian, for coming in.

Vivian: Thank you, sir. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Dialogue 1 Listen to the dialogue twice and then fill in the blanks with the information you get from it.


1) saleswoman

2) new challenges

3) in 1950

4) in quality

5) popular


M: Good morning, Miss Lin.

W: Good morning, sir.

M: I see from your resumé that you have been working as a saleswoman?

W: Yes, sir. I have worked for two years in an American company.

M: May I ask why you want to leave that company?

W: Because I want to change my working environment and seek new challenges.

M: Tell me what you know about our company please.

W: Well, the company was founded by Mark Ward in New York in 1950, and it is the largest company in its field.

M: What do you know about our major products?

W: Your products are good in quality and beautiful in design. Nowadays, they are quite popular with Chinese people.

M: Thank you. I am glad to hear that.

Dialogue 2 Listen to the dialogue twice and then answer the questions with the information you get from it.


1. business

2. Business English

3. International Trade

4. Higher Level

5. Two months


M: Good afternoon, Miss Zhang. I'm the director of the Human Resources Department of this company.

W: Good afternoon, sir.

M: We are looking for a sales manager with a business background. We expect that you might be the suitable person for this job.

W: I hope I can meet your requirements.

M: Well, please tell me your education background.

W: I graduated from Chongqing City Management College. I majored in Business English.

M: What courses have you completed?

W: I have completed International Trade, Business English, and Foreign Trade Correspondence and so on.

M: Have you got any professional certificates?

W: Yes, I've got a Secretarial Qualification Certifiate and a BEC Higher Level.

M: Do you have any working experiences?

W: Yes, I have ever worked in a foreign trade company for two months as an assistant to the sales manager.

M: Good, that's all for now. Thank you for coming.

Passage Listen to a short passage twice about job hunting and then answer each question in no more than 3 words with the information you get from it.


1. stressful

2. popular majors

3. large cities

4. special skills

5. positive


Job hunting is stressful for college students nowadays. Some graduates still have no idea where to go or what to do after graduation. The reasons for this problem are various. On the one hand, a few years ago colleges enrolled so many students in popular majors that the number of graduates is greater than the need in the market. On the other hand, most graduates would rather stay in large cities. This problem can be solved if both colleges and students take particular measures. First, students should research the market and develop special skills to suit market needs. Second, students' attitude towards employment location should be always positive. There are plenty of opportunities for young people in smaller cities around the country.

After Class Activity Follow the tips below

Content: How to self-introduce, answer and ask questions in an interview.

Try to practice the expressions you've learnt.

Make an outline or written draft first.


Before the job interview, you should make a full preparation.

1. make sure you know the target company and the target position well. You may ask yourself: what are major products of the company? what are the requirements of the position?

2. you should also know yourself well and prepare necessary qualifications and certificates. You may ask yourself about your major and your strong points

3. Prepare for the common interview questions: Why do you want to join our company? Do you have any working experiences?

4. You may prepare some questions about salary and other benefits: What is the starting salary? Do you offer paid vacation?

Part ⅢBroaden Your View

Passage A

Before Reading

Activity 2 Watch the video and fill in the blanks according to what you get from it.


1) Follow up

2) questions

3) interview


5 Tips to Finding a Job in the New Year

Happy New Year! Now is the perfect time to refresh your job search and really hit the ground running.Finding a new job probably made it on to your list of resolutions anyway. Check out these five tips to make sure that this is the year you get hired.

1 . Reflect.

No matter how successful you were during your last year’s job research, think about what worked and what didn’t. Try to find any lessons you can use in this new year. Did you prepare for the interviews? Did you forget to use spell check? Going over your past mistakes can make a huge impact on your job search going forward.

2 . Follow up.

All last year we really encouraged you to follow up and this year is no different. It’s a super easy way to really stand out among other applicants. Be sure to check the job posting to make sure the employer requests that you don’t reach out. If you’re in the clear, wait three to five days and then call, email or go in person to ask about the status of the application. Who knows? You might even land an on the spot interview!

3 . Reach out to your job search coach.

What do you think I’m here for? To help with your job research! If you have any questions, we have insider tips and expert advice straight from our employers. You can reach out to us on Facebook, You Tube,Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter! And don’t forget to check out our blog at snagajob.com / resources.

4 . Prepare for all common job interview questions.

Some job seekers typically think they can wing it in an interview. And that’s a big no-no. You should be ready to answer so you really don’t come across unprepared to the interviewer. And just to help you out,we’ve put together videos on how you should (and shouldn’t) answer the most common job interview questions.

5 . Do a Mock interview.

While preparing is so important, there is nothing more beneficial than actual practice. Doing a mock interview with a trusted friend or family member can help really calm your nerves before the big day and show you what you may need to work on before the event. Maybe you say“um” a lot or twirl your hair. Catching these things early will make sure you nail the job interview.

So what are you waiting for? Make this year your year to land a new job.

Challenge Your Classmates

Before you start to read the passage please complete the questionnaire below.

Key: Open.

Useful sentence patterns for report:

To introduce: The purpose / aim of this report is…

As requested, this survey was carried out/ conducted by means of…

The questionnaire consisted of…

To generalize: in general / generally / on the whole…

To refer to a fact: The fact is that…/ in fact…/ in practice…

To conclude / summarize: in conclusion / all things considered / to sum up / all in all…

It is not easy to reach any definite conclusions, but…

If any conclusions may be drawn from the data, it is clear that…

The survey shows/ indicates/ demonstrates…

Check Your Study

Activity 1 Read the passage quickly and fill in the blanks.


1) my major problem

2) impulse

3) plot

4) sports news

5) trick

Activity 2 Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases. Then try to recite it.


1) sports writer

2) applied for

3) experience

4) staff

5) hired

Activity 3 Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage.


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

Activity 4 Take turns to ask and answer the following questions.


1. Because the author's major is English, and most people already speak English.

2. The author's major problem was that he had never done any professional sports writing before.

3. Every day he wrote a letter to the sports editor to impress him.

4. Yes, he did.

5. Never accept “no” at face value. Let rejection motivate you to get more creative.

Activity 5 Work with your partner according to the clues given below.


A: I want to take part in the job interview held by a large company next week. I am wondering what preparation I shall do in advance?

B: Well, you should write an application letter to the company first. Second, a resume is a must.

A: What will the interviewer ask during the interview?

B: The interviewer might be interested in your major or certificates you've attained. He may also ask whether you have any working experience.

A: Then what shall I ask about the future job?

B: At the end of the interview you may inquire of the HR manager about the possible salary on offer. Of course, a bonus is also worth inquiring about.

Further Your Skills

Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below changing the form when necessary


1. be overwhelmed with

3. apply for

2. have no way of

4. face value

5. comment on

Exercise 2 Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets and then make a sentence according to the requirement.


1. creative

Now the children are taken to the park to do something more fun and creative.

2. typical

He knows he is not your typical customer.

3. motivate

To do that, she needs to motivate them, listen to them, connect with them, and support them when they need it.

4. express

She cannot express to you how grateful she is.

5. professionally

However, one expert says this phase of overseas investment is likely to be more professionally managed.

Exercise 3 Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.


1. My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude.

I am overwhelmed with delight.

2. You need to prepare to have these once you apply for a loan.

We will apply for your medical insurance tomorrow.

3. Her decision seems to show a lack of judgment.

It is not difficulties, but a lack of courage to face them that leads to his failure.

4. I tried to give them all as much care and attention as I could.

I telephoned Mother to come as soon as she could.

5. She walked so hurriedly that she left the purse on the desk.

There is no setbacks so heavy that cannot be dealt with by a brave heart.

Language Points
Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1. I made them as creative and clever as I could, commenting on the sports news of the day, and letting them know how great a fit I thought I was for their staff.

Analysis : (Para. 6) 本句中as creative and clever as I could,表示“尽可能地做某事”,相当于“as…as possible”。“commenting on…”现在分词短语作伴随状语修饰主句。

Paraphrase :I tried my best to make them creative and clever, commenting on the sports news of the day,and letting them know how great a fit I thought I was for their staff.

2. And second of all, they proved to me that you wanted the position more than the other candidates did.

Analysis : (Para.12) 本句中“… candidates did”中“did”指代前面已经出现过的“wanted”。

Paraphrase :And second of all, they proved to me that comparing with other candidates, you wanted the position most.

3. The reason they wouldn't hire me was because I had no experience.

Analysis :按传统的语法规则,The reason… is because…句型是错误的,because应改为that才对。如The reason I was not there is because I was out of town.应该是The reason I was not there is that I was out of town.然而英美报刊中不时出现The reason… because…句型。参考美国传统词典because词条的Usage Note: A traditional rule holds that the construction“the reason is because” is redundant, and should be avoided in favor of “ the reason is that.” The usage is well established, however, and can be justified by analogy to constructions such as“ His purpose in calling her was so that she would be forewarned of the change in schedule” or“The last time I saw her was when she was leaving for college”.All three constructions are somewhat less than graceful, however.可见,专家们想让人用is that,但是is because的用法已经摆脱了语法的束缚,逐渐进入正确的语言行列,成为既成事实了。这种句型近年来在口语中用得颇多。

Important Words

1. overwhelm vt .淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮

e.g. be overwhelmed with充满

She worries that she might be overwhelmed with the work.


I know your mind must have been overwhelmed with confusion.


I am overwhelmed with delight.


be overwhelmed by无法承受

e.g. I was overwhelmed by such a temptation.


2. apply vt. 申请;涂,敷;应用

vi. 申请;涂,敷;适用;请求

e.g. These regulations apply to everyone, without exception.


But we do not know how to apply these in space.


We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow.


3. impulse n .冲动;(电子)脉冲;刺激;神经冲动;推动力 vt .推动

e.g. I don't know how to resist my impulse.


Which impulse will you act upon?


4. plot n .情节;图;阴谋

vt .密谋;绘图;划分;标绘

vi .密谋;策划;绘制

e.g. Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten robot.


To many, a legend must be a story, with characters and some sort of plot.


5. trick n .诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈

vt .欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮

vi .哄骗;戏弄

e.g. How did she look through his trick?


Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.


6. motivate vt .刺激;使有动机;激发……的积极性

e.g. You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.


They motivate you and teach you safe workouts you can do at home.


Passage Translation














Classroom Activity


To help students learn to use what they have learned from Passage A, especially the important words and expressions, to enhance their understanding of the essentials for a job interview.


1. The teacher divides the class into four or five groups;

2. Each group works as a team to design the interview questions;

3. Each group assigns a representative to conduct an inter-group interview and try to elicit or get as much as possible from other groups' opinions about what they should do to prepare the interview. Every representative writes comments down on the paper. The more, the better.

4. After the interview, every representative goes back to his/ her group, and reports to other group members what the classmates in another group thought of the interview questions;

5. Lastly, the teacher asks the representative of each group to state their group's findings in class. The class is required to listen carefully and decide which of the questions they think are most interesting and insightful.

Words and expressions that students may use for this activity

● resumé/ Curriculum Vitae/ CV

● application letter

● major and certificates

● working experience

● salary

● bonus

● Before the interview, I will prepare…

● … is a must for preparing for a job interview.

● The interviewer will ask whether…

● The HR manager might be interested in…

● If I have an interview, I would like to know…

● I want to be informed of…

Suggested questions that students may use for this activity

● What preparations will you do for a job interview in advance?

● What questions do you think the interviewer will ask you?

● What will you inquire about concerning your future job?

Passage B

Warm-up Activity

Key: Open.

Check Your Study

Activity 1 Read the passage quickly and then fill in the blanks.


1) Learn about yourself

2) a lack of experience

3) one foot at a time

4) any progress is good progress

5) Have realistic expectations

Activity 2 Read the passage carefully and complete the following sentences.


1. forethought and preparation

2. to try it

3. making a bad decision

4. serious financial problems

5. more energized

Further Your Skills

Exercise 1 Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.


1. option

2. promotional

3. unobtainable

4. pursue

5. passionate

6. compelling

7. energized / energetic

8. prospect

Exercise 2 Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Chinese culture and foreign cultures have a lot in common.

2. I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book.

3. The local libraries are making an effort to / making efforts to interest more youth.

4. We must look ahead before we make a decision.

5. In the quest to pursue the dream, every one is likely to have ups and downs.

Exercise 3 Let s sort out and build your vocabulary.


Language Points
Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1.( Para. 1) Do you wish there was another option, one that would lead to an exciting, unique, and fulfilling line of work?

Analysis :本句中one是option的同位语,后面的that从句是定语从句修饰one。

Paraphrase : Do you wish to have another job which is unique and can bring you excitement and achievement?

Translation :你是否想多一种选择,拥有一份令人激动的、独一无二的、充满成就感的职业呢?

2.( Para. 3 ) Unobtainable as a dream job might sound, with the right amount of forethought and preparation, you can make the move as well.

Analysis :本句中as引导了一个让步状语从句。 as引导的让步状语从句语气强,从句需用倒装语序。

Paraphrase : Although an ideal job seems to be inaccessible, with forethought and preparation, you can approach your dream.

Translation :虽然理想的职业听起来有点遥不可及,但只要有远见并且准备充分,你就有可能实现你的梦想。

3.( Para. 9 ) There will be some days you'll feel like turning the alarm off and going back to sleep, but many more when you'll feel more energized by the prospect of work than you ever thought possible!

Analysis:本句中many more后面省略了days。 when引导的是一个定语从句修饰省略的days,由于days在定语从句中充当时间状语,关系词应该用when。

Paraphrase : There will be some days you'll feel like turning the alarm off and going back to sleep, but for most of the days the amazing future of your job may motivate you to put more of yourself into the work.

Translation :有时你也许想关掉闹钟继续睡觉,但是更多时候你会被工作的前景所激励而斗志昂扬。

Important Words

1. persistence n . the fact of continuing to try to do sth. despite difficulties, especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable坚持;锲而不舍

e.g. His persistence was finally rewarded when the insurance company agreed to pay for the damage.


It was her sheer persistence that wore them down in the end.


2. forethought n . careful thought to make sure that things are successful in the future深谋远虑

e.g. Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you start the project.


If I'd had the forethought to bring my raincoat, I wouldn't have got wet in the storm.


3. compel v . to force sb. to do sth.; to make sth. necessary强迫;迫使;使必须

e.g. The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.


I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book.


4. deter v . to make sb. decide not to do sth. or continue doing sth., especially by making them understand the difficulties and unpleasant results of their action制止,阻止;使不敢

e.g. She had told Tom she wasn't interested in him, but Tom wasn't deterred.


The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.


5. energize v . to make sb. enthusiastic about sth.使充满热情

e.g. His encouragement made me feel energized.他的鼓励让我充满干劲。

I prefer an energizing fruit drink.我更喜欢增加体能的果汁饮料。

6. inertia n . lack of energy; lack of desire or ability to move or change缺乏活力;惰性

e.g. I can't seem to throw off this feeling of inertia.我好像无法摆脱这种无力的感觉。

We can't ignore the forces of institutional inertia in the educational system.


Passage Translation


为了我的新书,我近期访谈了 100 余人,他们现在都拥有自己梦想的工作。这些人有一个共同点,那就是坚持不懈。








Part ⅣUse Your Hands


Exercise 1 The following is a list of expressions of letter parts. After reading it you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese below.


1. L J

2. N B

3. A G

4. E O

5. I K

Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the expressions of letter parts in Exercise 1.


1. heading

2. salutation

3. inside address

4. body

5. signature

6. complimentary close

Write Your Own Job Application Letter

Exercise 3 Read the sample above and then write a job application letter according to the given information below.


Chongqing City Management College
College Town
Shapingba District, Chongqing, 401331
May 17,2021

John Smith

The Personnel Manager

Wisdom Computer

23 Yingbin Avenue

Yuzhong District, Chongqing

Dear Mr. Smith ,

I am writing to apply for your accounting position advertised in the Chongqing Evening.

I graduated from Chongqing City Management College, majoring in Accounting. I believe my proficiency in accounting skills and my experience as a part-time accountant that will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.

From your advertisement, I can see you are looking for candidates with excellent computer skills. I excel at all popular computer applications, as proven by the enclosed NCRE-3 Certificate.

I have attached my resume, my certificates and references as requested. I am looking forward to an opportunity to meet with you. You can contact me at 15215001111. Thank you for considering me for this position.

Very truly yours,
Jin Yan
Jin Yan

Guidelines on Writing Job Application Letters

The job application letter's sole purpose is to have the recipient read your CV. It should be clear,concise and straight to the point. You are simply telling the employer that the CV is worth having a look at.

The application letter should be brief, no more than one page in length. It should be easy to read and understand. It should only include the absolute necessary information. Like most other things, there is a formula that works extremely well for preparing job application letters. In the following we explain the essential components of a job application and also give you some guidelines to follow.

Addressing job application letters

The style you choose is not so important as there are many different styles of job application letters. It really comes down to a personal preference. However somewhere at the top whether it is, on the right or left hand side there should be your address and the date. Following this on the left hand side you should address the letter to the person of concern. Ensure you include the name of the person, his title, the company name and address, and any position reference number.

The introductory paragraph

The first paragraph should simply state why you are writing to him. If it is an advertised position,mention the position title and where it was advertised. If you are making a“cold call” to a company then you should specify that you are applying for any current or future employment opportunities.

An easy way to start this paragraph is with the following statement: “ Please find enclosed my CV,which I am forwarding to you as an application for the position of…”

The main body of job application letters

The main body of an application letter should be two to three paragraphs at the most. If it is too long it may be skipped. When the reader begins to skip the text, it is hard to get him to refocus. Here is where you tell him what you can offer and why he should read your CV. This is a good time to read the job advertisement again. In one paragraph (two at the most) you need to summarize your experience and skills,and at the same time, you need to respond to the position requirements as per the advertisement.

Analyze your career and summarize it in a few sentences. Highlight what you specialize in or how many years you have worked in the industry or even the level that you have reached. This paragraph should direct the reader to your CV and should sell you on some unique points that you might have.

A good way to start this paragraph is with a statement like this:“ You will note from my enclosed CV…” Then go ahead and tell him something about your career which will immediately get his attention or interest.

The next part of the body of the letter should be a brief description of your personal skills. Again read the advertisement and respond directly to their needs. If the company is asking for someone with good coordination skills, then ensure you mention something to that effect. If it is communication or perhaps leadership skills the company values, then tell him that you have these. Use adjectives like “demonstrated”,“well-developed”,“strong”, etc.

The closing paragraph job application letters

The closing paragraph should ask for some action from the recipient. This is where you ask for an interview. It should also state where and how they can reach you, and it should thank the recipient for giving you the opportunity to apply. You can include things like “Should you require further information…”

Finish the letter by adding a closing remark, either“yours sincerely”,“yours faithfully” or whatever you feel comfortable with and obeying general letter writing etiquette. Leave a few spaces for your signature and then print your full name.

Part ⅤPresentation

In this part you are required to describe the following graph in English.


According to the line chart, male workers in IT industry have always been taking a much higher proportion than their female competitors. The male / female ratio is about 4 ∶ 1 in 2012. However, as far as the employment structure is concerned, the trend has changed from Year 2018 with a rapid growth in the share of female workers engaging in IT industry, from 13% in 2018 to 22% in 2021.



上升: grow; increase; rise; climb…

下降: decline; decrease; drop; fall…

轻微变动: gradually; slowly; minimally…

剧烈变动: sharply; rapidly…

e.g. The male workers engaging in IT industry decrease by 9% from 2018 to 2021.

The male workers engaging in IT industry grow from 80% in 2012 to 84% in 2015.

Part ⅥDo Your Project

建议开学初教师列出各单元的项目主题,学生以小组为单位选择 1~2 个单元主题项目做Project。教师应根据学生小组总数设定选择单元主题项目的最大组数,确保每个单元都有学生小组选择。教师在每个单元选择 1~2 个小组做Presentation。

The teacher gives comments and helps students make improvement.

Suggested Steps & Tips:

1. to figure out what Career Orientation Assessment means

2. to collect the online reports of recommended career choices which are given by the websites after your roommates or group members took the assessment test

3. to summarize and analyze the statistics

4. to make the project report by PowerPoint


Passage A

Exercise 1

1. my cousin来自… Harris (my cousin) was employed by a fairly large organization. He offered to help me get a job there and set up an interview with Mark.

2. humorous joke来自… I decided to iterate what was apparently a very humorous joke, and told him “I'm looking for a job. I thought of going through HR but everyone says they are useless.”

3. stiffened up来自… I saw the receptionist stiffen up as if imitating a wooden plank.

4. Director of HR来自… Mark said, motioning to the receptionist, “this is Betsy; she's the Director of HR here.”

5. nepotism来自… I still received an offer. Thank goodness for nepotism.

Exercise 2

1. C.来自… Harris (my cousin) was employed by a fairly large organization. He offered to help me get a job there…

2. D.来自… he warned me,“Whatever you do, don't go through HR. They are completely useless. They don't know how to judge a candidate.”

3. B.来自… Mark said, motioning to the receptionist, “this is Betsy; she's the Director of HR here.”

4. B.来自… I try to decide if I should simply bolt from the room…

5. D.来自… I still received an offer. Thank goodness for nepotism.

Passage B

Exercise 2

1. word of mouth来自… By far, most people found their job either by directly contacting an employer or by word of mouth.

2. employees or colleagues来自… employers may ask their employees or colleagues for recommendations of possible applicants.

3. contacts来自… They also use whatever contacts they have to learn of prospective openings and work at developing new contacts. This technique is known as networking.

4. want-ads or employment agencies来自… traditional want-ads or employment agencies are not the only gateways to job opportunities.

5. Contacting human resources来自… contacting human resources within a business is also necessary.

Passage C

Exercise 1

1. tough time来自Are you having a tough time job hunting?

2. proactive and positive来自It is critical that job seekers maintain a proactive and positive approach.

3. submitting your application来自Most people just email the resume or submit the application in the hopes that someone will reply.

4. no longer open来自Much of the jobseeker frustration comes from applying for jobs that no longer are open…

5. seasonal work来自… we recommend giving seasonal work a try.

Exercise 2

1. C来自… by establishing concrete goals and setting aside adequate time each week.

2. A来自… There should be a least three attempts at following up including phone and email.

3. B来自… because most job boards have out-of-date postings in order to look “busy”.

4. B来自… For those with an adventurous spirit or simply wanting to take a different approach to their job hunt, we recommend giving seasonal work a try.

5. D来自… Anyone can do a job for three to six months and see if they like it. dJC6gsu7/kjVrkTAHsVB6aOHswiZpim+IM7gDGW4HTAHLClgLz31D/rCeaw+XNlW
