
Day 05

Never underestimate your power to change yourself!




term [tɜːm]

n. 专用名词;期限;到期;期满;任期;学期;[ pl. ] 条件,条款

Our contract with the publishing company is getting its terms. 我们和该出版社的合约即将期满。

the terms of a contract 合约条款 / terms of trade 进出口交换比率 / term deposit/loan/policy 定期存款/贷款/保单

at term 到期 / come to terms 达成协议;妥协 / in terms of 根据;在…方面 / on easy terms 以优厚条件;以分期付款方式

disagree [ˌdɪsəˈɡriː]

vi. 不符,不一致;不同意,有分歧


The sales report disagrees with the current operation status of our company. 该销售报告和我们公司目前的运营状况不符。

disagree with sb. about/on/over sth. 在某方面和某人有分歧

disagreement n. 不同意;不一致 / dis-agreeable adj. 令人不快的;不友善的

graduation [ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn]

n. 【统】修均法;毕业;毕业典礼;刻度

He first worked as a teacher after graduation in New York, but before long he got into the business circle. 他毕业后在纽约当了一段时间的老师,但不久便下海经商了。

graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 / graduation line 分度线;刻度线 / graduation party 毕业晚会;毕业派对

infrequently [ɪnˈfriːkwəntli]

adv. 很少发生地


Not infrequently does the company take on good-record graduates. 该公司随时准备招揽成绩优异的学生。

throughput [ˈθruːpʊt]

n. 生产能力;生产量,吞吐量

The airline company had a throughput of over 40 million passengers last year. 这家航空公司去年的载客量超过了4000万人次。

annual/monthly throughput 年/月生产量 / improve/increase throughput 增加吞吐量

fault [fɔːlt]

n. 缺点,毛病;错误,过失;故障 vt. 找出缺点;挑剔;指责

He was angry at the unjust punishment with regard to his fault. 他对自己所犯错误受到的不公正处罚大为恼火。

find fault with 挑剔;批评;抱怨 / be at fault 出毛病;感到困惑

division [dɪˈvɪʒn]

n. 分开;分配;部门;分歧,差异;【军】师

The company plans to streamline the divisions to reduce the budget. 这家公司计划精简部门来削减预算。

divisions between the rich and the poor 贫富差异 / finance division 财务部门 / join/split a division 加入/拆分某个部门

division between A and B 两者之间的分歧 / division in/within sth. 在某事上的分歧

divisional adj. 部门的;师的


adj. 视听的


America enjoys an absolute global trade surplus on films and other audio-visual products. 美国在电影和其他音像产品方面享有绝对的全球贸易顺差。

audio-visual equipment 音像设备 / audio-visual products 音像产品

ethos [ˈiːθɒs]

n. (社会或集团的)道德思想,道德观

The market economy has more or less changed the original ethos of our society. 市场经济已经或多或少改变了我们原来的社会风气。

an ethos of public service 公共服务的意识 / the ethos of a company 公司的理念

disadvantage [ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ]

n. 缺点;不利,不利条件;损害 vt. 使处于不利地位


to one’s disadvantage 对某人不利 / major disadvantages 主要缺点 / put sb. at a disadvantage 使某人处于不利地位

disadvantaged adj. 贫穷的;处于不利地位的;社会地位低下的 / disadvantageous adj. 不利的;不便的


M The decision seems not so proper.


W But considering it again, we all think that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.


accord [əˈkɔːd]

n. 调和,符合,一致;协议,条约 v. 符合;给予,赠予


The board decided to shrink their investment in the property market with one accord. 董事会一致同意,决定收缩房地产市场投资。

reach/sign a currency accord 达成/签署一项货币协议

in accord with 与…一致 / of one’s own accord 出于自愿 / with one accord 一致地 / accord sth. to sb./accord sb. sth. 给予某人某物 / accord with sth. 和某事一致

accordance n. 一致 / accordingly adv. 相应地

personnel [ˌpɜːsəˈnel]

n. 全体人员,职员;人事部门

marketing/technical personnel 营销/技术人员 / personnel department/manager 人事部/ 经理 / personnel training 人员培训

assistant [əˈsɪstənt]

n. 助理,助手;助教 adj. 助理的,辅助的;副的


accounting assistant 会计助理 / assistant manager 副经理

teaching assistant 助教

wireless [ˈwaɪələs]

adj. 无线的 n. 无线电广播;无线电报


The setup instructions show how to secure your wireless broadband network. 安装说明教你如何保护你的无线宽带网络。

wireless applications/device/technology 无线应用/设备/技术

wireless telegraph 无线电报 / wireless telephone 无线电话 / wireless keyboard/mouse 无线键盘/鼠标

additional [əˈdɪʃənl]

adj. 另外的,附加的,额外的


The company planned to provide an additional $10 million to expand their overseas investment. 该公司打算再拨1000万美元扩大海外投资。

additional contract/clauses/tax 附加合同/条款/税 / additional premium 附加保险费 / additional resources 额外的资源

additionally adv. 此外;又,加之

reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl]

adj. 可靠的,可信赖的


They are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working. 他们在找一位可靠并且工作努力的人。

reliable production quality 可靠的产品质量 / reliable reputation 可靠的信誉

reliability n. 可靠性 (例:reliability analysis 可靠性分析;reliability assessment 可靠性评估) / reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地

check [tʃek]

vt. 检查,核对;使停止或缓慢进行;用钩形符号标出 vi. 检查,核对;突然停止,收住 n. 检查,核对;减慢,停止;(=cheque)支票,账单

The customer’s information must be carefully checked before the payment is arranged. 安排付款前,必须认真核对客户信息。

check the bill 核对账单 / check the spread of inflation 抑制通货膨胀的蔓延 / a routine/regular check 常规/定期检查 / endorse a check 背书支票

check in 在(旅馆、机场等处)办理登记手续 / check out 登记离去 / check over 检查,查看 / keep/hold sth. in check 控制某事

checked adj. 印有方格图案的 / checker n. 收银员;检验员 / checklist n. 清单

keep [kiːp]

v. 保持;经营;遵守;饲养 n. 生活必需品;生活费

The businessman promised that he would help me run a restaurant, but he did not keep his promise. 这位商人允诺我要帮我开一家餐馆,但是他没有信守他的诺言。

earn one’s keep 挣生活费用 / keep abreast of 了解最新情况 / keep a pet 养宠物 / keep a record 做记录 / keep sb. on 继续雇用某人 / keep up with 赶得上;和某人保持联系

keeper n. 看守人;保管人

promote [prəˈməʊt]

vt. 提升,提拔,晋升;促进,增进;促销,宣传,推销(商品等)


be promoted as CEO 被提升为首席执行官 / promote the economic growth 推动经济增长 / promote products 推销产品 / promote the awareness of brand 增强品牌意识

promoter n. 筹办者;发起者;倡导者


This meeting is good to promote cooperation between the two countries in the field of economics and trade.


deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt]

n. 储蓄,存款;订金;竞选保证金;沉淀物 vt. 储蓄;寄存;放置,安置;付保证金;使沉淀


We have to deposit a minimum of ¥2,000 into our account to pay for the housing loan every month. 我们必须每月向账户上存至少2000元来还住房贷款。

cash deposit 现款押金;现金存款 / certificate of deposit 存折 / current/demand deposit 活期存款 / deposit account 储蓄账户 / pay a deposit 付押 / time deposit 定期存款

gold/coal deposits 金/煤矿

deposition n. 沉积(物);废黜;证言 / depositor n. 存款者,储户

modem [ˈməʊdem]

n. 调制解调器

The company will license its modem technology to generate additional revenue. 这家公司将通过授权他人使用其调制解调器技术来创造额外的收入。

cable modem 有线调制解调器 / wireless modem 无线调制解调器

satisfaction [ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn]

n. 满意,满足;补偿(物);(债务等的)清偿

demand satisfaction 要求赔偿 / client/consumer/employee satisfaction 顾客/消费者/雇员满意度

to one’s satisfaction 令某人满意


If you can’t get any satisfaction, make a complaint call at 969000.


drive [draɪv]

n. 冲劲,干劲;运动 vt. 开车;驱动;迫使

Driven by economic profits, many manu-facturers used raw materials of low quality in production. 受经济利益驱使,许多厂家在生产中使用劣质原材料。

a drive to reduce energy consumption 减少能源消耗运动 / an export drive 出口运动

drive sth. home to sb. 使某人充分理解某事 / drive sth. up/down 抬高/压低某物

driver n. 司机 / driving n. 驾驶 adj. 强有力的,起推动作用的 (例:driving force 主力;驱动力)

jealous [ˈdʒeləs]

adj. 妒忌的,妒羡的;珍惜的;精心守护的


Adam is promoted as the department manager and his colleagues are jealous of that. 亚当被提升为部门经理,他的同事对此感到嫉妒。

be jealous of sth. 嫉妒某事物;珍惜某事物

jealously adv. 妒忌地;精心守护地 (例:a jealously guarded secret 严守的秘密)

enthusiastic [ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk]

adj. 热心的,热情的;热烈的


Living in a world full of business oppor-tunities, the young are enthusiastic about starting up their own business. 生活在一个充满商机的世界,年轻人的创业热情高涨。

enthusiastic welcome 热烈的欢迎

enthusiastically adv. 热情地,热心地;狂热地

nod [nɒd]

v. 点头;点头示意;打瞌睡,打盹 n. 点头

The department manager put forward some suggestions and the president nodded his approval. 部门经理提出几条建议,总裁点头表示赞同。

have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth. 与某人有点头之交;对某事略知一二 / get the nod 被选中;得到许可 / on the nod 同意

fare [feə(r)]

n. 车费;船费;飞机票价 vi. 进展

The average budget for the freighter trip is about €100 per day, which includes the ticket fare and the cost of accommodation. 搭货船旅行的平均预算大约是每天100欧元,包括门票费和食宿费用。

fare evasion 逃票 / flat fare 单一票制 / published fare 票面价格 / return fare 往返路费

depart [dɪˈpɑːt]

vi. 离开,出发;背离,违反


To everyone’s surprise, he finally departed from the company he founded. 令大家吃惊的是,最终他还是离开了他所创立的那家公司。

depart one’s job 离职 / the departing manager 即将卸任的经理

depart for 启程前往 / depart from 从…离开;违反…,背离…

departure n. 离开;出发;违背;违反 (例:the departure gate 登机或上车口 / the departure board 离站时刻牌) / departed adj. [委婉]去世的;已故的

European [ˌjʊərəˈpiːən]

adj. 欧洲的,欧洲人的

European Commission 欧洲委员会 / European Currency Unit 欧洲货币单位 / European market 欧洲市场 / European Union 欧盟

plant [plɑːnt]

n. 作物,植物;工厂;机械设备;〈美俚〉间谍,坐探 vt. 种植,播种;放置,安插(间谍等)

The company has invested large amounts of money in the new plant and in equipment. 该公司斥巨资购置了新机器和设备。

chemical plant 化工厂 / power plant 发电厂

animals and plants 动植物 / plant an informer in a gang 在犯罪集团内部安插眼线

planter n. 种植园主;播种机 / planting n. 种植;栽种

station [ˈsteɪʃn]

n. 车站;所,局;电视台;岗位,位置;地位 vt. 安置;派驻

Advertising revenue of this TV station fell by 12% last quarter. 这家电视台的广告收入上个季度下降了12%。

all stations of life 社会各阶层

stationary adj. 固定的,不可移动的

zone [zəʊn]

n. 地区,地带 v. 将(某物或某处)分成或划成区域或范围

enterprise zone (政府给予优惠条件的)企业振兴区

commercial/industrial/residential zone 商业/工业/居民区


The printing industry in the crisis-plagued zone was hit particularly hard in 2008.


ideal [aɪˈdiːəl]

adj. 理想的;完美的;想象的,空想的 n. 理想;理想的东西(或人)

All of the board considered that Jim was the ideal person to take over the job. 董事会一致认为吉姆是接手这份工作的理想人选。

ideal candidates 最理想的人选 / ideal customers 理想客户

ideal society 理想社会 / ideal state 理想状态

idealise vt. 把…理想化

reject [rɪˈdʒekt] & [ˈriːdʒekt]

vt. 拒绝,驳回;抵制 n. 遭拒绝者;不合格品


His application to hold a product launch was rejected by the board of directors. 他申请举行产品发布会的提议被董事会否决了。

reject one’s suggestion 拒绝某人的建议 / reject rate 废品率

rejectable adj. 拒绝的,可拒的 / rejective adj. 拒绝的,排斥的 / rejection n. 拒绝;废弃 (例:I was annoyed at his rejection of my offer. 我因为他拒绝了我的提议而生气。)

faulty [ˈfɔːlti]

adj. 有错误的,有缺点的,出毛病的

It has been verified that there are some faulty materials in the goods which we shipped to you. 经证实,我们发送给你的那批货物里有一些劣质材料。

faulty component 有毛病的组件,问题组件 / faulty goods 次品,劣等货物 / faulty packing 包装瑕疵,不良包装

loyalty [ˈlɔɪəlti]

n. 忠诚,忠心;忠诚的行为


It takes time to build credibility and loyalty with your team. 与你的团队建立起信任和忠诚需要时间。

brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 / customer loyalty 客户忠诚度;顾客信赖度

note [nəʊt]

n. 注意;笔记;票据;纸币 vt. 记录;注意;提到

It should be noted that late delivery is not accepted. 应该注意的是,推迟发货是不能接受的。

exchange notes 兑换纸币

make a note 做笔记 / note sth. down 记下某事 / strike the right/wrong note 做(或说、写)得得体/不得体 / take note of sth. 注意到某事物

noted adj. 闻名的;著名的

stationery [ˈsteɪʃənri]

n. 文具;信笺

The company’s cost-saving strategies include spending less on stationery. 该公司的成本节约策略包括在文具上少花钱。

stationery cupboard 文具柜 / stationery store 文具店

plate [pleɪt]

n. 盘,碟;金属片;板块 vt. 镀,电镀

You’d better ask someone else to help you, because I have too much on my plate. 你最好找别人给你帮忙吧,因为我手头上的工作太多了。

a watch plated with gold 镀金的手表 / printing plate 印版 / steel plates 钢板

plateful n. 一盘之量 / plating n. 镀层;外层 (例:silver plating 镀银层)

oval [ˈəʊvl]

adj. 椭圆(形)的 n. 椭圆形

The official office of the President of the United States is also called the Oval Office. 美国总统的办公室又被称作椭圆形办公室。

nasty [ˈnɑːsti]

adj. 龌龊的,下流的,污秽的;使人难受的;令人不悦的;讨厌的;激烈的;严重的;恶意的,凶相的


The competition in the international market could cause a new round of nasty trade wars. 国际市场竞争可能会引发新一轮激烈的贸易战。

cheap and nasty 价廉物劣的 / get/turn nasty 翻脸/变凶 / nasty mind 肮脏的思想

nastily adv. 极差地;令人讨厌地 / nastiness n. 差;坏;严重

floor [flɔː(r)]

n. 最低额,底价;地面;楼层;场地;发言权 vt. 在…铺地板;使惊奇

They won the bidding at a floor price of $1.7 million. 他们以170万美元的最低价赢得了这次竞标。

floor price 底价;最低价

first floor 〈美〉一楼;〈英〉二楼

round [raʊnd]

adj. 圆(形)的;完整的,十足的;取整数的 n. 圆形物 adv. 围绕着;到处;依次;在附近 prep. 在…附近;环绕 v. 完成;围绕;使成圆形

In round figures, Kate earns $80,000 each year. 凯特每年赚的钱取整数为8万美元。

round about 在…周围

roundly adv. 严厉地;完全地

retire [rɪˈtaɪə(r)]

vi. 退休,引退;退出;撤退 vt. 清偿(证券等),收回(货币);使退休


The funds were used to retire debt and to expand investment. 这些资金用来清偿贷款和扩大投资。

retire from 从…退休

retired adj. 退休的

excuse [ɪkˈskjuːz] & [ɪkˈskjuːs]

vt. 原谅,宽恕;免除(某人的)责任;为…辩解 n. 借口;理由

He has to admit that it is difficult for him to find a proper excuse for such a big investment mistake. 他不得不承认,他很难为如此重大的投资失误找到一个恰当的借口。

excuse for (doing) sth. (做)某事的借口或理由 / excuse me 劳驾,请原谅 / excuse sb. from (doing) sth. 同意免除某人(做)某事 / make excuses for sb. 为某人辩解

excusable adj. 可原谅的,可谅解的

cause [kɔːz]

vt. 造成,引起 n. 原因;事业;奋斗目标

be for a good cause 为了高尚的目标 / cause and effect 因果关系 / the root/underlying cause 根本/基本原因 / with good cause 有充分根据的

causal adj. 因果关系的;有原因的 / causality n. 因果关系,因果性 / causative adj. 成为原因的;起因的


Real estate speculation causes property prices to continuously roar in big cities.


reference [ˈrefrəns]

n. 提到,涉及;参考;参考书目;介绍信,证明书


The former employer provided excellent references for her. 她之前的雇主为她提供了证明她能力突出的证明书。

bear/have some/no reference to 与…有关/无关 / in/with reference to 关于 / reference book 参考书 / without reference to 不考虑;置…于不顾

sign [saɪn]

n. 标志,标记;符号,记号;招牌;姿势,手势;征兆,迹象 v. 签(名),签署;做手势(表示)

The seller hopes to sign the contract with the buyer by the end of this week. 卖方希望在本周末和买方签署合同。

sign a contract/an agreement/a lease 签署合约/协议/租约

sign off 解雇 / sign on 签约雇用

stress [stres]

n. 压力,重压;着重,强调 vt. 着重,强调;重读

stress interview 压力面试

lay stress on/upon 着重于;把重点放在…上 / reduce/ease stress 减轻压力

stressful adj. 紧张的;压力大的 (例:Tom got ill because he had been working under stressful conditions. 汤姆一直在紧张状态下工作,所以病倒了。)


Successful leaders are always able to make tough decisions under stress.


proposal [prəˈpəʊzl]

n. 提议;建议;动议;求婚


The committee is to put forward new proposals for resolving the country’s debt crisis. 该委员会将提出解决国家债务危机的新议案。

marriage proposal 求婚 / accept/reject/summit a proposal 接受/拒绝/提交一项建议

luxury [ˈlʌkʃəri]

n. 奢侈,豪华;奢侈品 adj. 奢华的

Many foreign luxury brands sell very well in China. 很多国外的奢侈品牌在中国卖得非常好。

luxury tax 奢侈品税

be lapped in luxury 穷奢极欲 / in the lap of luxury 在奢侈的环境里

wisdom [ˈwɪzdəm]

n. 智慧;才能;学识


Some managerial personnel expressed doubts about the wisdom of the decision. 一些管理人员对该决定是否明智表示怀疑。

conventional wisdom 普遍的看法 / wisdom tooth 智齿

retain [rɪˈteɪn]

vt. 保持,保留;挡住;保存,留住;付定金聘请


Recruiting and retaining good staff is very important for a company to keep its com-petitive advantage. 招募和留住好员工对一个公司保持竞争优势来说非常重要。

retain ownership 保留所有权

retainer n. 保留者,保持者;聘用定金

transaction [trænˈzækʃn]

n. 办理;交易,业务

Jane is responsible for recording each transaction in the company accounts. 简负责将每项交易记入公司账目。

bear transaction 卖空交易 / bull transaction 买空交易 / transaction velocity of circulation 货币流通速度

carry out/make a transaction 完成/进行一笔交易

transactional adj. 交易性的;事务性的;事务处理的

immediate [ɪˈmiːdiət]

adj. 立即的,即刻的;直接的;接近的,紧靠着的


The immediate concern for the government is to reduce unemployment and stabilise the price. 政府的当务之急是减少失业、稳定物价。

immediate superior 直接上司

immediate effects/response 直接影响;即时回应 / in the immediate vicinity 近在咫尺

immediately adv. 立即;接近;紧接着

objective [əbˈdʒektɪv]

n. 目标,目的 adj. 客观的,不带偏见的

business objective 经营目标 / career objective 职业目标

meet/achieve an objective 达到/实现目标 / objective assessment 客观评价

objectively adv. 客观地 / objectivity n. 客观性

specification [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]

n. 专门化;特殊化;详细说明;规格;规格说明


The products for this order are made exactly to the customer’s specifications. 这个订单下的所有产品都是完全按照顾客的规格要求制作的。

performance specification 性能说明 / product specification 产品规格 / quality specification 质量标准 / safety/technical specification 安全/技术说明

accrue [əˈkruː]

v. 积累 vi. 增长,(尤指利息)增加


Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account. 把钱存在储蓄账户里会生息。

accrue to sb. from sth. 某事给某人带来增长

accrual n. 增值;获利,利息;自然增长 (例:accrual of funds 资金积累)

maintain [meɪnˈteɪn]

vt. 保持,维持;在财务上支持;赡养;保养,维修;断言(某事)属实;坚持


To achieve your goal in the world of business, you need to maintain your network. 在商业界,要想达到目标,你需要维持好自己的关系网。

maintain contact with 与…保持联系

maintenance n. 保持,维持;保养,维修;生活费用


One of the primary responsibilities of a central bank is to maintain stability of the currency.


annual [ˈænjuəl]

adj. 年度的;每年的 n. 年报,年鉴,年刊


annual budget 年度预算 / annual expendi-ture 年度支出 / annual growth 年度增长;年度营业额 / annual meeting 年会 / annual output 年产量 / annual rate 年利率 / annual report 年度报告 / annual sales target 年度销售目标 / annual turnover 年营业额;年成交量

annually adv. 年年地,每年地

cent [sent]

n. 分币;(做单位的)百

The poor man did not get a cent from his ex-employer. 这个可怜的人没有从他的前任雇主那里得到一分钱。

not care a cent 一点也不在乎 / put in one’s two cents’ worth (在别人不想听时)发表意见

consider [kənˈsɪdə(r)]

v. 考虑;认为;设想


a carefully considered response 一个经过深思熟虑的答复 / all things considered 通盘考虑;从各方面考虑

considerable adj. 相当多的;相当大的 (例:considerable costs相当大的成本 / considerable profits 可观的利润)


M How does the company plan to manage its business in England?


W They are considering establishing an office there.


judgement [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt]

n. 判断(力);审判,判决;评价,意见

judgement creditor 判定债权人 / judgement debtor 判定债务人 / judgement note 裁决偿还债务通知书;直接诉讼借据

make a judgement of/about/on sth. 就某事作出评价 / sound judgement 正确的判断

judgemental adj. 评头论足的;判断的;判决的

empire [ˈempaɪə(r)]

n. 帝国

The former publishing empire is in decline. 昔日的出版帝国正在衰落。

business empire 商业帝国

end [end]

n. 结束;尽头;目的 v. (使)终止;(使)终结

The cut-throat price situation of the two manufactures may end in disaster. 这场残酷的价格大战可能会使两个厂家两败俱伤。

bring sth. to an end 使某事结束 / call for an end to sth. 呼吁结束某事 / come to an end 结束 / end in 以…结束 / from beginning to end 从头到尾

ending n. 结尾;结束 / endless adj. 无尽的,永久的

attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd]

n. 态度,看法;意见;姿势


The American government has a positive attitude towards economic recovery in the long run. 从长远来看,美国政府对经济复苏持乐观态度。

attitude of mind 心态 / attitude to/towards sb./sth. 对某人/某事的看法或态度 / scientific attitude 科学态度 / strike an attitude 装腔作势;作态 0e06Y9p6s3fDVelHjJZ6I/hOk6sHJcj0fqgZhUWjiD0wAyvll2nF2v3IucJgNoFD
