
Day 04

We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contests, and we must win.




bank [bæŋk]

n. 银行;库;堤,岸;(长条形的)堆 vt. 堆积;把钱存入银行 vi. (飞机转弯时)倾斜飞行;筑(堤);(在某银行)开账户,存款

The central bank has increased interest rates three times since mid-October last year to cool overinvestment. 中央银行自去年10月中旬以来连续三次加息给过热的投资降温。

bank account 银行账户 / bank balance 银行存款余额 / bank card (banker’s card, cheque card) 银行信用卡 / bank credit 银行信贷 / bank draft 银行汇票 / bank loan 银行贷款 / bank rate 银行利率 / bank statement 银行结单 / clearing bank 清算银行

blood bank 血库 / bank on sb./sth. 依靠某人/某物;指望某人/某物 / bank up 堆积

banker n. 银行家;(游戏中的)庄家 (例:an investment banker 投资银行家) / banking n. 银行业 / bankable adj. 可赚钱的;可盈利的

fridge [frɪdʒ]

n. 冰箱

The company promised to refund all the money for the problematic fridges. 该公司承诺对问题冰箱退全款。

poverty [ˈpɒvəti]

n. 贫穷;贫困;贫乏

联想记忆:p(音似“趴”)+over(完了) + ty(名词后缀)→贫穷时饥饿得趴在地上,一切都完了→贫穷

The government provides policy support to help the local area relieve poverty. 政府提供政策扶持以帮助当地脱贫。

the poverty line 贫困线

conditions of abject/extreme poverty 极度贫困的状态 / poverty of ideas 思想贫乏

tailor [ˈteɪlə(r)]

vt. 裁制(衣服等);使适应 n. 裁缝


The company is tailoring its services to customers’ needs. 公司在调整服务以适应顾客的需求。

tailored adj. 定做的

greet [ɡriːt]

vt. 迎接;对…做出反应;问候;传入(耳);扑(鼻); 映入(眼帘)

I was sent here to greet you in the name of the chairman. 我代表董事长来迎接您。

greet...with... 对…做出…反应

greeter n. (在酒店、超市等门口迎接顾客的)接待员

strong [strɒŋ]

adj. 强大的,强硬的;强壮的;坚定的;强烈的;精通的

Several technology stocks continue to post strong gains on the Nasdaq. 几只技术股继续在纳斯达克股市强劲上涨。

strong market 看涨的行情

strong arm 强制手段 / strong drink 烈酒

strongly adv. 强有力地;坚强地

diagram [ˈdaɪəɡræm]

n. 图解,简图,图表

The diagram shows that our sales volume has been increasing continuously in six months. 这个图表表明我们的销售量在六个月里持续增长。

block diagram 框图,方块图 / draw a diagram 画图表

diagrammatic adj. 图表的

sit [sɪt]

vi. 坐;担任职务;坐落在 vt. 使就座

Opponents of the bill have sat in outside the government building for three days. 该法案的反对者们已经在政府大楼外静坐三天了。

sit by 袖手旁观 / sit down on 反对 / sit in 静坐示威 / sit up 坐直;熬夜

sitting n. (饭店等)一次(顾客就餐时间);开庭

drown [draʊn]

vi. 淹死,溺死 vt. 使淹死;把…浸泡在(液体)中

He drowned himself in the river after he went bankrupt. 他破产之后便投河自尽了。

drown one’s loneliness/sorrow 借酒解寂寞/浇愁

drowning n. 溺死

host [həʊst]

n. 主人;东道主;主持人;主机;寄主;许多 vt. 主办,主持;做东

Greece is hosting the Games this year. 今年的运动会由希腊主办。

a host of/hosts of 许多,一大群 / host country/nation 东道国;主办国;所在国 / host family 寄宿家庭;接待留学生的家庭

hostage n. 人质;抵押品


M It is said that MAT Business School played host to a series of international conferences and seminars this month. Could you tell me what has been discussed?


W Of course. It touched upon many fields, for example, energy, environmental protection, aviation and so on.


sharp [ʃɑːp]

adj. 锋利的,锐利的;突然的;尖锐的;急剧的;清楚的;灵敏的;突然而响亮的;刺鼻的 adv. 正好;准时地;突然地

Economic analysts estimate a sharp rise in share prices next Monday. 经济分析家预测下周一股票价格将大幅上涨。

in sharp contrast (to sth.) (与某物)形成鲜明对比 / sharp practice 不择手段的行为 / sharp rise/increase/drop in …的急剧上升/增加/下降

sharpen vt. 磨快;使敏锐 vi. 加强 / sharply adv. 急剧地

knowledge [ˈnɒlɪdʒ]

n. 知识,学问;见闻;了解;熟悉

business knowledge 商务知识 / knowledge economy 知识经济 / knowledge industry 知识产业 / knowledge management 知识管理 / knowledge worker 知识工作者;知识型员工

common knowledge 常识 / to one’s knowledge 据某人所知

knowledgeable adj. 博学的;有见识的

inefficient [ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃnt]

adj. 无效率的;无能的;不称职的;徒劳的


The cut-throat competition lead to the closure of the outdated and inefficient factories. 激烈的竞争导致设备陈旧、效率低下的工厂倒闭。

an inefficient secretary 不称职的秘书 / ineffic-ient management 低效管理 / inefficient operation 低效运营 / inefficient production 低效生产

inefficiently adv. 无效率地 / inefficiency n. 无效 (例:market inefficiency 市场失灵)

resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns]

n. 反抗;抵抗;抵抗力;阻力


There is no resistance to the new mana-gement structure. 没有人反对新的管理结构。

consumer resistance 消费者阻力(指消费者不愿购买或对商品冷漠),消费者抵制 / sales resistance 销售阻力

resistant adj. 抵抗的 / resister n. 抵抗者

edge [edʒ]

v. (使)徐徐移动;(使)缓慢发展 n. 边缘;刀口,刃;优势,优越条件

He was edged out of the management of the company because of a disagreement about the new development plan. 因为不同意新的开发方案,他被逐渐挤出公司管理层。

competitive edge 竞争优势

at the edge of 在…边上 / leading edge 前沿,尖端 / on edge 紧张不安,烦躁 / take the edge off sth. 减弱某物;挫伤某物的锐气

edgy adj. 紧张的,烦躁不安的 / edginess n. 紧张,烦躁

shredder [ˈʃredə(r)]

n. 碎纸机;切碎机


He had destroyed most of the documentary evidence with the shredder before the arrival of the police. 他在警察到来之前已经用碎纸机把大部分的文件证据销毁了。

paper/document shredder 碎纸机

border [ˈbɔːdə(r)]

n. 边,边缘;边界,国界 v. 和…毗邻,与…接壤;给…加上边


China borders Russia and the border trade between the two countries is very active. 中国和俄罗斯接壤,边境贸易非常活跃。

border trade 边境贸易

across the border 穿越边界 / border dispute 边界争端 / border on sth. 濒于;近乎;挨着

outlay [ˈaʊtleɪ]

n. 费用

The company quickly repaid their initial outlay on marketing. 这家公司很快偿清了初期的营销费用。

capital/financial outlay 资本/财政支出

bargain [ˈbɑːɡən]

n. 交易;合同;廉价货 vi. 讨价还价


bargain counter 廉价柜台 / bargain goods 廉价品;特价商品/ bargain hunter 买便宜货的人;投机商人 / bargain basement (商场的)地下商品减价部 / good bargain 赚钱买卖;便宜货 / bargain over the price 讨价还价

make a bargain with sb. 与某人签订合同 / bargain sth. away 做某物的亏本买卖;贱卖某物 / bargain with sb. about/for/over sth. 和某人就某物进行讨价还价

bargaining n. 讨价还价 (例:bargaining chip/counter 谈判的筹码)


Retailers compete to sell goods at a bargain price to stimulate the consumers’ desire to purchase.


withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː]

vt. 收回;撤回;撤销;提款


The faulty milk powders were withdrawn from sale. 有问题的奶粉已收回不再销售。

withdraw cash/money 提取现金/款项 / withdraw sth. from sale 收回某物不出售 / withdraw sth. from the market 从市场中撤回某物

freeze [friːz]

vt. 使结冰;冻结(存款、工资、物价等) n. 冻结;冰冻期

The freeze of the bank account worsened the economic situation of the company. 银行账户的冻结使得公司的经济状况恶化。

credit freeze 信用冻结 / price freeze 价格冻结 / wage freeze 工资冻结

freeze to death 冻死

frozen adj. 冻僵的;冷冻的 / freezing adj. 冰冻的;严寒的 / freezer n. 冰箱;冷库

optimistic [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk]

adj. 乐观的


in an optimistic mood 情绪乐观的

optimism n. 乐观;乐观主义


Most people are now taking an optimistic view toward the reform of retirement system.


negotiate [nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt]

v. 商议;磋商;转让;顺利通过,成功越过

词根记忆:neg(否)+oti(闲暇) +ate(动词后缀)→谈判的时候可不会闲着→协商;谈判

This policy gave them an advantage when they negotiated with suppliers. 这项政策使得他们在与供应商谈判时有一些优势。

negotiate a contract/deal 协商后确立合同/协商后达成交易

negotiation n. 谈判;磋商;协商 / negotiator n. 磋商者;谈判者

implement [ˈɪmplɪment]

vt. 使生效;履行,实施

[ˈɪmplɪmənt] n. 工具,器具,用具


This country is planning to implement new property rules to cool the property market. 该国政府正计划实施新的房产规定,使房地产市场降温。

implement decisions/reforms 执行决议/实施改革

drawing implements 绘图工具

implementation n. 执行;贯彻 (例:the implementation of new currency policy 新的货币政策的实施)

quarter [ˈkwɔːtə(r)]

n. 四分之一;季,季度;一刻钟;(城市中的)区,地区,区域;[ pl. ] 住处,住所;(美国、加拿大等)25分的硬币 adj. 四分之一的 vt. 将…分成四部分;供…住宿

The product’s sales volume has fallen by a quarter for the first three quarters. 该产品的销售量在前三个季度已经下降了25%。

quarter day 季度结算日 / quarter the profits 将利润分成四部分

a quarter to four 4点差一刻 / the second quarter 第二季度

quarterly adj. 季度的 adv. 按季度 n. 季刊

array [əˈreɪ]

n. 阵列;数组;一大批 vt. 排列;布置;配置(兵力);穿着


Various goods are well arrayed on the shelves in the supermarket. 超市里各种各样的商品被整齐地排列在架子上。

an array of 一排;一批;大量

arrayed adj. 穿戴(尤指漂亮衣服)的;排列的

sort [sɔːt]

n. 种类,类别;某一种人,某一类人 vt. 把…分类,整理;妥善处理

Jeff was chosen because he seems to be the right sort for the job. 杰夫被选中了,因为他似乎适合做这种工作。

of sorts 各种各样的 / in some sort 多少有些 / sort out 整理;解决

bright [braɪt]

adj. 明亮的;晴朗的;欢快的,兴高采烈的;聪明的;(颜色)鲜艳的 adv. 明亮地;光亮地 n. 车头灯

The young man is clever and capable and sure to have a bright future. 这个年轻人聪明能干,他肯定会有一个光明的前途。

a bright spark 活泼机灵的人(尤指年轻人) / a/the bright spot 可喜部分,闪光点 / look on the bright side 持乐观态度

brighten vt. 使变亮 / brightly adv. 明亮地;鲜明地;爽朗地;欢快地 / brightness n. 亮度;光泽度

flow [fləʊ]

v. (液体)流动;涌出;飘动 n. 流,流动

The flow of goods and funds was interrupted by the constant strikes. 商品和资金流通因频繁的罢工而中断。

cash flow 资金流动 / flow chart 流程图;生产过程图解 / process flow 工序流程 / work flow 工作流程;生产流程

flow from sth. 源自某事;归因于某事 / flow in 流入

flowing adj. 流动的;平滑的 / flowage n. 流动;流出;泛滥

finality [faɪˈnæləti]

n. 定局;最后的事物;不可改变性


A finality was seen in the decision of the general manager. 总经理的决定中透露出一股斩钉截铁的意味。

issue [ˈɪʃuː; ˈɪsjuː]

n. 问题;争论点,重要议题;颁布;发行;(报刊的)一期,期号;分发 vt. 发行,颁布;出版;发出;发行(货币、股票);分发,发给

economic issues 经济问题 / share issue 股票发行 / issue a passport/visa/share 签发护照/签证;发行股票 / issued capital 已发行股本

be at issue 是讨论的焦点 / hot issue 热点问题

issuer n. 发行者;发行机构 (例:credit-card issuers 信用卡发行机构)


China’s state-run telecom companies have issued a statement that the users of WeChat will be charged in the future.


occasion [əˈkeɪʒn]

n. 时刻,时候,场合;重大(或特殊)活动,盛会;时机,机会;起因 vt. 引起,惹起

This is a golden occasion to expand investment. 这是一个扩大投资的黄金时机。

purchase occasion 购买时机 / social occasions 社交场合

if the occasion arises 如果有必要的话 / on occasion(s) 偶尔;偶然;有时 / on the occasion of 在…的时候

occasional adj. 偶然的;偶尔的

rework [ˌriːˈwɜːk]

vt. 重新做,再做;重写,修订;重新加工利用(废料、旧料、次料等)


We are currently reworking the entire project budget. 我们正在重新制订整个项目的预算。

reworking n. 修订,重写

idiom [ˈɪdiəm]

n. 习语;惯用语

Sometimes using proverbs and idioms in business negotiations could achieve a unique effect. 有时候在商务谈判中使用谚语和习语可以取得独特的效果。

idiomatic adj. 习语的;表达方式地道的 (例:idiomatic expression 惯用语)

automatic [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk]

adj. 自动的;不假思索的,习惯性的;当然的 n. 自动换挡汽车;自动手枪


The productivity is greatly improved after the factory introduces the automatic system. 工厂引进自动化系统后生产效率大大提高了。

automatic control 自动控制 / automatic door 自动门 / automatic operation 自动操作 / automatic warehouse 自动化仓库

automatically adv. 自动地

draw [drɔː]

v. 画;移动;吸引;拖动;领取;得出 n. 平局;抽签

You can draw no more than ¥3,000 from the ATM. 在自动取款机上取款不能超过3000元。

draw a bill 开出汇票 / draw the pension 领取养老金 / draw up a list of charge 开出费用清单

draw back from 退缩;撤回 / draw the line between A and B 划清两者之间的界限 / draw to a close 结束

drawer n. 抽屉;开票人 / drawee n. 受票人 (例:drawee bank 付款行) / drawing n. 提款

disappoint [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt]

vt. 使失望;使(计划等)落空


It disappointed the consumers that Volkswagen was not willing to recall its cars with safety problems. 大众汽车不愿意召回其有安全问题的车辆,这令消费者们很失望。

disappointed adj. 失望的 / disappointing adj. 令人失望的 / disappointment n. 失望

peak [piːk]

n. 山峰;顶点,顶峰 vi. 达到高峰,达到最大值 adj. 最大值的,高峰的;最高的


The sales volume of our products peaked last month. 我们产品的销售量于上个月达到最高峰。

a time of peak demand 需求最旺的时候 / peak season 旺季

peak hour 高峰时间 / reach a peak 达到峰值

cheque [tʃek]

n. (=check)支票

We feel sorry that our restaurant only accept payment by cash or bank cards, but not by cheque. 非常抱歉,我们餐馆只接受现金支付或银行信用卡支付,不接受支票支付。

blank cheque 空白支票 / cash a cheque 兑现支票 / traveller’s cheque 旅行支票

melt [melt]

v. (使)融化;(使)熔化;(使)溶解;消散,消失

Fast economic growth and urbanisation are good for melting the overcapacity away. 经济的高速增长和城市化进程有利于将过剩产能消化掉。

melt in the mouth 入口即化 / melt into sth. 逐渐与某物融为一体 / melting point 熔点 / melting pot 熔炉(指多民族或多种思想融合混杂的地方或状况)

familiarise [fəˈmɪliəraɪz]

vt. 使熟悉,使亲密


Getting yourself familiarised with the basic business etiquette is the starting point for you to get into the circle of business. 熟悉基本的商务礼仪是你进入商业圈的起点。

familiarise oneself with 让自己熟悉

familiar adj. 熟悉的,常见的 n. 密友 / familiarity n. 熟悉,精通;亲密 / familiarisation n. 熟悉,精通;亲密

question [ˈkwestʃən]

n. 问题;议题;困惑;疑问 vt. 询问,审问;怀疑

I don’t question your abilities, but I have no confidence in your attitude. 我不怀疑你的工作能力,但是我对你的态度没信心。

be open to question 尚未决定;还需考虑 / beyond question 毋庸置疑的 / bring/throw sth. into question 引起有关某事的怀疑(或讨论) / out of the question 不可能的;不允许的

questionable adj. 可疑的;有问题的;可能不诚实的 / questioner n. 提问人 / questioning n. 提问;询问 adj. 询问的;表示怀疑的 (例:a questioning look 怀疑的目光)

radio [ˈreɪdiəʊ]

n. 收音机;(收发电报用的)无线电设备;无线电通信 vt. (用无线电)发送

The government report is broadcast on radio and television. 广播和电视都报道了这次政府工作报告。

on the radio 在广播里 / radio signals 无线电信号 / radio for help 通过无线电求救

system [ˈsɪstəm]

n. 系统,体系;制度,体制

system analyst 系统分析员 / system software 系统软件

systematic adj. 有系统的;有条理的

tour [tɔː(r);tʊə(r)]

n. 旅行,游览;巡回,巡视;海外任职期 v. 旅行,观光;巡视;进行巡回演出;参观

tour operator 旅行社;旅游公司 / tour guide 导游

make a tour of 观光(某地);游历(某地)


M Would you like to tour our factory?


W Sure. Please show me around.


interest [ˈɪntrəst; ˈɪntrest]

n. 利息;兴趣,关注,爱好;[常 pl.] 利益,好处 vt. 使感兴趣,引起…的关注

The economic reform is in the best interests of most domestic private companies. 这项经济改革是以国内大多数私营企业的最大利益为出发点的。

interest charges/payment 利息费用 / interest group 利益集团 / interest rate 利率 / vested interests 既得利益

express/show interest in sth. 表达对某事的兴趣 / place of interest 名胜 / promote/safeguard one’s interests 促进/保护某人的利益 / interest sb. in sth. 使某人对某事感兴趣

interested adj. 感兴趣的 / interesting adj. 令人感兴趣的,有趣的

furnish [ˈfɜːnɪʃ]

vt. 为…配备家具;装潢;供应,提供

The meeting room is furnished with luxurious chairs, tables and equipment. 会议室配备了一些奢侈的桌椅和设备。

furnish with 供给;提供

chair [tʃeə(r)]

n. 椅子;(会议的)主席,主席席位 vt. 当(会议的)主席,主持

take the chair 担任主席

chairperson n. (男或女) 主席;主持者 / chairman n. 主席;主持人 (例:chairman of the board 董事会主席) / chairwoman n. 女主席;女主持人


M Why does Robert look so excited?


W Because he is going to chair the financial meeting held in Geneva next week.


letter [ˈletə(r)]

n. 字母;信,函件;[ pl. ] 文学;文学研究

Please bring copies of your certificates and letter of reference with you when you come to the interview next Monday. 下周一来面试时,请携带相关证书的复印件和推荐信。

letter of credit 信用证 / letter of intent 意向书;草约

bread-and-butter letter 感谢款待的信 / letter of recommendation 保荐信,介绍信 / the letter of the law 法律﹑规则等的字面意义 / to the letter 严密周详地;一丝不苟地

letterhead n. 信的抬头,信头 / lettering n. 印字

aside [əˈsaɪd]

adv. 在旁边,在一边;到一边;撇开,除去;存,留 n. 旁白;离题话


Leaving aside the cost of the project, let us consider its expected benefits. 先不管项目的成本,让我们来考虑下其预期的收益。

set aside some money for housing 存钱买房

aside from 除…以外 / lay aside 搁置;储蓄;留存 / put aside 撇开;储存…备用

assemble [əˈsembl]

v. 集合,集中;组装,装配


The government has assembled a team of economic experts to discuss how to deal with the present inflation. 政府召集了一个经济专家小组来商讨如何应对目前的通货膨胀。

assemble cars/toys 组装汽车/玩具

assemble data/evidence 收集数据/证据

assembler n. 装配工;汇编程序;汇编语言

inspect [ɪnˈspekt]

vt. 检查,审视;视察


According to the contract, the seller has the responsibility to inspect the goods before shipment. 按照合同规定,卖方有义务在装船前检查货物。

inspection n. 检查 (例:carry out a thorough inspection 进行彻底的检查) / inspector n. 巡视员;检查员;视察员 (例:safety inspector 安全检查员)

globalisation [ˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn]

n. 全球化


economic globalisation 经济全球化

run [rʌn]

vi. 跑;迅速赶往;开设;(合同等)有效 vt. 跑(一段距离);经营,管理 n. 跑步;航程;争购

The team is very happy to know that the system is now running extremely smoothly. 这个团队得知该系统的运营极其顺利非常高兴。

run a business/a company/an organisation 经营或管理企业/公司/机构

run across 偶然遇到;跑着穿过 / run out of sth. 用完某物;用光某物

disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)]

vi. 消失,不见,失踪;消亡


The boss disappeared shortly after the company went bankrupt. 公司破产不久,这位老板就失踪了。

disappearance n. 消失,不见

auction [ˈɔːkʃn]

n. 拍卖 vt. 拍卖,竞卖


It is said that China Eastern Airlines decides to auction the international routes to its former competitors. 据说中国东方航空公司打算把国际线路拍卖给其曾经的竞争对手。

auction house/room 拍卖行 / auction price 拍卖价格 / auction sth. off 拍卖掉某物 / be up for auction 拍卖 / sale by auction 拍卖

auctioneer n. 拍卖商

abnormal [æbˈnɔːml]

adj. 反常的,异常的;不规则的


It experienced an abnormal slump in the stock market last week. 上周股市狂跌,表现异常。

abnormal cost 异常成本;非正常成本

abnormal phenomenon/situation 异常现象/情况

abnormally adv. 反常地,异常地 / abnormality n. (身体、行为等的)不正常;变态;畸形

borrow [ˈbɒrəʊ]

v. 借(东西),借入;采用

A low interest rate usually encourages enterprises and consumers to borrow. 低利率通常会鼓励企业和消费者举债。

ability to borrow 借款能力;借债能力

borrow trouble 自找麻烦 / borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 / be/live on borrowed time 活过寿限;做很快就会遭到制止的事

borrower n. 贷款人;借方 / borrowing n. 借款;贷款;借用的言语

birth [bɜːθ]

n. 出生,分娩;出身,血统;起源,开始;出现

The birth of new financial instruments greatly changes people’s way of investment. 新的金融工具的出现极大地改变了人们的投资方式。

birth certificate 出生证明(书) / birth date 出生日期 / birth place 出生地点 / birth rate 出生率 / birth weight 出生体重 / give birth to 生孩子;产仔 / a man of low birth 出身卑微的人

birthing n. 分娩;生产

magazine [ˌmæɡəˈziːn]

n. 杂志,期刊;弹药库,武器库;弹夹,弹仓;(照相机内的)胶卷盒

Finally, I found an uncertain job on a magazine with a low salary. 最后我在一家杂志社找到了一份不稳定的工作,工资很低。

literary magazine 文学杂志 / magazine article 杂志上的文章 / weekly magazine 周刊

inform [ɪnˈfɔːm]

vt. 通知,告诉;了解 vi. 检举,告发


inform on sb. 告发某人,检举某人 / inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人某事


M Why did you buy into large numbers of that company’s shares?


W I have been reliably informed that its stock price will soar in the near future.


artificial [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl]

adj. 人工的,人造的;虚假的,假装的

联想记忆:artific(看作artifice,巧计)+ ial(…的)→用巧计做出的→人工的,人造的

The new emerging market is full of artificial bubbles. 这个新兴市场上充满人为的泡沫。

artificial person 法人

artificial intelligence 人工智能 / artificial leather 人造革

artificially adv. 人工地;不自然地;做作地 / artificiality n. 人工;不自然;人造物

even [ˈiːvn]

adj. 平的;平稳的;平分的 adv. 甚至;其实 v. (使)相等

The present economic situation is not so optimistic, so it is encouraging for us to just break even this year. 目前的经济形势不容乐观,因此今年我们仅仅实现收支相抵也是很振奋人心的。

break even 收支平衡,不赔不赚 / even money (赌博中的)同额赌注;均等的输赢机会

even if/though 即使 / have an even chance of doing sth. 做某事有正反各半的可能 / even sth. out 平均分配某物;平均分摊某物

evenly adv. 平均地 (例:be evenly distributed 平均分配)

assist [əˈsɪst]

vt. 帮助,辅助


The government should make every effort to assist the small and medium-sized enterprises to weather the economic crisis. 政府应该尽一切努力帮助中小企业渡过经济危机。

assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 / assist sb. with sth./in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 oFLNj3BDap0TrAqN4vwty7xtKMvRccs6K0Riv+abjFln3BI5fwjoAGkhXF+JGhxr
