
Day 01

If you are doing your best, you will not have to worry about failure.




abandon [əˈbændən]

vt. 放弃;抛弃;使屈从;【保险】委付 n. 放任,放纵

词根记忆:a(表强调)+bandon(命令) →“泰坦尼克号”即将沉没,船长下令弃船逃生→放弃

Considering the high risk, the investors finally decided to abandon the project. 考虑到较高的风险,投资者们最终决定放弃这个项目。

abandon a claim 放弃索赔 / abandon property 放弃财产

abandon oneself to sth. 放纵自己做某事;沉湎于(某种情感)

abandoned adj. 被遗弃的 / abandonee n. 受委托人;海损承保人 / abandonment n. 放弃 (例:the government’s abandonment of this financial policy 政府对这项金融政策的放弃)

staff [stɑːf]

n. 员工,全体职工;拐杖 vt. 为…配备人员

We are staffing the financial department with an assistant accountant. 我们正在给财务部配备一名助理会计。

staff up 给…增添工作人员 / staff shortage/vacancy 职位空缺 / employ/recruit/take on staff 招聘员工

staffing n. 人员配备 (例:increase/reduce staffing 增加/减少人员配备 )

east [iːst]

n. adj. 东部的;东方的

East Africa 东非 / east coast 东部沿海 / East-West relations 东西方关系 / Middle East 中东地区

eastern adj. 东边的;东部的 (例:Eastern hemisphere 东半球)

medium [ˈmiːdiəm]

adj. 中等的,适中的 n. 媒介,媒介物,传导体;新闻媒介,传播媒介;手段,工具

A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for advertising enterprises’ products. T恤衫是宣传企业产品很好的媒介。

small and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业

the medium of radio and television 广播和电视媒体

down [daʊn]

adj. 向下的;沮丧的 adv. 向下;位于低处;预付 n. 羽绒;汗毛 prep. 向下;沿着 vt. 喝下;吃下;使倒下

The negotiation on cooperation broke down again because of disagreement on profits distribution. 由于利润分配未达成一致,合作谈判再次失败。

down payment 定金 / down time 停工时间

be/come down to 是某人的责任;由某事引起 / down and out 穷困潦倒的;匮乏的;被征服的 / break down 分解;失败;破裂 / down tools 撂下工作;罢工

downer n. 镇静剂;令人悲哀的经历或人

mankind [mænˈkaɪnd]

n. 人类;(总称)男子

Protecting the environment is an objective not only for us but also for the future of mankind. 保护环境不仅是我们自身的目标,而且也将关系到人类的未来。

pace [peɪs]

n. 一步,步幅;步伐;步速,速度;节奏 vt. 踱步,用步子测量;(为速度赛的参赛者)定速度 vi. 踱步

People are disappointed because the rise of wages fails to keep pace with inflation. 人们感到很失望,因为工资增长的速度赶不上通货膨胀的速度。

pace of life 生活节奏 / set the pace 确立标准;领先;领跑

keen [kiːn]

adj. 渴望的;热心的;精明的;敏锐的,敏捷的;激烈的,强烈的;锋利的;刺人的

I am very keen that we can cooperate with each other on the development of electronic products. 我热切地希望我们能在电子产品的开发上展开合作。

keen competition 激烈的竞争

be keen on (doing) sth. / be keen to do sth. 渴望(做)某事物;热衷于(做)某事物 / keen insight/interest 敏锐的洞察力/强烈的兴趣 / have a keen eye for 善于发现

keenness n. 敏锐 / keenly adv. 敏锐地;锐利地;强烈地

develop [dɪˈveləp]

v. (使)发达,(使)发展;开发,研制;(使)显影;发展,变化;加强

Due to the policy of reform and opening up, private enterprises have developed considerably in the last thirty years. 由于改革开放政策,私营企业在过去的30年里取得了相当大的发展。

develop new products/software 开发新产品/软件

develop a habit of doing sth. 养成做某事的习惯

developer n. 开发者 (例:property developer 房地产开发商) / developed adj. 先进的;发达的 (例:developed countries 发达国家) / developing adj. 发展中的 (例:developing countries 发展中国家)

enable [ɪˈneɪbl]

vt. 使能够;使可能,使可行


This mobile phone will enable its users to conduct live video conversations. 这款手机可以进行视频对话。

enable easier access to the data 使能够更容易地获得数据

initial [ɪˈnɪʃl]

adj. 初步的,初始的 n. [常 pl.] (姓名等的)首字母 vt. 用姓名的首字母做标记


The stock market’s initial reaction to the great cuts in interest rates was usually wrong each time. 股市每次对大幅降息的第一反应通常是错误的。

initial budget 最初的预算 / initial stage of development 发展的初步阶段

initially adv. 最初,首先;开头 / initialise vt. 初始化

penalise [ˈpiːnəlaɪz]

vt. 惩罚,处罚;不公正地对待;使…处于不利地位


penalise sb. for sth. 因为某事物而处罚某人,因为某事物而惩罚某人


The new rule appears to penalise people with a low income.


equity [ˈekwəti]

n. 公平;资产净值;[ pl. ] (利息不定的)普通股


It is not wise to purchase large numbers of equities at present. 目前大量购进普通股不明智。

brand equity 品牌资产 / equity capital 股本资本;权益资本 / negative equity 负资产

justice and equity 正义和公平

consolidate [kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt]

v. 巩固,加强;(使)联为一体,合并

联想记忆:con(表强调)+solid(牢固的)+ ate(使)→使…更加牢固→巩固,加强

IBM consolidated some of its operations last year for greater efficiency. 为了提高效率,IBM公司去年合并了部分业务。

consolidate debts 合并债务

consolidate one’s position 巩固某人的地位

consolidation n. 巩固;合并;团结

overproduce [ˌəʊvəprəˈdjuːs]

v. 生产过剩

Overproducing this medicine is not allowed because it is a violation of state rules. 不得违反国家规定超计划生产该药品。

overproduction n. 生产过剩

vehicle [ˈviːəkl]

n. 交通工具,车辆;传播媒介;工具,手段


M How about our sales this quarter?


W They were really good. The total vehicle sales increased by 5% compared with the same period last year.


fair [feə(r)]

n. 商品交易会;定期集市 adj. 公平的,公正的;美丽的;相当好的

There are two important fairs in China: one is the China Import and Export Fair (in Guangzhou), and the other is the China International Fair for Investment & Trade (in Xiamen). 中国有两个重要的商品交易会,一个是(广州的)中国进出口商品交易会,另一个是(厦门的)中国国际投资贸易洽谈会。

commodity fair 商品交易会;商品展览会 / fair competition 公平竞争 / fair odds 公平赔率,公道赔率 / fair valuation 合理估价,公平估价

fasten [ˈfɑːsn]

v. (使)固定,系牢

The manager told Mary to fasten this tag onto the client’s luggage. 经理告诉玛丽把这个标签系在客户的行李上。

fasten down 盖紧;扣住;使作出决定 / fasten on 集中于;把…强加于;紧紧握住

wonder [ˈwʌndə(r)]

n. 奇观,奇迹;惊异,惊奇;奇妙 v. 感到惊讶;想知道;对…感到疑惑;对…感到惊讶 adj. 非凡的;奇妙的


Melody is a wonder at her job and is soon promoted. 梅洛迪的工作非常出色,因此很快升职了。

knock [nɒk]

v. 敲,击,打;(使)碰撞 n. 敲击(声);碰撞,撞击

The Central Bank attempted to knock down the price of gold at critical moments. 央行试图在关键时刻打压金价。

knocking copy 攻击性广告字眼 / knock-for-knock agreement 互撞免赔协议 / knock-out agreement 不竞价协议

knock...into a cocked hat 大大超过;使…相形见绌 / knock off 停止工作 / knock sth. off 迫使某物减价;迅速而成功地完成某事 / knock sth. on the head 阻止某事发生 / take a hard knock 受到重创

knocker n. 门环;吹毛求疵的人

amaze [əˈmeɪz]

vt. 使吃惊,使惊愕,使惊讶


It amazed all the world that the country developed so rapidly in such a short time. 该国在这么短的时间内发展如此迅速,令全世界震惊。

amazed adj. 吃惊的 / amazing adj. 令人惊奇的 / amazement n. 吃惊

piece [piːs]

n. 块,件,张 vt. 组合资料;拼凑

The company went to pieces one year after James quit his job. 詹姆斯辞职一年后,这家公司就四分五裂了。

a piece of market 一部分市场份额 / piece rate 计件工资(率)

a piece of advice 一条建议 / a piece of piss 不费吹灰之力的事 / go to pieces 身心崩溃;沮丧至极 / piece sth. together 组合某物;拼凑某物

dishonest [dɪsˈɒnɪst]

adj. 不诚实的,不老实的;不正直的


Some dishonest vendors try to sell poor quality products to make huge profits. 一些不诚实的商贩企图出售劣质商品以牟取暴利。

dishonest business deal 不正当商业交易

dishonestly adv. 不诚实地 / dishonesty n. 不诚实

opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt; ˈɒpəsɪt]

adj. 相对的,相反的 n. 对立物 prep. 与…相对;在…对面

Britain’s Commerce Minister is having talks with his American opposite number in the White House. 英国商务部部长正在白宫和美国商务部长谈话。

just the opposite 正好相反 / opposites attract 相异相吸

pick [pɪk]

v. 挑选,挑拣;采,摘;剔除 n. 挑选,选择;精华

Global investment in the energy industry started to pick up at the end of 2008. 全球能源产业投资于2008年年底开始有所回升。

pick and choose 挑拣;精挑细选 / pick sb./sth. out 精心挑选某人/某物;认出来某人/某物 / pick (sth.) up 辨认;廉价得到;偶然得到,学会;改善;好转;增强

picker n. 采摘者;采摘工具 / picky adj. 挑剔的;难伺候的

delay [dɪˈleɪ]

n./v. 推迟;耽误,耽搁


delay production 延迟生产 / delay delivery 耽误交货;延期交货

delay (doing) sth. 推迟(做)某事 / delayed reaction 滞后反应 / delaying tactics 拖延战略 / without delay 赶紧,赶快


M Why is the delivery delayed?


W Because you failed to arrange payment in time.


inch [ɪntʃ]

n. 英寸;少许,少量;短距离 v. (使)缓慢地移动

The buyer is greedy. You give him an inch and he will take a mile. 这个买家很贪婪。他得寸进尺。

every inch 整体;完全 / inch one’s way 一点一点地走 / not give/move an inch 寸步不让 / with an inch of (doing) sth. 差一点;险些

ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə(r); ɪnˈʃɔː(r)]

vt. 保证,确保


You must speed up production to ensure that we get the goods at the end of next month. 贵方必须加快生产进度,确保我方可以在下个月底收到货物。

treat [triːt]

vt. 对待;看待;处理;医疗,医治;讨论;款待,招待 n. 款待,招待;乐事

We have a clear privacy policy that details how we should treat our customers’ personal contact information. 我们有明确的隐私政策,详细规定我们应该如何处理顾客的个人联系方式信息。

treat sb./sth. equally/fairly/unfairly 平等/公平/不公平地对待某人/某事

provide [prəˈvaɪd]

vt. 提供,供给;规定

Our company will do its best to provide the best goods for the consumers. 我们公司将尽全力给消费者提供最优质的商品。

provide against sth. 预防某事;防备某事 / provide for sth. 为某事做好准备;使某事有据可依 / provide sb. with sth./provide sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物;给予某人某物

provider n. 供应者;供养人 / provided conj. 如果;假设 (例:Things will be much easier, provided you have enough capital. 只要你有充足的资金,事情就简单多了。)

grant [ɡrɑːnt]

n. 拨款;授予物 vt. 准予,同意

Bankruptcy application of this firm has been granted. 该公司的破产申请获得了批准。

grant to do sth./towards sth. 为做某事的拨款/授予物 / take sth. for granted 认为某事理所当然

grantee n. 受让人;被授予者 / grantor n. 授予者;让与人

guilty [ˈɡɪlti]

adj. 有罪的;内疚的;罪恶的;有过失的

He is proven to be guilty of a gross judgment error of investment. 经证实,他在投资判断上有重大过失。

be guilty about... 对…感到内疚 / be guilty of... 有…过错 / plead guilty (被告)服罪

century [ˈsentʃəri]

n. 世纪,百年

After several centuries of development, industry and commerce have developed to an extremely high level in western countries. 经过几百年的发展,西方国家的工商业已经发展到一个相当高的水平。

the turn of the century 世纪之交

shower [ˈʃaʊə(r)]

n. 阵雨;淋浴 vt. 洗淋浴;洒落;抛撒;大量地给予

Some companies prefer to advertise by means of showering leaflets to people in the street. 有些公司喜欢通过在大街上给人们发传单来做广告。

merchant [ˈmɜːtʃənt]

n. 商人;批发商;(某活动的)爱好者 adj. 商船的

Ironically, the US advocates peace and democracy, but it is the biggest arms merchant in the world. 具有讽刺意味的是,美国宣扬和平民主,而它自己却是世界上最大的军火商。

builders’ merchant 建材批发商 / merchant bank 商业银行 / merchant ships 商船

speed merchant 爱开快车的人

merchantable adj. 适于销售的

write [raɪt]

vt. 写;写信给 vi. 写,写字,写信

A report written by the finance committee made several cost-cutting recommendations. 一份由财务委员会撰写的报告提出了几个关于缩减开支的建议。

write down 写下 / write off 注销;报废

writer n. 作家;作者

culture [ˈkʌltʃə(r)]

n. 文化;教养;修养;培养,培植;培养菌 vt. 培养


The development of cultural industries should innovate depending on traditional culture. 文化产业发展应立足传统文化进行开拓创新。

business culture 商业文化 / company culture 公司文化

culture shock 文化冲击 / popular culture 大众文化

cultural adj. 文化的 / cultured adj. 有教养的;有修养的

destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ]

vt. 毁坏,毁灭;消灭

Cutting prices may be helpful to increase sales volume, but it may also destroy the product’s brand value. 削价可能会有助于提高销售量,但它同样有可能摧毁产品的品牌价值。

destroy a company’s reputation 破坏公司声誉

destroyer n. 破坏者;驱逐舰

currency [ˈkʌrənsi]

n. 通货,货币;通用,流行


currency rate 汇率 / currency wars 货币战争,汇率战 / foreign currency reserves 外汇储备 / hard/soft currency 硬/软通货

lever [ˈliːvə(r)]

n. 杠杆,杠杆装置;控制杆;手段,方法 v. 用杠杆撬动

This incident may be the lever needed to change government policy. 这一事件或许可以作为迫使政府改变其政策的手段。

gear lever 变速杆 / lever principle 杠杆原理 / lever rule 杠杆定律

leverage n. 杠杆作用;影响力(例:Her wealth gives her enormous leverage in social circles. 她的财富使她在社会各界有着巨大的影响力。)

engaged [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd]

adj. 忙碌的;订婚的;电话占线的


He is engaged in various business activities every day. 他每天都忙于各种商务活动。

engaged signal 占线信号 / get engaged 订婚

impossible [ɪmˈpɒsəbl]

adj. 不可能的,办不到的;难以忍受的;难对付的


It is impossible for us to raise so much capital in so short a time. 我们不可能在这么短的时间内筹集到如此多的资金。

impossible position 绝境 / impossible mission 不可能完成的任务

impossibly adv. 不可能地 / impossibility n. 不可能

footstep [ˈfʊtstep]

n. 脚步(声);足迹

You should mind your footsteps in the office. 在办公室要注意自己的脚步声。

disease [dɪˈziːz]

n. 疾病;弊病

It is the disease of business circles that they believe the end justifies the means. 信奉为达目的不择手段是商界的恶习。

infectious/contagious disease 传染病/接触性传染病

diseased adj. 有病的;不正常的 (例:the diseased competitive system 病态的竞争机制)

relief [rɪˈliːf]

n. (债务等的)减免;救济;减轻,缓解;接班(人或物);宽慰

The next crew relief comes on duty at eight o’clock in the evening. 下一个换班的人晚上八点来值班。

tax relief 税额减免

to one’s relief 使某人感到宽慰的是 / go on relief 靠救济金生活 / relief road 辅助路,分担交通量的道路

musical [ˈmjuːzɪkl]

adj. 音乐的;悦耳的;有音乐天赋的,有音乐才能的 n. 音乐剧


Thanks to the consistent support from the sponsors, I can reach the peak of my musical career so quickly. 多亏来自赞助商的一贯支持,我才能如此迅速地达到我音乐生涯的高峰。

musical instrument 乐器 / musical talent 音乐天赋 / musical voice 悦耳的声音

musicality n. 乐感;音乐才能;音乐欣赏能力 / musically adv. 音乐上;悦耳地

fight [faɪt]

v./n. (与…)斗争;(与…)对抗

We have to fight hard in order to make more profits for the company. 为了给公司创造更多的利润,我们必须努力奋斗。

fight against 反对;与…作斗争 / fight for 为…而奋斗 / fight with 与…并肩奋斗

fighting adj. 战斗的;好战的 / fighting n. 战斗,搏斗 / fighter n. 战士;好战者

open [ˈəʊpən]

n. 公开 adj. 公开的;不保密的;开着的,营业着的 vt. 打开;公开 vi. (股市)开盘,开市

The supermarket opened its doors for business a week ago. 这家超市一周前开业。

open-door management style 开放的管理风格 / open government 政务公开、透明的管理 / open market 开放市场;自由市场

be open to abuse 容易被滥用 / keep one’s ears/eyes open for sth. 对某事保持警觉 / open secret 公开的秘密 / with open arms 热情地;诚挚地

openly adv. 公开地 / openness n. 诚实;坦率;开明;开放

project [ˈprɒdʒekt] & [prəˈdʒekt]

n. 方案,计划;工程,课题,项目 vt. 投掷,发射;放映;设计,规划;使凸出,使伸出;预计,预测 vi. 伸出,突出


Next year’s trade environment is projected to be much improved. 预计明年的贸易环境将会大为改观。

design project 设计方案 / project man-agement 项目管理

project sth. onto sb. (不自觉地)把自己的(感觉、问题)等加诸他人

projected adj. 投影的;投射的 / projection n. 预测;投影 (例:Profits of the investment have exceeded our projections. 这笔投资的利润已经超过我们的预测。) / projector n. 放映机;投影仪

gap [ɡæp]

n. 缺口,裂口;间隔;(市场)空白;差距;分歧,隔阂

How can we bridge the gap between imports and exports? 我们该如何缩小进出口差额呢?

income gap 收入差距 / financing gap 资金缺口;财政缺口

generation gap 代沟 / supply/bridge/narrow a gap 填补/缩小空白(差距)

strike [straɪk]

vt. 打,击;罢工(反对);删掉 vi. 罢工;突然想到 n. 罢工;打击

The government had decided to strike this appropriation from the defense budget. 政府已经决定从国防预算中砍掉这项拨款。

strike a deal 成交 / all-out strike 全面罢工 / strike pay 罢工津贴

strike down 打倒;取消 / strike on 突然想到 / strike out 敲出;发明;删去

striker n. 罢工者

integrate [ˈɪntɪɡreɪt]

vt. 使…成整体;使…融入


The two companies have reached an agreement on integrating their Internet-search and advertising business. 两家公司就整合其互联网搜索和广告业务达成一致。

integrate resources 整合资源 / integrate with the international community 融入国际社会

integrate A and B 使A和B合并 / integrate into/with 融入…

integration n. 结合,整合,一体化 (例:economic integration 经济一体化) / integrated adj. 集成的 (例:integrated transportation system 综合运输体系) / integrative adj. 综合的,一体化的

batch [bætʃ]

n. 一批;一组;一群;一批生产的量 vt. 分批处理

The factory is not big in scale, so it can just accept orders in small or medium-sized batches. 该工厂规模不够大,因此只能接受少量或中等规模的订单。

batch costing 分批成本计量法 / batch number 批号 / batch processing 成批处理 / batch production 批量生产 / batch size 批量大小

a batch of 一批,一组 / in batches 成批地

house [haʊs] & [haʊz]

n. 房屋,住宅;家;家庭成员;商业机构,公司,商号;观众,听众;[H-] 议院 vt. 给…提供住处;储存;容纳;藏有

The court decided to leave the house to its original owner after the company had gone bankrupt. 公司破产后,法院判决房产归原来的房主所有。

acceptance house (期票)承兑行 / auction house 拍卖行 / business house 商号;商行;店铺 / publishing house 出版公司,出版社

bring the house down 博得满堂彩 / the White House 白宫

drink [drɪŋk]

n. 饮料,酒;酗酒 v. 喝;喝酒

Let’s drink to our first cooperation. 让我们为初次合作干杯。

soft drink 不含酒精的饮料 / take to drink 染上酗酒的毛病 / drink to one’s health 为某人的健康干杯 / drink to 为…干杯

drinkable adj. 可饮用的;好喝的 / drinker n. 饮酒者;常喝饮料者

geography [dʒiˈɒɡrəfi]

n. 地理(学);地形

Key trade and development issues should be handled first according to economic geography. 根据经济地理学,应首先解决重点贸易和发展问题。

geographical adj. 地理的;地理学的 / geographically adv. 地缘地;地理学上 / geographer n. 地理学家

parcel [ˈpɑːsl]

n. 小包,包裹 vt. 把…包起来


Market surveys are part and parcel of my job. 市场调查是我工作中必不可少的一部分。

parcel bomb 邮包炸弹 / parcel out 分配 / part and parcel 不可或缺的部分 / postal parcel 邮政包裹

climate [ˈklaɪmət]

n. 气候,气候区;(社会)风气,(社会)思潮

The local government is active in improving the investment climate to attract foreign investors. 当地政府积极改善投资环境来吸引国外投资者。

business/economic climate 商业/经济环境

the climate of opinion 舆论的倾向

climatic adj. 气候的 (例:climatic changes 气候变化)

referral [rɪˈfɜːrəl]

n. 参照,提及;被推举的人

About 60% of the people hired by this company come from employee referrals. 这家公司大约有百分之六十的雇佣者来源于员工的推荐。

business/client referrals 业务/客户推荐

engine [ˈendʒɪn]

n. 发动机;机车,火车头

China will remain a powerful engine of global economic growth for a long time. 中国将会在很长一段时间内继续作为全球经济增长的强大动力。

diesel/petrol engine 柴油/汽油发动机 / switch the engine on/off 打开/关掉发动机

engineer n. 工程师 / engineering n. 工程 Q/lQkcuUaOIjNnbicFsf+acSd2FAG7Q5q9pF+Nasdvh+LMwODpuPQ1MCu6fc7SvR
