

Part I Writing


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· 参考范文&点评 ·

Today more and more people begin to realize the pleasures and joys of real-world social interaction. There is no doubt that people spend much more time on social media today than they did in the past decades. However, most people say that the Internet has made people emotionally detached from each other. In my opinion, the happiness brought by real-world social interaction is far greater than that brought by the virtual networking. 1

Real-world socializing cannot be replaced by virtual socializing. On the one hand, people tend to show their best side in the social media. Over time, we will unconsciously idealize others’ lives and compare our failures with others’ accomplishments, thus generating negative emotions. But through real-life socializing, we can communicate face-to-face and share each other's lives directly, so that online social anxiety caused by comparisons will not exist. On the other hand, engaging in real-world social interaction and participating in real-life activities, such as going to the movies with friends, attending a book club, or going for a picnic, are not only good for our physical and mental health, but also help us find a variety of interests. 2

In conclusion, the fun in real-world social interaction is endless, which requires us to keep exploring. 3

1 描述社会背景,指出“如今,越来越多的人开始意识到现实社交的乐趣”这一现象产生的原因,并提出自己的观点:现实社交所带来的快乐远远大于虚拟的人际关系网所带来的快乐。

2 分别从摆脱网络社交焦虑、促进个人身心健康和发展这两个角度阐述现实社交带来的好处,由连接词On the one hand...On the other hand引出。

3 总结全文,指出现实社交的乐趣是无穷的。

· 范文译文 ·




· 亮点词汇 ·

detached 不带感情的

socializing 社交

negative emotions 负面情绪

virtual 虚拟的

unconsciously 不自觉地

engage in 投入

networking 人际关系网

idealize 将……理想化

endless 无穷的

· 写作句型 ·

1 ...cannot be replaced by... On the one hand... On the other hand...


2 In conclusion, ...is endless, which requires us to keep exploring.


Part IV Translation


· 难词译注 ·

中央电视台总部 CCTV Headquarters

创新结构 innovative structure

一条专用通道 a dedicated passageway

建筑面积 floor area

长期合作 long-term collaboration

壮观景色 spectacular views

独特的造型 unique shape

环保意识 environmental awareness

一个热门景点 a popular attraction

建筑材料 construction materials

· 参考译文 ·

The CCTV Headquarters Building is located in Beijing's Chaoyang District, with a total floor area of about 550,000 square meters. The main building, which consists of two towers, has become a popular attraction in the city due to its unique shape and attracts many tourists to visit it every day. The building's innovative structure is the result of long-term collaboration between Chinese and foreign architects, which not only reflects environmental awareness, but also greatly saves construction materials. The CCTV Headquarters has a dedicated passageway through the building to show the public the studios and the history of CCTV. There, visitors can also enjoy spectacular views of the Palace Museum and other parts of Beijing.

· 译点精析 ·

1. 第一句:句子主干是“中央电视台总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区”,其中,“位于”还可翻译为is situated in;“总建筑面积约55万平方米”是补充说明性文字,可翻译为with引导的介词短语,即with a total floor area of about 550,000 square meters。

2. 第二句:分析句间关系可知,本句主干是“主楼成为这座城市的一个热门景点,每天都吸引众多游客前来参观”;“由两座塔楼组成”可翻译为非限制性定语从句which consists of two towers或非谓语动词短语consisting of two towers;“因其独特的造型”表示原因,可翻译为短语due to its unique shape。

3. 第三句:本句应翻译为主从复合句。“大楼的创新结构是中外建筑师长期合作的成果”是主句,“不仅体现了环保意识,而且大大节约了建筑材料”可翻译为非限制性定语从句,起补充说明的作用,同时,该句含有“不仅……而且……”的并列结构,因此应翻译为which not only..., but also...。

4. 第四句:“中央电视台总部设有一条穿过大楼的专用通道”是主干,“向公众展示各个工作室以及中央电视台的历史”翻译为不定式短语,表示目的。

5. 第五句:“在那里”翻译成副词there即可;“看到故宫和北京其他地方的壮观景色”翻译为enjoy spectacular views of the Palace Museum and other parts of Beijing。 7biAYatr5+99zjFpOgMFaYGWhY+FjQQZWxzJyFwZ5tAamI1Ox97+UFBxMwu2iuCj
