A horrible haircut?
The principal sat down and faced the class.
I took a plastic cape out of my bag and carefully put it around the principal. Then I tied it behind his neck.
“Today, ” I said, “I am going to demonstrate how to ... ”
All the kids were half off their seats watching and listening.
“... how to spike your hair.”
“Let’s hope my wife will like it, ” Mr. Cardini said.
“Kline has the uncanny ability to penetrate young, elementary age concerns.”—
Publishers Weekly
Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion
Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise
Horrible Harry and the Green Slime
Horrible Harry and the Kickball Wedding
Horrible Harry in Room 2B
Horrible Harry’s Secret
Song Lee and the Hamster Hunt
Song Lee and the Leech Man
Song Lee in Room 2B